Beispiel #1
        private void FormDragDrop_internal(DragEventArgs e)
             *  Refactor, moving the loading of particular files into separate functions that can
             *  then be used by this code, and loading individual files through the file dialogue.
             *  Step 1:
             *	  Build a dictionary of relevant files from everything that was dragged and dropped.
             *	  This includes peeking into all relevant archives and using their files.
             *  Step 2:
             *	  Perhaps ask the user which of a particular file type they want to use.
             *		  Example:  rom1.nes, rom2.smc, rom3.cue are drag-dropped, ask the user which they want to use.
             *  Step 3:
             *	  Load all of the relevant files, in priority order:
             *	  1) The ROM
             *	  2) State
             *	  3) Watch files
             *	  4) Code Data Logger (CDL)
             *	  5) LUA sessions
             *	  6) LUA scripts
             *	  7) Cheat files
             *	  8) Movie Playback Files
             *  Bonus:
             *	  Make that order easy to change in the code, heavily suggesting ROM and playback as first and last respectively.

            var filePaths = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
            Dictionary <LoadOrdering, List <FileInformation> > sortedFiles = new Dictionary <LoadOrdering, List <FileInformation> >();

            // Initialize the dictionary's lists.
            foreach (LoadOrdering value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LoadOrdering)))
                sortedFiles.Add(value, new List <FileInformation>());

            ProcessFileList(HawkFile.Util_ResolveLinks(filePaths), ref sortedFiles);

            // For each of the different types of item, if there are no items of that type, skip them.
            // If there is exactly one of that type of item, load it.
            // If there is more than one, ask.

            foreach (LoadOrdering value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LoadOrdering)))
                switch (sortedFiles[value].Count)
                case 0:

                case 1:
                    var    fileInformation = sortedFiles[value].First();
                    string filename        = Path.Combine(new[] { fileInformation.DirectoryName, fileInformation.FileName });

                    switch (value)
                    case LoadOrdering.Rom:
                        LoadRom(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.State:
                        LoadStateFile(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.Watch:
                        LoadWatch(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.CdFile:
                        LoadCdl(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.LuaSession:
                        LoadLuaSession(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.LuaScript:
                        LoadLuaFile(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.Cheat:
                        LoadCheats(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);

                    case LoadOrdering.MovieFile:
                    case LoadOrdering.LegacyMovieFile:
                        // I don't really like this hack, but for now, we only want to load one movie file.
                        if (sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.MovieFile].Count + sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.LegacyMovieFile].Count > 1)

                        if (value == LoadOrdering.MovieFile)
                            LoadMovie(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);
                            LoadLegacyMovie(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName);