/// <summary>
        /// Reports that an attempt to contact a <see cref="RemoteHost"/> has failed. Based on these reports, the reachability of <see cref="RemoteHost"/> is determined.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">Optional. The exception containing the details of the failed attempt.</param>
        /// <returns>True if this <see cref="RemoteHost"/> is still considered reachable despite the failure, or false if it has been marked as unreachable.</returns>
        public virtual bool ReportFailure(Exception ex = null)
            LastException = ex;

            lock (Lock)

                var isReachable = FailureCount < 2;

                if (isReachable == false && HostPool.MarkUnreachable(this))
                    Log.Error(_ => _("A remote host has been marked as unreachable due to failing twice. Monitoring " +
                                     "started. See tags and inner exception for details.",
                                     exception: ex,
                                     unencryptedTags: new
                        endpoint                    = HostName,
                        requestedService            = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.ServiceName,
                        requestedServiceEnvironment = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.DeploymentEnvironment

                    // Task.Run is used here to have the long-running task of monitoring run on the thread pool,
                    // otherwise it might prevent ASP.NET requests from completing or it might be tied to a specific
                    // grain's lifetime, when it is actually a global concern.

 public override bool ReportFailure(Exception ex = null)
     throw new MissingHostException("Failed to reach an overridden remote host. Please make sure the " +
                                    "overrides specified are reachable from all services that participate in the request. See inner " +
                                    "exception for details and tags for information on which override caused this issue.",
                                    unencrypted: new Tags
         { "overriddenServiceName", ServiceName },
         { "overriddenEndpoint", HostName },
         { "originalHostList", HostPool.GetAllHosts() }
        public static async Task <Response> DeleteForceAysnc(this WindowsWirtualDesktopManagementClient client, HostPool hostPool)
            var appGroups = await client.ApplicationGroupOperations.ListAsync(new ApplicationGroup(hostPool.HostPoolName, hostPool.TenantName, hostPool.TenantGroupName)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var appGroup in appGroups.Value)
                await client.ApplicationGroupOperations.DeleteAsync(appGroup).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return(await client.HostPoolsOperations.DeleteAsync(hostPool).ConfigureAwait(false));
        private async Task StartMonitoring()
            lock (Lock)
                if (IsMonitoring)

                IsMonitoring = true;

            var config       = HostPool.GetConfig();
            var start        = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var nextDelay    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.FirstAttemptDelaySeconds.Value);
            var maxDelay     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.MaxAttemptDelaySeconds.Value);
            var attemptCount = 1;

            while (true)
                if (IsMonitoring == false)


                    if (await HostPool.ReachabilityChecker.Invoke(this).ConfigureAwait(false))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error(_ => _("The supplied reachability checker threw an exception while checking a remote host. See tags and inner exception for details.",
                                     exception: ex,
                                     unencryptedTags: new
                        endpoint                    = HostName,
                        requestedService            = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.ServiceName,
                        requestedServiceEnvironment = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.DeploymentEnvironment

                if (IsMonitoring == false)

                lock (Lock)

                Log.Info(_ => _("A remote host is still unreachable, monitoring continues. See tags for details", unencryptedTags: new
                    endpoint                    = HostName,
                    requestedService            = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.ServiceName,
                    requestedServiceEnvironment = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.DeploymentEnvironment,
                    nextAttemptAt = DateTime.UtcNow + nextDelay,
                    downtime      = DateTime.UtcNow - start

                await Task.Delay(nextDelay).ConfigureAwait(false);

                nextDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(nextDelay.TotalMilliseconds * config.DelayMultiplier.Value);

                if (nextDelay > maxDelay)
                    nextDelay = maxDelay;

            lock (Lock)
                FailureCount = 0;
                IsMonitoring = false;

                if (HostPool.MarkReachable(this))
                    Log.Info(_ => _("A remote host has become reachable. See tags for details.",
                                    unencryptedTags: new
                        endpoint                    = HostName,
                        requestedService            = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.ServiceName,
                        requestedServiceEnvironment = HostPool.ServiceDeployment.DeploymentEnvironment,
                        downtime = DateTime.UtcNow - start
        public static Response DeleteForce(this WindowsWirtualDesktopManagementClient client, HostPool hostPool)
            var appGroups = client.ApplicationGroupOperations.List(new ApplicationGroup(hostPool.HostPoolName, hostPool.TenantName, hostPool.TenantGroupName));

            foreach (var appGroup in appGroups.Value)