private void richTextBoxNote_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (last_he != null && noteenabled)
         last_he.SetJournalSystemNoteText(richTextBoxNote.Text.Trim(), true, EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm);    // commit, maybe send to edsm
         discoveryform.NoteChanged(this, last_he, true);
Beispiel #2
 private void richTextBoxNote_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (last_he != null && noteenabled)
         //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SI:leave note changed: " + richTextBoxNote.Text);
         last_he.SetJournalSystemNoteText(richTextBoxNote.Text.Trim(), true, EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm);    // commit, maybe send to edsm
         discoveryform.NoteChanged(this, last_he, true);
Beispiel #3
        private void setNoteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rightclicksystem != null)
                using (Forms.SetNoteForm noteform = new Forms.SetNoteForm(rightclicksystem, discoveryform))
                    if (noteform.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                        rightclicksystem.SetJournalSystemNoteText(noteform.NoteText, true, EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm);

                        discoveryform.NoteChanged(this, rightclicksystem, true);
Beispiel #4
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string res;
            if (ap.functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != Functions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                HistoryList hl = (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).HistoryList;
                StringParser sp = new StringParser(res);
                string prefix = "EC_";

                string cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("prefix") )
                    prefix = sp.NextWord();

                    if ( prefix == null )
                        ap.ReportError("Missing name after Prefix in Event");
                        return true;

                    cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                int jidindex = -1;

                if (cmdname!=null && (cmdname.Equals("from") || cmdname.Equals("thpos")))
                    long? jid;

                    if (cmdname.Equals("thpos"))
                        HistoryEntry he = (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.PrimaryCursor.GetCurrentHistoryEntry;

                        if ( he == null )
                            ReportEntry(ap, null, 0, prefix);
                            return true;

                        jid = he.Journalid;
                        jid = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseLongNull();
                        if (!jid.HasValue)
                            ap.ReportError("Non integer JID after FROM in Event");
                            return true;

                    jidindex = hl.GetIndex(jid.Value);

                    if ( jidindex == -1 )
                        ReportEntry(ap, null, 0, prefix);
                        return true;

                    cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                if (cmdname == null)
                    if (jidindex != -1)
                        ReportEntry(ap, hl.EntryOrder, jidindex, prefix);
                        ap.ReportError("No commands in Event");

                    return true;

                bool fwd = cmdname.Equals("forward") || cmdname.Equals("first");
                bool back = cmdname.Equals("backward") || cmdname.Equals("last");

                if (fwd || back)
                    List<string> eventnames = sp.NextOptionallyBracketedList();     // single entry, list of events

                    bool not = eventnames.Count == 1 && eventnames[0].Equals("NOT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);       // if it goes NOT

                    if ( not )
                        eventnames = sp.NextOptionallyBracketedList();     // then get another list

                    // is it "WHERE"
                    bool whereasfirst = eventnames.Count == 1 && eventnames[0].Equals("WHERE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                    ConditionLists cond = new ConditionLists();
                    string nextword;

                    // if WHERE cond, or eventname WHERE cond
                    if ( whereasfirst || ((nextword = sp.NextWord()) != null && nextword.Equals("WHERE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ))
                        if ( whereasfirst )     // clear out event names if it was WHERE cond..

                        string resc = cond.Read(sp.LineLeft);       // rest of it is the condition..
                        if (resc != null)
                            ap.ReportError(resc + " in Where of Event");
                            return true;

                    List<HistoryEntry> hltest;

                    if (jidindex == -1)     // if no JID given..
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder; // the whole list
                    else if (fwd)
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder.GetRange(jidindex + 1, hl.Count - (jidindex + 1));       // cut down list, excluding this entry
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder.GetRange(0, jidindex );

                    if (eventnames.Count > 0)       // screen out event names
                        hltest = (from h in hltest where eventnames.Contains(h.journalEntry.EventTypeStr, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == !not select h).ToList();
                    if (cond.Count > 0)     // if we have filters, apply, filter out, true only stays
                        hltest = UserControls.FilterHelpers.CheckFilterTrue(hltest, cond, new Variables()); // apply filter..

                    if (fwd)
                        ReportEntry(ap, hltest, 0, prefix);
                        ReportEntry(ap, hltest, hltest.Count - 1, prefix);

                    return true;
                    if (jidindex == -1)
                        ap.ReportError("Valid JID must be given for command " + cmdname + " in Event");
                        HistoryEntry he = hl.EntryOrder[jidindex];
                        ap[prefix + "JID"] = jidindex.ToStringInvariant();

                        if (cmdname.Equals("action"))
                            int count = (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).ActionRunOnEntry(he, Actions.ActionEventEDList.EventCmd(he), now: true);
                            ap[prefix + "Count"] = count.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("edsm"))
                            (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).HistoryList.FillEDSM(he);

                            long? id_edsm = he.System.EDSMID;
                            if (id_edsm <= 0)
                                id_edsm = null;

                            EliteDangerousCore.EDSM.EDSMClass edsm = new EliteDangerousCore.EDSM.EDSMClass();
                            string url = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(he.System.Name, id_edsm);

                            ap[prefix + "URL"] = url;

                            if (url.Length > 0)         // may pass back empty string if not known, this solves another exception
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("ross"))
                            (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).HistoryList.FillEDSM(he);

                            string url = "";

                            if (he.System.EDDBID > 0)
                                url = Properties.Resources.URLRossSystem + he.System.EDDBID.ToString();

                            ap[prefix + "URL"] = url;
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("eddb"))
                            (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).HistoryList.FillEDSM(he);

                            string url = "";

                            if (he.System.EDDBID > 0)
                                url = Properties.Resources.URLEDDBSystem + he.System.EDDBID.ToString();

                            ap[prefix + "URL"] = url;
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("info"))
                            ActionVars.HistoryEventFurtherInfo(ap, hl, he, prefix);
                            ActionVars.SystemVarsFurtherInfo(ap, hl, he.System, prefix);
                            ActionVars.ShipModuleInformation(ap, he.ShipInformation, prefix);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("missions"))
                            ActionVars.MissionInformation(ap, he.MissionList, prefix);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("setstartmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("setstopmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("clearstartstopmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("note"))
                            string note = sp.NextQuotedWord();
                            if (note != null && sp.IsEOL)
                                he.SetJournalSystemNoteText(note, true, EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm);
                                (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.NoteChanged(this, he, true);
                                ap.ReportError("Missing note text or unquoted text in Event NOTE");
                            ap.ReportError("Unknown command " + cmdname + " in Event");

            return true;