Beispiel #1
 public static DT.ClientGroup ToDto(DA.ClientGroup source) {
   return new DT.ClientGroup() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Description = source.Description,
     Name = source.Name
Beispiel #2
 public static DT.Resource ToDto(DA.Resource source) {
   return new DT.Resource() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Description = source.Description,
     Name = source.Name
Beispiel #3
 public static DT.Country ToDto(DA.Country source) {
   if (source == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     return new DT.Country() {
       Id = source.Id,
       Name = source.Name
Beispiel #4
 public static DT.UserGroupMapping ToDto(DA.UserGroupUserGroup source) {
   return new DT.UserGroupMapping() {
     Child = source.UserGroupId, Parent = source.UserGroupUserGroupId
Beispiel #5
 public static DT.UserGroupBase ToDto(DA.UserGroupBase source) {
   return new DT.UserGroupBase() {
     Id = source.Id
Beispiel #6
 public static DT.ClientGroupMapping ToDto(DA.ResourceResourceGroup source) {
   return new DT.ClientGroupMapping() {
     Child = source.ResourceId, Parent = source.ResourceGroupId
Beispiel #7
    public static void ToEntity(DT.User source, out DA.User accessUser, out DA.aspnet_User aspUser, out DA.aspnet_Membership aspMembership, out bool userExistsInASP) {
      userExistsInASP = false;
      accessUser = new DA.User();
      aspUser = new DA.aspnet_User();
      aspMembership = new DA.aspnet_Membership();

      if (source.Id != Guid.Empty) {
        using (DA.ASPNETAuthenticationDataContext context = new DA.ASPNETAuthenticationDataContext()) {
          var userCol = context.aspnet_Users.Where(s => s.UserId == source.Id);
          var membershipCol = context.aspnet_Memberships.Where(s => s.UserId == source.Id);
          if (userCol.Count() > 0 && membershipCol.Count() > 0) {
            aspUser = userCol.First();
            aspMembership = membershipCol.First();
            userExistsInASP = true;

      accessUser.Id = source.Id;
      accessUser.FullName = source.FullName;

      aspUser.UserId = source.Id;
      aspUser.LastActivityDate = source.LastActivityDate;
      aspUser.UserName = source.UserName;

      aspMembership.UserId = source.Id;
      aspMembership.Comment = source.Comment;
      aspMembership.CreateDate = source.CreationDate;
      aspMembership.Email = source.Email;
      aspMembership.IsApproved = source.IsApproved;
      aspMembership.LastLoginDate = source.LastLoginDate;
      aspMembership.LastPasswordChangedDate = source.LastPasswordChangedDate;
Beispiel #8
 public static DT.ClientConfiguration ToDto(DA.ClientConfiguration source) {
   if (source == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     return new DT.ClientConfiguration() {
       Id = source.Id,
       Hash = source.Hash,
       Description = source.Description
Beispiel #9
 public static void ToEntity(DT.UserGroup source, DA.UserGroup target) {
   target.Name = source.Name;
Beispiel #10
 public static DT.UserGroup ToDto(DA.UserGroup source) {
   return new DT.UserGroup() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Name = source.Name
Beispiel #11
 public static DT.ClientError ToDto(DA.ClientError source) {
   return new DT.ClientError() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Timestamp = source.Timestamp,
     Exception = source.Exception,
     UserComment = source.UserComment,
     ConfigDump = source.ConfigDump,
     ClientId = source.ClientId.GetValueOrDefault(),
     UserId = source.UserId.GetValueOrDefault()
Beispiel #12
 public static DT.ClientLog ToDto(DA.ClientLog source) {
   return new DT.ClientLog() {
     Timestamp = source.Timestamp,
     ResourceId = source.ResourceId,
     Message = source.Message
Beispiel #13
 public static DT.Client ToDto(DA.Client source) {
   return new DT.Client() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Description = source.Description,
     Name = source.Name,
     ClientConfiguration = ToDto(source.ClientConfiguration),
     HeuristicLabVersion = source.HeuristicLabVersion,
     Country = ToDto(source.Country),
     OperatingSystem = ToDto(source.OperatingSystem),
     MemorySize = source.MemorySize.GetValueOrDefault(),
     Timestamp = source.Timestamp.GetValueOrDefault(),
     NumberOfCores = source.NumberOfCores.GetValueOrDefault(),
     ProcessorType = source.ProcessorType,
     PerformanceValue = source.PerformanceValue.GetValueOrDefault(),
     ClientType = ToDto(source.ClientType)
Beispiel #14
 public static DT.Plugin ToDto(DA.Plugin source) {
   return new DT.Plugin() {
     Id = source.Id,
     Name = source.Name,
     StrongName = source.StrongName,
     Version = source.Version
Beispiel #15
 public static DT.Role ToDto(DA.aspnet_Role r) {
   return new DT.Role() {
     Name = r.RoleName
Beispiel #16
 public static DT.LightweightUser ToDto(DA.User source, DA.aspnet_User aspUserSource, DA.aspnet_Membership aspMembershipSource, List<DA.aspnet_Role> roles, List<DA.UserGroup> groups) {
   return new DT.LightweightUser() {
     Id = source.Id,
     FullName = source.FullName,
     UserName = aspUserSource.UserName,
     EMail = aspMembershipSource.Email,
     //TODO: check if the roles and groups are include in source
     Roles = roles.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray(),
     Groups = groups.Select(x => Convert.ToDto(x)).ToArray()
Beispiel #17
 public static DT.User ToDto(DA.User source, DA.aspnet_User aspUserSource, DA.aspnet_Membership aspMembershipSource) {
   return new DT.User() {
     Id = source.Id,
     FullName = source.FullName,
     Comment = aspMembershipSource.Comment,
     CreationDate = aspMembershipSource.CreateDate,
     Email = aspMembershipSource.Email,
     IsApproved = aspMembershipSource.IsApproved,
     LastActivityDate = aspUserSource.LastActivityDate,
     LastLoginDate = aspMembershipSource.LastLoginDate,
     LastPasswordChangedDate = aspMembershipSource.LastPasswordChangedDate,
     UserName = aspUserSource.UserName
Beispiel #18
 public static DT.OperatingSystem ToDto(DA.OperatingSystem source) {
   if (source == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     return new DT.OperatingSystem() {
       Id = source.Id,
       Name = source.Name
Beispiel #19
 public static DT.ClientType ToDto(DA.ClientType source) {
   if (source == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     return new DT.ClientType() {
       Id = source.Id,
       Name = source.Name