Beispiel #1
        private static List <Manufacturer> ManufacturersSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var manufacturers = new List <Manufacturer>
                new Manufacturer {
                    ManufacturerId = 1, Name = "Sony"
                new Manufacturer {
                    ManufacturerId = 2, Name = "LG"
                new Manufacturer {
                    ManufacturerId = 3, Name = "Phillips"
                new Manufacturer {
                    ManufacturerId = 4, Name = "Samsung"

            //var manufacturers = (from line in File.ReadAllLines("Manufacturers.csv")
            //                     let rec = line.Split(',')
            //                     select new Manufacturer
            //                                {
            //                                    ManufacturerId = int.Parse(rec[0]),
            //                                    Name = rec[1]
            //                                }).ToList();

            manufacturers.ForEach(m => context.Manufacturers.Add(m));

Beispiel #2
        private static void CategoriesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Categories

            var categories = new List <Category>
                new Category {
                    CategoryId = 1, Description = "Television"
                new Category {
                    CategoryId = 2, Description = "Blue Ray & DVD Player"
                new Category {
                    CategoryId = 3, Description = "Home Cinema receiver"
                new Category {
                    CategoryId = 4, Description = "Speakers"
                new Category {
                    CategoryId = 5, Description = "PVR"
            categories.ForEach(c => context.Categories.Add(c));

Beispiel #3
        private static void ExchangeRangeSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var rates = new List <ExchangeRate>
                new ExchangeRate
                    ExchangeRateId = 1,
                    Abbreviation   = "GBP",
                    Symbol         = "£",
                    CurrencyName   = "Gibraltar Pound",
                    RateToGBP      = 1
                new ExchangeRate
                    ExchangeRateId = 2,
                    Abbreviation   = "EUR",
                    Symbol         = "€",
                    CurrencyName   = "Euro",
                    RateToGBP      = 1.20m
                new ExchangeRate
                    ExchangeRateId = 3,
                    Abbreviation   = "USD",
                    Symbol         = "$",
                    CurrencyName   = "US Dollar",
                    RateToGBP      = 1.61m

            rates.ForEach(r => context.ExchangeRates.Add(r));
Beispiel #4
 public static void ClearTables(HammondsIBMSContext context)
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all' ");
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DELETE FROM ?' ");
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all' ");
     try {
         context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT(''?'', RESEED, 0)' ");
Beispiel #5
        private static void OneOfftypesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region OneOffTypes

            var oneOffTypes = new List <OneOffType>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= Enum.GetNames(typeof(OneOffTypes)).Length; i++)
                oneOffTypes.Add(new OneOffType {
                    OneOffTypeId = i, Description = Enum.GetName(typeof(OneOffTypes), i)

            oneOffTypes.ForEach(c => context.OneOffTypes.Add(c));

Beispiel #6
        private static void ItemChargesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var itemCharges = new List <ItemCharge>
                new ItemCharge {
                    ItemChargeId = 1, Description = "Installation", Amount = 50, PurchaseDefault = true
                new ItemCharge {
                    ItemChargeId = 2, Description = "Tuning", Amount = 20
                new ItemCharge {
                    ItemChargeId = 3, Description = "Misc.", Amount = 0

            itemCharges.ForEach(s => context.ItemCharges.Add(s));
Beispiel #7
        private static void InvoiceStatusSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var invStatus = new List <InvoiceStatus>
                new InvoiceStatus {
                    InvoiceStatusId = 1, StatusDescription = "Pending"
                new InvoiceStatus {
                    InvoiceStatusId = 2, StatusDescription = "Attached"
                new InvoiceStatus {
                    InvoiceStatusId = 3, StatusDescription = "Closed"

            invStatus.ForEach(c => context.InvoiceStatuses.Add(c));
Beispiel #8
        private static void EmployersSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Employers

            var employers = new List <Employer>()
                new Employer {
                    EmployerName = "ACME Ltd", Address = new Address {
                        AddressLine1 = "Mojavi Desert"

            employers.ForEach(e => context.Employers.Add(e));

Beispiel #9
        public static void Populate(HammondsIBMSContext context, bool loadTestData = true)

            var pCycles = ProductLifeCyclesSetup(context);

            AccountTypesChangeableProductLifeCyclesSetup(context, pCycles);





            var paymentSources = PaymentSourcesSetup(context);





            if (loadTestData)

                var manufactures = ManufacturersSetup(context);

                ModelsSetup(context, manufactures);



                CustomersSetup(context, paymentSources);


Beispiel #10
        private static void ContractTypesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Contract Types

            var contractTypes = new List <ContractType>
                new ContractType
                    ContractTypeId   = 1,
                    Description      = "Manufacturer Guarantee",
                    PeriodInMonths   = 24,
                    NormalTermAmount = 0,
                    PurchaseDefault  = true,
                    PaymentPeriodId  = 4
                new ContractType
                    ContractTypeId   = 2,
                    Description      = "Hammonds Free Technical Service",
                    PeriodInMonths   = 12,
                    NormalTermAmount = 0,
                    PurchaseDefault  = true,
                    PaymentPeriodId  = 4
                new ContractType
                    ContractTypeId   = 3,
                    Description      = "Hammonds Technical Service",
                    PeriodInMonths   = 12,
                    NormalTermAmount = 80,
                    PaymentPeriodId  = 4
                new ContractType
                    ContractTypeId   = 4,
                    Description      = "Hammonds Hardware Maintenance",
                    PeriodInMonths   = 12,
                    NormalTermAmount = 50,
                    PaymentPeriodId  = 4
            contractTypes.ForEach(s => context.ContractTypes.Add(s));

Beispiel #11
        private static void AccountTypesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region AccountTypes

            var accTypes = new List <TransactionType>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= Enum.GetNames(typeof(TransactionTypes)).Length; i++)
                accTypes.Add(new TransactionType
                    TransactionTypeId = i,
                    Description       = Enum.GetName(typeof(TransactionTypes), i)

            accTypes.ForEach(c => context.AccountEntryTypes.Add(c));

Beispiel #12
        private static void PaymentTypesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region PaymentTypes

            var pmtTypes = new List <PaymentItemType>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= Enum.GetNames(typeof(PaymentItemTypes)).Length; i++)
                pmtTypes.Add(new PaymentItemType
                    PaymentItemTypeId = i,
                    Description       = Enum.GetName(typeof(PaymentItemTypes), i)

            pmtTypes.ForEach(c => context.PaymentItemTypes.Add(c));

Beispiel #13
        private static void SuppliersSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var suppliers = new List <Supplier>
                new Supplier
                    SupplierId = 1,
                    Name       = "OverClockers UK",
                    Address    =
                        new Address
                        AddressLine1 = "4 Axis - Millennium Way",
                        AddressLine2 = "High Carr Business Park",
                        AddressLine3 = "",
                        City         = "Newcastle-under-Lyme",
                        PostCode     = "ST5 7UF",
                        Country      = "United Kingdom"
                    ContactInfo = new ContactInfo {
                        Email = "*****@*****.**", Tel = "0044 871 200 5053"
                    ExchangeRateId = 1
                new Supplier
                    SupplierId = 2,
                    Name       = "Inelec S.A.",
                    Address    =
                        new Address
                        AddressLine1 = "C/ Bocángel, 38",
                        AddressLine2 = "28028 Madrid",
                        City         = "Madrid",
                        Country      = "Spain"
                    ContactInfo = new ContactInfo {
                        Email = "*****@*****.**", Tel = "0034 91 726 35 00"
                    ExchangeRateId = 2

            suppliers.ForEach(s => context.Suppliers.Add(s));
Beispiel #14
        private static void PaymentPeriodsSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Payment Periods

            var paymentPeriods = new List <PaymentPeriod>
                new PaymentPeriod
                    PaymentPeriodId = 1, Description = "Monthly", PeriodInMonths = 1
                new PaymentPeriod
                    PaymentPeriodId = 4, Description = "Yearly", PeriodInMonths = 12
            paymentPeriods.ForEach(s => context.PaymentPeriods.Add(s));

Beispiel #15
        private static List <PaymentSource> PaymentSourcesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var paymentSources = new List <PaymentSource>()
                new PaymentSource {
                    Description = "Cash"
                new PaymentSource {
                    Description = "Credit Card"
                new PaymentSource {
                    Description = "Standing Order"
                new PaymentSource {
                    Description = "Cheque"

            paymentSources.ForEach(c => context.PaymentSources.Add(c));

Beispiel #16
        private static void CustomersSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context, List <PaymentSource> paymentSources)
            #region Customers

            var customers = new List <Customer>();
            using (
                var csv =
                    new CsvReader(new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MigrationFilePath + "/customer.csv")),
                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    var firstName = "";
                    if (csv[2].Split(' ').Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < csv[2].Split(' ').Length; i++)
                            firstName += csv[2].Split(' ')[i];

                    customers.Add(new Customer
                        CustomerId = int.Parse(csv[0]),
                        Surname    = csv[2].Split(' ')[0],
                        FirstName  = firstName,
                        Address    = new Address {
                            AddressLine1 = csv[3]
                        PreferredPaymentSource = paymentSources[0]

            customers.ForEach(s => context.Customers.Add(s));

Beispiel #17
        private static void AccountTypesChangeableProductLifeCyclesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context, List <ProductLifeCycle> pCycles)
            var atcplc = new List <AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle>
                new AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle
                    AccountType      = (int)AccountType.Purchase,
                    ProductLifeCycle =
                        pCycles.Find(m => m.ProductLifeCycleId == (int)ProductLifeCycleStatus.Sold)
                new AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle
                    AccountType      = (int)AccountType.Purchase,
                    ProductLifeCycle =
                        pCycles.Find(m => m.ProductLifeCycleId == (int)ProductLifeCycleStatus.InStock)
                new AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle
                    AccountType      = (int)AccountType.Purchase,
                    ProductLifeCycle =
                        pCycles.Find(m => m.ProductLifeCycleId == (int)ProductLifeCycleStatus.ReRental)
                new AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle
                    AccountType      = (int)AccountType.Rent,
                    ProductLifeCycle =
                        pCycles.Find(m => m.ProductLifeCycleId == (int)ProductLifeCycleStatus.ReRental)
                new AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycle
                    AccountType      = (int)AccountType.Rent,
                    ProductLifeCycle =
                        pCycles.Find(m => m.ProductLifeCycleId == (int)ProductLifeCycleStatus.Scrapped)

            atcplc.ForEach(c => context.AccountTypeChangeableLifeCycles.Add(c));
Beispiel #18
        private static void DocumentTemplatesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Document Templates

            var docTemplates = new List <DocumentTemplate>
                new PurchaseContractDocumentTemplate
                    DocumentTemplateId = (int)DocumentTemplateTypes.Sale,
                    Title = "Sale",
                    Body  = GetDocumentTemplateText("Sale.txt")
                new RentContractDocumentTemplate
                    DocumentTemplateId = (int)DocumentTemplateTypes.Rent,
                    Title = "Rent",
                    Body  = GetDocumentTemplateText("Rent.txt")

            docTemplates.ForEach(m => context.DocumentTemplates.Add(m));

Beispiel #19
        private static List <ProductLifeCycle> ProductLifeCyclesSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var pCycles = new List <ProductLifeCycle>()
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 1,
                    ContractChangeable      = false,
                    Description             = "InStock",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "IS",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = true,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = (ProductLifeCycleActions.CanBeSold | ProductLifeCycleActions.CanBeRented),
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 2,
                    ContractChangeable      = false,
                    Description             = "Sold",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "SD",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = false,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = ProductLifeCycleActions.NoAction,
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 3,
                    ContractChangeable      = false,
                    Description             = "Rented",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "RT",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = false,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = ProductLifeCycleActions.NoAction,
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 4,
                    ContractChangeable      = true,
                    Description             = "ReRental",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "RR",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = true,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = ProductLifeCycleActions.CanBeRented,
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 5,
                    ContractChangeable      = false,
                    Description             = "Scrapped",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "SC",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = true,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = ProductLifeCycleActions.NoAction,
                new ProductLifeCycle
                    ProductLifeCycleId      = 6,
                    ContractChangeable      = false,
                    Description             = "Reserved",
                    DescriptionAbbreviation = "RV",
                    NotAttachedStatus       = true,
                    ProductLifeCycleActions = ProductLifeCycleActions.NoAction,

            pCycles.ForEach(c => context.ProductLifeCycles.Add(c));
Beispiel #20
        private static void MiscSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            #region Misc

            var miscs = new List <Misc>()
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.DefaultDutyPercentage,
                    Identifier       = "Default Duty Percentage",
                    Value            = "12",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?$",
                    FormatExample    = "12, 12.5, 10.12",
                    CanEdit          = true
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.LastBillCycle,
                    Identifier       = "Last Bill Cycle",
                    Value            = "2012-02",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^2[0-9]{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])$",
                    FormatExample    = "2012-04 [format : yyyy-mm]",
                    CanEdit          = true
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.MinPeriodForBillCycles,
                    Identifier       = "Minimum period(days) between Bill Cycles",
                    Value            = "27",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^([0-9]{1}|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])$",
                    FormatExample    = "27 [Range : 0-33]",
                    CanEdit          = true
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.ContractExpiryWarningPeriod,
                    Identifier       = "Contract Expiry Warning (days before)",
                    Value            = "30",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^([1-9]{1}|[1-2][0-9]{2})$",
                    FormatExample    = "27 [Range : 1-299]",
                    CanEdit          = true
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.DefaultDepositPerUnit,
                    Identifier       = "Default deposit per rental unit",
                    Value            = "50",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^([0-9]{1}|[1][0-9]{1,3})$",
                    FormatExample    = "55 [Range : 0-1999]",
                    CanEdit          = true
                new Misc
                    MiscId           = (int)MiscIdentifier.LastHouseKeep,
                    Identifier       = "Last House Keep Date",
                    Value            = "1/1/1970",
                    ValueRegexFilter = @"^2[0-9]{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])$",
                    FormatExample    = "1/1/1970[format : dd/mm/yy]",
                    CanEdit          = false

            miscs.ForEach(c => context.Miscs.Add(c));

Beispiel #21
        private static void ModelsSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context, List <Manufacturer> manufactures)
            var models = new List <Model>
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 1,
                    ModelCode = "KDL-52HX903",
                    Summary   =
                        "52” (132cm), Full HD 1080, 3D LCD TV with Intelligent Dynamic Full LED & Motionflow 400 PRO",
                    Manufacturer     = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId       = 1,
                    Size             = 52,
                    RetailPrice      = 1000,
                    RentalPrice      = 100,
                    SpainRetailPrice = 1500
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "KDL-55NX813",
                    Summary   =
                        "139cm/55, Full HD 1080, 3D LCD TV with Dynamic Edge LED, Monolithic Design & built-in Wi-Fi® access",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 55
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 3,
                    ModelCode        = "LG 55LW650T",
                    Summary          = "55\" Cinema 3D LED TV with Smart TV, freeview HD and 200Hz",
                    Manufacturer     = manufactures[1],
                    CategoryId       = 1,
                    Size             = 55,
                    RetailPrice      = 2000,
                    RentalPrice      = 200,
                    SpainRetailPrice = 2600
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 4,
                    ModelCode    = "LG 47LW650T",
                    Summary      = "47\" Cinema 3D LED TV with Smart TV, freeview HD and 200Hz",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[1],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 47
                new Model
                    // ModelId = 5,
                    ModelCode    = "46PFL9705H/12",
                    Summary      = "46\" Full HD 1080p digital TV",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[2],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 46,
                    //Image = (new IbmsImage{Name="46PFL9705H/12"}).LoadFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/DataScaffolding/PopulationData/32PFL5605H_05.jpg"))
                new Model
                    // ModelId = 6,
                    ModelCode    = "40PFL9705H/12",
                    Summary      = "40\" Full HD 1080p digital TV",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[2],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 40
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "KDL-22EX553",
                    Summary   =
                        "55cm / 22\", HD Ready TV with Edge LED, X-Reality, built-in Wi-Fi® and Sony Internet TV",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 22
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "KDL-32EX653",
                    Summary   =
                        "80cm / 32\", Full HD TV with Edge LED, X-Reality, built-in Wi-Fi® and Sony Internet TV",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 32
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "KDL-40HX753",
                    Summary   =
                        "102cm / 40\", Full HD 3D with Dynamic Edge LED, X-Reality, built-in Wi-Fi and Sony Internet TV",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 1,
                    Size         = 40
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "BDP-S790",
                    Summary   =
                        "Full HD and 3D with built-in Wi-Fi®, PC streaming, Skype™, Digital Cinema 4K, HDMI® x 2",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 2,
                    Size         = 0
                new Model
                    //ModelId = 2,
                    ModelCode = "BDP-S490",
                    Summary   =
                        "Full HD and 3D with access to the Sony Entertainment Network, PC streaming, 2 x USB and Quickstart",
                    Manufacturer = manufactures[0],
                    CategoryId   = 2,
                    Size         = 0

            models.ForEach(m => context.Models.Add(m));
Beispiel #22
 public HammondsIBMSContext Get()
     return(dataContext ?? (dataContext = new HammondsIBMSContext()));
Beispiel #23
        private static void StockSetup(HammondsIBMSContext context)
            var stocks = new List <Stock>();

            using (
                var csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MigrationFilePath + "/stock.csv")),
                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    stocks.Add(new Stock
                        ModelId            = int.Parse(csv[1]),
                        SerialNumber       = csv[2],
                        Identifier         = csv[3],
                        LandedCost         = decimal.Parse(csv[4]),
                        ProductLifeCycleId = int.Parse(csv[5]),
                        InvoiceStatusId    = int.Parse(csv[6])
            //var stocks = new List<Stock>
            //                 {
            //                     new Stock
            //                         {
            //                             //StockId = 1,
            //                             Model=models[3],
            //                             SerialNumber = "123456789012",
            //                             Identifier = "456-"+ models[3].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId = 1,

            //                             //History = new List<History>{new History
            //                             //{
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}
            //                             //}
            //                         },
            //                     new Stock
            //                         {
            //                            // StockId = 2,
            //                             Model=models[2],
            //                             SerialNumber = "166656789012",
            //                             Identifier = "555-"+ models[3].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId=1,

            //                             // History = new List<History>{new History
            //                             //{
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}
            //                             //}
            //                         },
            //                     new Stock
            //                         {
            //                            // StockId = 3,
            //                             Model=models[3],
            //                             SerialNumber = "12345679000",
            //                             Identifier = "499-"+ models[3].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId=1,

            //                             // History = new List<History>{new History
            //                             //{
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}
            //                             //}
            //                         },
            //                     new Stock
            //                         {
            //                             //StockId = 4,
            //                             Model=models[3],
            //                             SerialNumber = "736520973649",
            //                             Identifier = "666-"+ models[3].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId=1,

            //                             // History = new List<History>{new History
            //                             //{
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}
            //                             //}
            //                         },
            //                         new Stock
            //                         {
            //                             //StockId = 5,
            //                             Model=models[4],
            //                             SerialNumber = "720973653649",
            //                             Identifier = "667-"+ models[4].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId=1,

            //                             //History = new List<History>{new History
            //                             //{
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now}
            //                             //}
            //                         },
            //                         new Stock
            //                         {
            //                            // StockId = 6,
            //                             Model=models[4],
            //                             SerialNumber = "736497365209",
            //                             Identifier = "668-"+ models[4].ModelCode,
            //                             ProductLifeCycleId = 1,
            //                             InvoiceStatusId=1,

            //                             //History = new List<History>
            //                             //{
            //                             //    new History
            //                             //    {
            //                             //       HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //       ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[0],
            //                             //       TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
            //                             //    },
            //                             //    new History
            //                             //        {
            //                             //            HistoryId = 1,
            //                             //           ProductLifeCycle = pCycles[1],
            //                             //           TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
            //                             //        }
            //                             //}
            //                         },

            //                 };

            stocks.ForEach(s => context.Stocks.Add(s));