Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called periodically by the main form allowing statistics to
        /// be rendered.  This will be called on the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTimer()
            if (!running)
                statusBox.Text = string.Empty;

            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            TimeSpan      time = HiResTimer.CalcTimeSpan(startTimer);
            long          cTotal;
            long          cTimeout;

            cTotal   = Interlocked.Read(ref this.cTotal);
            cTimeout = Interlocked.Read(ref this.cTimeout);

            sb.AppendFormat("Total:    {0}\r\n", cTotal);
            sb.AppendFormat("Rate:     {0:0.00}/sec\r\n", (cTotal - cPerf) / time.TotalSeconds);
            sb.AppendFormat("Ave Rate: {0:0.00}/sec\r\n", cTotal / (SysTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds);
            sb.AppendFormat("Retry:    {0}\r\n", MainForm.Router.Metrics.SessionRetries.Count);
            sb.AppendFormat("Timeout:  {0}\r\n", MainForm.Router.Metrics.SessionTimeouts.Count);

            if (cParallelQueries == 1)
                sb.AppendFormat("Latency:  {0}ms\r\n", TimeSpan.FromTicks(Interlocked.Read(ref totalLatency) / cTotal).TotalMilliseconds);

            statusBox.Text = sb.ToString();

            cPerf      = cTotal;
            startTimer = HiResTimer.Count;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called periodically by the main form allowing statistics to
        /// be rendered.  This will be called on the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTimer()
            if (!running)
                statusBox.Text = string.Empty;

            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            TimeSpan      time = HiResTimer.CalcTimeSpan(startTimer);
            long          cTotal;

            cTotal = Interlocked.Read(ref this.cTotal);

            sb.AppendFormat("Messages: {0}\r\n", cTotal);
            sb.AppendFormat("Status:   {0}\r\n", status ? "OK" : "FAILURE");

            statusBox.Text = sb.ToString();

            startTimer = HiResTimer.Count;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called periodically by the main form allowing statistics to
        /// be rendered.  This will be called on the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTimer()
            if (!running)
                statusBox.Text = string.Empty;

            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            TimeSpan      time = HiResTimer.CalcTimeSpan(startTimer);
            long          cTotal;

            cTotal = Interlocked.Read(ref this.cTotal);

            sb.AppendFormat("Total:    {0}\r\n", cTotal);
            sb.AppendFormat("Rate:     {0:0.00}/sec\r\n", (cTotal - cPerf) / time.TotalSeconds);
            sb.AppendFormat("Ave Rate: {0:0.00}/sec\r\n", cTotal / (SysTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds);
            statusBox.Text = sb.ToString();

            cPerf      = cTotal;
            startTimer = HiResTimer.Count;
Beispiel #4
        // Background thread

        /// <summary>
        /// The background thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void BkThread()
            MsgEP ep = "abstract://LillTek/Test/Message/Query";

            IAsyncResult[] ar = new IAsyncResult[cParallelQueries];
            ResponseMsg    ack;
            long           startCount;

            while (true)
                startCount = HiResTimer.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < cParallelQueries; i++)
                    ar[i] = MainForm.Router.BeginQuery(ep, new QueryMsg(cbPayload), null, null);

                for (int i = 0; i < cParallelQueries; i++)
                        ack = (ResponseMsg)MainForm.Router.EndQuery(ar[i]);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref cTotal);
                    catch (TimeoutException)
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref cTimeout);

                Interlocked.Add(ref totalLatency, HiResTimer.CalcTimeSpan(startCount).Ticks);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when an async packet receive operation completes on one of the DNS sockets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ar">The operation's async result instance.</param>
        private static void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
            DnsSocket      dnsSock = (DnsSocket)ar.AsyncState;
            DnsResponse    response;
            DnsAsyncResult arDns;
            int            cbPacket;
            int            requestKey;

            lock (syncLock)
                    cbPacket = dnsSock.Socket.EndReceiveFrom(ar, ref dnsSock.FromEP);
                    response = new DnsResponse();
                    if (!response.ParsePacket(dnsSock.RecvPacket, cbPacket))
                        NetTrace.Write(TraceSubSystem, 0, "Bad DNS message", string.Empty,
                                       Helper.HexDump(dnsSock.RecvPacket, 0, cbPacket, 16, HexDumpOption.ShowAll));

                        BadPacket(dnsSock.RecvPacket, cbPacket);

                    response.Trace(TraceSubSystem, 0, ((IPEndPoint)dnsSock.FromEP).Address, null);

                    // We've parsed a valid DNS response so attempt to match it
                    // up with the corresponding request and signal that the
                    // query operation is complete.

                    requestKey = GenRequestKey(dnsSock.SocketID, response.QID);
                    if (requests.TryGetValue(requestKey, out arDns))
                        if (response.RCode != DnsFlag.RCODE_OK)
                            arDns.Notify(new DnsException(response.RCode));

                        response.Latency = HiResTimer.CalcTimeSpan(arDns.TimerStart);
                        arDns.Response   = response;
                        response.Trace(TraceSubSystem, 0, ((IPEndPoint)dnsSock.FromEP).Address, "Orphan DNS Response");
                catch (SocketException)
                    // We're going to get SocketException(10054) "Connection Reset" errors if
                    // we send a packet to a port that's not actually open on the remote
                    // machine.  Ignore these exceptions and let the operation timeout.
                    if (dnsSock.Socket.IsOpen)
                        dnsSock.Socket.BeginReceiveFrom(dnsSock.RecvPacket, 0, 512, SocketFlags.None, ref dnsSock.FromEP, onReceive, dnsSock);