Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the status of the bucket to state transfer and in this way this
        /// bucket becomes locked. A locked bucket can not be assigned during
        /// loadbalancing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buckets"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        public void ChangeBucketStatusToStateTransfer(ArrayList buckets, Address node)
                if (buckets != null)
                    IEnumerator ie = buckets.GetEnumerator();
                    while (ie.MoveNext())
                        lock (InstalledHashMap.SyncRoot)
                            HashMapBucket bucket = (HashMapBucket)InstalledHashMap[(int)ie.Current];
                            if (node.Equals(bucket.TempAddress))
                                bucket.Status = BucketStatus.UnderStateTxfr;

                                if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                    NCacheLog.Info("DistributionMgr.ChangeBucketStatus", bucket.ToString());

                    if (_bucketsOwnershipMap != null)
                        ArrayList nodeBuckets = _bucketsOwnershipMap[node] as ArrayList;
                        if (nodeBuckets != null)
                            foreach (int bucketId in buckets)
                                int indexOfBucket = nodeBuckets.IndexOf(new HashMapBucket(null, bucketId));
                                if (indexOfBucket != -1)
                                    HashMapBucket bucket = nodeBuckets[indexOfBucket] as HashMapBucket;
                                    if (node.Equals(bucket.TempAddress))
                                        bucket.Status = BucketStatus.UnderStateTxfr;
Beispiel #2
        public override Hashtable GetBucketsOwnershipMap(ArrayList hashMap)
            Hashtable bucketsOwnerShipMap = new Hashtable();

                Hashtable coordinatorNodesOwnershipMap = base.GetBucketsOwnershipMap(hashMap);
                Hashtable currentOwnershipMap          = _bucketsOwnershipMap != null?_bucketsOwnershipMap.Clone() as Hashtable : null;

                ArrayList replicas             = null;
                Address   partitionCoordinator = null;

                if (coordinatorNodesOwnershipMap != null)
                    IDictionaryEnumerator ide = coordinatorNodesOwnershipMap.GetEnumerator();
                    while (ide.MoveNext())
                        partitionCoordinator = ide.Key as Address;
                        ArrayList coordinatorBuckets = ide.Value as ArrayList;

                        string subgroup = _subGroupMap[partitionCoordinator] as string;
                        if (subgroup != null)
                            replicas = _partitionNodesInfo[subgroup] as ArrayList;

                            if (replicas != null)
                                foreach (PartNodeInfo node in replicas)
                                    if (node.IsCoordinator)
                                        bucketsOwnerShipMap.Add(node.NodeAddress, coordinatorBuckets);
                                        if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                            NCacheLog.Info("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", subgroup + ": " + node.NodeAddress.ToString() + " has got " + coordinatorBuckets.Count + " buckets");
                                        ArrayList currentBuckets     = currentOwnershipMap != null ? currentOwnershipMap[node.NodeAddress] as ArrayList : null;
                                        ArrayList updatedBucketsList = new ArrayList();
                                        if (currentBuckets != null)
                                            //Node was already in the partitioned.
                                            foreach (HashMapBucket bucket in currentBuckets)
                                                //if bucket is not transferred to the replica yet then we
                                                //change the temp address to make sure that if the coordinator
                                                //of the partitioned is changed, it is reflected in the map.
                                                if (coordinatorBuckets.Contains(bucket))
                                                    if (bucket.TempAddress != null && !bucket.PermanentAddress.Equals(bucket.TempAddress))
                                                        bucket.PermanentAddress = partitionCoordinator;

                                                    if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                                        NCacheLog.Info("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", bucket.ToString() + " after coordinator left");
                                            //during loadbalancing; some new buckets may be assigned to a replica coordinator.
                                            foreach (HashMapBucket coodinatorBucket in coordinatorBuckets)
                                                if (!currentBuckets.Contains(coodinatorBucket))
                                                    HashMapBucket newNodeBucket = coodinatorBucket.Clone() as HashMapBucket;
                                                    newNodeBucket.PermanentAddress = partitionCoordinator;
                                                    newNodeBucket.TempAddress      = node.NodeAddress;
                                                    //replica node need to state transfer from his coordinator.
                                                    newNodeBucket.Status = BucketStatus.NeedTransfer;
                                                    if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                                        NCacheLog.Info("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", newNodeBucket.ToString() + " new bucket assigned to replica");
                                            //it is a new replica node,so we create a new bucket list for this node
                                            foreach (HashMapBucket coodinatorBucket in coordinatorBuckets)
                                                HashMapBucket newNodeBucket = coodinatorBucket.Clone() as HashMapBucket;
                                                newNodeBucket.PermanentAddress = partitionCoordinator;
                                                newNodeBucket.TempAddress      = node.NodeAddress;
                                                //replica node need to state transfer from his coordinator.
                                                newNodeBucket.Status = BucketStatus.NeedTransfer;
                                                if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                                    NCacheLog.Info("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", newNodeBucket.ToString() + " fresh replica");
                                        if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                                            NCacheLog.Info("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", subgroup + ": " + node.NodeAddress.ToString() + " has got " + updatedBucketsList.Count + " buckets");
                                        bucketsOwnerShipMap.Add(node.NodeAddress, updatedBucketsList);
            catch (Exception e)
                NCacheLog.Error("PoRDistMgr.GetBucketsOwnerShipMap", e.ToString());