public void IsActiveIsFalse()
            var item     = new ActivityHistoryItem();
            var viewItem = new HistoryViewItem(item, null);

            Assert.That(viewItem.IsActive, Is.False);
Beispiel #2
 public void AddSelectedItem(HistoryViewItem addedItem)
     if (!_selectedItems.Contains(addedItem))
        public void DateSameAsItemCompletedDate()
            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
            var      item = new ActivityHistoryItem()
                CompletedDate = date
            var viewItem = new HistoryViewItem(item, null);

            Assert.That(viewItem.Date, Is.EqualTo(date));
        public void NameSameAsItemName()
            string name = "Test Activity";
            var    item = new ActivityHistoryItem()
                Name = name
            var viewItem = new HistoryViewItem(item, null);

            Assert.That(viewItem.Name, Is.EqualTo(name));
        public void AddSelectedItemTwice()
            // Setup
            HistoryViewItem branchViewItem = _leaf1ViewItem;

            // Act

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _viewModel.SelectedItems.Count(i => i == _leaf1ViewItem));
        public void Setup()
            MockTextFile mockTextFile = new MockTextFile();

            _mockFileSystem = new Mock <IFileSystem>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _mockFileSystem.Setup(fileSystem => fileSystem.OpenTextFile(AnyString())).Returns(mockTextFile);
            _mockFileSystem.Setup(fileSystem => fileSystem.DeleteFile(AnyString()));
            _mockFileSystem.Setup(fileSystem => fileSystem.ReplaceFile(AnyString(), AnyString()));
            _mockFileSystem.Setup(ReadBytes()).Returns(new byte[1]);

            _history = new History();

            _bookmark1Event = _history.AddBookmark(100, new Bookmark(false, 0, null, null));
            _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.RunUntil(100, 400, null));
            _leaf1Event           = _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.KeyPress(400, 42, true));
            _history.CurrentEvent = _bookmark1Event;
            _bookmark2Event       = _history.AddBookmark(200, new Bookmark(false, 0, null, null));
            _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.RunUntil(200, 300, null));
            _leaf2Event           = _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.KeyPress(300, 42, true));
            _history.CurrentEvent = _bookmark2Event;
            _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.KeyPress(300, 42, true));
            _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.KeyPress(400, 42, false));
            _bookmark3Event       = _history.AddBookmark(500, new Bookmark(false, 0, null, null));
            _history.CurrentEvent = _history.RootEvent;
            _leaf3Event           = _history.AddCoreAction(CoreAction.KeyPress(50, 42, true));
            _history.CurrentEvent = _bookmark3Event;

            // Diagram of this history...
            // 500: o
            // 400: |   |
            // 300: | | |
            // 200: o-/ |
            // 100: o---/
            //  50  |     |
            //   0: o-----/

            _viewModel = new BookmarksViewModel(_history);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, _viewModel.Items.Count);

            _bookmark3ViewItem = _viewModel.Items[0];
            _leaf1ViewItem     = _viewModel.Items[1];
            _leaf2ViewItem     = _viewModel.Items[2];
            _bookmark2ViewItem = _viewModel.Items[3];
            _bookmark1ViewItem = _viewModel.Items[4];
            _leaf3ViewItem     = _viewModel.Items[5];
            _rootViewItem      = _viewModel.Items[6];
Beispiel #7
        private void HistoryListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.AddedItems != null)
                foreach (HistoryViewItem addedItem in e.AddedItems)

            if (e.RemovedItems != null)
                foreach (HistoryViewItem removedItem in e.RemovedItems)

            if (_historyListView.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                // Set bitmap to currently focussed list item, if it happens to be a bookmark:
                HistoryViewItem selectedItem = _historyListView.SelectedItems[0] as HistoryViewItem;
                    WriteableBitmap bitmap       = null;
                    HistoryEvent    historyEvent = selectedItem.HistoryEvent;

                    // Even though the current event doesn't necessarily have a bookmark, we can still populate the display.
                    if (historyEvent == _machine.History.CurrentEvent)
                        bitmap = _machine.Display.Bitmap;
                    else if (historyEvent is BookmarkHistoryEvent bookmarkHistoryEvent)

                        bitmap = _display.Bitmap;

                    _fullScreenImage.Source = bitmap;

                _fullScreenImage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                _fullScreenImage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
Beispiel #8
 public void RemoveSelectedItem(HistoryViewItem removedItem)
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a list of HistoryViewItem objects that are used to populate the history view.
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshHistoryViewItems()
            // Avoid calling this function recursively since the depth of the history could be large...
            List <Tuple <int, HistoryEvent> > eventStack = new List <Tuple <int, HistoryEvent> >
                new Tuple <int, HistoryEvent>(0, _history.RootEvent)

            // Note that items is sorted in ascending order of ticks (i.e. oldest to most recent).
            List <HistoryViewItem> items = new List <HistoryViewItem>();

            while (eventStack.Count > 0)
                int          left         = eventStack[0].Item1;
                HistoryEvent historyEvent = eventStack[0].Item2;

                if (ShouldShow(historyEvent))
                    HistoryViewItem item = new HistoryViewItem(historyEvent);

                    // Figure out where this new item should be placed.
                    int itemIndex = items.FindIndex(x => x.HistoryEvent.Ticks > historyEvent.Ticks);
                    if (itemIndex == -1)
                        // Not found? Add the item to the end.
                        itemIndex = items.Count;

                    // Add passthrough events to all items inbetween the item and its parent.
                    HistoryEvent parent = MostRecentShownAncestor(historyEvent);
                    if (parent != null)
                        // As the parent should have been added by now, we don't need to check for FindIndex returning -1.
                        int parentIndex = items.FindIndex(x => x.HistoryEvent == parent);
                        for (int i = parentIndex + 1; i < itemIndex; i++)
                            left = items[i].AddEvent(left, historyEvent);

                    // Copy the Events from the next item so passthroughs are correctly rendered.
                    if (itemIndex < items.Count)
                        item.Events = new List <HistoryEvent>(items[itemIndex].Events);

                    // Now add the actual event itself.
                    left = item.AddEvent(left, historyEvent);

                    items.Insert(itemIndex, item);

                List <HistoryEvent> sortedChildren = new List <HistoryEvent>(historyEvent.Children);
                sortedChildren.Sort((x, y) => y.GetMaxDescendentTicks().CompareTo(x.GetMaxDescendentTicks()));

                for (int c = 0; c < sortedChildren.Count; c++)
                    // Place the children at the top of the stack; effectively means we're doing a depth-first walk of the tree.
                    eventStack.Insert(c, new Tuple <int, HistoryEvent>(left, sortedChildren[c]));

            // Draw items to their respective canvasses.
            HistoryViewItem next = null;

            for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                HistoryViewItem item = items[i];
                item.Draw(next, _history.CurrentEvent);

                next = item;

            // Show the items in descending order of Ticks (i.e. most to least recent).

            foreach (HistoryViewItem item in items)