Beispiel #1
    public IEnumerable GetNeighbors(HexCoord hex)
        // Return the neighbors of a given hexcoord
        IEnumerable neighbors = hex.Neighbors();

    //Used for the second placement of the game. Hexes neighboring 0,0 are eligible;
    public void GetEligibleSecondPlacement()
        HexCoord originHex = HexCoord.AtPosition(new Vector2(0, 0));

        foreach (HexCoord nh in originHex.Neighbors())
            eligibleList.Add(nh);   //Add all neighbors

Beispiel #3
    int CountOccupiedNeighbors(HexCoord hex)
        int neighborCount = 0;

        foreach (HexCoord nh in hex.Neighbors())
            if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
Beispiel #4
    //Checks whether moving a piece from start hex to test hex will be jumping a gap or not.
    //I.e. Most pieces can't make a move that would have them not be in contact with the hive
    //during the move
    bool IsMoveGapJumping(HexCoord initial, HexCoord current, HexCoord test)
        bool            gapJumped        = true; //Initialize as true. Must be proved to be false
        List <HexCoord> currentNeighbors = new List <HexCoord>();
        List <HexCoord> testNeighbors    = new List <HexCoord>();
        List <HexCoord> occupiedListMod  = new List <HexCoord>(occupiedList); //Copy list

        occupiedListMod.Remove(initial);                                      //Exclude piece in question from neighbor search

        //Find all neighbor pieces at current location
        foreach (HexCoord nh in current.Neighbors())
            if (occupiedListMod.Contains(nh))   //If neighbor hex is occupied
                currentNeighbors.Add(nh);       //Add to current neighbors list

        //Find all neighbor pieces at current location
        foreach (HexCoord nh in test.Neighbors())
            if (occupiedListMod.Contains(nh)) //If neighbor hex is occupied
                testNeighbors.Add(nh);        //Add to test neighbors list

        //If no neighbors are the same at new location then the piece WOULD be jumping a gap
        foreach (HexCoord hex in testNeighbors)
            if (currentNeighbors.Contains(hex))
                gapJumped = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Randomly generate a hex grid that would fill the given BoxCollider.
    /// </summary>
    private void GenerateHexGrid()
        if (_hexPrefab == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("_prefab");
        if (Board == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("_board");

        float boardWidth      = Board.bounds.size.x;
        float boardHeight     = Board.bounds.size.z;
        float gameObjectScale = (boardWidth / WidthInHexes);

        //Multiply with height to width ratio.
        float sideToSideSize = gameObjectScale / (Mathf.Sqrt(3) / 2f);

        _hexPrefab.transform.localScale = * (sideToSideSize);

        //Size of a single side
        float sideSize = _hexPrefab.transform.localScale.z / 2f;

        //Save hex scale factor for later use.
        _hexScaleFactor = 1f / sideSize;

        //2 Vertical hexagons coupled together for ease of calculation.
        float totalHexHeightCoupled = Mathf.RoundToInt(boardHeight / (sideSize * 3));

        //Find total hexagon count.
        _heightInHexes = (int)(totalHexHeightCoupled * 2);

        //Find total hexagon height. 1 for odds, 2 for evens.
        float totalHexHeight = totalHexHeightCoupled * sideSize * 3;

        //Clip overflow.
        if (totalHexHeight > boardHeight)
            if (HeightInHexes % 2 != 0)
                totalHexHeight -= sideSize * 2;
                totalHexHeight -= sideSize;
            _heightInHexes = HeightInHexes - 1;

        //Center the grid vertically.
        float verticalPadding = Mathf.Max(0, (boardHeight - totalHexHeight) / 2f);

        //Offset grid to being from the corner instead of center.
        _startPos = _transform.position -
                    new Vector3((boardWidth - gameObjectScale) * 0.5f,
                                (boardHeight - sideToSideSize) * 0.5f - verticalPadding);

        _hexGrid = new HexTile[HeightInHexes][];

        for (int r = 0; r < HeightInHexes; r++)
            //Prevent overflow on odd columns.
            int tempWidth = r % 2 == 0 ? WidthInHexes : WidthInHexes - 1;
            _hexGrid[r] = new HexTile[tempWidth];
            for (int q = 0; q < tempWidth; q++)
                //Scale and position Hex.
                HexCoord newHexCoord = new HexCoord(q - (r - (r & 1)) / 2, r);

                //Spawn and parent Hex.
                GameObject spawnedHex =
                    Instantiate(_hexPrefab, GetWorldPositionOfHex(newHexCoord), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                spawnedHex.transform.parent = _transform;

                //Initialize Hex.
                HexTile hexTile = spawnedHex.GetComponent <HexTile>();
                bool    isPassable;
                //An easy way to make sure board is traversable from side to side.
                if (newHexCoord.Neighbors().Where(IsCordinateValid).Any(tile =>
                    HexTile hexTileTemp = GetHexTile(tile);
                    return(hexTileTemp != null && !hexTileTemp.IsPassable);
                    isPassable = true;
                    isPassable = !(UnityEngine.Random.value < _roadBlockChance && r > 1 && HeightInHexes - r > 2);
                hexTile.SetCoord(newHexCoord, isPassable);
                _hexGrid[r][q] = hexTile;
    //Checks whether moving a piece from start hex to test hex will be jumping a gap or not.
    //I.e. Most pieces can't make a move that would have them not be in contact with the hive
    //during the move
    bool IsMoveGapJumping(HexCoord initial, HexCoord current, HexCoord test)
        bool gapJumped = true;      //Initialize as true. Must be proved to be false
        List<HexCoord> currentNeighbors = new List<HexCoord>();
        List<HexCoord> testNeighbors = new List<HexCoord>();
        List<HexCoord> occupiedListMod = new List<HexCoord>(occupiedList);  //Copy list
        occupiedListMod.Remove(initial);                                   //Exclude piece in question from neighbor search

        //Find all neighbor pieces at current location
        foreach (HexCoord nh in current.Neighbors())
            if (occupiedListMod.Contains(nh))   //If neighbor hex is occupied
                currentNeighbors.Add(nh);       //Add to current neighbors list

        //Find all neighbor pieces at current location
        foreach (HexCoord nh in test.Neighbors())
            if (occupiedListMod.Contains(nh))   //If neighbor hex is occupied
                testNeighbors.Add(nh);       //Add to test neighbors list

        //If no neighbors are the same at new location then the piece WOULD be jumping a gap
        foreach (HexCoord hex in testNeighbors)
            if (currentNeighbors.Contains(hex))
                gapJumped = false;

        return gapJumped;
 int CountOccupiedNeighbors(HexCoord hex)
     int neighborCount = 0;
     foreach (HexCoord nh in hex.Neighbors())
         if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
     return neighborCount;
    //Returns a list of eligible moves for a given piece
    public List<HexCoord> EligibleMovesByPiece(HexCoord start, UnitType type)
        Debug.Log("Eligible Start " + start);
        //Start with outer hexes
        List<HexCoord> eligibleList = GetOuterHexes(start);
        List<HexCoord> eligibleListMod = new List<HexCoord>();    //Make a blank list
        switch (type)
            case UnitType.Ant:
                //Copy eligible list. Ant can move to any outer position.
                eligibleListMod = new List<HexCoord>(eligibleList);
                RemoveUnreachableHexes(eligibleListMod);                //Next remove unreachable locations.
                ////Currently I don't check to see whether a move would have the ant squeeze through a hole that's too small
                ////A way to implement this would be to check space by space in a move chain. If any space is unreachable then
                ////the chain would stop.

            case UnitType.Queen:
                //Queen can only move one hex away from start. Check for overlap between outer cells and neighbors to start
                foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())
                    if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))
                RemoveUnreachableHexes(eligibleListMod);                //Next remove unreachable locations.

            case UnitType.Beetle:
                //Beetles move one space, but can also move on top of other pieces
                //No restrictions on unreachable hexes
                foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())
                    if (beetleDict.ContainsKey(start))
                        if (beetleDict[start] > 0)      //If this is a beetle moving from on top of the hive, all neighbors will be eligible

                        else if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))  //Add all unnoccupied neighbors that are eligible
                        else if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
                                eligibleListMod.Add(nh);    //Add all occupied neighbors
                    //Might not need to repeat these
                    else if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))  //Add all unnoccupied neighbors that are eligible

                        if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
                            eligibleListMod.Add(nh);    //Add all occupied neighbors

            case UnitType.Spider:
                //Spiders move exactly 3 spaces following the outer edge of the hive
                //Use outer hex list as a starting point. All outer hexes at exactly 3 spaces from starting point should be eligible
                List<HexCoord> outerHexes = GetOuterHexes(start);

                List<HexCoord> iterList = new List<HexCoord>();
                List<HexCoord> firstSpaces = new List<HexCoord>();
                List<HexCoord> secondSpaces = new List<HexCoord>();
                List<HexCoord> thirdSpaces = new List<HexCoord>();

                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:    //For the first move check neighbors of the start hex
                        case 2:     //For the second move check neighbors of each eligible first move space
                            iterList = new List<HexCoord>(firstSpaces);

                        case 3:     //For the third move check neighbors of each eligible second move space
                            iterList = new List<HexCoord>(secondSpaces);

                    foreach (HexCoord hex in iterList)

                        foreach (HexCoord nh in hex.Neighbors())          //First find occupied neighbors
                            //space must be an outer hex and reachable and the move must not be jumping a gap
                            if (outerHexes.Contains(nh) && !IsHexUnreachable(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start,hex,nh))
                                switch (i)
                                    case 1:
                                    case 2:
                                    case 3:


                eligibleListMod = new List<HexCoord>(thirdSpaces);      //All eligible third spaces are the full eligible list
                //Remove all first spaces and second spaces. This is an attempt to eliminate back tracking.
                //Since backtracking isn't allowed I don't think there's any way that any
                //first space could also be a valid third space. Same reasoning applies to second spaces
                //although I'm not as sure about the second spaces. Needs testing
                foreach (HexCoord spc in firstSpaces)
                foreach (HexCoord spc in secondSpaces)


            case UnitType.Grasshopper:
                //Grasshopper jumps in a straight line over other pieces
                //No restrictions on unreachable hexes
                int neighborIndex = 0;
                HexCoord option;
                foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())          //First find occupied neighbors
                    if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))                  //If direct neighbor is occupied
                        option = nh;                                //Initialize option
                        bool solutionFound = false;                 //Initialize bool
                        while (!solutionFound)                      //Repeat until solution is found
                            option = option.Neighbor(neighborIndex);    //Option might be next neighbor in same direction

                            if (!occupiedList.Contains(option))     //Check if occupied.
                                eligibleListMod.Add(option);        //If not occupied then add to eligible list
                                solutionFound = true;
                                                                    //If occupied then keep looking in the same direction. Stay in while loop

                eligibleListMod = eligibleList;


        return eligibleListMod;
    public IEnumerable GetNeighbors(HexCoord hex)
        // Return the neighbors of a given hexcoord
        IEnumerable neighbors = hex.Neighbors();

        return neighbors;
Beispiel #10
    public void CheckHiveContinuity2()
        validMovePieces.Clear();               //

        foreach (HexCoord hex in occupiedList) //For every occupied cell
            //Debug.Log("Test Hex" + hex);
            //Test whether this piece could be moved by checking hive with out it
            if (beetleDict[hex] == 0)   //Only consider pieces that aren't covered by a beetle
                //Is hive continuous without this piece?
                //Choose any piece in the occupied list except for the chosen piece. Find continuous island from random piece
                List <HexCoord> occupiedListMod = new List <HexCoord>(occupiedList);
                List <HexCoord> island = new List <HexCoord>(); // Create a new island list or reset;

                if (occupiedListMod.Count != 0)
                    foreach (HexCoord neighbor in occupiedListMod[0].Neighbors())
                        if (occupiedListMod.Contains(neighbor))                  //If direct neighbor is occupied
                            if (!island.Contains(neighbor))
                                island.Add(neighbor);                       //Start by adding the neighbor

                            bool solutionFound = false;                   //Initialize bool

                            while (!solutionFound)                        //Repeat until entire island is found
                                HexCoord        nh = neighbor;            //Initialize nh variable
                                List <HexCoord> newNeighborList = new List <HexCoord>();
                                foreach (HexCoord secondNeighbor in nh.Neighbors())
                                    //If direct neighbor is occupied and island list doesn't already have that hex, then add it to the list
                                    if (occupiedListMod.Contains(secondNeighbor) && !island.Contains(secondNeighbor))
                                        island.Add(secondNeighbor); //Add occupied neighbors to the island list
                                        nh = secondNeighbor;        //If a new neighbor was found set nh to new neighbor and repeat loop

                                if (newNeighborList.Count == 0)
                                    solutionFound = true;
                                }                                                           //If there were no new neighbors then entire connected island has been found

                            //Check island size. Is it equal to total number of occupied hexes - 1?
                            //If so, that particular branch meets hive continuity. Add piece to eligible list
                            //If not, then hive would be split.
                            //This piece is not eligible
                            //Note, only need to check first occupied neighbor that is found. Then break to next piece

                    Debug.Log("Island Count: " + island.Count);
                    if (island.Count == occupiedList.Count - 1) //Full hive was continuous

        Debug.Log("Valid move pieces: " + validMovePieces.Count);
Beispiel #11
    //Returns a list of eligible moves for a given piece
    public List <HexCoord> EligibleMovesByPiece(HexCoord start, UnitType type)
        Debug.Log("Eligible Start " + start);
        //Start with outer hexes
        List <HexCoord> eligibleList    = GetOuterHexes(start);
        List <HexCoord> eligibleListMod = new List <HexCoord>();    //Make a blank list

        switch (type)
        case UnitType.Ant:
            //Copy eligible list. Ant can move to any outer position.
            eligibleListMod = new List <HexCoord>(eligibleList);
            RemoveUnreachableHexes(eligibleListMod);                    //Next remove unreachable locations.
            ////Currently I don't check to see whether a move would have the ant squeeze through a hole that's too small
            ////A way to implement this would be to check space by space in a move chain. If any space is unreachable then
            ////the chain would stop.

        case UnitType.Queen:
            //Queen can only move one hex away from start. Check for overlap between outer cells and neighbors to start
            foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())
                if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))
            RemoveUnreachableHexes(eligibleListMod);                    //Next remove unreachable locations.

        case UnitType.Beetle:
            //Beetles move one space, but can also move on top of other pieces
            //No restrictions on unreachable hexes
            foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())
                if (beetleDict.ContainsKey(start))
                    if (beetleDict[start] > 0)          //If this is a beetle moving from on top of the hive, all neighbors will be eligible

                    else if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))      //Add all unnoccupied neighbors that are eligible
                    else if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
                        eligibleListMod.Add(nh);            //Add all occupied neighbors
                //Might not need to repeat these
                else if (eligibleList.Contains(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, start, nh))      //Add all unnoccupied neighbors that are eligible

                    if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))
                        eligibleListMod.Add(nh);        //Add all occupied neighbors

        case UnitType.Spider:
            //Spiders move exactly 3 spaces following the outer edge of the hive
            //Use outer hex list as a starting point. All outer hexes at exactly 3 spaces from starting point should be eligible
            List <HexCoord> outerHexes = GetOuterHexes(start);

            List <HexCoord> iterList     = new List <HexCoord>();
            List <HexCoord> firstSpaces  = new List <HexCoord>();
            List <HexCoord> secondSpaces = new List <HexCoord>();
            List <HexCoord> thirdSpaces  = new List <HexCoord>();

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                switch (i)
                case 1:            //For the first move check neighbors of the start hex

                case 2:             //For the second move check neighbors of each eligible first move space
                    iterList = new List <HexCoord>(firstSpaces);


                case 3:             //For the third move check neighbors of each eligible second move space
                    iterList = new List <HexCoord>(secondSpaces);

                foreach (HexCoord hex in iterList)
                    foreach (HexCoord nh in hex.Neighbors())              //First find occupied neighbors
                        //space must be an outer hex and reachable and the move must not be jumping a gap
                        if (outerHexes.Contains(nh) && !IsHexUnreachable(nh) && !IsMoveGapJumping(start, hex, nh))
                            switch (i)
                            case 1:

                            case 2:

                            case 3:

            eligibleListMod = new List <HexCoord>(thirdSpaces);         //All eligible third spaces are the full eligible list
            //Remove all first spaces and second spaces. This is an attempt to eliminate back tracking.
            //Since backtracking isn't allowed I don't think there's any way that any
            //first space could also be a valid third space. Same reasoning applies to second spaces
            //although I'm not as sure about the second spaces. Needs testing
            foreach (HexCoord spc in firstSpaces)
            foreach (HexCoord spc in secondSpaces)


        case UnitType.Grasshopper:
            //Grasshopper jumps in a straight line over other pieces
            //No restrictions on unreachable hexes
            int      neighborIndex = 0;
            HexCoord option;
            foreach (HexCoord nh in start.Neighbors())              //First find occupied neighbors
                if (occupiedList.Contains(nh))                      //If direct neighbor is occupied
                    option = nh;                                    //Initialize option
                    bool solutionFound = false;                     //Initialize bool
                    while (!solutionFound)                          //Repeat until solution is found
                        option = option.Neighbor(neighborIndex);    //Option might be next neighbor in same direction

                        if (!occupiedList.Contains(option))         //Check if occupied.
                            eligibleListMod.Add(option);            //If not occupied then add to eligible list
                            solutionFound = true;
                        //If occupied then keep looking in the same direction. Stay in while loop

            eligibleListMod = eligibleList;
