void OnGUI()
            // button get highscore
            if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 10, 200, 50), "Receive Highscore"))

            // button insert highscore
            if (GUI.Button (new Rect (420, 10, 200, 50), "Publish Score"))
                // store into highscore entry model object
                HighscoreEntryModel model = new HighscoreEntryModel();
                model.LastName = lastNameToInsert;
                model.FirstName = firstNameToInsert;
                model.DisplayName = displayNameToInsert;
                model.Email = emailToInsert;
                model.Score = long.Parse(scoreToInsert);


            // get receive message to display
            string message = string.Empty;
            if (highscore.ReceiveState == HighscoreTransmissionState.Success)
                message = highscore.ToString (highscore.LastReceivedHighscoreEntries);
                message = highscore.ReceiveState.ToString();

            // show scroll highscore scroll view
            scrollViewVector = GUI.BeginScrollView (new Rect (10, 70, 400, 400), scrollViewVector, new Rect (0, 0, 1000, 100));
            GUI.TextArea (new Rect (0, 0, 400, 400), message);
            GUI.EndScrollView ();

            // show input fields
            GUI.Label (new Rect (420, 70, 100, 30), "First Name");
            firstNameToInsert = GUI.TextField (new Rect (520, 70, 200, 30), firstNameToInsert);
            GUI.Label (new Rect (420, 120, 100, 30), "Last Name");
            lastNameToInsert = GUI.TextField (new Rect (520, 120, 200, 30), lastNameToInsert);
            GUI.Label (new Rect (420, 170, 100, 30), "Display Name");
            displayNameToInsert = GUI.TextField (new Rect (520, 170, 200, 30), displayNameToInsert);
            GUI.Label (new Rect (420, 220, 100, 30), "email");
            emailToInsert = GUI.TextField (new Rect (520, 220, 200, 30), emailToInsert);
            GUI.Label (new Rect (420, 270, 100, 30), "score");
            scoreToInsert = GUI.TextField (new Rect (520, 270, 200, 30), scoreToInsert);

            GUI.Label (new Rect(420, 320, 200, 30), "State: " + highscore.SendState.ToString());
            GUI.Label (new Rect(420, 370, 400, 120), "Last Message: " + highscore.LastMessage);
Beispiel #2
        public IEnumerator PublishEntry(HighscoreEntryModel model)
            var message = Serialize (model);

            // encrypt message
            var encryptionResult = EncryptionHelper.EncryptMessage (message, highscorePasswordBytes);
            var encryptedMessage = encryptionResult.EncryptedMessage;
            var rijndaelIv = encryptionResult.RijndaelIv;

            // append encrypted message and iv
            var bytesToSend = new List<byte> ();
            bytesToSend.AddRange (encryptedMessage);
            bytesToSend.AddRange (rijndaelIv);

            // send
            var bytesToSendBase64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String (bytesToSend.ToArray ());
            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
            form.AddField("content", bytesToSendBase64);
            WWW www = new WWW(highscoreInsertUrl, form);
            SendState = HighscoreTransmissionState.Wait;
            yield return www;

            // process result
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error))
                string serverResponseString = www.text;

                var serverResponse = TryDeserializeServerResponse(serverResponseString);
                if (serverResponse.State == ServerResponseState.Success)
                    SendState = HighscoreTransmissionState.Success;
                else if (serverResponse.State == ServerResponseState.Warning)
                    SendState = HighscoreTransmissionState.Warning;
                else SendState = HighscoreTransmissionState.Error;

                LastMessage = serverResponse.Message;
                LastPublishHttpError = "error: " + www.error;
                SendState = HighscoreTransmissionState.Error;
Beispiel #3
        // serialize a highscore entry model to json
        private string Serialize(HighscoreEntryModel model)
            string json = string.Format("{{\"LastName\": \"{0}\", \"FirstName\": \"{1}\" , \"DisplayName\": \"{2}\", \"Email\": \"{3}\", \"Score\": {4}}}",
                                        model.LastName, model.FirstName, model.DisplayName, model.Email, model.Score.ToString());

            return json;
Beispiel #4
        // deserialize received json string to highscore entry model (without email for security)
        private void DeserializeModels(string json)
            LastReceivedHighscoreEntries.Clear ();
            List<object> objectsRaw = (List<object>)Json.Deserialize (json);

            if (objectsRaw != null)
                foreach (Dictionary<string, object> objectRaw in objectsRaw)
                    // parse
                    string lastName = (string) objectRaw ["LastName"];
                    string firstName = (string) objectRaw ["FirstName"];
                    string displayName = (string) objectRaw ["DisplayName"];

                    long score = -1;
                    long.TryParse((string)objectRaw["Score"], out score);

                    // fill
                    HighscoreEntryModel highscoreEntry = new HighscoreEntryModel
                        LastName = lastName,
                        FirstName = firstName,
                        DisplayName = displayName,
                        Score = score
                    LastReceivedHighscoreEntries.Add (highscoreEntry);