public Guid GetDynamicID(string originalPath)
            Guid id = Guid.Empty;

            string relativePath = Converter.ToRelative(originalPath);

            string[] parts = relativePath.Trim('/').Split('/');

            if (parts.Length >= 2)
                string idString = parts[1];

                // If the id string contains a dot then it's a file name and needs to be fixed
                if (idString.IndexOf('.') > -1)
                    idString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(idString);

                if (GuidValidator.IsValidGuid(idString))
                    id = GuidValidator.ParseGuid(idString);
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects the appropriate items depending on the SelectedEntityIDs.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SelectItems()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Selecting the items that match the info specified.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                Guid[] selectedEntityIDs = new Guid[] {};

                if (ViewState["SelectedEntityIDs"] != null)
                    LogWriter.Debug("ViewState[\"SelectedEntityIDs\"] != null");

                    selectedEntityIDs = (Guid[])ViewState["SelectedEntityIDs"];
                    LogWriter.Debug("ViewState[\"SelectedEntityIDs\"] == null");

                LogWriter.Debug("# of selected entities: " + selectedEntityIDs.Length.ToString());

                foreach (ListItem item in Items)
                    using (LogGroup logGroup2 = LogGroup.Start("Selecting/deselecting item.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                        Guid id = Guid.Empty;

                        if (GuidValidator.IsValidGuid(item.Value))
                            id = GuidValidator.ParseGuid(item.Value);

                        LogWriter.Debug("item.Text: " + item.Text);
                        LogWriter.Debug("item.Value: " + item.Value);
                        item.Selected = (Array.IndexOf(selectedEntityIDs, id) > -1);
                        LogWriter.Debug("item.Selected: " + item.Selected.ToString());