Beispiel #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        #region Basic Initialization
        terrain              = gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>();
        maxTraversableSlope *= Mathf.Min(gridXPercentage, gridYPercentage);

        terrainXGrid = 100f / gridXPercentage;
        terrainYGrid = 100f / gridYPercentage;

        gridXSpacing = terrainX / 100f * gridXPercentage;
        gridYSpacing = terrainY / 100f * gridYPercentage;

        #region Algorithm
        //Create grid of heights
        grid = new float[(int)terrainXGrid, (int)terrainYGrid];

        for (int x = 0; x < terrainXGrid; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < terrainYGrid; y++)
                grid[x, y] = terrain.SampleHeight(new Vector3(x * gridXSpacing + gridXSpacing / 2f, 0, y * gridYSpacing + gridYSpacing / 2f));

        //Create a new analyzer
        analyzer = new Analyzer(grid, gridXSpacing, gridYSpacing, maxReachableHeight, maxTraversableSlope);

        //Convert a pruned Voronoi to VoronoiGraph

        //Calculate the radius of each node
        foreach (VoronoiNode node in workingVoronoi)

        //Perform culling algorithms

        //Set up Analysis Graph
        analysisGraph = getAnalysisGraph();


         * Calling addAttribute() lets you put in an interface of type IAttribute. I have given you two examples below.
         * ChokeValue's constructor ONLY takes a string because caluations to get choke value can be done without calling unity functions.
         * UpHill's constructor takes a string and a HillCalculator. It's annoying, but this is necessary because it requires MonoBehaviour to do it's calculations.
         * Whenever you're trying to make an attribute that requires extra infomation from the gameworld, you need to make it like UpHill. Basically you need another
         * MonoBehaviour Object (Like hill Calculator), and you need to attach it to the terrain you'r analyzing. Again this is annoying but it's necessary because
         * of how unity objects work. Take a look at upHill and you should see how it's working.

        analysisGraph.addAttribute(new ChokeValue("choke"));

        HillCalculator calc = gameObject.GetComponent <HillCalculator>();
        analysisGraph.addAttribute(new UpHill("hill", calc));
Beispiel #2
 public UpHill(string pId, HillCalculator pCalculator)
     id         = pId;
     calculator = pCalculator;