Beispiel #1
    void RenderEye(SteamVR vr, Hmd_Eye eye, LayerMask mask)
        int i = (int)eye;

        SteamVR_Render.eye = eye;

        if (cameraMask != null)
            cameraMask.Set(vr, eye);

        foreach (var c in cameras)
            c.transform.localPosition = vr.eyes[i].pos;
            c.transform.localRotation = vr.eyes[i].rot;

            // Update position to keep from getting culled
            cameraMask.transform.position = c.transform.position;

            var camera = c.GetComponent <Camera>();
            camera.targetTexture = SteamVR_Camera.GetSceneTexture(camera.hdr);
            int cullingMask = camera.cullingMask;
            camera.cullingMask |= mask;
            camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;
internal static extern DistortionCoordinates_t SteamAPI_vr_IHmd_ComputeDistortion(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV);
internal static extern HmdMatrix44_t SteamAPI_vr_IHmd_GetProjectionMatrix(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
    void RenderEye(SteamVR vr, Hmd_Eye eye, LayerMask mask)
        int i = (int)eye;
        SteamVR_Render.eye = eye;

        if (cameraMask != null)
            cameraMask.Set(vr, eye);

        foreach (var c in cameras)
            c.transform.localPosition = vr.eyes[i].pos;
            c.transform.localRotation = vr.eyes[i].rot;

            // Update position to keep from getting culled
            cameraMask.transform.position = c.transform.position;

            var camera = c.GetComponent<Camera>();
            camera.targetTexture = SteamVR_Camera.GetSceneTexture(camera.hdr);
            int cullingMask = camera.cullingMask;
            camera.cullingMask |= mask;
            camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;
Beispiel #5
 /** Returns the transform from eye space to the head space. Eye space is the per-eye flavor of head
  * space that provides stereo disparity. Instead of Model * View * Projection the sequence is Model * View * Eye^-1 * Projection.
  * Normally View and Eye^-1 will be multiplied together and treated as View in your application.
 public HmdMatrix34_t GetHeadFromEyePose(Hmd_Eye eEye)
     return(SteamVR.GetHeadFromEyePose(m_pNativeObject, eEye));
Beispiel #6
 /** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your
  * application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */
 public void GetProjectionRaw(Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom)
     SteamVR.GetProjectionRaw(m_pNativeObject, eEye, ref pfLeft, ref pfRight, ref pfTop, ref pfBottom);
Beispiel #7
 /** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your
 * application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */
 public void GetProjectionRaw(Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom)
     SteamVR.GetProjectionRaw(m_pNativeObject, eEye, ref pfLeft, ref pfRight, ref pfTop, ref pfBottom);
Beispiel #8
 /** Returns the result of the distortion function for the specified eye and input UVs. UVs go from 0,0 in
 * the upper left of that eye's viewport and 1,1 in the lower right of that eye's viewport. */
 public DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion(Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV)
     return SteamVR.ComputeDistortion(m_pNativeObject, eEye, fU, fV);
Beispiel #9
 public abstract HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(Hmd_Eye eEye,float fNearZ,float fFarZ,GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
Beispiel #10
 public abstract HiddenAreaMesh_t GetHiddenAreaMesh(Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #11
 public abstract HmdMatrix34_t GetEyeToHeadTransform(Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #12
 public abstract void GetEyeOutputViewport(Hmd_Eye eEye,ref uint pnX,ref uint pnY,ref uint pnWidth,ref uint pnHeight);
Beispiel #13
 public abstract DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion(Hmd_Eye eEye,float fU,float fV);
Beispiel #14
 public abstract VRCompositorError Submit(Hmd_Eye eEye,GraphicsAPIConvention eTextureType,IntPtr pTexture,ref VRTextureBounds_t pBounds,VRSubmitFlags_t nSubmitFlags);
Beispiel #15
 public static extern void GetEyeOutputViewport(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight);
Beispiel #16
 public static extern HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
Beispiel #17
 public abstract void GetProjectionRaw(Hmd_Eye eEye,ref float pfLeft,ref float pfRight,ref float pfTop,ref float pfBottom);
Beispiel #18
 /** Returns the transform from eye space to the head space. Eye space is the per-eye flavor of head
 * space that provides stereo disparity. Instead of Model * View * Projection the sequence is Model * View * Eye^-1 * Projection.
 * Normally View and Eye^-1 will be multiplied together and treated as View in your application.
 public HmdMatrix34_t GetHeadFromEyePose(Hmd_Eye eEye)
     return SteamVR.GetHeadFromEyePose(m_pNativeObject, eEye);
Beispiel #19
 internal static extern DistortionCoordinates_t VR_IVRSystem_ComputeDistortion(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV);
Beispiel #20
 public override void GetProjectionRaw(Hmd_Eye eEye,ref float pfLeft,ref float pfRight,ref float pfTop,ref float pfBottom)
     pfLeft = 0;
     pfRight = 0;
     pfTop = 0;
     pfBottom = 0;
     VRNativeEntrypoints.VR_IVRSystem_GetProjectionRaw(m_pVRSystem,eEye,ref pfLeft,ref pfRight,ref pfTop,ref pfBottom);
Beispiel #21
 internal static extern void VR_IVRSystem_GetEyeOutputViewport(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight);
Beispiel #22
 /** Returns the result of the distortion function for the specified eye and input UVs. UVs go from 0,0 in
  * the upper left of that eye's viewport and 1,1 in the lower right of that eye's viewport. */
 public DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion(Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV)
     return(SteamVR.ComputeDistortion(m_pNativeObject, eEye, fU, fV));
Beispiel #23
 internal static extern HmdMatrix34_t VR_IVRSystem_GetEyeToHeadTransform(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #24
 public static extern void GetEyeOutputViewport(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight);
Beispiel #25
 internal static extern HiddenAreaMesh_t VR_IVRSystem_GetHiddenAreaMesh(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye);
internal static extern void SteamAPI_vr_IHmd_GetEyeOutputViewport(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight);
Beispiel #27
 internal static extern HmdMatrix44_t VR_IVRSystem_GetProjectionMatrix(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
internal static extern void SteamAPI_vr_IHmd_GetProjectionRaw(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom);
Beispiel #29
 internal static extern void VR_IVRSystem_GetProjectionRaw(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom);
internal static extern HmdMatrix34_t SteamAPI_vr_IHmd_GetHeadFromEyePose(IntPtr instancePtr, Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #31
 public static extern HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType);
Beispiel #32
 public static extern HmdMatrix34_t GetHeadFromEyePose(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #33
 public static extern void GetProjectionRaw(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom);
Beispiel #34
 public static extern void GetProjectionRaw(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, ref float pfLeft, ref float pfRight, ref float pfTop, ref float pfBottom);
Beispiel #35
 public static extern DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV);
Beispiel #36
 /** Gets the viewport in the frame buffer to draw the output of the distortion into */
 public void GetEyeOutputViewport(Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight)
     SteamVR.GetEyeOutputViewport(m_pNativeObject, eEye, ref pnX, ref pnY, ref pnWidth, ref pnHeight);
Beispiel #37
 public static extern HmdMatrix34_t GetHeadFromEyePose(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye);
Beispiel #38
 /** The projection matrix for the specified eye */
 public HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType)
     return SteamVR.GetProjectionMatrix(m_pNativeObject, eEye, fNearZ, fFarZ, eProjType);
Beispiel #39
 /** Gets the viewport in the frame buffer to draw the output of the distortion into */
 public void GetEyeOutputViewport(Hmd_Eye eEye, ref uint pnX, ref uint pnY, ref uint pnWidth, ref uint pnHeight)
     SteamVR.GetEyeOutputViewport(m_pNativeObject, eEye, ref pnX, ref pnY, ref pnWidth, ref pnHeight);
Beispiel #40
 public static extern DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion(System.IntPtr pHmd, Hmd_Eye eEye, float fU, float fV);
Beispiel #41
 /** The projection matrix for the specified eye */
 public HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix(Hmd_Eye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ, GraphicsAPIConvention eProjType)
     return(SteamVR.GetProjectionMatrix(m_pNativeObject, eEye, fNearZ, fFarZ, eProjType));