/// <summary>
        /// Check license correctness for available data fields (machine name, os user, expiry date)
        /// </summary>
        public LicenseState IsLicenseInfoCorrect()
            var foundProblems = new LicenseState();

            if (Environment.MachineName.ToLower() != HostName.ToLower())
                foundProblems.AddProblem(LicenseProblemType.WrongHost, "current:" + Environment.MachineName.ToLower() + "; licensed for:" + HostName.ToLower());

            var currentUserName = Environment.UserDomainName.ToLower() + @"\" + Environment.UserName.ToLower();

            if (currentUserName != OsUserName.ToLower())
                foundProblems.AddProblem(LicenseProblemType.WrongUser, "current:" + currentUserName + "; licensed for:" + OsUserName.ToLower());

Beispiel #2
        public Dictionary <String, Object> GetAnsibleVariables()
            var variables = new Dictionary <String, Object>();

            variables.Add("server_hostname", HostName.ToLower());
            variables.Add("server_cpu", CPU);
            variables.Add("server_ram", RAM);

            var diskArray = new Dictionary <String, Object> [ServerDisks.Count];

            for (Int16 i = 0; i < ServerDisks.Count; i++)
                diskArray[i] = GetAnsibleDiskVariables(ServerDisks.ElementAt(i));
            variables.Add("server_disks", diskArray);

        public void Validate(ValidationResult result)
            if (EntityHeader.IsNullOrEmpty(ListenerType))
                result.AddUserError("Listener Type is a Required Field.");

            switch (ListenerType.Value)
            case ListenerTypes.AMQP:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for Connecting to an AMQP Server.");
                if (!Anonymous)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                        result.AddUserError("User Name is Required to connect to your AMQP server for non-anonymous connections.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurePasswordId))
                        result.AddUserError("Password is Required to connect to your AMQP server for non-anonymous connections.");
                    UserName = null;
                    Password = null;

                if (!AmqpSubscriptions.Any())
                    result.AddUserError("Please ensure you provide at least one subscription (including wildcards * and #) that will be monitored for incoming messages.");

            case ListenerTypes.AzureEventHub:
                if (HostName != null && HostName.ToLower().StartsWith("sb://"))
                    HostName = HostName.Substring(5);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for Azure Event Hubs, this is the host name of your Event Hub without the sb:// protocol.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HubName))
                    result.AddUserError("Hub Name is Required for an Azure Event Hub Listener.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecureAccessKeyId))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key is Required for an Azure Event Hub listener.");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && !Utils.StringValidationHelper.IsBase64String(AccessKey))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key does not appear to be a Base 64 string and is likely incorrect.");

            case ListenerTypes.AzureIoTHub:
                if (HostName != null && HostName.ToLower().StartsWith("sb://"))
                    HostName = HostName.Substring(5);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for Azure IoT Hub, this is found in the Event Hub-compatible endpoint field on the Azure Portal.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourceName))
                    result.AddUserError("Resource Name is require for Azure IoT Hub, this is found in the Event Hub-compatible name field on the Azure Portal.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKeyName))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key Name is a required field for an Azure Serice Bus Listener.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecureAccessKeyId))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key is Required for Azure IoT Event Hub.");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && !Utils.StringValidationHelper.IsBase64String(AccessKey))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key does not appear to be a Base 64 string and is likely incorrect.");

            case ListenerTypes.AzureServiceBus:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for an Azure Service Bus Listener, this is the host name of your Event Hub without the sb:// protocol.");
                if (HostName != null && HostName.ToLower().StartsWith("sb://"))
                    HostName = HostName.Substring(5);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Queue))
                    result.AddUserError("Queue Name is required for an Azure Service Bus Listener.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKeyName))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key Name is a required field for an Azure Serice Bus Listener.");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecureAccessKeyId))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key is Required for an Azure IoT Service Bus Listener.");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessKey) && !Utils.StringValidationHelper.IsBase64String(AccessKey))
                    result.AddUserError("Access Key does not appear to be a Base 64 string and is likely incorrect.");


            case ListenerTypes.MQTTClient:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for Connecting to an MQTT Server.");
                if (!Anonymous)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                        result.AddUserError("User Name is Required to connect to your MQTT Broker for non-anonymous connections.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurePasswordId))
                        result.AddUserError("Password is Required to connect to your MQTT Broker for non-anonymous connections.");
                    UserName = null;
                    Password = null;
                if (!ConnectToPort.HasValue)
                    result.AddUserError("Please provide a port that your MQTT Client will connect, usually 1883 or 8883 (SSL).");
                MqttSubscriptions.RemoveAll(sub => string.IsNullOrEmpty(sub.Topic));
                if (!MqttSubscriptions.Any())
                    result.AddUserError("Please ensure you provide at least one subscription (including wildcards + and #) that will be monitored for incoming messages.");


            case ListenerTypes.WebSocket:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                    result.AddUserError("Host Name is required for an Azure Service Bus Listener, this is the host name of your Event Hub without the sb:// protocol.");
                if (HostName != null && HostName.ToLower().StartsWith("wss://"))
                    HostName = HostName.Substring(5);
                if (HostName != null && HostName.ToLower().StartsWith("ws://"))
                    HostName = HostName.Substring(4);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) && !Path.StartsWith("/"))
                    Path = "/" + Path;

                if (!Anonymous)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                        result.AddUserError("User Name is Required to be used to authenticate with your Web Socket Server.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurePasswordId))
                        result.AddUserError("Password is Required to be used to authenticate with your Web Socket Server..");
                    UserName = null;
                    Password = null;


            case ListenerTypes.MQTTListener:
                if (!Anonymous)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                        result.AddUserError("User Name is Required to be used to authenticate MQTT clients authenticating with your broker.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurePasswordId))
                        result.AddUserError("Password is Required to be used to authenticate MQTT clients authenticating with your broker.");
                    UserName = null;
                    Password = null;
                if (!ListenOnPort.HasValue)
                    result.AddUserError("Please provide a port that your MQTT listenr will listen for incoming messages, usually 1883.");

             * case ListenerTypes.MQTTBroker:
             * break;
             * case ListenerTypes.RabbitMQ:
             * break;
             * case ListenerTypes.RabbitMQClient:
             * break;*/
            case ListenerTypes.RawTCP:
                if (!ListenOnPort.HasValue)
                    result.AddUserError("Please provide a port that your TCP listenr will listen for incoming messages.");

            case ListenerTypes.RawUDP:
                if (!ListenOnPort.HasValue)
                    result.AddUserError("Please provide a port that your UDP listenr will listen for incoming messages.");

            case ListenerTypes.Rest:
                if (!ListenOnPort.HasValue)
                    result.AddUserError("Please provide a port that your REST listenr will listen for incoming messages, this is usually port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.");
                if (EntityHeader.IsNullOrEmpty(RestServerType))
                    result.AddUserError("Allowable Connection Type is required for an REST Listener.");
                if (!Anonymous)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                        result.AddUserError("Anonymous connections are not enabled, you must provide a user name that will be used to connect to your REST endpoint.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurePasswordId))
                        result.AddUserError("Anonymous connections are not enabled, you must provide a password that will be used to connect to your REST endpoint.");
                    UserName = null;
                    Password = null;

Beispiel #4
        internal void InitFileServerInfo(TransferInfo transferInfo)
            HostName = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.HostName;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName))
                throw new ApplicationException(FileServerIsNotSetting);

            string localname = Dns.GetHostName();

            _isLocalMachine = (HostName.ToLower() == localname.ToLower());

            VirtualDirectory = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.VirtualDirectory;
            FileDirectory    = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.FileDirectory;
            FileDirectory    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileDirectory) ? "Accessories" : FileDirectory;
            ProtocolType     = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.Connect;
            UploadPostUrl    = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.UploadPostUrl;
            HostPort         = int.Parse(transferInfo.FileServerInfo.Port);
            if (HostPort <= 0)
                switch (ProtocolType.ToUpper())
                case "HTTP":
                    HostPort = 80;

                case "FTP":
                    HostPort = 21;
                HostUrl = ProtocolType + @"://" + HostName;
                HostUrl = ProtocolType + @"://" + HostName + ":" + HostPort;

            ProtocolType = transferInfo.FileServerInfo.Connect;

            bool isUseProxy = TypeConvert.ToBool(transferInfo.FileServerProxy.IsUsed, false);

            _supportDebug        = TypeConvert.ToBool(transferInfo.FileServerInfo.SupportDebug, true);
            _supportBorkenResume = TypeConvert.ToBool(transferInfo.FileServerInfo.SupportBrokenResume, true);

            if (isUseProxy)
                if (_environment == null)
                    _environment = new WebEnvironment();

                _environment.UseProxy = true;
                _environment.ProxyUrl = transferInfo.FileServerProxy.UriAddress;
                int proxyPort = Int32.Parse(transferInfo.FileServerProxy.Port);
                if (proxyPort != 80 && proxyPort != 21)
                    _environment.ProxyUrl += ":" + proxyPort;

            bool isUserAuth = TypeConvert.ToBool(transferInfo.FileServerAuth.IsUsed, false);

            if (isUserAuth)
                if (_environment == null)
                    _environment = new WebEnvironment();
                if (isUseProxy)
                    _environment.ProxyUsername = transferInfo.FileServerAuth.UserName;
                    _environment.ProxyPassword = transferInfo.FileServerAuth.Password;
                    _environment.Username = transferInfo.FileServerAuth.UserName;
                    _environment.Password = transferInfo.FileServerAuth.Password;
Beispiel #5
 public void SetValue(string SettingName, object Val)
         var isSet = false;
         foreach (var env in Environments.Values)
             foreach (var HostToCheck in env.Host)
                 if ((Url.ToLower().isWildCardMatch(HostToCheck.ToLower())) || (HostName.ToLower().isWildCardMatch(HostToCheck.ToLower())))
                     if (env.Settings.ContainsKey(SettingName))
                         env.Settings[SettingName] = Val;
                     isSet = true;
         if ((!isSet) && (this.DefaultSettings.Settings.ContainsKey(SettingName)))
             this.DefaultSettings.Settings[SettingName] = Val;
     catch (Exception)
Beispiel #6
 public object GetValue(string SettingName)
         object retValue = null;
         if (this.DefaultSettings.Settings.ContainsKey(SettingName))
             retValue = this.DefaultSettings.Settings[SettingName];
         foreach (var env in Environments.Values)
             foreach (var HostToCheck in env.Host)
                 if ((Url.ToLower().isWildCardMatch(HostToCheck.ToLower())) || (HostName.ToLower().isWildCardMatch(HostToCheck.ToLower())))
                     if (env.Settings.ContainsKey(SettingName))
                         retValue = env.Settings[SettingName];
     catch (Exception)
Beispiel #7
        private void searchedItems()
                #region USing Binding to populate
                SearchedList = new List <DisplayDetails>();

                if (DisplayGuestList.Count != 0)
                    LstSearch.ItemsSource = null;

                    var    serialNo   = 0;
                    string searchItem = txtSearchItem.Text.Trim().ToLower();
                    foreach (var item in DisplayGuestList)
                        FullName       = item.GuestFullName;
                        Company        = item.GuestCompany;
                        Email          = item.GuestEmail;
                        PhoneNumber    = item.GuestPhoneNumber;
                        HostName       = item.GuestHostName;
                        DateCheckedIn  = item.GuestCheckInTime;
                        Status         = item.GuestStatus;
                        InvitationCode = item.GuestCheckInCode;     //There should be a field indicating if the code came from from the computer or assgned by a Host. This what I wanted to measure here

                        string _FullName    = FullName.ToLower();
                        string _Company     = Company.ToLower();
                        string _Email       = Email.ToLower();
                        string _PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.ToLower();
                        string _HostName    = HostName.ToLower();

                        if (chbFullName.IsChecked == true && _FullName.Contains(searchItem))
                            serialNo += 1;

                            SearchedList.Add(AddItemDetail(serialNo.ToString(), FullName, Company, Email, PhoneNumber, HostName, DateCheckedIn, item.GuestCheckOutTime, Status, InvitationCode,
                                                           item.GuestSignature, item.GuestThumbPrint, item.Picture));

                        else if (chbHostName.IsChecked == true && _HostName.Contains(searchItem))
                            serialNo += 1;

                            SearchedList.Add(AddItemDetail(serialNo.ToString(), FullName, Company, Email, PhoneNumber, HostName, DateCheckedIn, item.GuestCheckOutTime, Status, InvitationCode,
                                                           item.GuestSignature, item.GuestThumbPrint, item.Picture));

                        else if (chbCompany.IsChecked == true && _Company.Contains(searchItem))
                            serialNo += 1;

                            SearchedList.Add(AddItemDetail(serialNo.ToString(), FullName, Company, Email, PhoneNumber, HostName, DateCheckedIn, item.GuestCheckOutTime, Status, InvitationCode,
                                                           item.GuestSignature, item.GuestThumbPrint, item.Picture));

                        else if (chbEmail.IsChecked == true && _Email.Contains(searchItem))
                            serialNo += 1;

                            SearchedList.Add(AddItemDetail(serialNo.ToString(), FullName, Company, Email, PhoneNumber, HostName, DateCheckedIn, item.GuestCheckOutTime, Status, InvitationCode,
                                                           item.GuestSignature, item.GuestThumbPrint, item.Picture));

                        else if (chbPhoneNumber.IsChecked == true && _PhoneNumber.Contains(searchItem))
                            serialNo += 1;

                            SearchedList.Add(AddItemDetail(serialNo.ToString(), FullName, Company, Email, PhoneNumber, HostName, DateCheckedIn, item.GuestCheckOutTime, Status, InvitationCode,
                                                           item.GuestSignature, item.GuestThumbPrint, item.Picture));


                    if (SearchedList.Count != 0)
                        LstSearch.ItemsSource = null;
                        LstSearch.ItemsSource = SearchedList;
                        txtSearchListNo.Text  = LstSearch.Items.Count.ToString();

                        LstSearch.ItemsSource = null;

                        MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("No Result Found");
                        txtSearchListNo.Text = "";

                    stackPanelFilter.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog(ex.Message + " Void - searchedItems()");