Beispiel #1
        public void ShowHierarchicalDataAsTreeMap(string title, HierarchicalDataContext context, HierarchicalDataCommands commands)
            // Note: The same color scheme is used for both treemap and circle packing.
            if (context == null)

            var tm = new TreeMapViewModel();

            tm.Commands = commands;
            tm.Data     = context;
            tm.Title    = title + " (Treemap)";
            tm.Commands = commands;
            ShowTab(tm, true);
Beispiel #2
        public void ShowHierarchicalDataAsCirclePackaging(string title, HierarchicalDataContext context, HierarchicalDataCommands commands)
            // Note: The same color scheme is used for both treemap and circle packing.
            if (context == null)

            var cp = new CirclePackingViewModel();

            cp.Commands = commands;
            cp.Data     = context;
            cp.Title    = title + " (Circle)";
            cp.Commands = commands;
            ShowTab(cp, false);