Beispiel #1
            public static KillData Create(BasePlayer killer, BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info)
                var weapon = info.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName;

                if (weapon == null)
                if (info.IsNaNOrInfinity())
                var distance = Vector3.Distance(info.PointStart, info.PointEnd);
                var bone     = info.boneName;

                if (bonesTranslated.ContainsKey(bone))
                    bone = bonesTranslated[bone];
                return(new KillData(new VictimData(victim), distance, weapon,
                                    DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), bone));
    public void PlayerAttack(BaseEntity.RPCMessage msg)
        Vector3    parentVelocity;
        BasePlayer basePlayer = msg.player;

        if (!this.VerifyClientAttack(basePlayer))
        using (TimeWarning timeWarning = TimeWarning.New("PlayerAttack", (long)50))
            using (PlayerAttack playerAttack = PlayerAttack.Deserialize(
                if (playerAttack != null)
                    HitInfo hitInfo = Facepunch.Pool.Get <HitInfo>();
                    hitInfo.LoadFromAttack(playerAttack.attack, true);
                    hitInfo.Initiator        = basePlayer;
                    hitInfo.Weapon           = this;
                    hitInfo.WeaponPrefab     = this;
                    hitInfo.Predicted        = msg.connection;
                    hitInfo.damageProperties = this.damageProperties;
                    if (Interface.CallHook("OnMeleeAttack", basePlayer, hitInfo) != null)
                    if (!hitInfo.IsNaNOrInfinity())
                        if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection > 0 && hitInfo.HitEntity)
                            bool  flag              = true;
                            float meleeForgiveness  = 1f + ConVar.AntiHack.melee_forgiveness;
                            float meleeClientframes = ConVar.AntiHack.melee_clientframes;
                            float meleeServerframes = ConVar.AntiHack.melee_serverframes;
                            float single            = meleeClientframes / 60f;
                            float single1           = meleeServerframes * Mathx.Max(UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime, UnityEngine.Time.smoothDeltaTime, UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                            float single2           = (basePlayer.desyncTime + single + single1) * meleeForgiveness;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.projectile_protection >= 2)
                                float single3 = hitInfo.HitEntity.MaxVelocity();
                                parentVelocity = hitInfo.HitEntity.GetParentVelocity();
                                float single4 = single3 + parentVelocity.magnitude;
                                float single5 = hitInfo.HitEntity.BoundsPadding() + single2 * single4;
                                float single6 = hitInfo.HitEntity.Distance(hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                                if (single6 > single5)
                                    string shortPrefabName = base.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string str             = hitInfo.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(basePlayer, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat(new object[] { "Entity too far away (", shortPrefabName, " on ", str, " with ", single6, "m > ", single5, "m in ", single2, "s)" }));
                                    basePlayer.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_distance");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 1)
                                float single7 = hitInfo.Initiator.MaxVelocity();
                                parentVelocity = hitInfo.Initiator.GetParentVelocity();
                                float single8  = single7 + parentVelocity.magnitude;
                                float single9  = hitInfo.Initiator.BoundsPadding() + single2 * single8 + meleeForgiveness * this.maxDistance;
                                float single10 = hitInfo.Initiator.Distance(hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                                if (single10 > single9)
                                    string shortPrefabName1 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string str1             = hitInfo.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(basePlayer, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat(new object[] { "Initiator too far away (", shortPrefabName1, " on ", str1, " with ", single10, "m > ", single9, "m in ", single2, "s)" }));
                                    basePlayer.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_distance");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 3)
                                Vector3 pointStart       = hitInfo.PointStart;
                                Vector3 hitPositionWorld = hitInfo.HitPositionWorld + (hitInfo.HitNormalWorld.normalized * 0.001f);
                                Vector3 vector3          =;
                                Vector3 vector31         = basePlayer.eyes.position;
                                Vector3 vector32         = pointStart;
                                Vector3 vector33         = hitInfo.PositionOnRay(hitPositionWorld);
                                Vector3 vector34         = hitPositionWorld;
                                bool    flag1            = GamePhysics.LineOfSight(vector3, vector31, vector32, vector33, vector34, 2162688, 0f);
                                if (flag1)
                                    basePlayer.stats.Add(string.Concat("hit_", hitInfo.HitEntity.Categorize(), "_direct_los"), 1, Stats.Server);
                                    basePlayer.stats.Add(string.Concat("hit_", hitInfo.HitEntity.Categorize(), "_indirect_los"), 1, Stats.Server);
                                if (!flag1)
                                    string shortPrefabName2 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string str2             = hitInfo.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(basePlayer, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat(new object[] { "Line of sight (", shortPrefabName2, " on ", str2, ") ", vector3, " ", vector31, " ", vector32, " ", vector33, " ", vector34 }));
                                    basePlayer.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_los");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (!flag)
                                AntiHack.AddViolation(basePlayer, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, ConVar.AntiHack.melee_penalty);
                        basePlayer.metabolism.UseHeart(this.heartStress * 0.2f);
                        using (TimeWarning timeWarning1 = TimeWarning.New("DoAttackShared", (long)50))
                        string shortPrefabName3 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                        AntiHack.Log(basePlayer, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat("Contains NaN (", shortPrefabName3, ")"));
                        basePlayer.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_nan");
Beispiel #3
    public void PlayerAttack(BaseEntity.RPCMessage msg)
        BasePlayer player = msg.player;

        if (!this.VerifyClientAttack(player))
            using (TimeWarning.New(nameof(PlayerAttack), 50L))
                using (PlayerAttack playerAttack = PlayerAttack.Deserialize((Stream)
                    if (playerAttack == null)
                    HitInfo info = (HitInfo)Pool.Get <HitInfo>();
                    info.LoadFromAttack((Attack)playerAttack.attack, true);
                    info.Initiator        = (BaseEntity)player;
                    info.Weapon           = (AttackEntity)this;
                    info.WeaponPrefab     = (BaseEntity)this;
                    info.Predicted        = msg.connection;
                    info.damageProperties = this.damageProperties;
                    if (Interface.CallHook("OnMeleeAttack", (object)player, (object)info) != null)
                    if (info.IsNaNOrInfinity())
                        string shortPrefabName = this.ShortPrefabName;
                        AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Contains NaN (" + shortPrefabName + ")");
                        player.stats.combat.Log(info, "melee_nan");
                        if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection > 0 && Object.op_Implicit((Object)info.HitEntity))
                            bool   flag = true;
                            float  num1 = 1f + ConVar.AntiHack.melee_forgiveness;
                            double meleeClientframes = (double)ConVar.AntiHack.melee_clientframes;
                            float  meleeServerframes = ConVar.AntiHack.melee_serverframes;
                            float  num2 = (float)(meleeClientframes / 60.0);
                            float  num3 = meleeServerframes * Mathx.Max(Time.get_deltaTime(), Time.get_smoothDeltaTime(), Time.get_fixedDeltaTime());
                            float  num4 = (player.desyncTime + num2 + num3) * num1;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.projectile_protection >= 2)
                                double  num5           = (double)info.HitEntity.MaxVelocity();
                                Vector3 parentVelocity = info.HitEntity.GetParentVelocity();
                                double  magnitude      = (double)((Vector3) ref parentVelocity).get_magnitude();
                                float   num6           = (float)(num5 + magnitude);
                                float   num7           = info.HitEntity.BoundsPadding() + num4 * num6;
                                float   num8           = info.HitEntity.Distance(info.HitPositionWorld);
                                if ((double)num8 > (double)num7)
                                    string shortPrefabName1 = this.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string shortPrefabName2 = info.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Entity too far away (" + shortPrefabName1 + " on " + shortPrefabName2 + " with " + (object)num8 + "m > " + (object)num7 + "m in " + (object)num4 + "s)");
                                    player.stats.combat.Log(info, "melee_distance");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 1)
                                double  num5           = (double)info.Initiator.MaxVelocity();
                                Vector3 parentVelocity = info.Initiator.GetParentVelocity();
                                double  magnitude      = (double)((Vector3) ref parentVelocity).get_magnitude();
                                float   num6           = (float)(num5 + magnitude);
                                float   num7           = (float)((double)info.Initiator.BoundsPadding() + (double)num4 * (double)num6 + (double)num1 * (double)this.maxDistance);
                                float   num8           = info.Initiator.Distance(info.HitPositionWorld);
                                if ((double)num8 > (double)num7)
                                    string shortPrefabName1 = this.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string shortPrefabName2 = info.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Initiator too far away (" + shortPrefabName1 + " on " + shortPrefabName2 + " with " + (object)num8 + "m > " + (object)num7 + "m in " + (object)num4 + "s)");
                                    player.stats.combat.Log(info, "melee_distance");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 3)
                                Vector3 pointStart = info.PointStart;
                                Vector3 position1  = Vector3.op_Addition(info.HitPositionWorld, Vector3.op_Multiply(((Vector3) ref info.HitNormalWorld).get_normalized(), 1f / 1000f));
                                Vector3 center     =;
                                Vector3 position2  = player.eyes.position;
                                Vector3 p2         = pointStart;
                                Vector3 p3         = info.PositionOnRay(position1);
                                Vector3 p4         = position1;
                                int     num5       = GamePhysics.LineOfSight(center, position2, p2, p3, p4, 2162688, 0.0f) ? 1 : 0;
                                if (num5 == 0)
                                    player.stats.Add("hit_" + info.HitEntity.Categorize() + "_indirect_los", 1, Stats.Server);
                                    player.stats.Add("hit_" + info.HitEntity.Categorize() + "_direct_los", 1, Stats.Server);
                                if (num5 == 0)
                                    string shortPrefabName1 = this.ShortPrefabName;
                                    string shortPrefabName2 = info.HitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                                    AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Line of sight (" + shortPrefabName1 + " on " + shortPrefabName2 + ") " + (object)center + " " + (object)position2 + " " + (object)p2 + " " + (object)p3 + " " + (object)p4);
                                    player.stats.combat.Log(info, "melee_los");
                                    flag = false;
                            if (!flag)
                                AntiHack.AddViolation(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, ConVar.AntiHack.melee_penalty);
                        player.metabolism.UseHeart(this.heartStress * 0.2f);
                        using (TimeWarning.New("DoAttackShared", 50L))
Beispiel #4
    public void PlayerAttack(RPCMessage msg)
        BasePlayer player = msg.player;

        if (!VerifyClientAttack(player))
        using (TimeWarning.New("PlayerAttack", 50))
            using (PlayerAttack playerAttack = ProtoBuf.PlayerAttack.Deserialize(
                if (playerAttack == null)
                HitInfo hitInfo = Facepunch.Pool.Get <HitInfo>();
                hitInfo.LoadFromAttack(playerAttack.attack, true);
                hitInfo.Initiator        = player;
                hitInfo.Weapon           = this;
                hitInfo.WeaponPrefab     = this;
                hitInfo.Predicted        = msg.connection;
                hitInfo.damageProperties = damageProperties;
                if (Interface.CallHook("OnMeleeAttack", player, hitInfo) != null)
                if (hitInfo.IsNaNOrInfinity())
                    string shortPrefabName = base.ShortPrefabName;
                    AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Contains NaN (" + shortPrefabName + ")");
                    player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_nan");
                BaseEntity hitEntity  = hitInfo.HitEntity;
                BasePlayer basePlayer = hitInfo.HitEntity as BasePlayer;
                bool       flag       = basePlayer != null;
                bool       flag2      = flag && basePlayer.IsSleeping();
                bool       flag3      = flag && basePlayer.IsWounded();
                bool       flag4      = flag && basePlayer.isMounted;
                bool       flag5      = flag && basePlayer.HasParent();
                bool       flag6      = hitEntity != null;
                bool       flag7      = flag6 && hitEntity.IsNpc;
                if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection <= 0)
                    goto IL_0903;
                bool  flag8 = true;
                float num   = 1f + ConVar.AntiHack.melee_forgiveness;
                float melee_clientframes = ConVar.AntiHack.melee_clientframes;
                float melee_serverframes = ConVar.AntiHack.melee_serverframes;
                float num2      = melee_clientframes / 60f;
                float num3      = melee_serverframes * Mathx.Max(UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime, UnityEngine.Time.smoothDeltaTime, UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                float num4      = (player.desyncTimeClamped + num2 + num3) * num;
                int   layerMask = (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_terraincheck ? 10551296 : 2162688);
                if (flag && hitInfo.boneArea == (HitArea)(-1))
                    string shortPrefabName2 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                    string shortPrefabName3 = basePlayer.ShortPrefabName;
                    AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Bone is invalid  (" + shortPrefabName2 + " on " + shortPrefabName3 + " bone " + hitInfo.HitBone + ")");
                    player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_bone");
                    flag8 = false;
                if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 2)
                    if (flag6)
                        float num5 = hitEntity.MaxVelocity() + hitEntity.GetParentVelocity().magnitude;
                        float num6 = hitEntity.BoundsPadding() + num4 * num5;
                        float num7 = hitEntity.Distance(hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                        if (num7 > num6)
                            string shortPrefabName4 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string shortPrefabName5 = hitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Entity too far away (" + shortPrefabName4 + " on " + shortPrefabName5 + " with " + num7 + "m > " + num6 + "m in " + num4 + "s)");
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_target");
                            flag8 = false;
                    if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 4 && flag8 && flag && !flag7 && !flag2 && !flag3 && !flag4 && !flag5)
                        float magnitude = basePlayer.GetParentVelocity().magnitude;
                        float num8      = basePlayer.BoundsPadding() + num4 * magnitude + ConVar.AntiHack.tickhistoryforgiveness;
                        float num9      = basePlayer.tickHistory.Distance(basePlayer, hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                        if (num9 > num8)
                            string shortPrefabName6 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string shortPrefabName7 = basePlayer.ShortPrefabName;
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.ProjectileHack, "Player too far away (" + shortPrefabName6 + " on " + shortPrefabName7 + " with " + num9 + "m > " + num8 + "m in " + num4 + "s)");
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "player_distance");
                            flag8 = false;
                if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 1)
                    if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 4)
                        float magnitude2 = player.GetParentVelocity().magnitude;
                        float num10      = player.BoundsPadding() + num4 * magnitude2 + num * maxDistance;
                        float num11      = player.tickHistory.Distance(player, hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                        if (num11 > num10)
                            string shortPrefabName8 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string text             = (flag6 ? hitEntity.ShortPrefabName : "world");
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Initiator too far away (" + shortPrefabName8 + " on " + text + " with " + num11 + "m > " + num10 + "m in " + num4 + "s)");
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_initiator");
                            flag8 = false;
                        float num12 = player.MaxVelocity() + player.GetParentVelocity().magnitude;
                        float num13 = player.BoundsPadding() + num4 * num12 + num * maxDistance;
                        float num14 = player.Distance(hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
                        if (num14 > num13)
                            string shortPrefabName9 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string text2            = (flag6 ? hitEntity.ShortPrefabName : "world");
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, "Initiator too far away (" + shortPrefabName9 + " on " + text2 + " with " + num14 + "m > " + num13 + "m in " + num4 + "s)");
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_initiator");
                            flag8 = false;
                if (ConVar.AntiHack.melee_protection >= 3)
                    if (flag6)
                        Vector3 pointStart = hitInfo.PointStart;
                        Vector3 vector     = hitInfo.HitPositionWorld + hitInfo.HitNormalWorld.normalized * 0.001f;
                        Vector3 center     =;
                        Vector3 position   = player.eyes.position;
                        Vector3 vector2    = pointStart;
                        Vector3 vector3    = hitInfo.PositionOnRay(vector);
                        Vector3 vector4    = vector;
                        bool    num15      = GamePhysics.LineOfSight(center, position, vector2, vector3, vector4, layerMask);
                        if (!num15)
                            player.stats.Add("hit_" + hitEntity.Categorize() + "_indirect_los", 1, Stats.Server);
                            player.stats.Add("hit_" + hitEntity.Categorize() + "_direct_los", 1, Stats.Server);
                        if (!num15)
                            string shortPrefabName10 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string shortPrefabName11 = hitEntity.ShortPrefabName;
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat("Line of sight (", shortPrefabName10, " on ", shortPrefabName11, ") ", center, " ", position, " ", vector2, " ", vector3, " ", vector4));
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_los");
                            flag8 = false;
                    if (flag8 && flag && !flag7)
                        Vector3 vector5   = hitInfo.HitPositionWorld + hitInfo.HitNormalWorld.normalized * 0.001f;
                        Vector3 position2 = basePlayer.eyes.position;
                        Vector3 vector6   = basePlayer.CenterPoint();
                        if ((!GamePhysics.LineOfSight(vector5, position2, layerMask, 0f, ConVar.AntiHack.losforgiveness) || !GamePhysics.LineOfSight(position2, vector5, layerMask, ConVar.AntiHack.losforgiveness, 0f)) && (!GamePhysics.LineOfSight(vector5, vector6, layerMask, 0f, ConVar.AntiHack.losforgiveness) || !GamePhysics.LineOfSight(vector6, vector5, layerMask, ConVar.AntiHack.losforgiveness, 0f)))
                            string shortPrefabName12 = base.ShortPrefabName;
                            string shortPrefabName13 = basePlayer.ShortPrefabName;
                            AntiHack.Log(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, string.Concat("Line of sight (", shortPrefabName12, " on ", shortPrefabName13, ") ", vector5, " ", position2, " or ", vector5, " ", vector6));
                            player.stats.combat.Log(hitInfo, "melee_los");
                            flag8 = false;
                if (flag8)
                    goto IL_0903;
                AntiHack.AddViolation(player, AntiHackType.MeleeHack, ConVar.AntiHack.melee_penalty);
                goto end_IL_0031;
                player.metabolism.UseHeart(heartStress * 0.2f);
                using (TimeWarning.New("DoAttackShared", 50))
                end_IL_0031 :;