public void AddToGump(Gump g, int x, int y)
     if (Hue > 0)
         if (AssetType == IconType.ItemArt)
             g.AddItem(x, y, AssetID, Hue);
             g.AddImage(x, y, AssetID, Hue);
         if (AssetType == IconType.ItemArt)
             g.AddItem(x, y, AssetID);
             g.AddImage(x, y, AssetID);
        public override void WriteToGump(Gump g, ref int y)
            if (ShowDetailed)
                string amount = m_DesiredAmount.ToString();

                g.AddHtmlLocalized(98, y, 350, 16, 1072205, 0x15F90, false, false); // Obtain
                g.AddLabel(143, y, 0x481, amount);

                if (m_Name.Number > 0)
                    g.AddHtmlLocalized(143 + amount.Length * 15, y, 190, 18, m_Name.Number, 0x77BF, false, false);
                    g.AddItem(350, y, LabelToItemID(m_Name.Number));
                else if (m_Name.String != null)
                    g.AddLabel(143 + amount.Length * 15, y, 0x481, m_Name.String);
                if (m_Name.Number > 0)
                    g.AddHtmlLocalized(98, y, 312, 32, m_Name.Number, 0x15F90, false, false);
                else if (m_Name.String != null)
                    g.AddLabel(98, y, 0x481, m_Name.String);

            y += 32;
Beispiel #3
        public void OnForensicEval(Mobile m)
            if (!m.Player)

            var quest = QuestHelper.GetQuest <GoingGumshoeQuest2>((PlayerMobile)m);

            if (quest != null)
                if (HasFoundClue1(quest))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1158613); // You have already documented this clue.
                    m.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157722, "Forensics", m.NetState); // *Your proficiency in ~1_SKILL~ reveals more about the item*
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1158612, null, 0x23);                                            // You have identified a clue! This item seems pertinent to the investigation!


                    var gump = new Gump(50, 50);
                    gump.AddBackground(0, 0, 500, 500, 9380);

                    gump.AddItem(84, 130, ItemID, Hue);
                    gump.AddHtml(167, 50, 310, 20, "<center><basefont color=#B22222>Book</center>", false, false);
                    gump.AddHtmlLocalized(167, 70, 310, 380, 1158577, true, false);


Beispiel #4
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile m)
            if (m.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2))
                if (m.Skills[SkillName.Carpentry].Value >= 100)
                    Gump g = new Gump(100, 100);
                    g.AddBackground(0, 0, 454, 400, 0x24A4);
                    g.AddItem(35, 120, 0xA2C6);
                    g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 50, 250, 18, 1114513, "#1158935", 0x3442, false, false); // Mysterious Statue
                    g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 77, 250, 36, 1114513, "#1158936", 0x3442, false, false); // Purchased from a Pirate Merchant
                    g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 122, 250, 228, 1158937, 0xC63, true, true);

                    /*This mysterious statue towers above you. Even as skilled a mason as you are, the craftsmanship is uncanny, and unlike anything you have encountered before.
                     * The stone appears to be smooth and special attention was taken to sculpt the statue as a perfect likeness. According to the pirate you purchased the statue
                     * from, it was recovered somewhere at sea. The amount of marine growth seems to reinforce this claim, yet you cannot discern how long it may have been
                     * submerged and are thus unsure of its age.Whatever its origins, one thing is clear - the figure is one you hope you do not encounter anytime soon...


                    m.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157722, "Carpentry", m.NetState); // *Your proficiency in ~1_SKILL~ reveals more about the item*
                    m.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157693, "Carpentry", m.NetState); // *You lack the required ~1_SKILL~ skill to make anything of it.*
                    m.SendSound(m.Female ? 0x31F : 0x42F);
Beispiel #5
        internal void BaseSkinByType(Gump g)
            if (relplug == null)
                SkillSettings.DoTell("Base Type is invalid. Cannot skin.");
            string switchby = relplug.getGumpType();

            if (switchby == "Control")
                //this.X = sk.GetCoord("Control", "X", sk ); this.Y = sk.SelectionY;
                g.X = 0; g.Y = 0;
                if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Control"))
                    SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Control gump skin."); return;
                WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Control"];
                g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y;
                //this.AddBackground(sk.GetCoord("Control", "X", sk ), sk.SelectionY, sk.GetCoord("Control", "W", sk ), sk.GetCoord("Control", "H", sk ), sk.SelectBGID);
                g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID);
                g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarSHX, Skin.BarSHY, Skin.BarSHW, Skin.BarSHH, Skin.SelectLineH);
                g.AddHtml(Skin.TMSSX, Skin.TMSSY, 140, 20, "<basefont size=5 face=1 color=#CC0000><Center>TMSS - //4// -</center></basefont>", false, false);
                //<basefont size=5 face=1 color=#CC0000><Center>TM Skill & Stat System v3.0</center></basefont>
            else if (switchby == "Master")
                g.X = 0; g.Y = 0;
                if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Master"))
                    SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Master gump skin."); return;
                WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Master"];
                //this.AddBackground(sk.MasterX, sk.MasterY, sk.MasterW, sk.MasterH, sk.MasterBGID);
                g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y;
                g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID);
                g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarMHX, Skin.BarMHY, Skin.BarMHW, Skin.BarMHH, Skin.MasterLineH);
                g.AddImageTiled(Skin.BarMVX, Skin.BarMVY, Skin.BarMVW, Skin.BarMVH, Skin.MasterLineV);
                g.AddItem(Skin.IconMX, Skin.IconMY, Skin.IconMID, Skin.IconMColor);
            else if (switchby == "Underbar")
                g.X = 0; g.Y = 0;
                if (!Skin.WindowInfo.ContainsKey("Underbar"))
                    SkillSettings.DoTell("No key for Underbar gump skin."); return;
                WindowInfo inf = Skin.WindowInfo["Underbar"];
                g.X = inf.X; g.Y = inf.Y;
                g.AddBackground(0, 0, inf.W, inf.H, inf.bgID);
                //this.AddBackground("Underbar", "X", );,"Underbar", "Y", );, sk.HelpW, sk.HelpH, sk.HelpBGID);
                SkillSettings.DoTell("Unknown Gump Type. Cannot apply base skin.");
Beispiel #6
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            Gump g = new Gump(100, 100);

            g.AddBackground(0, 0, 454, 400, 0x24A4);
            g.AddItem(75, 120, 0xEBF);
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 50, 250, 18, 1114513, "#1159343", 0x3442, false, false); // Sheet Music for Stones
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 77, 250, 36, 1114513, "#1159344", 0x3442, false, false); // Recovered from a Strongbox in Castle British with a Musical Lock
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 122, 250, 228, 1159345, 0xC63, true, true);              // Standard sheet music for the seminal <i>Stones</i> by Iolo the Bard. Written, unsurprisingly, for the lute.


            from.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157722, "its origin", from.NetState); // *Your proficiency in ~1_SKILL~ reveals more about the item*
            from.SendSound(from.Female ? 0x30B : 0x41A);
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            Gump g = new Gump(100, 100);

            g.AddBackground(0, 0, 454, 400, 0x24A4);
            g.AddItem(75, 120, ItemID, Hue);
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 50, 250, 18, 1114513, "#1159025", 0x3442, false, false); // <DIV ALIGN=CENTER>~1_TOKEN~</DIV>
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 77, 250, 36, 1114513, "#1159026", 0x3442, false, false); // <DIV ALIGN=CENTER>~1_TOKEN~</DIV>
            g.AddHtmlLocalized(177, 122, 250, 228, 1159027, 0xC63, true, true);              // The item appears to be the jagged fragment of a larger piece.  While you cannot quite discern the origins or purpose of such a piece, it is no doubt fascinating.  The color shimmers with a strange brilliance that you feel you have seen before, yet cannot quite place.  Whatever created this fragment did so with awesome force.


            from.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157722, "its origin", from.NetState); // *Your proficiency in ~1_SKILL~ reveals more about the item*
            from.SendSound(from.Female ? 0x30B : 0x41A);
Beispiel #8
        public void OnForensicEval(Mobile m)
            if (!m.Player)

            var quest = QuestHelper.GetQuest <GoingGumshoeQuest2>((PlayerMobile)m);

            if (quest != null)
                if (HasFoundClue(quest))
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1158613); // You have already documented this clue.
                    m.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x47E, 1157722, "Forensics", m.NetState); // *Your proficiency in ~1_SKILL~ reveals more about the item*
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1158612, null, 0x23);                                            // You have identified a clue! This item seems pertinent to the investigation!


                    var gump = new Gump(50, 50);
                    gump.AddBackground(0, 0, 500, 500, 9380);

                    gump.AddItem(84, 130, ItemID, Hue);
                    gump.AddHtml(167, 50, 310, 20, "<center><basefont color=#B22222>a dust pile</center>", false, false);
                    gump.AddHtmlLocalized(167, 70, 310, 380, 1158617, true, false);


                    /*The dust seems to have have settled in a distinct pattern around whatever once was placed at this location.
                     * Whatever it was, it was certainly small enough to be taken away in a hurry.*/

Beispiel #9
        public override void WriteToGump(Gump g, ref int y)
            string amount = Amount.ToString();

            g.AddHtmlLocalized(98, y, 312, 16, 1072207, 0x15F90); // Deliver
            g.AddLabel(143, y, 0x481, amount);

            if (Name.Number > 0)
                g.AddHtmlLocalized(143 + amount.Length * 15, y, 190, 18, Name.Number, 0x77BF);
                g.AddItem(350, y, CollectObjective.LabelToItemID(Name.Number));
            else if (Name.String != null)
                g.AddLabel(143 + amount.Length * 15, y, 0x481, Name.String);

            y += 32;

            g.AddHtmlLocalized(103, y, 120, 16, 1072379, 0x15F90); // Deliver to
            g.AddLabel(223, y, 0x481, QuesterNameAttribute.GetQuesterNameFor(Destination));

            y += 16;
Beispiel #10
        public static void AddItemCentered(int x, int y, int w, int h, int itemID, Gump gump)
            Rectangle2D r = ItemBounds.Table[itemID];

            gump.AddItem(x + ((w - r.Width) / 2) - r.X, y + ((h - r.Height) / 2) - r.Y, itemID);
Beispiel #11
        public virtual void AddToGump(Gump g, int x, int y, int hue)
            if (IsEmpty)

            x += OffsetX;
            y += OffsetY;

            if (hue < 0)
                hue = Hue;

            switch (AssetType)
            case IconType.ItemArt:
                if (ComputeOffset)
                    var o = ArtExtUtility.GetImageOffset(AssetID);

                    if (o != Point.Empty)
                        x += o.X;
                        y += o.Y;

                x = Math.Max(0, x);
                y = Math.Max(0, y);

                if (hue > 0)
                    g.AddItem(x, y, AssetID, hue);
                    g.AddItem(x, y, AssetID);

            case IconType.GumpArt:
                x = Math.Max(0, x);
                y = Math.Max(0, y);

                if (hue > 0)
                    g.AddImage(x, y, AssetID, hue);
                    g.AddImage(x, y, AssetID);