Beispiel #1
    //No need to test other values, because Unity's h values are only defined from [0, 1)
    public void GetNew_Test(float value)
        // setup
        float    expected = value;
        HSVColor hsvColor = new HSVColor(;

        // perform
        hsvColor = hsvColor.GetNew(value);

        // assert
        Assert.AreEqual(value, (float)Math.Round(hsvColor.h, 1));
Beispiel #2
    public void ToRGBAfterGetNew_Test(float h, float r, float g, float b)
        // setup
        Color    expected = new Color(r, g, b);
        HSVColor hsvColor = new HSVColor(;

        // perform
        hsvColor = hsvColor.GetNew(h);
        Color actual = hsvColor.ToRGB();

        // assert
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates a Color32 based on the given dose.
    /// </summary>
    private static Color32 Calculate(float dose)
        dose = Mathf.Abs(dose);

        float baseH = startColor.h;

        // since HSV Colors have a h value range from 0 to 360
        // and yellow is at 60
        float stepSize = 300f / maxDose;
        float newH     = baseH + stepSize * dose / 360f;

        // since unity h values only range from 0 to 1
        newH = Mathf.Clamp01(newH);

        HSVColor hsvColor = startColor.GetNew(newH);
