Beispiel #1
        private void StopEmulation()

            if (DiagramDebuggerControl.Debugger.IsWaiting)
Beispiel #2
        private void StartBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // if process was already started, will stop it now
            if (_connector != null && _connector.State != EmulationStates.Stopped)

                _connector = null;

            // create test security
            var security = new Security
                Id    = "AAPL@NASDAQ",
                Code  = "AAPL",
                Name  = "AAPL Inc",
                Board = ExchangeBoard.Nasdaq,

            var startTime = new DateTime(2009, 6, 1);
            var stopTime  = new DateTime(2009, 9, 1);

            var level1Info = new Level1ChangeMessage
                SecurityId = security.ToSecurityId(),
                ServerTime = startTime,
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.PriceStep, 10m)
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.StepPrice, 6m)
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MinPrice, 10m)
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MaxPrice, 1000000m)
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginBuy, 10000m)
            .TryAdd(Level1Fields.MarginSell, 10000m);

            // test portfolio
            var portfolio = new Portfolio
                Name       = "test account",
                BeginValue = 1000000,

            var timeFrame = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

            // create backtesting connector
            _connector = new HistoryEmulationConnector(
                new[] { security },
                new[] { portfolio })
                HistoryMessageAdapter =
                    // set history range
                    StartDate = startTime,
                    StopDate  = stopTime,

                // set market time freq as time frame
                MarketTimeChangedInterval = timeFrame,


            var candleManager = new CandleManager(_connector);

            var series = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, timeFrame);

            // create strategy based on 80 5-min и 10 5-min
            _strategy = new SmaStrategy(candleManager, series, new SimpleMovingAverage {
                Length = 80
            }, new SimpleMovingAverage {
                Length = 10
                Volume    = 1,
                Security  = security,
                Portfolio = portfolio,
                Connector = _connector,

            _connector.NewSecurity += s =>
                if (s != security)

                // fill level1 values

                _connector.RegisterTrades(new RandomWalkTradeGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security)));
                _connector.RegisterMarketDepth(new TrendMarketDepthGenerator(_connector.GetSecurityId(security))
                    GenerateDepthOnEachTrade = false

                // start strategy before emulation started

                // start historical data loading when connection established successfully and all data subscribed

            // fill parameters panel

            _strategy.PnLChanged += () =>
                var data = new EquityData
                    Time  = _strategy.CurrentTime,
                    Value = _strategy.PnL,

                this.GuiAsync(() => _curveItems.Add(data));


            // ProgressBar refresh step
            var progressStep = ((stopTime - startTime).Ticks / 100).To <TimeSpan>();
            var nextTime     = startTime + progressStep;

            TestingProcess.Maximum = 100;
            TestingProcess.Value   = 0;

            // handle historical time for update ProgressBar
            _connector.MarketTimeChanged += diff =>
                if (_connector.CurrentTime < nextTime && _connector.CurrentTime < stopTime)

                var steps = (_connector.CurrentTime - startTime).Ticks / progressStep.Ticks + 1;
                nextTime = startTime + (steps * progressStep.Ticks).To <TimeSpan>();
                this.GuiAsync(() => TestingProcess.Value = steps);

            _connector.StateChanged += () =>
                if (_connector.State == EmulationStates.Stopped)
                    this.GuiAsync(() =>
                        Report.IsEnabled = true;

                        if (_connector.IsFinished)
                            TestingProcess.Value = TestingProcess.Maximum;
                            MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.Str3024.Put(DateTime.Now - _startEmulationTime));
                            MessageBox.Show(this, LocalizedStrings.cancelled);


            Report.IsEnabled = false;

            _startEmulationTime = DateTime.Now;

            // raise NewSecurities and NewPortfolio for full fill strategy properties
 private void StopBtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)