public static void GetAttributeStringDataHelper(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string name, ref HAPI_AttributeInfo info, ref HAPI_StringHandle[] data)
			int originalTupleSize = info.tupleSize;
			bool bResult = false;
			for (HAPI_AttributeOwner type = 0; type < HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_MAX; ++type)
				bResult = session.GetAttributeInfo(geoID, partID, name, type, ref info);
				if (bResult && info.exists)

			if (!bResult || !info.exists)

			if (originalTupleSize > 0)
				info.tupleSize = originalTupleSize;

			data = new HAPI_StringHandle[info.count * info.tupleSize];
			bResult = session.GetAttributeStringData(geoID, partID, name, ref info, data, 0, info.count);
				Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to get string IDs for attribute {0}", name);
Beispiel #2
        public void ReinitializePDGContext()
            HEU_SessionBase session = GetHAPIPDGSession();

            if (session == null || !session.IsSessionValid())
                _pdgContextIDs = null;

            int numContexts = 0;

            HAPI_StringHandle[]       contextNames = new HAPI_StringHandle[_pdgContextSize];
            HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[] contextIDs   = new HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[_pdgContextSize];
            if (!session.GetPDGGraphContexts(out numContexts, contextNames, contextIDs, _pdgContextSize) || numContexts <= 0)
                _pdgContextIDs = null;

            if (_pdgContextIDs == null || numContexts != _pdgContextIDs.Length)
                _pdgContextIDs = new HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[numContexts];

            for (int i = 0; i < numContexts; ++i)
                _pdgContextIDs[i] = contextIDs[i];
                //Debug.LogFormat("PDG Context: {0} - {1}", HEU_SessionManager.GetString(contextNames[i], session), contextIDs[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the currently active PDG graph contexts in the Houdini Engine session.
        /// Should be done each time to get latest set of graph contexts.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitializePDGContext()
            HEU_SessionBase session = GetHAPIPDGSession();
            if (session == null || !session.IsSessionValid())
                _pdgContextIDs = null;

            int numContexts = 0;
            HAPI_StringHandle[]       contextNames = new HAPI_StringHandle[_pdgContextSize];
            HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[] contextIDs   = new HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[_pdgContextSize];
            if (!session.GetPDGGraphContexts(out numContexts, contextNames, contextIDs, _pdgContextSize) || numContexts <= 0)
                _pdgContextIDs = null;

            if (_pdgContextIDs == null || numContexts != _pdgContextIDs.Length)
                _pdgContextIDs = new HAPI_PDG_GraphContextId[numContexts];

            // TODO: might be okay to just use _pdgContextIDs above instead of doing a copy here
            for (int i = 0; i < numContexts; ++i)
                _pdgContextIDs[i] = contextIDs[i];
                //Debug.LogFormat("PDG Context: {0} - {1}", HEU_SessionManager.GetString(contextNames[i], session), contextIDs[i]);
Beispiel #4
        public static bool LoadHDAFile(HEU_SessionBase session, string assetPath, out HAPI_NodeId assetLibraryID, out string[] assetNames)
            assetLibraryID = HEU_Defines.HEU_INVALID_NODE_ID;
            assetNames     = new string[0];

            // Load the file
            string validAssetPath = HEU_PluginStorage.Instance.ConvertEnvKeyedPathToReal(assetPath);

            if (validAssetPath != null)
                assetPath = validAssetPath;

                HAPI_AssetLibraryId libraryID = 0;
                bool bResult = session.LoadAssetLibraryFromFile(assetPath, false, out libraryID);
                if (!bResult)

                int assetCount = 0;
                bResult = session.GetAvailableAssetCount(libraryID, out assetCount);
                if (!bResult)
                Debug.AssertFormat(assetCount > 0, "Houdini Engine: Invalid Asset Count of {0}", assetCount);

                HAPI_StringHandle[] assetNameLengths = new HAPI_StringHandle[assetCount];
                bResult = session.GetAvailableAssets(libraryID, ref assetNameLengths, assetCount);
                if (!bResult)
                // Sanity check that our array hasn't changed size
                Debug.Assert(assetNameLengths.Length == assetCount, "Houdini Engine: Invalid Asset Names");

                assetNames = new string[assetCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; ++i)
                    assetNames[i] = HEU_SessionManager.GetString(assetNameLengths[i]);


	/// <summary>
	/// Helper to parse spare parm containing the filter key words.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="session">Houdini Engine session that the TOP node is in</param>
	/// <param name="topNodeID">TOP node to get spare parm from</param>
	/// <param name="nodeInfo">Previously queried TOP node info</param>
	/// <param name="nodeTags">Tag data to populate</param>
	private static void ParseHEngineData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId topNodeID, ref HAPI_NodeInfo nodeInfo, ref TOPNodeTags nodeTags)
	    // Turn off session logging error when querying string parm that might not be there
	    bool bLogError = session.LogErrorOverride;
	    session.LogErrorOverride = false;

	    int numStrings = nodeInfo.parmStringValueCount;
	    HAPI_StringHandle henginedatash = 0;
	    if (numStrings > 0 && session.GetParamStringValue(topNodeID, "henginedata", 0, out henginedatash))
		string henginedatastr = HEU_SessionManager.GetString(henginedatash, session);
		//HEU_Logger.Log("HEngine data: " + henginedatastr);

		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(henginedatastr))
		    string[] tags = henginedatastr.Split(',');
		    if (tags != null && tags.Length > 0)
			foreach (string t in tags)
			    if (t.Equals("show"))
				nodeTags._showHEngineData = true;
				nodeTags._show = true;
			    else if (t.Equals("autoload"))
				nodeTags._autoloadHEngineData = true;
				nodeTags._autoload = true;

	    // Logging error back on
	    session.LogErrorOverride = bLogError;
Beispiel #6
		private void PopulateAttributeData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, HEU_AttributeData attributeData, ref HAPI_AttributeInfo attributeInfo)
			attributeData._attributeInfo = attributeInfo;

			int tupleSize = attributeInfo.tupleSize;
			int attributeCount = attributeInfo.count;
			int arraySize = attributeCount * tupleSize;

			// First reset arrays if the type had changed since last sync
			if (( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_INT && attributeData._attributeType != HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.INT) ||
				( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT && attributeData._attributeType != HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.FLOAT) ||
				( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING && attributeData._attributeType != HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.STRING))
				// Reset arrays if type is different
				attributeData._floatValues = null;
				attributeData._stringValues = null;
				attributeData._intValues = null;

				attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;

				if( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_INT)
					attributeData._attributeType = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.INT;
				else if ( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT)
					attributeData._attributeType = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.FLOAT;
				else if ( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING)
					attributeData._attributeType = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.STRING;

			// Make sure the internal array is correctly sized for syncing.
			if (attributeData._attributeType == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.INT)
				if (attributeData._intValues == null)
					attributeData._intValues = new int[arraySize];
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				else if (attributeData._intValues.Length != arraySize)
					System.Array.Resize<int>(ref attributeData._intValues, arraySize);
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				attributeData._floatValues = null;
				attributeData._stringValues = null;

				if (attributeData._attributeState == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID)
					int[] data = new int[0];
					HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref attributeInfo, ref data, session.GetAttributeIntData);
					for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i)
						for (int tuple = 0; tuple < tupleSize; ++tuple)
							attributeData._intValues[i * tupleSize + tuple] = data[i * tupleSize + tuple];
			else if (attributeData._attributeType == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.FLOAT)
				if (attributeData._floatValues == null)
					attributeData._floatValues = new float[arraySize];
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				else if (attributeData._floatValues.Length != arraySize)
					System.Array.Resize<float>(ref attributeData._floatValues, arraySize);
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				attributeData._intValues = null;
				attributeData._stringValues = null;

				if (attributeData._attributeState == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID)
					float[] data = new float[0];
					HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref attributeInfo, ref data, session.GetAttributeFloatData);
					for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i)
						for (int tuple = 0; tuple < tupleSize; ++tuple)
							attributeData._floatValues[i * tupleSize + tuple] = data[i * tupleSize + tuple];
			else if (attributeData._attributeType == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeType.STRING)
				if (attributeData._stringValues == null)
					attributeData._stringValues = new string[arraySize];
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				else if (attributeData._stringValues.Length != arraySize)
					System.Array.Resize<string>(ref attributeData._stringValues, arraySize);
					attributeData._attributeState = HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID;
				attributeData._intValues = null;
				attributeData._floatValues = null;

				if (attributeData._attributeState == HEU_AttributeData.AttributeState.INVALID)
					HAPI_StringHandle[] data = new HAPI_StringHandle[0];
					HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref attributeInfo, ref data, session.GetAttributeStringData);
					for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i)
						for (int tuple = 0; tuple < tupleSize; ++tuple)
							HAPI_StringHandle stringHandle = data[i * tupleSize + tuple];
							attributeData._stringValues[i * tupleSize + tuple] = HEU_SessionManager.GetString(stringHandle, session);

		/// <summary>
		/// Get the name of the given node's input. This will return a string handle for the name
		/// which will persisst until the next call to this function.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nodeID">Node's ID</param>
		/// <param name="inputIndex">Index of the input</param>
		/// <param name="nodeNameIndex">Input name string handle</param>
		/// <returns>True if successfully queried the node</returns>
		public virtual bool GetNodeInputName(HAPI_NodeId nodeID, int inputIndex, out HAPI_StringHandle nodeNameIndex)
			nodeNameIndex = 0;
			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a node inside a node network.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parentNodeID">Parent node network's node ID or -1 if at top level</param>
		/// /// <param name="operatorName">Name of the node operator type</param>
		/// <param name="nodeLabel">Label for newly created node</param>
		/// <param name="bCookOnCreation">Whether should cook on creation or not</param>
		/// <param name="newNodeID">New node's ID</param>
		/// <returns>True if successfully created a new node</returns>
		public virtual bool CreateNode(HAPI_StringHandle parentNodeID, string operatorName, string nodeLabel, bool bCookOnCreation, out HAPI_NodeId newNodeID)
			newNodeID = -1;
			return false;
		// ASSETS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		/// <summary>
		/// Load given asset file in Houdini Engine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assetPath">Path to the asset</param>
		/// <param name="bAllowOverwrite">Whether to overwrite an existing matching asset definition</param>
		/// <param name="libraryID">ID of the asset in the library</param>
		/// <returns>True if successfully loaded the asset.</returns>
		public virtual bool LoadAssetLibraryFromFile(string assetPath, bool bAllowOverwrite, out HAPI_StringHandle libraryID)
			libraryID = 0;
			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns the length of the string value for the given handle.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stringHandle">Handle of the string to query</param>
		/// <returns>Buffer of the length of the queried string.</returns>
		public virtual int GetStringBufferLength(HAPI_StringHandle stringHandle)
			return 0;
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the string value for the associated string handle.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stringHandle">Handle to look up.</param>
		/// <param name="stringBuilder">Container for return value.</param>
		/// <param name="bufferLength">Length of return value</param>
		/// <returns>True if it has successfully populated the string value.</returns>
		public virtual bool GetString(HAPI_StringHandle stringHandle, StringBuilder stringBuilder, int bufferLength)
			return false;
		public virtual bool GetParmStringValue(HAPI_NodeId nodeID, string parmName, int index, bool evaluate, out HAPI_StringHandle value)
			value = 0;
			return false;
		public virtual bool GetImagePlanes(HAPI_NodeId nodeID, [Out] HAPI_StringHandle[] imagePlanes, int numImagePlanes)
			imagePlanes = new HAPI_StringHandle[0];
			return false;
Beispiel #14
		public void PopulateUnityMaterialData(HEU_SessionBase session)
			// First we look for Unity and Substance material attributes on faces.
			// We fill up the following dictionary with unique Unity + Substance material information
			_unityMaterialInfos = new Dictionary<int, HEU_UnityMaterialInfo>();

			_unityMaterialAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo();
			_unityMaterialAttrName = new HAPI_StringHandle[0];
			HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, GeoID, PartID, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref _unityMaterialAttrInfo, ref _unityMaterialAttrName, session.GetAttributeStringData);

			// Store a local copy of the actual string values since the indices get overwritten by the next call to session.GetAttributeStringData.
			// Using a dictionary to only query the unique strings, as doing all of them is very slow and unnecessary.
			_unityMaterialAttrStringsMap = new Dictionary<HAPI_StringHandle, string>();
			foreach (HAPI_StringHandle strHandle in _unityMaterialAttrName)
				if (!_unityMaterialAttrStringsMap.ContainsKey(strHandle))
					string materialName = HEU_SessionManager.GetString(strHandle, session);
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName))
						// Warn user of empty string, but add it anyway to our map so we don't keep trying to parse it
						Debug.LogWarningFormat("Found empty material attribute value for part {0}.", _partName);
					_unityMaterialAttrStringsMap.Add(strHandle, materialName);
					//Debug.LogFormat("Added Unity material: " + materialName);

			_substanceMaterialAttrNameInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo();
			_substanceMaterialAttrName = new HAPI_StringHandle[0];
			HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, GeoID, PartID, HEU_PluginSettings.UnitySubMaterialAttribName, ref _substanceMaterialAttrNameInfo, ref _substanceMaterialAttrName, session.GetAttributeStringData);

			_substanceMaterialAttrStringsMap = new Dictionary<HAPI_StringHandle, string>();
			foreach (HAPI_StringHandle strHandle in _substanceMaterialAttrName)
				if (!_substanceMaterialAttrStringsMap.ContainsKey(strHandle))
					string substanceName = HEU_SessionManager.GetString(strHandle, session);
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(substanceName))
						// Warn user of empty string, but add it anyway to our map so we don't keep trying to parse it
						Debug.LogWarningFormat("Found invalid substance material attribute value ({0}) for part {1}.",
							_partName, substanceName);
					_substanceMaterialAttrStringsMap.Add(strHandle, substanceName);
					//Debug.LogFormat("Added Substance material: " + substanceName);

			_substanceMaterialAttrIndexInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo();
			_substanceMaterialAttrIndex = new int[0];
			HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttribute(session, GeoID, PartID, HEU_PluginSettings.UnitySubMaterialIndexAttribName, ref _substanceMaterialAttrIndexInfo, ref _substanceMaterialAttrIndex, session.GetAttributeIntData);

			if (_unityMaterialAttrInfo.exists)
				if (_unityMaterialAttrInfo.owner == HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_DETAIL && _unityMaterialAttrName.Length > 0)
					CreateMaterialInfoEntryFromAttributeIndex(this, 0);

					// Detail unity material attribute means we can treat it as single material
					_singleFaceUnityMaterial = true;
					for(HAPI_StringHandle i = 0; i < _unityMaterialAttrName.Length; ++i)
						CreateMaterialInfoEntryFromAttributeIndex(this, i);