public static void SetUserAgent(this HttpRequestHeaders headers, string userAgent)
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <ProductInfoHeaderValue> ua = headers.UserAgent;

        public static void SetAcceptLanguage(this HttpRequestHeaders headers, string acceptLanguage)
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <StringWithQualityHeaderValue> al = headers.AcceptLanguage;

        public static void SetAccept(this HttpRequestHeaders headers, string accept)
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue> a = headers.Accept;

        // Prepares Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers.
        private Task <bool> PrepareHeadersAsync(
            HttpRequestMessage request,
            HttpResponseMessage response,
            IOwinResponse owinResponse,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken
            Contract.Assert(response != null);
            HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders = response.Headers;

            Contract.Assert(responseHeaders != null);
            HttpContent content = response.Content;
            bool        isTransferEncodingChunked = responseHeaders.TransferEncodingChunked == true;
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <TransferCodingHeaderValue> transferEncoding =

            if (content != null)
                HttpContentHeaders contentHeaders = content.Headers;
                Contract.Assert(contentHeaders != null);

                if (isTransferEncodingChunked)
                    // According to section 4.4 of the HTTP 1.1 spec, HTTP responses that use chunked transfer
                    // encoding must not have a content length set. Chunked should take precedence over content
                    // length in this case because chunked is always set explicitly by users while the Content-Length
                    // header can be added implicitly by System.Net.Http.
                    contentHeaders.ContentLength = null;
                    // Copy the response content headers only after ensuring they are complete.
                    // We ask for Content-Length first because HttpContent lazily computes this header and only
                    // afterwards writes the value into the content headers.

            // Ignore the Transfer-Encoding header if it is just "chunked"; the host will likely provide it when no
            // Content-Length is present (and if the host does not, there's not much better this code could do to
            // transmit the current response, since HttpContent is assumed to be unframed; in that case, silently drop
            // the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header).
            // HttpClient sets this header when it receives chunked content, but HttpContent does not include the
            // frames. The OWIN contract is to set this header only when writing chunked frames to the stream.
            // A Web API caller who desires custom framing would need to do a different Transfer-Encoding (such as
            // "identity, chunked").
            if (isTransferEncodingChunked && transferEncoding.Count == 1)

        public void Clear_AddValuesThenClear_NoElementsInCollection()
            MockHeaders headers = new MockHeaders();
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <Uri> collection = new HttpHeaderValueCollection <Uri>(knownUriHeader, headers);

            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));

            Assert.Equal(3, collection.Count);


            Assert.Equal(0, collection.Count);
        public void Clear_AddValuesAndSpecialValueThenClear_EverythingCleared()
            MockHeaders headers = new MockHeaders();
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <Uri> collection = new HttpHeaderValueCollection <Uri>(knownUriHeader, headers,

            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));

            Assert.Equal(4, collection.Count);
            Assert.True(collection.IsSpecialValueSet, "Special value not set.");


            Assert.Equal(0, collection.Count);
            Assert.False(collection.IsSpecialValueSet, "Special value was removed by Clear().");
        public void Clear_AddValuesAndSpecialValueThenClear_EverythingCleared()
            MockHeaders headers = new MockHeaders(knownHeader, new MockHeaderParser(typeof(Uri)));
            HttpHeaderValueCollection<Uri> collection = new HttpHeaderValueCollection<Uri>(knownHeader, headers,

            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));

            Assert.Equal(4, collection.Count);
            Assert.True(collection.IsSpecialValueSet, "Special value not set.");


            Assert.Equal(0, collection.Count);
            Assert.False(collection.IsSpecialValueSet, "Special value was removed by Clear().");
        public void Clear_AddValuesThenClear_NoElementsInCollection()
            MockHeaders headers = new MockHeaders(knownHeader, new MockHeaderParser(typeof(Uri)));
            HttpHeaderValueCollection<Uri> collection = new HttpHeaderValueCollection<Uri>(knownHeader, headers);

            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));
            collection.Add(new Uri(""));

            Assert.Equal(3, collection.Count);


            Assert.Equal(0, collection.Count);
        internal static async Task <bool> PrepareHeadersAsync(HttpResponseBase responseBase, HttpRequestMessage request,
                                                              HttpResponseMessage response, IExceptionLogger exceptionLogger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.Assert(response != null);
            HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders = response.Headers;

            Contract.Assert(responseHeaders != null);
            HttpContent content = response.Content;
            bool        isTransferEncodingChunked = responseHeaders.TransferEncodingChunked == true;
            HttpHeaderValueCollection <TransferCodingHeaderValue> transferEncoding = responseHeaders.TransferEncoding;

            if (content != null)
                HttpContentHeaders contentHeaders = content.Headers;
                Contract.Assert(contentHeaders != null);

                if (isTransferEncodingChunked)
                    // According to section 4.4 of the HTTP 1.1 spec, HTTP responses that use chunked transfer
                    // encoding must not have a content length set. Chunked should take precedence over content
                    // length in this case because chunked is always set explicitly by users while the Content-Length
                    // header can be added implicitly by System.Net.Http.
                    contentHeaders.ContentLength = null;
                    Exception exception = null;

                    // Copy the response content headers only after ensuring they are complete.
                    // We ask for Content-Length first because HttpContent lazily computes this
                    // and only afterwards writes the value into the content headers.
                        var unused = contentHeaders.ContentLength;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        exception = ex;

                    if (exception != null)
                        ExceptionContext exceptionContext = new ExceptionContext(exception,
                                                                                 WebHostExceptionCatchBlocks.HttpControllerHandlerComputeContentLength, request, response);
                        await exceptionLogger.LogAsync(exceptionContext, cancellationToken);


                // Select output buffering based on the user-controlled buffering policy
                bool isBuffered = _bufferPolicySelector.Value != null?
                                  _bufferPolicySelector.Value.UseBufferedOutputStream(response) : true;

                responseBase.BufferOutput = isBuffered;

            // Ignore the Transfer-Encoding header if it is just "chunked"; the host will provide it when no
            // Content-Length is present and BufferOutput is disabled (and this method guarantees those conditions).
            // HttpClient sets this header when it receives chunked content, but HttpContent does not include the
            // frames. The ASP.NET contract is to set this header only when writing chunked frames to the stream.
            // A Web API caller who desires custom framing would need to do a different Transfer-Encoding (such as
            // "identity, chunked").
            if (isTransferEncodingChunked && transferEncoding.Count == 1)

                // In the case of a conflict between a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header and the output buffering
                // policy, honor the Transnfer-Encoding: chunked header and ignore the buffer policy.
                // If output buffering is not disabled, ASP.NET will not write the TransferEncoding: chunked header.
                responseBase.BufferOutput = false;

Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Set an HTTP header to a single value, clearing any existing values
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="headerValue"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public static void SetValue <T>(this HttpHeaderValueCollection <T> headerValue, string value) where T : class
 static void CopyETags(ICollection<ETag> source, HttpHeaderValueCollection<EntityTagHeaderValue> target)
     foreach (var tag in source)