Beispiel #1
    void UpdateHighlight()
        highlightedHex = MouseInterface.hexUnderMouse;
        Vector3 positionn = HexCoordinatesSystem.HexToCartesianCords(MouseInterface.hexUnderMouse.hex_crds);

        highlight_reference.transform.position = positionn + new Vector3(0, 0.001f, 0);
Beispiel #2
    public static void SelectHexUnderMouse()
        selectedHex = MouseInterface.hexUnderMouse;
        Vector3 positionn = HexCoordinatesSystem.HexToCartesianCords(MouseInterface.hexUnderMouse.hex_crds);

        select_reference.transform.position = positionn + new Vector3(0, 0.001f, 0);
Beispiel #3
    public static List <Vector3> CreateCellsRadiusIDsList(HexCords center_hex_id, int radius, int radius_from = 0)
        List <Vector3> id_list = new List <Vector3>();

        int x = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.x;
        int y = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.y;
        int z = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.z;

        id_list.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

        for (int tier = radius_from; tier < radius; tier++)
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(-tier + x, t + y, tier - t + z));
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(tier + x, -t + y, -(tier - t) + z));
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(tier + x, -(tier - t) + y, -t + z));
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(t + x, -tier + y, tier - t + z));
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(-t + x, tier + y, -(tier - t) + z));
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(-(tier - t) + x, tier + y, -t + z));
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(t + x, (tier - t) + y, -tier + z));
                SafeListAdd(id_list, new Vector3(-t + x, -(tier - t) + y, tier + z));
Beispiel #4
    public void CreateCellsRadius(HexCords center_hex_id, int radius, int radius_from = 0)
        int x = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.x;
        int y = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.y;
        int z = (int)center_hex_id.hex_crds.z;

        CreateCell(x, y, z);
        for (int tier = radius_from; tier < radius; tier++)
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                CreateCell(-tier + x, t + y, tier - t + z);
                CreateCell(tier + x, -t + y, -(tier - t) + z);
                CreateCell(tier + x, -(tier - t) + y, -t + z);
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                CreateCell(t + x, -tier + y, tier - t + z);
                CreateCell(-t + x, tier + y, -(tier - t) + z);
                CreateCell(-(tier - t) + x, tier + y, -t + z);
            for (int t = 0; t < tier; t++)
                CreateCell(t + x, (tier - t) + y, -tier + z);
                CreateCell(-t + x, -(tier - t) + y, tier + z);
Beispiel #5
    public static HexChunk CheckWhichChunkPointBelongsTo(float x_cart, float z_cart)
        Vector3 point = new Vector3(x_cart, 0, z_cart);

        List <HexChunk> chunk_list_to_check = new List <HexChunk>();

        HexCords hex_id = new HexCords(x_cart, z_cart);

        int x       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.x % 11;
        int chunk_x = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.x - x) / 11;
        int y       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.y % 11;
        int chunk_y = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.y - y) / 11;
        int z       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.z % 11;
        int chunk_z = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.z - z) / 11;

        HexCords chunk_id = new HexCords(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z);

        if (checkIntegrity(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z))
            foreach (Vector3 neighbour_chunk_id in CreateCellsRadiusIDsList(chunk_id, 2))
                chunk_list_to_check.Add(new HexChunk(neighbour_chunk_id));

            foreach (HexChunk chunk in chunk_list_to_check)
                if (chunk.cells_ids.Contains(hex_id.hex_crds))
            List <Vector3> chunkers = getCorrectedHexCords(chunk_id.hex_crds);
            foreach (Vector3 hex_chunk_id in chunkers)
                foreach (Vector3 neighbour_chunk_id in CreateCellsRadiusIDsList(new HexCords(hex_chunk_id), 2))
                    chunk_list_to_check.Add(new HexChunk(neighbour_chunk_id));

                foreach (HexChunk chunk in chunk_list_to_check)
                    if (chunk.cells_ids.Contains(hex_id.hex_crds))

        return(new HexChunk(99, 99, 99));
Beispiel #6
    public static List <Vector3> GenerateChunkIDsList(HexCords chunk_id)
        List <Vector3> id_list = new List <Vector3>();

        HexCords center = HexCords.FromChunkId(chunk_id);

        id_list.AddRange(CreateCellsRadiusIDsList(center, 6));
Beispiel #7
    private static void GetMousePosOnMap()
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        float enter = 0.0f;

        if (plane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
            mousePosOnMap = ray.GetPoint(enter);
            hexUnderMouse = new HexCords(HexCoordinatesSystem.CartesianToHexCords(mousePosOnMap));
Beispiel #8
 private static void SelectedHexSetter(HexCords value)
     _selectedHex = value;
     if (value != null)
         selectVisible = true;
         selectVisible = false;
Beispiel #9
 public void GenerateChunk(HexCords chunk_id)
     if (!chunks.ContainsKey(chunk_id.hex_crds))
         HexChunk       chunk     = new HexChunk(chunk_id);
         HexChunkObject chunk_obj = Instantiate(chunkprefab);
         chunks.Add(chunk_id.hex_crds, chunk_obj);
         chunk_obj.transform.SetParent(transform, false);         = chunk;
         chunk_obj.hex_grid_ref = this;
Beispiel #10
 public static Vector3[] CornersIdsFromCenterId(HexCords center)
     Vector3[] cordy_all = new Vector3[30];
     Vector3[] cords1    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, false, 0);
     Vector3[] cords2    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, false, 1);
     Vector3[] cords3    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, false, 2);
     Vector3[] cords4    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, true, 0);
     Vector3[] cords5    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, true, 1);
     Vector3[] cords6    = CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(center, true, 2);
     cords1.CopyTo(cordy_all, 0);
     cords2.CopyTo(cordy_all, 5);
     cords3.CopyTo(cordy_all, 10);
     cords4.CopyTo(cordy_all, 15);
     cords5.CopyTo(cordy_all, 20);
     cords6.CopyTo(cordy_all, 25);
Beispiel #11
    public void CreateCell(HexCords cords, bool place_ready = true)
        Vector3 id = cords.hex_crds;

        //First we check if this cell isn't already created before, just in case
        if (!cells.ContainsKey(id))
            HexCell cell = cells[id] = Instantiate <HexCell>(cellPrefab);
            cell.GetComponent <HexCell>().grid_reference = this;
            cell.GetComponent <HexCell>().id             = id;
            cell.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
            cell.transform.localPosition = cords.crt_crds;;
            if (place_ready)
Beispiel #12
    private void GenerateCellsIDs()
        //Fills cells_ids with hex coords of the cells which are supposed to be in the chunk

        HexCords center_cell = HexCords.FromChunkId(new HexCords(hex_id));

        foreach (Vector3 cell_id in HexMetrics.cells_in_chunk)
            cells_ids.Add(cell_id + center_cell.hex_crds);

        /*HexCords center_cell = HexCords.FromChunkId(new HexCords(hex_id));
         * foreach (Vector3 cord in HexCords.CreateCellsRadiusIDsList(center_cell, 6))
         * {
         *  cells_ids.Add(new Vector3((int)cord.x, (int)cord.y, (int)cord.z));
         * }
         * foreach (Vector3 cord in HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(center_cell))
         * {
         *  cells_ids.Add(new Vector3((int)cord.x, (int)cord.y, (int)cord.z));
         * }*/
Beispiel #13
    public static Vector3[] CornerHexIdsFromCenterId(HexCords center, bool mirror, int rotation = 0)
        Vector3[] cordy = new Vector3[5];
        int       g     = 1;

        if (mirror)
            g = -1;

        int[] xx = { -6, -6, -6, -6, -7 };
        int[] yy = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3 };
        int[] zz = { 5, 4, 3, 2, 4 };

        int[][] lb;

        if (rotation == 0)
            lb = new int[][] { xx, yy, zz }
        else if (rotation == 1)
            lb = new int[][] { zz, xx, yy }
            lb = new int[][] { yy, zz, xx }

        cordy[0] = center.hex_offset(lb[0][0] * g, lb[1][0] * g, lb[2][0] * g).hex_crds;
        cordy[1] = center.hex_offset(lb[0][1] * g, lb[1][1] * g, lb[2][1] * g).hex_crds;
        cordy[2] = center.hex_offset(lb[0][2] * g, lb[1][2] * g, lb[2][2] * g).hex_crds;
        cordy[3] = center.hex_offset(lb[0][3] * g, lb[1][3] * g, lb[2][3] * g).hex_crds;
        cordy[4] = center.hex_offset(lb[0][4] * g, lb[1][4] * g, lb[2][4] * g).hex_crds;
Beispiel #14
 void SpawnChunkOnMouse()
     hexGrid.GenerateChunk(HexCords.CheckWhichChunkPointBelongsTo(MouseInterface.mousePosOnMap.x, MouseInterface.mousePosOnMap.z).hex_id);
Beispiel #15
    public static HexCords FromChunkId(HexCords chunk_id, int ox = 0, int oy = 0, int oz = 0)
        HexCords h_x = new HexCords((chunk_id.hex_crds * 11) + new Vector3(ox, oy, oz));

Beispiel #16
    public static HexCords ChunkIdFromHexId(HexCords hex_id)
        int x       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.x % 11;
        int chunk_x = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.x - x) / 11;
        int y       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.y % 11;
        int chunk_y = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.y - y) / 11;
        int z       = (int)hex_id.hex_crds.z % 11;
        int chunk_z = ((int)hex_id.hex_crds.z - z) / 11;

        HexCords chunk_id = new HexCords(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z);

        if (!chunk_id.checkIntegrity())
            return(new HexCords());

        int x2 = 0;
        int y2 = 0;
        int z2 = 0;

        if (x <= 5 && x >= -5)
            x2 = 1;
        if (y <= 5 && y >= -5)
            y2 = 1;
        if (z <= 5 && z >= -5)
            z2 = 1;

        if (x2 + y2 + z2 == 3)

        else if (x2 + y2 + z2 == 2)
            if (x2 == 1)
                if (z > 0)
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, -1, 1));
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, 1, -1));
            if (y2 == 1)
                if (z > 0)
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(-1, 0, 1));
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(1, 0, -1));
            if (z2 == 1)
                if (y > 0)
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(-1, 1, 0));
                    return(chunk_id.hex_offset(1, -1, 0));

            HexCords hex = new HexCords(x, y, z);
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(11, -11, 0)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(1, -1, 0));
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(-11, 11, 0)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(-1, 1, 0));
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(11, 0, -11)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(1, 0, -1));
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(-11, 0, 11)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(-1, 0, 1));
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, -11, 11)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, -1, 1));
            if (HexCords.CornersIdsFromCenterId(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, 11, -11)).Contains(hex.hex_crds))
                return(chunk_id.hex_offset(0, 1, -1));

        return(new HexCords());
Beispiel #17
 public HexChunk(HexCords heex_id)
     hex_id = heex_id.hex_crds;