public void Init() { if (SpineBones.Count == 0) { if (SpineTransforms.Count > 2) { CreateSpineChain(SpineTransforms[0], SpineTransforms[SpineTransforms.Count - 1]); Debug.Log("[SPINE ANIMATOR] Auto Bone Conversion from old version of Spine Animator! Please select your objects with Spine Animator to pre-convert it instead of automatically doing it when game Starts! (" + name + ")"); } else { Debug.Log("[SPINE ANIMATOR] could not initialize Spine Animator inside '" + name + "' because there are no bones to animate!"); return; } } if (initialized) { Debug.Log("[Spine Animator] " + name + " is already initialized!"); return; } if (BaseTransform == null) { BaseTransform = FindBaseTransform(); } referenceDistance = 0f; // Preparing bones for (int i = 0; i < SpineBones.Count; i++) { SpineBones[i].PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, i); referenceDistance += SpineBones[i].BoneLength; } referenceDistance /= (float)(SpineBones.Count); frontHead = new HeadBone(SpineBones[0].transform); frontHead.PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, 0); backHead = new HeadBone(SpineBones[SpineBones.Count - 1].transform); backHead.PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, SpineBones.Count - 1); // Collision calculations helper list CollidersDataToCheck = new List <FImp_ColliderData_Base>(); // Straightening spine pose to desired positions and rotations on init chainReverseFlag = !LastBoneLeading; UpdateChainIndexHelperVariables(); ReposeSpine(); //SpineMotion(); initialized = true; }
protected override Validation <string, PairedEyeSight> CreateService(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { return(from skeleton in Skeleton .ToValidation("Failed to find the skeleton.") from animationManager in AnimationManager .ToValidation("Failed to find the animation manager.") from horizontalEyesControl in HorizontalEyesControl.TrimToOption() .Bind(animationManager.FindSeekableAnimator) .ToValidation("Failed to find an animation control for horizontal eyes movement.") from verticalEyesControl in VerticalEyesControl.TrimToOption() .Bind(animationManager.FindSeekableAnimator) .ToValidation("Failed to find an animation control for vertical eyes movement.") from rightEye in Markers.Find(m => RightEyeMarker.TrimToOption().Contains(m.Key)) .ToValidation("Failed to find the right eye marker.") from leftEye in Markers.Find(m => LeftEyeMarker.TrimToOption().Contains(m.Key)) .ToValidation("Failed to find the left eye marker.") from headBone in HeadBone.TrimToOption() .Map(skeleton.FindBone).Filter(i => i > -1) .ToValidation("Failed to find the head bone.") from neckBone in NeckBone.TrimToOption() .Map(skeleton.FindBone).Filter(i => i > -1) .ToValidation("Failed to find the neck bone.") from chestBone in ChestBone.TrimToOption() .Map(skeleton.FindBone).Filter(i => i > -1) .ToValidation("Failed to find the chest bone.") select new PairedEyeSight( skeleton, animationManager, horizontalEyesControl, verticalEyesControl, rightEye, leftEye, headBone, neckBone, chestBone, new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinEyesYaw), Deg2Rad(MaxEyesYaw), TFloat.Inst), new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinEyesPitch), Deg2Rad(MaxEyesPitch), TFloat.Inst), new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinHeadYaw), Deg2Rad(MaxHeadYaw), TFloat.Inst), new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinHeadPitch), Deg2Rad(MaxHeadPitch), TFloat.Inst), new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinNeckYaw), Deg2Rad(MaxNeckYaw), TFloat.Inst), new Range <float>(Deg2Rad(MinNeckPitch), Deg2Rad(MaxNeckPitch), TFloat.Inst), this, Active, loggerFactory)); }
//Setup hinges and springs void Start() { leftLegHinge = LeftLegBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); leftLegBoneSpring = leftLegHinge.spring; rightLegHinge = RightLegBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); rightLegBoneSpring = rightLegHinge.spring; rightElbowHinge = RightElbowBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); rightElbowBoneSpring = rightElbowHinge.spring; leftElbowHinge = LeftElbowBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); leftElbowBoneSpring = leftElbowHinge.spring; chestBoneHinge = ChestBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); chestBoneSpring = chestBoneHinge.spring; headBoneHinge = HeadBone.GetComponent <HingeJoint>(); headBoneSpring = headBoneHinge.spring; }
//rendertexture (photo) is saved. this is also where some grading happens void TakePicture() { if (picIndex >= allPics.Length) { this.GetComponent <GameManager>().EndPrompt(Constants.OutOfFilmPrompt); return; } //take the photo // RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(cryptoCam.pixelWidth, cryptoCam.pixelHeight, 24); cryptoCam.targetTexture = rt; Texture2D screenshot = new Texture2D(cryptoCam.pixelWidth, cryptoCam.pixelHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, true); cryptoCam.Render(); = rt; screenshot.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, cryptoCam.pixelWidth, cryptoCam.pixelHeight), 0, 0); screenshot.Apply(); cryptoCam.targetTexture = null; = null; Destroy(rt); //create the photo Photograph pic = new Photograph(); pic.pic = screenshot; //Display(screenshot); //determine who's in the photo List <GameObject> subjects = new List <GameObject>(); GameObject mainSubject; foreach (GameObject cryptid in allCryptids) { // Renderer renderer = cryptid.GetComponent <Cryptid>().renderer; //check if cyrptid position is visible by camera if (renderer != null && renderer.isVisible) { Vector3 viewPos = cryptoCam.WorldToViewportPoint(cryptid.transform.position); if ((viewPos.x >= 0) && (viewPos.x <= 1) && (viewPos.y >= 0) && (viewPos.y <= 1) && (viewPos.z > 0)) { //if x and y are between 1 and 0 ((0,0) is bottom left corner and (1,1) is top riht) and z (distance from camera) is positive then cryptid is in the shot //dont add cryptids that are in frame but not visible if (checkVisibility(cryptid) != 0) { subjects.Add(cryptid); } } } } pic.subjectCount = subjects.Count; //automatic 0 if no one is in the photo if (subjects.Count == 0) { pic.baseScore = 0; pic.subjectName = "No one"; //store the pic allPics[picIndex] = pic; //Display(pic.pic); //DisplayScore(0); //move up index picIndex++; if (picIndex >= allPics.Length) { this.GetComponent <GameManager>().EndPrompt(Constants.OutOfFilmPrompt); } return; } //else if(subjects.Count == 1) //treatin this as default case to avoid issue of mainsubject being unnasigned //{ //allScores[picIndex] = ScoreSubject(subjects[0]); mainSubject = subjects[0]; pic.baseScore = mainSubject.GetComponent <Cryptid>().baseScore; pic.subjectName = mainSubject.GetComponent <Cryptid>().cryptidType; //} //if more than one cryptid is in the photo determine whos the subject //factors to consider: closer to camera (viewpos.z), closer to center of frame, more visible if (subjects.Count > 1) { float subjectScore = 1000000f; foreach (GameObject cryptid in subjects) { //viewpos.z represents distance from camera (z=0 is on top of camera) //(.5,.5) is the center of the screen: |(x,y)-(.5,.5)| represents distance from center Vector3 viewPos = cryptoCam.WorldToViewportPoint(cryptid.transform.position); //calculate a "score" for each cryptid based on placement and visibility //distance from center should have more "weight" in score than distance from camera which is why its bein multipied Vector2 distanceFromCenter = new Vector2(.5f, .5f) - new Vector2(viewPos.x, viewPos.y); float currentScore = viewPos.z + (100 * distanceFromCenter.magnitude); //lowest scorin cryptid becomes the main subject: lower score means less distance from ideal placement if (currentScore < subjectScore) { mainSubject = cryptid; subjectScore = currentScore; } } pic.baseScore = mainSubject.GetComponent <Cryptid>().baseScore; pic.subjectName = mainSubject.GetComponent <Cryptid>().cryptidType; } //once main subject is determined check other score criteria //check if facing forward Vector3 cryptidForward = mainSubject.transform.forward; //if cryptid has a "head bone" (object that represents the head and face) then use the forward of that for a more accurate estimate of which way its facing HeadBone cryptidHead = mainSubject.GetComponentInChildren <HeadBone>(); if (cryptidHead != null) { cryptidForward = cryptidHead.GetForward(); } //if the cos of the angle between the cameras forward vector and the cryptids forward vector is less than 0, //then the vectors are in opposite directions and the cryptid is facing the camera if (Vector3.Dot(cryptoCam.transform.forward, cryptidForward) < 0) { pic.facinForward = true; } //todo: check for cool animation pic.coolPose = mainSubject.GetComponent <Cryptid>().SpecialPose(); //store distance from center and distance from camera Vector3 cameraPos = cryptoCam.WorldToViewportPoint(mainSubject.transform.position); //if cryptid has a head bone use that as the center instead if (cryptidHead != null) { cameraPos = cryptoCam.WorldToViewportPoint(cryptidHead.transform.position); } pic.distanceFromCamera = cameraPos.z; Vector2 dfc = new Vector2(.5f, .5f) - new Vector2(cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y); pic.distanceFromCenter = dfc.magnitude; //store visibility pic.visibility = checkVisibility(mainSubject); //score the pic pic.finalScore = ScorePhoto(pic); //store the pic allPics[picIndex] = pic; //display (debu) //Display(pic.pic); //ScorePhoto(pic); //DisplayScore(ScorePhoto(pic)); //displaying all elements of score //testtxt.text = "Score: " + ScorePhoto(pic); //testtxt.text += '\n' + "Cryptids in Pic: " + pic.subjectCount; //testtxt.text += '\n' + "Subject: " + pic.subjectName; //testtxt.text += '\n' + "Facin forward: " + pic.facinForward; //testtxt.text += '\n' + "Visibility: " + pic.visibility; //move up index picIndex++; //check if we're allowed to take any more photos if (picIndex >= allPics.Length) { this.GetComponent <GameManager>().EndPrompt(Constants.OutOfFilmPrompt); return; } }
//Vector3 firstBoneOff =; public void Init() { if (SpineBones.Count == 0) { if (SpineTransforms.Count > 2) { CreateSpineChain(SpineTransforms[0], SpineTransforms[SpineTransforms.Count - 1]); Debug.Log("[SPINE ANIMATOR] Auto Bone Conversion from old version of Spine Animator! Please select your objects with Spine Animator to pre-convert it instead of automatically doing it when game Starts! (" + name + ")"); } else { Debug.Log("[SPINE ANIMATOR] could not initialize Spine Animator inside '" + name + "' because there are no bones to animate!"); return; } } if (initialized) { Debug.Log("[Spine Animator] " + name + " is already initialized!"); return; } if (BaseTransform == null) { BaseTransform = FindBaseTransform(); } // Checking bones for zero-distance ones for (int i = 0; i < SpineBones.Count; i++) { Vector3 childPos; if (i == SpineBones.Count - 1) { childPos = SpineBones[i - 1].transform.position + (SpineBones[i - 1].transform.position - SpineBones[i].transform.position); } else { childPos = SpineBones[i + 1].transform.position; } float dist = Vector3.Distance(SpineBones[i].transform.position, childPos); if (dist < 0.01f) { float refDistance = (SpineBones[SpineBones.Count - 1].transform.position - SpineBones[SpineBones.Count - 2].transform.parent.position).magnitude; Vector3 forw = SpineBones[i].transform.position - BaseTransform.position; Vector3 loc = BaseTransform.InverseTransformDirection(forw); loc.y = 0f; loc.Normalize(); SpineBones[i + 1].DefaultForward = loc; // firstBoneOff SpineBones[i + 1].transform.position = SpineBones[i + 1].transform.position + BaseTransform.TransformDirection(loc) * refDistance * -0.125f; } } referenceDistance = 0f; // Preparing bones for (int i = 0; i < SpineBones.Count; i++) { SpineBones[i].PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, i); referenceDistance += SpineBones[i].BoneLength; } referenceDistance /= (float)(SpineBones.Count); frontHead = new HeadBone(SpineBones[0].transform); frontHead.PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, 0); backHead = new HeadBone(SpineBones[SpineBones.Count - 1].transform); backHead.PrepareBone(BaseTransform, SpineBones, SpineBones.Count - 1); // Collision calculations helper list CollidersDataToCheck = new List <FImp_ColliderData_Base>(); // Straightening spine pose to desired positions and rotations on init chainReverseFlag = !LastBoneLeading; UpdateChainIndexHelperVariables(); ReposeSpine(); //SpineMotion(); initialized = true; }
public void SetImportDefault() { transform.localPosition =; transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; transform.localScale =; Animation model = Animation; if (model.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().Length > 1) { Debug.LogError("SkinnedMesh count error"); } m_AnimationStates = null; CheckBones(); model.transform.localRotation = rotationCharacter; model.GetComponent <Animation>().clip = null; model.GetComponent <Animation>().playAutomatically = false; model.GetComponent <Animation>().cullingType = AnimationCullingType.AlwaysAnimate; m_DefaultStateName = "battleidle"; Transform bip_node = FindTransform(model.transform, "Bip"); AnimationState idle_state = Animation["idle"]; if (idle_state != null && HeadBone != null) { idle_state.enabled = true; idle_state.time = 0f; idle_state.weight = 1f; Animation.Sample(); idle_state.enabled = false; IdleRotation = 90f - GetRotation(HeadBone.transform, transform).eulerAngles.y; } AnimationState default_state = Animation[m_DefaultStateName]; if (default_state != null) { default_state.enabled = true; default_state.time = 0f; default_state.weight = 1f; Animation.Sample(); default_state.enabled = false; } { BoxCollider temp_col = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (temp_col != null) { DestroyImmediate(temp_col, true); } CapsuleCollider collider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); if (collider == null) { collider = gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); = new Vector3(0f, 4f, 0f); collider.radius = 3f; collider.height = 10f; } } if (bip_node != null) { BoxCollider temp_col = bip_node.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (temp_col != null) { DestroyImmediate(temp_col, true); } SphereCollider collider = bip_node.GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); if (collider != null) { DestroyImmediate(collider, true); } } if (HeadBone != null) { SphereCollider collider = HeadBone.GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); if (collider == null) { collider = HeadBone.gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); } = new Vector3(-1.5f, 0f, 0f); collider.radius = 3; } //RootBone.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 180f, 0f); CoreUtility.SetRecursiveLayer(gameObject, "Character"); RefreshMove(true); RefreshFx(true); string prefab_path = "Assets/Character/" + + ".prefab"; CharacterAnimation prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefab_path, typeof(CharacterAnimation)) as CharacterAnimation; if (prefab == null) { PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(prefab_path, gameObject, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); } else { PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(gameObject, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); } }
private void ViewBodyMenu(HumanMuscle script) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(HeadBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(ShoulderLeftBone.GetInstance()); BoneNameButton(NeckBone.GetInstance(), 80); BoneNameButton(ShoulderRightBone.GetInstance()); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); BoneNameButton(UpperArmLeftBone.GetInstance()); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(UpperChestBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(UpperArmRightBone.GetInstance()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); BoneNameButton(LowerArmLeftBone.GetInstance()); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(ChestBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(LowerArmRightBone.GetInstance()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); BoneNameButton(HandLeftBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(SpineBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(HandRightBone.GetInstance(), 100); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(RootBone.GetInstance(), 100); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(UpperLegLeftBone.GetInstance(), 150); BoneNameButton(UpperLegRightBone.GetInstance(), 150); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(LowerLegLeftBone.GetInstance(), 150); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(LowerLegRightBone.GetInstance(), 150); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); BoneNameButton(FootLeftBone.GetInstance(), 150); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(FootRightBone.GetInstance(), 150); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); BoneNameButton(ToesLeftBone.GetInstance(), 150); EditorGUILayout.Space(); BoneNameButton(ToesRightBone.GetInstance(), 150); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
void Start() { headBoneRigidbody = HeadBone.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }