/// <summary>
        /// Invoked when this handler is determined to be the best suited to handle the supplied connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// The HTTP context.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The handling task.
        /// </returns>
        public override async Task Handle(HttpContext context)
            HttpRequestMessage requestMsg = null;

            HttpClient upstreamClient = _client;

                // Use helper to get the full, proper URL for the request. var fullUrl = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.UriHelper.GetDisplayUrl(context.Request);
                var fullUrl = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.UriHelper.GetEncodedUrl(context.Request);

                // Next we need to try and parse the URL as a URI, because the web client requires
                // this for connecting upstream.

                if (!Uri.TryCreate(fullUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out Uri reqUrl))
                    LoggerProxy.Default.Error("Failed to parse HTTP URL.");

                if (context.Connection.ClientCertificate != null)
                    // TODO - Handle client certificates.

                bool requestHasZeroContentLength = false;

                foreach (var hdr in context.Request.Headers)
                        if (hdr.Key.Equals("Content-Length", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && hdr.Value.ToString().Equals("0"))
                            requestHasZeroContentLength = true;
                    catch { }

                // Match the HTTP version of the client on the upstream request. We don't want to
                // transparently pass around headers that are wrong for the client's HTTP version.
                Version upstreamReqVersionMatch = null;

                Match match = s_httpVerRegex.Match(context.Request.Protocol);
                if (match != null && match.Success)
                    upstreamReqVersionMatch = Version.Parse(match.Value);

                // Let's do our first call to message begin for the request side.
                var requestMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                    Url             = reqUrl,
                    Method          = new HttpMethod(context.Request.Method),
                    IsEncrypted     = context.Request.IsHttps,
                    BodyContentType = context?.Request?.ContentType ?? string.Empty,
                    Headers         = context.Request.Headers.ToNameValueCollection(),
                    HttpVersion     = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                    MessageProtocol = MessageProtocol.Http,
                    MessageType     = MessageType.Request,
                    RemoteAddress   = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                    RemotePort      = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                    LocalAddress    = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                    LocalPort       = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort


                if (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.DropConnection)
                    // Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                    await context.Response.ApplyMessageInfo(requestMessageNfo, context.RequestAborted);


                if (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.AllowButDelegateHandler)
                    // Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                    await _configuration.HttpExternalRequestHandlerCallback?.Invoke(requestMessageNfo, context);


                // Check to see if the user has set their own client to fulfill the request with.
                upstreamClient = requestMessageNfo.FulfillmentClient ?? _client;

                // Create the message AFTER we give the user a chance to alter things.
                requestMsg = new HttpRequestMessage(requestMessageNfo.Method, requestMessageNfo.Url);
                var initialFailedHeaders = requestMsg.PopulateHeaders(requestMessageNfo.Headers, requestMessageNfo.ExemptedHeaders);

                // Ensure that we match the protocol of the client!
                if (upstreamReqVersionMatch != null)
                    requestMsg.Version = upstreamReqVersionMatch;

                // Check if we have a request body.
                if (context.Request.Body != null)
                    // Now check what the user wanted to do.
                    switch (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction)
                    // We have a body and the user previously instructed us to give them the
                    // content, if any, for inspection.
                    case ProxyNextAction.AllowButRequestContentInspection:
                        // Get the request body into memory.
                        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                            await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(context.Request.Body, ms, s_maxInMemoryData, context.RequestAborted);

                            var requestBody = ms.ToArray();

                            // If we don't have a body, there's no sense in calling the
                            // message end callback.
                            if (requestBody.Length > 0)
                                // We'll now call the message end function for the request side.
                                requestMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                                    Url = reqUrl,
                                    // We recycle the very first unique message ID (auto
                                    // generated) in order to enable the library user to
                                    // track this single connection across multiple callbacks.
                                    MessageId       = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                                    BodyContentType = context?.Request?.ContentType ?? string.Empty,
                                    Method          = new HttpMethod(context.Request.Method),
                                    IsEncrypted     = context.Request.IsHttps,
                                    Headers         = context.Request.Headers.ToNameValueCollection(),
                                    HttpVersion     = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                                    MessageProtocol = MessageProtocol.Http,
                                    MessageType     = MessageType.Request,
                                    RemoteAddress   = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                                    RemotePort      = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                                    LocalAddress    = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                                    LocalPort       = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort,
                                    BodyInternal    = requestBody


                                if (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.DropConnection)
                                    // User wants to block this request after inspecting the
                                    // content. Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                                    await context.Response.ApplyMessageInfo(requestMessageNfo, context.RequestAborted);


                                // Check to see if the user has set their own client to fulfill the request with.
                                upstreamClient = requestMessageNfo.FulfillmentClient ?? _client;

                                // Since the user may have modified things, we'll now
                                // re-create the request no matter what.
                                requestMsg           = new HttpRequestMessage(requestMessageNfo.Method, requestMessageNfo.Url);
                                initialFailedHeaders = requestMsg.PopulateHeaders(requestMessageNfo.Headers, requestMessageNfo.ExemptedHeaders);

                                // Set our content, even if it's empty. Don't worry about
                                // ByteArrayContent and friends setting other headers, we're
                                // gonna blow relevant headers away below and then set them properly.
                                requestMsg.Content = new ByteArrayContent(requestBody);

                                requestMsg.Content.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Length", requestBody.Length.ToString());
                                if (requestHasZeroContentLength)
                                    requestMsg.Content = new ByteArrayContent(requestBody);
                                    requestMsg.Content.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Length", "0");

                    case ProxyNextAction.AllowButRequestStreamedContentInspection:
                        requestMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                            Url             = reqUrl,
                            MessageId       = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                            BodyContentType = context?.Request?.ContentType ?? string.Empty,
                            Method          = new HttpMethod(context.Request.Method),
                            IsEncrypted     = context.Request.IsHttps,
                            Headers         = context.Request.Headers.ToNameValueCollection(),
                            HttpVersion     = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                            MessageProtocol = MessageProtocol.Http,
                            MessageType     = MessageType.Request,
                            RemoteAddress   = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                            RemotePort      = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                            LocalAddress    = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                            LocalPort       = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort

                        // We have a body and the user wants to just stream-inspect it.
                        var wrappedStream = new InspectionStream(requestMessageNfo, context.Request.Body)
                            StreamRead   = OnWrappedStreamRead,
                            StreamWrite  = OnWrappedStreamWrite,
                            StreamClosed = OnWrappedStreamClose

                        requestMsg.Content = new StreamContent(wrappedStream);

                        if (context.Request.Body != null && (context.Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Transfer-Encoding") || (context.Request.ContentLength.HasValue && context.Request.ContentLength.Value > 0)))
                            // We have a body, but the user doesn't want to inspect it. So,
                            // we'll just set our content to wrap the context's input stream.
                            requestMsg.Content = new StreamContent(context.Request.Body);

                // Ensure that content type is set properly because ByteArrayContent and friends will
                // modify these fields. To explain these further, these headers almost always fail
                // because they apply to the .Content property only (content-specific headers), so
                // once we have a .Content property created, we'll go ahead and pour over the failed
                // headers and try to apply to them to the content.
                initialFailedHeaders = requestMsg.PopulateHeaders(initialFailedHeaders, requestMessageNfo.ExemptedHeaders);
                foreach (string key in initialFailedHeaders)
                    LoggerProxy.Default.Warn(string.Format("Failed to add HTTP header with key {0} and with value {1}.", key, initialFailedHeaders[key]));

                // Lets start sending the request upstream. We're going to ask the client to return
                // control to us when the headers are complete. This way we're not buffering entire
                // responses into memory, and if the user doesn't request to inspect the content, we
                // can just async stream the content transparently and Kestrel is so cool and sweet
                // and nice, it'll automatically stream as chunked content.
                HttpResponseMessage response = null;

                        response = await upstreamClient.SendAsync(requestMsg, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, context.RequestAborted);
                    catch (Exception e)

                    if (response == null)

                    // Blow away all response headers. We wanna clone these now from our upstream request.

                    // Ensure our client's response status code is set to match ours.
                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;

                    var responseHeaders = response.ExportAllHeaders();

                    bool responseHasZeroContentLength = false;
                    bool responseIsFixedLength        = false;

                    foreach (var kvp in responseHeaders.ToIHeaderDictionary())
                        foreach (var value in kvp.Value)
                            if (kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Length", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                responseIsFixedLength = true;

                                if (value.Length <= 0 && value.Equals("0"))
                                    responseHasZeroContentLength = true;

                    // For later reference...
                    bool upstreamIsHttp1 = upstreamReqVersionMatch != null && upstreamReqVersionMatch.Major == 1 && upstreamReqVersionMatch.Minor == 0;

                    // Let's call the message begin handler for the response. Unless of course, the
                    // user has asked us NOT to do this.
                    if (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction != ProxyNextAction.AllowAndIgnoreContentAndResponse)
                        var responseMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                            Url = reqUrl,
                            OriginatingMessage = requestMessageNfo,
                            MessageId          = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                            BodyContentType    = response?.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                            IsEncrypted        = context.Request.IsHttps,
                            Headers            = response.ExportAllHeaders(),
                            MessageProtocol    = MessageProtocol.Http,
                            HttpVersion        = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                            StatusCode         = response.StatusCode,
                            MessageType        = MessageType.Response,
                            RemoteAddress      = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                            RemotePort         = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                            LocalAddress       = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                            LocalPort          = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort


                        if (responseMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.DropConnection)
                            // Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                            await context.Response.ApplyMessageInfo(responseMessageNfo, context.RequestAborted);


                        if (responseMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.AllowButDelegateHandler)
                            // Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                            await _configuration.HttpExternalRequestHandlerCallback.Invoke(responseMessageNfo, context);


                        context.Response.PopulateHeaders(responseMessageNfo.Headers, responseMessageNfo.ExemptedHeaders);
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;

                        switch (responseMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction)
                        case ProxyNextAction.AllowButRequestContentInspection:
                            using (var upstreamResponseStream = await response?.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                                    await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(upstreamResponseStream, ms, s_maxInMemoryData, context.RequestAborted);

                                    var responseBody = ms.ToArray();

                                    responseMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                                        Url = reqUrl,
                                        OriginatingMessage = requestMessageNfo,
                                        MessageId          = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                                        BodyContentType    = response?.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                                        IsEncrypted        = context.Request.IsHttps,
                                        Headers            = response.ExportAllHeaders(),
                                        MessageProtocol    = MessageProtocol.Http,
                                        HttpVersion        = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                                        StatusCode         = response.StatusCode,
                                        MessageType        = MessageType.Response,
                                        RemoteAddress      = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                                        RemotePort         = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                                        LocalAddress       = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                                        LocalPort          = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort,
                                        BodyInternal       = responseBody


                                    if (responseMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction == ProxyNextAction.DropConnection)
                                        // Apply whatever the user did here and then quit.
                                        await context.Response.ApplyMessageInfo(responseMessageNfo, context.RequestAborted);


                                    context.Response.PopulateHeaders(responseMessageNfo.Headers, responseMessageNfo.ExemptedHeaders);

                                    // User inspected but allowed the content. Just write to
                                    // the response body and then move on with your life fam.
                                    // However, don't try to write a body if it's zero
                                    // length. Also, do not try to write a body, even if
                                    // present, if the status is 204. Kestrel will not let us
                                    // do this, and so far I can't find a way to remove this
                                    // technically correct strict-compliance.
                                    if (!responseHasZeroContentLength && (responseBody.Length > 0 && context.Response.StatusCode != 204))
                                        // If the request is HTTP1.0, we need to pull all the
                                        // data so we can properly set the content-length by
                                        // adding the header in.
                                        if (upstreamIsHttp1)
                                            context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Length", responseBody.Length.ToString());

                                        await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(responseBody, 0, responseBody.Length);
                                        if (responseHasZeroContentLength)
                                            context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Length", "0");

                                    // Ensure we exit here, because if we fall past this
                                    // scope then the response is going to get mangled.

                        case ProxyNextAction.AllowButRequestStreamedContentInspection:
                            responseMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                                Url = reqUrl,
                                OriginatingMessage = requestMessageNfo,
                                MessageId          = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                                BodyContentType    = response?.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                                IsEncrypted        = context.Request.IsHttps,
                                Headers            = response.ExportAllHeaders(),
                                MessageProtocol    = MessageProtocol.Http,
                                StatusCode         = response.StatusCode,
                                HttpVersion        = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                                MessageType        = MessageType.Response,
                                RemoteAddress      = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                                RemotePort         = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                                LocalAddress       = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                                LocalPort          = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort,
                                BodyInternal       = new Memory <byte>()

                            using (var responseStream = await response?.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                // We have a body and the user wants to just stream-inspect it.
                                using (var wrappedStream = new InspectionStream(responseMessageNfo, responseStream))
                                    wrappedStream.StreamRead   = OnWrappedStreamRead;
                                    wrappedStream.StreamWrite  = OnWrappedStreamWrite;
                                    wrappedStream.StreamClosed = OnWrappedStreamClose;

                                    await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(wrappedStream, context.Response.Body, null, context.RequestAborted);


                        case ProxyNextAction.AllowButRequestResponseReplay:
                            responseMessageNfo = new HttpMessageInfo
                                Url = reqUrl,
                                OriginatingMessage = requestMessageNfo,
                                MessageId          = requestMessageNfo.MessageId,
                                BodyContentType    = response?.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                                IsEncrypted        = context.Request.IsHttps,
                                Headers            = response.ExportAllHeaders(),
                                MessageProtocol    = MessageProtocol.Http,
                                StatusCode         = response.StatusCode,
                                HttpVersion        = upstreamReqVersionMatch ?? new Version(1, 0),
                                MessageType        = MessageType.Response,
                                RemoteAddress      = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress,
                                RemotePort         = (ushort)context.Connection.RemotePort,
                                LocalAddress       = context.Connection.LocalIpAddress,
                                LocalPort          = (ushort)context.Connection.LocalPort

                            using (var responseStream = await response?.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                var replay = _replayFactory.CreateReplay(responseMessageNfo, context.RequestAborted);

                                // Lambda for handling this specific replay object.
                                HttpReplayTerminationCallback cancellationFunction = (bool closeSourceStream) =>
                                    replay.ReplayAborted = true;

                                    if (closeSourceStream)
                                        // Close down the source stream if requested.

                                // We have a body and the user wants to just stream-inspect it.
                                using (var wrappedStream = new InspectionStream(responseMessageNfo, responseStream))
                                    wrappedStream.StreamRead = (InspectionStream stream, Memory <byte> buffer, out bool dropConnection) =>
                                        dropConnection = false;

                                        if (buffer.Length > 0)

                                    wrappedStream.StreamClosed = (InspectionStream stream, Memory <byte> buffer, out bool dropConnection) =>
                                        dropConnection      = false;
                                        replay.BodyComplete = true;

                                    _configuration.HttpMessageReplayInspectionCallback?.Invoke(replay.ReplayUrl, cancellationFunction);

                                    await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(wrappedStream, context.Response.Body, null, context.RequestAborted);

                    } // if (requestMessageNfo.ProxyNextAction != ProxyNextAction.AllowAndIgnoreContentAndResponse)

                    // If we made it here, then the user just wants to let the response be streamed
                    // in without any inspection etc, so do exactly that.
                    using (var responseStream = await response?.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                        context.Response.PopulateHeaders(response.ExportAllHeaders(), s_emptyExemptedHeaders);

                        if (!responseHasZeroContentLength && (upstreamIsHttp1 || responseIsFixedLength))
                            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                                await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(responseStream, ms, s_maxInMemoryData, context.RequestAborted);

                                var responseBody = ms.ToArray();


                                context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Length", responseBody.Length.ToString());

                                await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(responseBody, 0, responseBody.Length);

                            if (responseHasZeroContentLength)
                                context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Length", "0");
                                await Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(responseStream, context.Response.Body, null, context.RequestAborted);
                    if (response != null)
                        // Blow away the managed response before we leave, always!
                        catch { }
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!(e is TaskCanceledException) && !(e is OperationCanceledException))
                    // Ignore task cancelled exceptions.
                if (requestMsg != null)
                    // Blow away the managed response before we leave, always!
                    catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever a requested replay is available for access.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="replayUrl">
        /// The localhost URL to request the replay on.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cancellationCallback">
        /// A callback that you can use to terminate the playback and, optionally, the source stream with.
        /// </param>
        private static void OnReplayInspection(HttpMessageInfo messageInfo, string replayUrl, HttpReplayTerminationCallback cancellationCallback)
            // Just get the default browser to open the URL.

            // Note - Once you access a replay, it's gone. Resources are flushed and it's not persisted anywhere.
            // Note - You must access a replay as soon as possible. There is a 65 megabyte internal memory limit
            // for buffering while waiting for a client to connect.
            // Note - A replay is a verbatum copy, headers and all, of a filtered transaction in progress. It is
            // a real-time duplicate of a filtered stream. The only exception is the transfer-encoding and
            // content-length headers. They will be changed and Kestrel most certainly will always chunk the
            // replay.

            // The original reason for the replay API was to duplicate video streams in real-time so they
            // the duplicate can be fed to Windows Media Foundation and image classification can be
            // performed on the video frames. If and when bad images are found in the video stream,
            // the cancellationCallback can be used to kill the original, source video stream.