Beispiel #1
 static void Main(string[] args)
     string[] stocks = InvestingToolkit.GetEquityGroupAsync(EquityGroup.SP500).Result;
     foreach (string s in stocks)
         HistoricalDataProvider hdp = new HistoricalDataProvider();
         Console.Write("Working on " + s + "... ");
         hdp.DownloadHistoricalDataAsync(s, new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), new DateTime(2011, 1, 1)).Wait();
         if (hdp.DownloadResult == HistoricalDataDownloadResult.Successful)
         else if (hdp.DownloadResult == HistoricalDataDownloadResult.DataDoesNotExistForSpecifiedTimePeriod)
             Console.WriteLine("Data did not exist at the time!");
         else if (hdp.DownloadResult == HistoricalDataDownloadResult.Unauthorized)
         else if (hdp.DownloadResult == HistoricalDataDownloadResult.NoDataFound)
             Console.WriteLine("Stock symbol not found.");
             Console.WriteLine("Idk... " + hdp.DownloadResult.ToString());
        private async Task <float> StockPriceClosestToDateAsync(string symbol, DateTime target)
            HistoricalDataProvider hdp = new HistoricalDataProvider();
            await hdp.DownloadHistoricalDataAsync(symbol, target.AddDays(-5), target.AddDays(5), 20);

            //Throw an error if not successful
            if (hdp.DownloadResult != HistoricalDataDownloadResult.Successful)
                throw new Exception("Unable to download historical data for '" + symbol.ToUpper().Trim() + "'. Status: " + hdp.DownloadResult.ToString());

            //Find the closest
            int closest_measure         = int.MaxValue;
            HistoricalDataRecord winner = hdp.HistoricalData[0];

            foreach (HistoricalDataRecord hdr in hdp.HistoricalData)
                TimeSpan ts = hdr.Date - target;
                if (Math.Abs(ts.Days) < closest_measure)
                    closest_measure = Math.Abs(ts.Days);
                    winner          = hdr;

Beispiel #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // header
            Console.WriteLine("*    Test Load Data   *");
            var      HistoricalData = new HistoricalDataProvider();
            DateTime from           = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01);
            DateTime maturity       = new DateTime(2010, 04, 12);
            Share    share1         = new Share("ACCOR SA", "AC FP");
            Share    share2         = new Share("CREDIT AGRICOLE SA", "ACA FP");

            Share[]         underlyingShares = new Share[] { share1, share2 };
            double[]        weights          = new double[] { 0.3, 0.7 };
            double          strike           = 7000;
            IOption         option           = new BasketOption("panier", underlyingShares, weights, maturity, strike);
            List <DataFeed> lst = HistoricalData.GetDataFeeds(option, from);

            foreach (DataFeed element in lst)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + element.Date.ToString() + "\n" + string.Join(",", element.PriceList.Select(kv => kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value).ToArray()));
            Console.WriteLine("**************End of Loading****************");
            String[] id = lst[0].PriceList.Keys.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("les ids : " + id[0] + " et " + id[1]);

Beispiel #4
        private void LoadHistoricalData(BootstrapForm bootstrap)
            historicalDataResolutions  = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            historicalResolutionSource = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            if (historicalDataManager.All.Count > 0)
                //historicalDataResolutions = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
                //historicalResolutionSource = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                string temp;

                bootstrap.MainLabel = "Carregando Bases Históricas...";

                if (historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings["historicalDataProvider"] == null)
                    historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("historicalDataProvider", historicalDataManager.All[0].Identifier);

                HistoricalDataProvider database = historicalDataManager.Get("DB_HISTORICAL_PROVIDER");
                HistoricalDataProvider updater  = historicalDataManager.Get(historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings["historicalDataProvider"].Value);

                foreach (KeyValueConfigurationElement configValue in historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings)
                    //bootstrap.Debug(configValue.Key + "\n", true);
                    if (configValue.Key.Contains("HistoricalDataResolution_"))
                        historicalDataResolutions.Add(configValue.Key.Split('_')[1], configValue.Value == "1" ? true : false);
                List <int> resolutions = new List <int>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> entry in historicalDataResolutions)
                    if (entry.Value)
                        int tmp = HistoricalDataResolutionStringToSeconds(entry.Key);
                        historicalResolutionSource.Add(tmp, entry.Key);

                bootstrap.SubProgress    = 0;
                bootstrap.SubProgressMax = stockManager.All.Count * resolutions.Count;

                bool            updateNeeded;
                bool            autoUpdate = false;
                string          query;
                StringBuilder   sb;
                List <string>[] results;
                DateTime        lastWeekDay = DateTime.Now;
                //new DateTime(1970,1,1,1,);
                lastWeekDay = new DateTime(lastWeekDay.Year, lastWeekDay.Month, lastWeekDay.Day, 17, 0, 0);
                //pra pegar o ultimo dia útil.
                while (lastWeekDay.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || lastWeekDay.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    lastWeekDay = lastWeekDay.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));

                if (historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings["historicalDataAutoUpdate"] == null)
                    historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("historicalDataAutoUpdate", "0");

                if (historicalDataManager.Config.AppSettings.Settings["historicalDataAutoUpdate"].Value == "1")
                    autoUpdate = true;

                foreach (Stock stock in stockManager.All)
                    foreach (int resolution in resolutions)
                        //checar se os dados históricos estão atualizados.

                        query        = "SELECT timestamp FROM period WHERE stock_id = ";
                        query       += stock.Id + " AND periodLength = " + resolution;
                        query       += " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1";
                        updateNeeded = false;
                        results      = DB.Select(query);

                        if (results[0].Count == 0)  //se não tiver nada no bd
                            updateNeeded = true;
                            DateTime lastUpdateDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                            lastUpdateDateTime = lastUpdateDateTime.AddSeconds(long.Parse(results[0][0]));

                            if (lastUpdateDateTime.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                            { //ultimo foi sexta
                                if ((lastWeekDay.AddDays(1) - lastUpdateDateTime).TotalDays >= 1)
                                    updateNeeded = true;
                            else if ((lastWeekDay - lastUpdateDateTime).TotalHours >= 1) //se o ultimo periodo do db for de um dia anterior a ontem, atualizar.
                                updateNeeded = true;

                        historicalResolutionSource.TryGetValue(resolution, out temp);
                        if (updateNeeded && autoUpdate) //precisa atualizar
                            bootstrap.SubLabel = "Baixando dados históricos para " + stock.Ticker + ":" +
                                                 temp + " de " + updater.Name + "...";

                                                                updater.GetAllFrom("BVMF", stock.Ticker, resolution)

                            if (stock.HistoricalDataManager.GetCandleList(resolution).Count > 0)
                                bootstrap.SubLabel = "Atualizando dados históricos de " + stock.Ticker + ":" + temp + "...";

                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                                sb.Append("INSERT INTO period VALUES ");
                                foreach (Candle candle in stock.HistoricalData(resolution))
                                        "(" +
                                        stock.Id + ";" +
                                        candle.Timestamp + ";" +
                                        resolution + ";" +
                                        candle.Open + ";" +
                                        candle.Close + ";" +
                                        candle.High + ";" +
                                        candle.Low + ";" +
                                        candle.Volume + ");"

                                query  = sb.ToString();
                                query  = query.Replace(",", ".");
                                query  = query.Replace(";", ",");
                                query += "@@@";
                                query  = query.Replace(",@@@", " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stock_id=stock_id");

                        bootstrap.SubLabel = "Carregando dados históricos para " + stock.Ticker + ":" +
                                             temp + " de " + database.Name + "...";
                            database.GetAllFrom(stock.Id, resolution)
