public void TestAddingSameNodesLater()
            Node node1 = new Node(1);
            Node node2 = new Node(2);
            Node node3 = new Node(3);
            Node node4 = new Node(4);
            Node node5 = new Node(5);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(5);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node5);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node2, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node5, Dequeue(queue));

            Enqueue(queue, node5);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node2, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node5, Dequeue(queue));
Beispiel #2
        public void BuildForComment(Guid commentId, int? limit, int? maxDepth, int context = 0, bool continueThread = true, bool loadMore = true)

            if (context < 0)
                context = 0;

            var candidates = new HeapPriorityQueue<CommentQueue>(_tree.CommentIds.Count);

            var currentComment = (Guid?)commentId;
            var path = new List<Guid>();
            while (currentComment.HasValue && path.Count <= context)
                currentComment = _tree.Parents[currentComment.Value];

            foreach (var comment in path)
                var parent = _tree.Parents[comment];
                _tree.Tree[parent ?? Guid.Empty] = new List<Guid> {comment};

Beispiel #3
        // Initial state, reduces matrix
        public State(City[] cities)
            queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<State>(10000);
            root = this;
            Watch = new Stopwatch();

            State.cities = cities;
            cityCount = cities.Length;
            matrix = new double[cities.Length, cities.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < cities.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cities.Length; j++)
                    matrix[i, j] = cities[i].costToGetTo(cities[j]);

                    // Set diagonals to infinity (negative)
                    if (i == j)
                        matrix[i, j] = double.PositiveInfinity;
            bound = 0;
            route = new ArrayList();
            visited = new ArrayList();

            pathsLeft = cityCount;


            // Start expanding until agenda is empty, time is up, or BSSF cost is equal to original LB.
        public void HeapPriorityQueueEnqueTest()
            HeapPriorityQueue<int> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<int> (10);

            queue.Enqueue (5, 1);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 2);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 2);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 2);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 2);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual (6, queue.Count);
Beispiel #5
    public Vector2[] FindPath(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y)
        if(start_x < 0 || start_x >= m_Width) return null;
        if(start_y < 0 || start_y >= m_Height) return null;
        if(start_x == end_x && start_y == end_y) return null;

        HeapPriorityQueue<MapNode> openQ = new HeapPriorityQueue<MapNode>(m_Height * m_Width); //Probably way beyond worst-case size...
        //int x = start_x, y = start_y;
        bool found = false;
        if (!m_Map[start_x, start_y].passable || !m_Map[end_x, end_y].passable) return null;
        m_Map[start_x, start_y].g = 0;
        m_Map[start_x, start_y].count = 0;
        m_Map[start_x, start_y].h = Heuristic(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y);
        m_Map[start_x, start_y].f = m_Map[start_x, start_y].h;
        openQ.Enqueue(m_Map[start_x, start_y], 0);

            MapNode m = openQ.Dequeue();
            m.closed = true;
            if(m.pos.x == end_x && m.pos.y == end_y)
                found = true;
                ProcessNode(openQ, m, end_x, end_y);

        } while(!found && openQ.Count > 0);

            Vector2[] rv = new Vector2[m_Map[end_x, end_y].count]; //would be g+1 if we needed to return the first node, but we don't obv.
            int x = end_x, y = end_y;
            for(int i = m_Map[end_x, end_y].count-1; i >=0; i--)
                MapNode m = m_Map[x,y];
                rv[i].x = m.pos.x;
                rv[i].y = m.pos.y;
                x = m.previous.x;
                y = m.previous.y;
            return rv;
            return null;
Beispiel #6
        public List<Coordinate> GetShortestPath(Coordinate start, Coordinate goal)
            HashSet<Coordinate> visited = new HashSet<Coordinate>();
            Dictionary<Coordinate, Coordinate> parents = new Dictionary<Coordinate, Coordinate>();
            Dictionary<Coordinate, double> gScore = new Dictionary<Coordinate, double>();
            HeapPriorityQueue<Coordinate> fScoreQueue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Coordinate>(rows * cols);
            parents[start] = start;
            gScore.Add(start, 0);
            fScoreQueue.Enqueue(start, gScore[start] + Heuristic(start, goal));
            while (fScoreQueue.Count() != 0)
                Coordinate current = fScoreQueue.Dequeue();
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Current = " + current.ToString());
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Visited = " + visited.ToString());
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Parents = " + parents.ToString());
                Console.Out.WriteLine("gScore = " + gScore.ToString());
                Console.Out.WriteLine("fScoreQueue = " + fScoreQueue.ToString());
                if (current == goal)
                    return ReconstructPath(parents, goal);

                foreach (Coordinate neighbor in board[current.row,current.col].GetNeighborCoordinates())
                    if (visited.Contains(neighbor)) continue;
                    double newGScore = gScore[current] + Distance(current, neighbor);
                    if (!fScoreQueue.Contains(neighbor))
                        parents[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor] = newGScore;
                        fScoreQueue.Enqueue(neighbor, newGScore + Heuristic(neighbor, goal));
                    else if (newGScore < gScore[neighbor])
                        parents[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor] = newGScore;
                        fScoreQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbor, newGScore + Heuristic(neighbor, goal));


            return null;
        public static List<Coordinate> GetShortestPath(Board board, Coordinate start, Coordinate goal)
            HashSet<Coordinate> visited = new HashSet<Coordinate>();
            Dictionary<Coordinate, Coordinate> parents = new Dictionary<Coordinate, Coordinate>();
            Dictionary<Coordinate, double> gScore = new Dictionary<Coordinate, double>();
            HeapPriorityQueue<Coordinate> fScoreQueue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Coordinate>(board.MaxSize());
            parents[start] = start;
            gScore.Add(start, 0);
            fScoreQueue.Enqueue(start, gScore[start] + Heuristic(start, goal));
            while (fScoreQueue.Count() != 0)
                Coordinate current = fScoreQueue.Dequeue();
                //Console.WriteLine("Current = " + current.ToString());
                if (current.Equals(goal))
                    Console.WriteLine("FOUND GOAL!!!");
                    return ReconstructPath(parents, goal);

                List<Coordinate> neighbors = board.GetNeighbors(current);
                foreach (Coordinate neighbor in neighbors)
                    if (visited.Contains(neighbor)) continue;
                    if (!board.GetSquare(neighbor).IsTraversable()) continue;
                    double newGScore = gScore[current] + Distance(current, neighbor);
                    if (!fScoreQueue.Contains(neighbor))
                        parents[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor] = newGScore;
                        fScoreQueue.Enqueue(neighbor, newGScore + Heuristic(neighbor, goal));
                    else if (newGScore < gScore[neighbor])
                        parents[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor] = newGScore;
                        fScoreQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbor, newGScore + Heuristic(neighbor, goal));


            return null;
Beispiel #8
        public List<Node> findPath(Point start, Point end)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Point, Node> k in dict)
                k.Value.gvalue = 0;
                k.Value.parent = null;

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> open_set = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(49152);
            Dictionary<Point, Node> closed_set = new Dictionary<Point, Node>();
            dict[start].gvalue = 0;
            open_set.Enqueue(dict[start], 0);

            Node curr = null;
            while (open_set.Count > 0)
                // lowest rank
                curr = open_set.Dequeue();

                if (curr.getPoint().Equals(end))

                closed_set[curr.getPoint()] = curr;

                foreach (Node n in curr.getLinks())
                    int cost = curr.gvalue + (int)(Math.Abs(end.X - curr.getPoint().X) + Math.Abs(end.Y - curr.getPoint().Y));
                    if (open_set.Contains(n) && cost < n.gvalue)
                    if (!open_set.Contains(n) && !closed_set.ContainsKey(n.getPoint()))
                        n.gvalue = cost;
                        open_set.Enqueue(n, cost);
                        n.parent = curr;

            return followPath(curr, new List<Node>());
        public void HeapPriorityQueueDequeTest()
            HeapPriorityQueue<int> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<int> (10);

            queue.Enqueue (5, 1);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 5);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 5);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 6);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 7);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 2);

            int first = queue.Dequeue ();
            int second = queue.Dequeue ();

            Assert.AreEqual (5, first);
            Assert.AreEqual (7, second);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, queue.Count);
Beispiel #10
 public QSearchResult AStar(QState startState, bool output = false, int maxQueue = 1000)
     HashSet<QState> explored = new HashSet<QState>();
     Dictionary<QState, decimal> bestSoFar = new Dictionary<QState, decimal>() { { startState, 0 } };
     HeapPriorityQueue<QStateContainer> toDo = new HeapPriorityQueue<QStateContainer>(maxQueue);
     toDo.Enqueue(new QStateContainer(startState), 0);
     Dictionary<QState, QSearchResult> pathTo = new Dictionary<QState, QSearchResult>() { { startState, new QSearchResult() } };
     if (output) WriteOutput("Searching for shortest path via A-Star Search...");
     int steps = 0;
     while (toDo.Count > 0 && isRunning)
         QState current = toDo.Dequeue().qstate;
         if (current.IsEnd())
             if (output) WriteOutput("Shortest path of " + pathTo[current].Count + " step(s) found after " + steps + " iteration(s).");
             return pathTo[current];
             foreach (QAction action in current.GetActions())
                 QState newState = current.GetNewState(action);
                 if (!explored.Contains(newState))
                     decimal actualCost = bestSoFar[current] - current.GetValue();
                     if (!bestSoFar.ContainsKey(newState) || actualCost < bestSoFar[newState])
                         pathTo[newState] = new QSearchResult(pathTo[current]);
                         bestSoFar[newState] = actualCost;
                         toDo.Enqueue(new QStateContainer(newState), bestSoFar[newState] - 1 * newState.GetValueHeuristic());
     if (output) WriteOutput("No path found after " + steps + " iteration(s).");
     return null;
        public void HeapPriorityQueueEmptyItTest()
            HeapPriorityQueue<int> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<int> (10);

            queue.Enqueue (5, 1);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 2);
            queue.Enqueue (6, 3);
            queue.Enqueue (7, 4);
            queue.Enqueue (8, 5);
            queue.Enqueue (9, 6);

            Assert.AreEqual(9, queue.Dequeue());

            Assert.AreEqual (0, queue.Count);
        public void TestBackwardOrder()
            Node node1 = new Node(1);
            Node node2 = new Node(2);
            Node node3 = new Node(3);
            Node node4 = new Node(4);
            Node node5 = new Node(5);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node, int> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node, int>(5);
            Enqueue(queue, node5);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node2, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node5, Dequeue(queue));
        public void TestAddingDifferentNodesLater()
            Node node1 = new Node(1);
            Node node2 = new Node(2);
            Node node3 = new Node(3);
            Node node4 = new Node(4);
            Node node5 = new Node(5);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(5);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node5);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node2, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node5, Dequeue(queue));

            Node node6 = new Node(6);
            Node node7 = new Node(7);
            Node node8 = new Node(8);
            Node node9 = new Node(9);
            Node node10 = new Node(10);

            Enqueue(queue, node6);
            Enqueue(queue, node7);
            Enqueue(queue, node8);
            Enqueue(queue, node10);
            Enqueue(queue, node9);

            Assert.AreEqual(node6, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node7, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node8, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node9, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node10, Dequeue(queue));
Beispiel #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //First, we create the priority queue.  We'll specify a max of 10 users in the queue
            HeapPriorityQueue<User> priorityQueue = new HeapPriorityQueue<User>(MAX_USERS_IN_QUEUE);

            //Next, we'll create 5 users to enqueue
            User user1 = new User("1 - Jason");
            User user2 = new User("2 - Tyler");
            User user3 = new User("3 - Valerie");
            User user4 = new User("4 - Joseph");
            User user42 = new User("4 - Ryan");

            //Now, let's add them all to the queue (in some arbitrary order)!
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(user4, 4);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(user2, 0); //Note: Priority = 0 right now!
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(user1, 1);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(user42, 4);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(user3, 3);

            //Change user2's priority to 2.  Since user2 is already in the priority queue, we call UpdatePriority() to do this
            priorityQueue.UpdatePriority(user2, 2);

            //Finally, we'll dequeue all the users and print out their names
            while(priorityQueue.Count != 0)
                User nextUser = priorityQueue.Dequeue();

            //1 - Jason
            //2 - Tyler
            //3 - Valerie
            //4 - Joseph
            //4 - Ryan

            //Notice that when two users with the same priority were enqueued, they were dequeued in the same order that they were enqueued.
Beispiel #15
    *	Uses a breadth-first-search to calculate the distance between a given Detective and Mr X.
    *	Only considers the absolute distance between the Detective and Mr. X. Ticket amounts are
    *		not accounted for.
    public static int calculateValue(GamePosition game, Player player)
        int mrXId = 0;
        var nodes = new HashSet<Node>(game.Board.Values);
        foreach(Node node in nodes){
            node.Color = Color.white;
            node.Value = Int32.MaxValue;
            node.Parent = null;
        player.getLocation().Color = Color.gray;
        player.getLocation().Value = 0;
        player.getLocation().Parent = null;

        int MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES = 200;
        HeapPriorityQueue<Node> pq = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES);
        Node playerLocation = player.getLocation();
        pq.Enqueue(playerLocation, playerLocation.Value);
        while(pq.First != null){
            Node u = pq.Dequeue();
            foreach(Node v in u.getAllEdges()){
                if(v.Color == Color.white){
                    v.Color = Color.gray;
                    v.Value = u.Value + 1;
                    v.Parent = u;
                    if(v == game.Players[mrXId].getLocation()){
                        return v.Value;
                    pq.Enqueue(v, v.Value);
            u.Color =;
        throw new Exception ("calculate value error!!!!!!!");
        //Not all code paths return a value, should the following line be here?
        return MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES;
        public void TestPriorityQueue()
            int[] queueTestOrder = { 10, 3, 11, 6, -3, 17, 13, -6, 2, 8, -2, -8 };
            int nodeCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < queueTestOrder.Length; i++)
                nodeCount = Math.Max(queueTestOrder[i] + 1, nodeCount);

            HeapPriorityQueue<TestNode> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<TestNode>(nodeCount);

            TestNode[] testNodes = new TestNode[nodeCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                testNodes[i] = new TestNode();

            for (int i = 0; i < queueTestOrder.Length; i++)
                int t = queueTestOrder[i];

                if (t > 0)
                    queue.Enqueue(testNodes[t], t);
                if (t < 0)
                    Assert.IsTrue(queue.Dequeue().Priority == -t);
Beispiel #17
    // Get rid of all of the news, since they are creating garbage. Reuse the objects.
    public static List<Node> calculatePath(Int2 start, Int2 end)
        Node startNode = new Node(null, start, calculatePointIndex(start));
        Node targetNode = new Node(null, end, calculatePointIndex(end));

        Node[] visited = new Node[world.GetLength(0) * world.GetLength(1)];

        HeapPriorityQueue<Node> frontier = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(100);
        List<Node> result = new List<Node>();
        frontier.Enqueue(startNode, 0); // dummy value for priority since it will be popped immediately.

        // Continue algorithm until there are no more open nodes.
        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            Node current = frontier.Dequeue();

            // If the popped node is the target node, then you are done.
            if (current.index == targetNode.index)

                Node nodeInShortestPath = current.parent;

                while (nodeInShortestPath != null)
                    nodeInShortestPath = nodeInShortestPath.parent;

                List<Int2> neighbors = findNeighbors(current.point);

                foreach (Int2 neighbor in neighbors) { // foreach has a bug that creates garbage via wrappers
                    int pointIndex = calculatePointIndex(neighbor);

                    Node neighborNode = visited[pointIndex] != null ?
                        visited[pointIndex] : new Node(current, neighbor, pointIndex);
                    int newNeighborCost = current.g + manhattanDistance(neighbor, current.point);

                    if (visited[neighborNode.index] == null || neighborNode.g > newNeighborCost)
                        neighborNode.g = newNeighborCost;
                        neighborNode.f = neighborNode.g + manhattanDistance(neighbor, targetNode.point);
                        neighborNode.parent = current;

                        if (!frontier.Contains(neighborNode))
                            frontier.Enqueue(neighborNode, neighborNode.f);
                            frontier.UpdatePriority(neighborNode, neighborNode.f);

                        visited[neighborNode.index] = neighborNode;

        // If frontier is emptied out and the target hasn't been reached, then the path is blocked and no shortest path exists.
        return result;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the Dijkstra algorithm which calculates the shortest paths from the source to any other node
        /// which is reachable from there.
        /// If this method is called multiple times with the same source it does only calculate the paths the first time
        /// Exceptions:
        /// ArgumentException if the nodes Enumerable is null, the source is null or the source is not part of the graph (the nodes)
        /// </summary>
        public void Run(IEnumerable <AdjacencyNode <T> > nodes, AdjacencyNode <T> source)
            if (nodes == null || source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Nodes Enumerable or Source is null");

            if (Source != null && Source.Equals(source))

             * Initialize the Algorithm
            Source = source;

            // Holds the shortest distance between the source and the node
            Dictionary <AdjacencyNode <T>, int> distance = new Dictionary <AdjacencyNode <T>, int>();

            // Holds the node from which we need to go to the current node if we are taking the shortest path
            PreviousNode = new Dictionary <AdjacencyNode <T>, AdjacencyNode <T> >();
            // Fast Access to the Node (of the Nodes to inspect) which has the shortest distance and thus needs to be processed next
            // if we processed all nodes in that queue or the remaining ones are not reachable the algorithm is finished
            HeapPriorityQueue <AdjacencyNode <T> > distanceQueue = new HeapPriorityQueue <AdjacencyNode <T> >();

            foreach (AdjacencyNode <T> n in nodes)
                // previous nodes are unknown at the start
                PreviousNode.Add(n, null);
                // distance is assumed to be the maximum possible value. Therefore it can be improved if we find a shorter one
                distance.Add(n, int.MaxValue);
                distanceQueue.Enqueue(n, int.MaxValue);

            if (!distanceQueue.Contains(source))
                throw new ArgumentException("The source is not part of the graph (nodes)");

             * Execute the Algorithm
            distance[Source] = 0;
            distanceQueue.UpdatePriority(Source, 0);

            while (!distanceQueue.IsEmpty())
                // The nearest node is a node which has never been reached (otherwise its path would have been improved)
                // This means all other nodes can also not be reached and our algorithm is finished...
                if (distanceQueue.PeekPriority() == int.MaxValue)

                AdjacencyNode <T> nearestNode = distanceQueue.Dequeue();

                // Check all neighbours that still need to be inspected
                foreach (AdjacencyNode <T> neighbour in nearestNode.AdjacentNodes)
                    if (!distanceQueue.Contains(neighbour))

                    // calculate distance with the currently inspected neighbour
                    int neighbourDist = distance[nearestNode] + 1;

                    // set the neighbour as shortest if it is better than the currently known shortest distance
                    if (neighbourDist < distance[neighbour])
                        distance[neighbour] = neighbourDist;
                        distanceQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbour, neighbourDist);
                        PreviousNode[neighbour] = nearestNode;
Beispiel #19
    void SetVals(HeapPriorityQueue<MapNode> openQ, int x, int y, int g, int g_inc, int count, coord prev, int end_x, int end_y)
        if(!m_Map[x,y].closed && m_Map[x,y].g > g+g_inc)
            m_Map[x,y].g = g+g_inc;
            m_Map[x,y].h = Heuristic(x, y, end_x, end_y);
            m_Map[x,y].f = m_Map[x,y].g + m_Map[x,y].h;
            m_Map[x,y].count = count+1;
            m_Map[x,y].previous = prev;

            /*if(Heuristic(prev.x, prev.y, x, y) > 1)
                Debug.Log("Err: H: " + Heuristic(prev.x, prev.y, x, y).ToString() + ": prev (" + prev.x.ToString() +", " + prev.y.ToString() + ") to current (" + x.ToString() + ", " + y.ToString() + ")");

                openQ.UpdatePriority(m_Map[x,y], m_Map[x,y].f);
                openQ.Enqueue(m_Map[x,y], m_Map[x,y].f);
Beispiel #20
    void ProcessNode(HeapPriorityQueue<MapNode> openQ, MapNode m, int end_x, int end_y)
        bool L = IsAccessible(m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y);
        bool R = IsAccessible(m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y);
        bool T = IsAccessible(m.pos.x, m.pos.y+1);
        bool B = IsAccessible(m.pos.x, m.pos.y-1);
        bool TL = T && L && IsAccessible(m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y+1);
        bool TR = T && R && IsAccessible(m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y+1);
        bool BL = B && L && IsAccessible(m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y-1);
        bool BR = B && R && IsAccessible(m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y-1);
        if(L) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y, m.g, 10, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(R) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y, m.g, 10, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(T) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x, m.pos.y+1, m.g, 10, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(B) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x, m.pos.y-1, m.g, 10, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);

        if(TL) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y+1, m.g, 14, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(TR) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y+1, m.g, 14, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(BL) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x+1, m.pos.y-1, m.g, 14, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
        if(BR) SetVals(openQ, m.pos.x-1, m.pos.y-1, m.g, 14, m.count, m.pos, end_x, end_y);
Beispiel #21
        private IEnumerable<Node> getNeighbourghNodes(Node source, HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue)
            List<Node> nodeList = source.Ruter.ConvertAll(input => input.To);

            return nodeList;
        public void TestMoreComplicatedQueue()
            Node node11 = new Node(1);
            Node node12 = new Node(1);
            Node node13 = new Node(1);
            Node node14 = new Node(1);
            Node node15 = new Node(1);
            Node node21 = new Node(2);
            Node node22 = new Node(2);
            Node node23 = new Node(2);
            Node node24 = new Node(2);
            Node node25 = new Node(2);
            Node node31 = new Node(3);
            Node node32 = new Node(3);
            Node node33 = new Node(3);
            Node node34 = new Node(3);
            Node node35 = new Node(3);
            Node node41 = new Node(4);
            Node node42 = new Node(4);
            Node node43 = new Node(4);
            Node node44 = new Node(4);
            Node node45 = new Node(4);
            Node node51 = new Node(5);
            Node node52 = new Node(5);
            Node node53 = new Node(5);
            Node node54 = new Node(5);
            Node node55 = new Node(5);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(25);
            Enqueue(queue, node31);
            Enqueue(queue, node51);
            Enqueue(queue, node52);
            Enqueue(queue, node11);
            Enqueue(queue, node21);
            Enqueue(queue, node22);
            Enqueue(queue, node53);
            Enqueue(queue, node41);
            Enqueue(queue, node12);
            Enqueue(queue, node32);
            Enqueue(queue, node13);
            Enqueue(queue, node42);
            Enqueue(queue, node43);
            Enqueue(queue, node44);
            Enqueue(queue, node45);
            Enqueue(queue, node54);
            Enqueue(queue, node14);
            Enqueue(queue, node23);
            Enqueue(queue, node24);
            Enqueue(queue, node33);
            Enqueue(queue, node34);
            Enqueue(queue, node55);
            Enqueue(queue, node35);
            Enqueue(queue, node25);
            Enqueue(queue, node15);

            Assert.AreEqual(node11, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node12, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node13, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node14, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node15, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node21, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node22, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node23, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node24, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node25, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node31, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node32, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node33, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node34, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node35, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node41, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node42, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node43, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node44, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node45, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node51, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node52, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node53, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node54, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node55, Dequeue(queue));
        public void TestClear()
            Node node1 = new Node(1);
            Node node2 = new Node(2);
            Node node3 = new Node(3);
            Node node4 = new Node(4);
            Node node5 = new Node(5);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(5);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node5);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
 void Start()
     money = startingMoney;
     costs = new HeapPriorityQueue <CostNode>(maxCostNodes);
Beispiel #25
    public List <Vector2> AStarPath(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 goalPos)
        int goalPosX = (int)goalPos.x;
        int goalPosY = (int)goalPos.y;

        Node startNode = new Node((int)startPos.x, (int)startPos.y, 0, null);

        HashSet <Node>           closedNodes = new HashSet <Node>();
        HeapPriorityQueue <Node> q           = new HeapPriorityQueue <Node>(10000);
        List <Vector2>           path        = null;

        q.Enqueue(startNode, AStarHeuristic(startNode.x, startNode.y, goalPosX, goalPosY));

        while (q.Count > 0 && q.Count < q.MaxSize - 5)
            Node currNode = q.Dequeue();
//			print ("currNode: " + currNode.x + ", " + currNode.y + " - moves: " + currNode.g + ", h: " + AStarHeuristic(currNode.x, currNode.y, goalPosX, goalPosY) + ", prio: " + currNode.Priority);
            if (currNode.x == goalPosX && currNode.y == goalPosY)


            foreach (Node neighbor in NeighborNodes(currNode))
                if (closedNodes.Contains(neighbor))
//					print ("node was in closedNodes!");

                if (q.Contains(neighbor))
//					print ("node was in closedNodes!");
//				float tentativeG =

                q.Enqueue(neighbor, neighbor.g + AStarHeuristic(currNode.x, currNode.y, goalPosX, goalPosY));

//				print ("neighbor added: " + neighbor.x + ", " + neighbor.y + " - moves: " + neighbor.g + ", h: " + AStarHeuristic(neighbor.x, neighbor.y, goalPosX, goalPosY) + ", prio: " + neighbor.Priority);

//		add current to closedset
//		for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
//			if neighbor in closedset
//				continue
//					tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
//					if neighbor not in openset or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]
//					came_from[neighbor] := current
//					g_score[neighbor] := tentative_g_score
//					f_score[neighbor] := g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
//					if neighbor not in openset
//						add neighbor to openset

            //			if (closedNodes.Contains(currNode)){
            //				continue;
            //			}

            //			Node

//			q.Enqueue(startNode, AStarHeuristic(startNode.x, startNode.y, goalPosX, goalPosY));

//			closedNodes.Add(currNode);

 private Node Dequeue(HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue)
     Node returnMe = queue.Dequeue();
     return returnMe;
Beispiel #27
        private Node Dijstra(by source, by target, Politik politik, pakke sendtPakke, float multiplier)
            var queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(_byliste.Count * 2);
            _nodes = new List<Node>();
            Node targetBy = null;
            foreach (var by in _byliste)
                var node = new Node
                    By = by

                if (by.CityId == target.CityId)
                    targetBy = node;

                node.Distance = by.CityId == source.CityId ? 0 : double.MaxValue;
                queue.Enqueue(node, node.Distance);

            while (queue.Any())
                var node = queue.Dequeue();

                if (node == targetBy && node.Distance != double.MaxValue)
                    return node;

                GetRoutes(node, politik, sendtPakke, multiplier);

                foreach (var neighbour in getNeighbourghNodes(node, queue))
                    if (neighbour == null || !queue.Contains(neighbour))

                    var dist = node.Distance + DistanceBetween(node, neighbour, politik);
                    if (dist < neighbour.Distance)
                        neighbour.Distance = dist;
                        neighbour.Previous = node;
                        queue.UpdatePriority(neighbour, dist);
            return null;
	void Awake(){
		if(GameObject.Find("LobbyGUI") != null){
			sessionManager = SessionManager.Instance;
			beginTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
			playerSpawnVectors = new List<Vector3>();
			foreach(Transform location in spawnPositions){
			hudTools = GetComponent<HUDTools>();
			playersReady = new List<NetworkPlayer>();
			allTimedSpawns = new HeapPriorityQueue<PowerSpawn>(30);
			powerPrefabs = GetComponent<PowerPrefabs>();
			GameObject placementRoot = Instantiate(placementRootPrefab, 
			                                       placementRootPrefab.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
			placementUI = placementRoot.GetComponent<PlacementUI>();
Beispiel #29
    // Method fills ValidMoves list with all cells that the unit is capable of moving to
    // Uses slightly modified Dijkstra's Algorithm
    public void GetAvailableDestinations(Cell origin, float movePoints)
        ValidConnections.Clear(); // Empty ValidMoves and recalculate in the following

        var frontier = new HeapPriorityQueue <Cell>();

        frontier.Enqueue(origin, 0);

        var cameFrom = new Dictionary <Cell, Cell>();

        cameFrom[origin] = null;

        var costSoFar = new Dictionary <Cell, float>();

        costSoFar[origin] = 0;

        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            Cell current = frontier.Dequeue();

            foreach (var next in current.Neighbours)
                // Don't add if can't be reached
                if (!CanReach(current, next))

                // Don't add if cost exceeds movement points
                float newCost;
                float movementCost = 0f;
                // If the unit shares OccupyingSpace (ground, air, etc) with the cell
                if (SharesSpace(next))
                    foreach (Cell cell in new List <Cell>(GetGridSizeCells(next)))
                        if (cell.MovementCost > movementCost)
                            movementCost = cell.MovementCost;
                    newCost = costSoFar[current] + (movementCost * current.GetDistance(next));
                else // Otherwise the unit isn't effected by movement cost of the cell
                    newCost = costSoFar[current] + current.GetDistance(next);

                if (newCost > MovementPoints)

                if (!costSoFar.Keys.Contains(next) || newCost < costSoFar[next])
                    costSoFar[next] = newCost;
                    frontier.Enqueue(next, newCost);
                    cameFrom[next] = current;

        ValidConnections = cameFrom;
        public void TestOrderedQueue()
            Node node1 = new Node(1);
            Node node2 = new Node(1);
            Node node3 = new Node(1);
            Node node4 = new Node(1);
            Node node5 = new Node(1);

            HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue = new HeapPriorityQueue<Node>(5);
            Enqueue(queue, node1);
            Enqueue(queue, node2);
            Enqueue(queue, node3);
            Enqueue(queue, node4);
            Enqueue(queue, node5);

            Assert.AreEqual(node1, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node2, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node3, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node4, Dequeue(queue));
            Assert.AreEqual(node5, Dequeue(queue));
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup all the necessary lists for the algorithm to work 
        /// </summary>
        private void setup()
            //initialize SLAV
            SLAV = new List<CircularLinkedList<Vertex>>();

            //initialize priority queue Q
            Q = new HeapPriorityQueue<Event>(500);

            //initialize first LAV
            CircularLinkedList<Vertex> LAV = new CircularLinkedList<Vertex>();
            for (int i = 0; i < polygon.ControlVertices.Count; i++)
                //Create vertex for each controlpoint and store edges + calc bisector ray
                Vertex vertex = new Vertex(polygon.ControlVertices[i], id++);
                vertex.prevEdge = new Edge(polygon.ControlVertices.PreviousVertex(i), vertex.getPoint());
                vertex.nextEdge = new Edge(vertex.getPoint(), polygon.ControlVertices.NextVertex(i));

                //Add them to initial LAV


            //initial event creation
            testDots = new List<OwnVector2>();
            for(int i = 0; i < LAV.Count; i++)
                Vertex prev = LAV[i].Previous.Value;
                Vertex current = LAV[i].Value;
                Vertex next = LAV[i].Next.Value;

                findClosestIntersectionAndStore(LAV, prev, current, next);
 private void Enqueue(HeapPriorityQueue<Node> queue, Node node)
     queue.Enqueue(node, node.Priority);
	void Awake(){

		sessionManager = SessionManager.Instance;
		playerSpawnVectors = new List<Vector3>();

		foreach(Transform location in spawnPositions){
		hudTools = GetComponent<HUDTools>();
		playersReady = new List<NetworkPlayer>();
		allTimedSpawns = new HeapPriorityQueue<PowerSpawn>(30);

		powerPrefabs = GetComponent<PowerPrefabs>();
		GameObject placementRoot = Instantiate(placementRootPrefab, 
		                                       placementRootPrefab.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
		placementUI = placementRoot.GetComponent<PlacementUI>();
		timer = GameObject.Find("timer").GetComponent<Timer>();

		ScoreUI scoreUI = placementRoot.GetComponent<ScoreUI>();

		livesUI = placementRoot.GetComponent<LivesUI>();
		livesUI.Initialize(sessionManager.psInfo, sessionManager.psInfo.livesPerRound);

		pointTracker = GetComponent<PointTracker>();

 void Start()
     money = startingMoney;
     costs = new HeapPriorityQueue<CostNode>(maxCostNodes);
Beispiel #35
    public static IEnumerable <PathNode> SelectAstarPath(PathNode startNode, PathNode endNode, PathNode[,] pathNodes)
        if (startNode != endNode)
            HeapPriorityQueue <PathNode> frontier = new HeapPriorityQueue <PathNode>(PathNode.ConnectedNodes.Keys.Count);
            frontier.Enqueue(startNode, 0);

            Dictionary <PathNode, PathNode> cameFrom  = new Dictionary <PathNode, PathNode>();
            Dictionary <PathNode, float>    costSoFar = new Dictionary <PathNode, float>();

            cameFrom.Add(startNode, null);
            costSoFar.Add(startNode, 0);

            while (frontier.Count != 0)
                PathNode current = frontier.Dequeue();
                if (current == endNode)

                //Console.WriteLine("Processing Node " + current.X + " " + current.Y);
                foreach (var next in PathNode.ConnectedNodes[current])
                    if (!next.Item1.Enabled)
                    if (cameFrom.ContainsKey(next.Item1))

                    float newCost = costSoFar[current] + next.Item2;
                    if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(next.Item1) || newCost < costSoFar[next.Item1])
                        costSoFar[next.Item1] = newCost;
                        float priority = newCost + CalculateHeuristic(next.Item1.X, next.Item1.Y, endNode.X, endNode.Y);
                        frontier.Enqueue(next.Item1, priority);
                        cameFrom[next.Item1] = current;
            //Console.WriteLine("Done Next up building");

            var      result      = new List <PathNode>();
            PathNode currentNode = endNode;

                //Console.WriteLine("Processing Node2 " + currentNode.X + " " + currentNode.Y);
                PathNode next = null;
                if (!cameFrom.TryGetValue(currentNode, out next))
                yield return(currentNode = next);
            } while (startNode != currentNode);
            yield return(startNode);