Beispiel #1
 private string GetDiffHtml(string text1, string text2)
     HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(text1, text2);
     // Lets add a block expression to group blocks we care about (such as dates)
     diffHelper.AddBlockExpression(new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"[\d]{1,2}[\s]*(Jan|Feb)[\s]*[\d]{4}", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
Beispiel #2
 public override void Process(object sender, EventArgs e)
         Item item = Event.ExtractParameter<Item>(e, 0);
         ItemChanges changes = Event.ExtractParameter<ItemChanges>(e, 1);
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<table><th>Field</th><th>Change</th>");
         bool flag = false;
         foreach (FieldChange fieldChange in changes.FieldChanges)
             Field field = item.Fields[fieldChange.FieldID];
             if (field.Name != "__Updated" && field.Name != "__Revision" && field.Name != "__Updated by" && fieldChange.OriginalValue != field.Value)
                 flag = true;
                 HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diff = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(fieldChange.OriginalValue, field.Value);
         if (!flag)
         LogEvent(item, sb.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error("Problem auditing item save", ex, this);
Beispiel #3
 public override void Process(object sender, EventArgs e)
         Item          item    = Event.ExtractParameter <Item>(e, 0);
         ItemChanges   changes = Event.ExtractParameter <ItemChanges>(e, 1);
         StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder("<table><th>Field</th><th>Change</th>");
         bool          flag    = false;
         foreach (FieldChange fieldChange in changes.FieldChanges)
             Field field = item.Fields[fieldChange.FieldID];
             if (field.Name.StartsWith("__") && fieldChange.OriginalValue != field.Value)
                 flag = true;
                 HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diff = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(fieldChange.OriginalValue, field.Value);
         if (!flag)
         LogEvent(item, sb.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error("Problem auditing item save", ex, this);
Beispiel #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string oldText = @"<p><i>This is</i> some sample text to <strong>demonstrate</strong> the capability of the <strong>HTML diff tool</strong>.</p>
                                <p>It is based on the <b>Ruby</b> implementation found <a href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has no tooltip</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123456?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample text</td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                <tr><td>Data 1 (this row will be removed)</td><td>Data 2</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 32
                                This date: 1 Jan 2016 is about to change (note how it is treated as a block change!)";

            string newText = @"<p>This is some sample <strong>text to</strong> demonstrate the awesome capabilities of the <strong>HTML <u>diff</u> tool</strong>.</p><br/><br/>Extra spacing here that was not here before.
                                <p>It is <i>based</i> on the Ruby implementation found <a title='Cool tooltip' href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has a tooltip now and the HTML diff algorithm has preserved formatting.</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123356?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample <strong>bold text</strong></td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 <sup>32</sup>
                                This date: 22 Feb 2017 is about to change (note how it is treated as a block change!)";

            HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(oldText, newText);
            litOldText.Text = oldText;
            litNewText.Text = newText;

            // Lets add a block expression to group blocks we care about (such as dates)
            diffHelper.AddBlockExpression(new Regex(@"[\d]{1,2}[\s]*(Jan|Feb)[\s]*[\d]{4}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

            litDiffText.Text = diffHelper.Build();
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult PushMerge(PostMergeRequestInputDto dto)
            if (RedisHelper.Get("code:" + dto.ModifierEmail) != dto.Code)
                return(ResultData(null, false, "验证码错误!"));

            var post = PostService.GetById(dto.PostId) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");
            var diff = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(), dto.Content.RemoveHtmlTag());

            if (post.Title.Equals(dto.Title) && !diff.Build().Contains("diffmod"))
                return(ResultData(null, false, "内容未被修改!"));

            #region 直接合并

            if (post.Email.Equals(dto.ModifierEmail))
                var history = post.Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>();
                Mapper.Map(dto, post);
                post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
                return(PostService.SaveChanges() > 0 ? ResultData(null, true, "你是文章原作者,无需审核,文章已自动更新并在首页展示!") : ResultData(null, false, "操作失败!"));


            var merge = post.PostMergeRequests.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == dto.Id && r.MergeState != MergeStatus.Merged);
            if (merge != null)
                Mapper.Map(dto, merge);
                merge.SubmitTime = DateTime.Now;
                merge.MergeState = MergeStatus.Pending;
                merge = Mapper.Map <PostMergeRequest>(dto);

            var b = PostService.SaveChanges() > 0;
            if (!b)
                return(ResultData(null, b, b ? "您的修改请求已提交,已进入审核状态,感谢您的参与!" : "操作失败!"));

            RedisHelper.Expire("code:" + dto.ModifierEmail, 1);
            MessageService.AddEntitySaved(new InternalMessage()
                Title   = $"来自【{dto.Modifier}】的文章修改合并请求",
                Content = dto.Title,
                Link    = "#/merge/compare?id=" + merge.Id
            var content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/template/merge-request.html").Replace("{{title}}", post.Title).Replace("{{link}}", Url.Action("Index", "Dashboard", new { }, Request.Scheme) + "#/merge/compare?id=" + merge.Id);
            BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => CommonHelper.SendMail("博客文章修改请求:", content, CommonHelper.SystemSettings["ReceiveEmail"]));

            return(ResultData(null, b, b ? "您的修改请求已提交,已进入审核状态,感谢您的参与!" : "操作失败!"));
        public IActionResult MergeCompare(int mid)
            var    newer      = PostMergeRequestService.GetById(mid) ?? throw new NotFoundException("待合并文章未找到");
            var    old        = newer.Post;
            var    diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(old.Content, newer.Content);
            string diffOutput = diffHelper.Build();

            old.Content   = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            newer.Content = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            return(ResultData(new { old = old.Mapper <PostMergeRequestOutputDto>(), newer = newer.Mapper <PostMergeRequestOutputDto>() }));
        public ActionResult CompareVersion(int id, int v1, int v2)
            var main  = PostBll.GetById(id).Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>();
            var left  = v1 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionBll.GetById(v1);
            var right = v2 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionBll.GetById(v2);

            HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(right.Content, left.Content);
            string            diffOutput = diffHelper.Build();

            right.Content = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            left.Content  = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            return(View(new[] { main, left, right }));
Beispiel #8
        public string GetDifferenceData(int id, string templateVar)
            var model = objprmdl.GetDiffData(id, templateVar);

            if (model.Oldtemplate == null)
                model.Oldtemplate = "";
            var diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(model.Oldtemplate, model.Newtemplate);
            var diff       = diffHelper.Build();

Beispiel #9
        public ActionResult CompareVersion(int id, int v1, int v2)
            var main  = PostService.Get(p => p.Id == id && (p.Status == Status.Pended || CurrentUser.IsAdmin)).Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>() ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");
            var left  = v1 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionService.Get(v => v.Id == v1) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");
            var right = v2 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionService.Get(v => v.Id == v2) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            main.Id = id;
            var diff       = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(right.Content, left.Content);
            var diffOutput = diff.Build();

            right.Content = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            left.Content  = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            return(View(new[] { main, left, right }));
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <ActionResult> CompareVersion(int id, int v1, int v2)
            var main = PostService.Get(p => p.Id == id && (p.Status == Status.Pended || CurrentUser.IsAdmin)).Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>() ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");
            var left = v1 <= 0 ? main : await PostHistoryVersionService.GetAsync(v => v.Id == v1) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            var right = v2 <= 0 ? main : await PostHistoryVersionService.GetAsync(v => v.Id == v2) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            main.Id = id;
            var diff       = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(right.Content, left.Content);
            var diffOutput = diff.Build();

            right.Content = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            left.Content  = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            ViewBag.Ads   = AdsService.GetsByWeightedPrice(2, AdvertiseType.InPage, main.CategoryId);
            return(View(new[] { main, left, right }));
Beispiel #11
        public string Diff(ScrapingResult result)
            if (result?.Text == null)
                return("Target is null");

            if (result?.Text == Text)
                return("Defference is not find.");

            var diff = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(result?.Text, Text);
            var html = diff.Build();

Beispiel #12
        public string Index(string version1, string version2, string originalcontenttype)
            version1 = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(version1)));
            version2 = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(version2)));

            HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(version1, version2);
            var    diffResult            = diffHelper.Build();
            string cssLink =
                $"<link href=\"/{_episerverUiUrlHelper.GetEpiserverSegment()}/VisualCompareMode/ClientResources/Styles/DiffStyles.css\" media=\"all\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />";

            diffResult = diffResult.Replace("</head>", cssLink + "</head>");
            diffResult = diffResult.Replace("<del class='diffmod'><img",
                                            "<del class='diffmod diff-image-deleted'><img");
            diffResult = diffResult.Replace("<ins class='diffmod'><img",
                                            "<ins class='diffmod diff-image-inserted'><img");
Beispiel #13
        public ActionResult CompareVersion(int id, int v1, int v2)
            var main = PostService.GetById(id).Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>();

            main.Id = id;
            var left  = v1 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionService.GetById(v1);
            var right = v2 <= 0 ? main : PostHistoryVersionService.GetById(v2);

            if (left is null || right is null)
                return(RedirectToAction("History", "Post", new { id }));

            var    diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(right.Content, left.Content);
            string diffOutput = diffHelper.Build();

            right.Content = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            left.Content  = Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty);
            return(View(new[] { main, left, right }));
Beispiel #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> CompareVersion(int id, int v1, int v2)
            var post = await PostService.GetAsync(p => p.Id == id && (p.Status == Status.Published || CurrentUser.IsAdmin));

            var main = post.Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>() ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            var left = v1 <= 0 ? main : await PostHistoryVersionService.GetAsync(v => v.Id == v1) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            var right = v2 <= 0 ? main : await PostHistoryVersionService.GetAsync(v => v.Id == v2) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            main.Id = id;
            var diff       = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(right.Content, left.Content);
            var diffOutput = diff.Build();

            right.Content       = ReplaceVariables(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<ins.+?</ins>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty));
            right.ModifyDate    = right.ModifyDate.ToTimeZone(HttpContext.Session.Get <string>(SessionKey.TimeZone));
            left.Content        = ReplaceVariables(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(diffOutput, "<del.+?</del>", string.Empty), @"<\w+></\w+>", string.Empty));
            left.ModifyDate     = left.ModifyDate.ToTimeZone(HttpContext.Session.Get <string>(SessionKey.TimeZone));
            ViewBag.Ads         = AdsService.GetsByWeightedPrice(2, AdvertiseType.InPage, Request.Location(), main.CategoryId);
            ViewBag.DisableCopy = post.DisableCopy;
            return(View(new[] { main, left, right }));
Beispiel #15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string oldText = @"<p><i>This is</i> some sample text to <strong>demonstrate</strong> the capability of the <strong>HTML diff tool</strong>.</p>
                                <p>It is based on the <b>Ruby</b> implementation found <a href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has no tooltip</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123456?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample text</td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                <tr><td>Data 1 (this row will be removed)</td><td>Data 2</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 32";

            string newText = @"<p>This is some sample <strong>text to</strong> demonstrate the awesome capabilities of the <strong>HTML <u>diff</u> tool</strong>.</p><br/><br/>Extra spacing here that was not here before.
                                <p>It is <i>based</i> on the Ruby implementation found <a title='Cool tooltip' href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has a tooltip now and the HTML diff algorithm has preserved formatting.</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123356?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample <strong>bold text</strong></td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 <sup>32</sup>";

            HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(oldText, newText);
            litOldText.Text  = oldText;
            litNewText.Text  = newText;
            litDiffText.Text = diffHelper.Build();
Beispiel #16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string oldText = @"<p><i>This is</i> some sample text to <strong>demonstrate</strong> the capability of the <strong>HTML diff tool</strong>.</p>
                                <p>It is based on the <b>Ruby</b> implementation found <a href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has no tooltip</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123456?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample text</td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                <tr><td>Data 1 (this row will be removed)</td><td>Data 2</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 32";

            string newText = @"<p>This is some sample <strong>text to</strong> demonstrate the awesome capabilities of the <strong>HTML <u>diff</u> tool</strong>.</p><br/><br/>Extra spacing here that was not here before.
                                <p>It is <i>based</i> on the Ruby implementation found <a title='Cool tooltip' href=''>here</a>. Note how the link has a tooltip now and the HTML diff algorithm has preserved formatting.</p>
                                <p>What about a number change: 123356?</p>
                                <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                                <tr><td>Some sample <strong>bold text</strong></td><td>Some sample value</td></tr>
                                Here is a number 2 <sup>32</sup>";

            HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(oldText, newText);
            litOldText.Text = oldText;
            litNewText.Text = newText;
            litDiffText.Text = diffHelper.Build();
Beispiel #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int textid)
            var article = await articleService.GetAsync(textid);

            var masterForArticle = (await articleService.BrowseAsync(1, null, article.Id, null)).SingleOrDefault();
            ArticleDetailsDto masterForArticleDetails;

            if (masterForArticle.Master != null)
                masterForArticleDetails = await articleService.GetAsync(masterForArticle.Master.Id);

                var diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(masterForArticleDetails.Master.Content, article.Master.Content);
                ContentComparision = diffHelper.Build();
                diffHelper         = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(masterForArticleDetails.Master.Title, article.Master.Title);
                TitleComparision   = diffHelper.Build();
            if (!httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.IsInRole("Read") && article.Master.Status.Id != 1 && article.Master.Author.Id != UserId)

            Article = CreateArticle(article);

            var otherVersions = await articleService.BrowseAsync(null, null, article.Id, null);

            OtherVersions = new List <ViewModels.Article>();
            foreach (var item in otherVersions)
                foreach (var text in item.Texts)
                    var art = new Article
                        Title = text.Title,
                    var tags = new List <TagFilter>();
                    foreach (var tag in text.Tags)
                        tags.Add(new TagFilter
                            Id      = tag.Id,
                            Tag     = tag.Tag,
                            Checked = true
                    art.ArticleId = item.Id;
                    art.TextId    = text.Id;
                    art.Tags      = tags;
                    art.Version   = text.Version;
                    art.Status    = new StatusFilter
                        Id       = text.Status.Id,
                        Status   = text.Status.Status,
                        Selected = false
                    if (item.Category != null)
                        art.Category = new CategoryFilter
                            Id       = item.Category.Id,
                            Category = item.Category.Category

Beispiel #18
 private string GetDiffHtml(string text1, string text2)
     HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff diffHelper = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(text1, text2);
Beispiel #19
        public async Task <ActionResult> PushMerge([FromServices] IInternalMessageService messageService, [FromServices] IPostMergeRequestService postMergeRequestService, PostMergeRequestCommand dto)
            if (await RedisHelper.GetAsync("code:" + dto.ModifierEmail) != dto.Code)
                return(ResultData(null, false, "验证码错误!"));

            var post = await PostService.GetByIdAsync(dto.PostId) ?? throw new NotFoundException("文章未找到");

            var htmlDiff = new HtmlDiff.HtmlDiff(post.Content.RemoveHtmlTag(), dto.Content.RemoveHtmlTag());
            var diff     = htmlDiff.Build();

            if (post.Title.Equals(dto.Title) && !diff.Contains(new[] { "diffmod", "diffdel", "diffins" }))
                return(ResultData(null, false, "内容未被修改!"));

            #region 合并验证

            if (postMergeRequestService.Any(p => p.ModifierEmail == dto.ModifierEmail && p.MergeState == MergeStatus.Block))
                return(ResultData(null, false, "由于您曾经多次恶意修改文章,已经被标记为黑名单,无法修改任何文章,如有疑问,请联系网站管理员进行处理。"));

            if (post.PostMergeRequests.Any(p => p.ModifierEmail == dto.ModifierEmail && p.MergeState == MergeStatus.Pending))
                return(ResultData(null, false, "您已经提交过一次修改请求正在待处理,暂不能继续提交修改请求!"));


            #region 直接合并

            if (post.Email.Equals(dto.ModifierEmail))
                var history = post.Mapper <PostHistoryVersion>();
                Mapper.Map(dto, post);
                post.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
                return(await PostService.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ? ResultData(null, true, "你是文章原作者,无需审核,文章已自动更新并在首页展示!") : ResultData(null, false, "操作失败!"));


            var merge = post.PostMergeRequests.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == dto.Id && r.MergeState != MergeStatus.Merged);
            if (merge != null)
                Mapper.Map(dto, merge);
                merge.SubmitTime = DateTime.Now;
                merge.MergeState = MergeStatus.Pending;
                merge            = Mapper.Map <PostMergeRequest>(dto);
                merge.SubmitTime = DateTime.Now;

            var b = await PostService.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;

            if (!b)
                return(ResultData(null, false, "操作失败!"));

            await RedisHelper.ExpireAsync("code:" + dto.ModifierEmail, 1);

            await messageService.AddEntitySavedAsync(new InternalMessage()
                Title   = $"来自【{dto.Modifier}】对文章《{post.Title}》的修改请求",
                Content = dto.Title,
                Link    = "#/merge/compare?id=" + merge.Id

            var content = new Template(await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(HostEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/template/merge-request.html"))
                          .Set("title", post.Title)
                          .Set("link", Url.Action("Index", "Dashboard", new { }, Request.Scheme) + "#/merge/compare?id=" + merge.Id)
                          .Set("diff", diff)
                          .Set("host", "//" + Request.Host)
                          .Set("id", merge.Id.ToString())
            BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => CommonHelper.SendMail("博客文章修改请求:", content, CommonHelper.SystemSettings["ReceiveEmail"], ClientIP));
            return(ResultData(null, true, "您的修改请求已提交,已进入审核状态,感谢您的参与!"));