Beispiel #1
        public void TestORMParse()
            HL7_ORM _order = null;

            List <string> lMsg = InitializeORM;

            // we need to get the HL7 field separator and encoding characters
            _processHL7 = ProcessHL7Message.Instance;
            // HL7_ORM _order = (HL7_ORM)_processHL7.ParseHL7(slMsg: lMsg);

            object obj = _processHL7.ParseHL7(slMsg: lMsg);

            if (obj is HL7_ORM)
                _order = (HL7_ORM)obj;
                Assert.Fail("HL7 Message is not an ORM message type");

            if (IsHeaderValid(_order.HL7Header))
                Assert.Fail("MHS Header validation failed");

            // validate Patients
            if (IsPatientValid(_order.HL7Patient))
                Assert.Fail("Patient segment failed validation");

            // validate insurance segments
            if (IsPatientInsuranceValid(_order.HL7Patient))
                Assert.Fail("Insurance segment failed validation");

            if (_order.HL7Patient.NTESegments.Count > 0)
                Assert.Fail("NTE segment failed validation");
            if (_order.HL7Orders == null)
                Assert.Fail("Orders object is NULL");
                if (IsOrderValid(_order.HL7Orders))
                    Assert.Fail("Order segments failee");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// parseORM - parse the list into an HL7_ORM object
        /// <param name="slMsg">List<string>-List of HL7 Message</param>
        /// <returns>HL7_ORM</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public HL7_ORM ParseORM(List <string> slMsg)
            HL7_ORM         HL7ORM       = new HL7_ORM();
            List <ErrorMsg> lErrorMsg    = new List <ErrorMsg>();
            string          sPrevSegment = GetEnumDescription(Segments.MSH);

            BuildHeader bldMsh = new BuildHeader();

                HL7ORM.HL7Header  = new BuildHeader().GetHeader(slMsg);
                HL7ORM.HL7Patient = new BuildPatient().GetPatient(HL7ORM.HL7Header.HL7Encoding, slMsg, HL7ORM.HL7Header.MSHSegment.MessageType);
                HL7ORM.HL7Orders  = new BuildOrders().GetOrders(HL7ORM.HL7Header.HL7Encoding, slMsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                lErrorMsg.Add(new ErrorMsg(1, slMsg.ToString() + " Exception: " + ex));
            //do we have errors ?
            if (lErrorMsg.Count > 0)
                foreach (ErrorMsg err in lErrorMsg)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Error {0}: {1}", err.Code, err.Message));
            if (HL7ORM.HL7Header.MSHSegment.Errors.Count > 0)
                // display errors for the MSH segment
                foreach (var err in HL7ORM.HL7Header.MSHSegment.Errors)
                    Console.WriteLine("MSH segment processing errors");
                    Console.WriteLine("   Error: " + err);
            if (HL7ORM.HL7Header.NTESegments != null)
                if (HL7ORM.HL7Header.MSHSegment.Errors.Count > 0)
                    // display errors for the MSH segment
                    foreach (var err in HL7ORM.HL7Header.NTESegments)
                        Console.WriteLine("NTE segment processing errors");
                        Console.WriteLine("   Error: " + err);