private void Unload() { foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyAllGui(); } }
public void display(BasePlayer player) { if (this.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (CuiElement element in this) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Name)) { element.Name = PluginInstance.prependContainerName(this, element.Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Parent) && !layers.Contains(element.Parent)) { element.Parent = PluginInstance.prependContainerName(this, element.Parent); } } GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).addGuiToTracker(plugin, this); #if DEBUG PluginInstance.Puts(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); player.ConsoleMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); #endif CuiHelper.AddUi(player, CuiContainer); }
private void listContainers(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (arg.Args != null) { player = BasePlayer.FindByID(ulong.Parse(arg.Args[0])); } if (player == null) { return; } GuiTracker tracker = GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player); if (tracker.activeGuiContainers.Count == 0) { SendReply(arg, "you don't have any active guiContainers!"); return; } foreach (GuiContainer container in tracker.activeGuiContainers) { SendReply(arg, $"Plugin: {container.plugin.Name}, Container: {}, Parent: {container.parent}:"); foreach (GuiElement element in container) { SendReply(arg, $"- Element: {element.Name}, Parent: {element.Parent}, ParentElement: {element.ParentElement?.Name ?? "null"}"); } } }
public void closeBounty(BasePlayer player) { //for bounty and creator #if DEBUG player.ChatMessage($"closeBounty"); #endif GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "bountyPreview"); }
public void display(BasePlayer player) { if (this.Count == 0) { return; } GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).addGuiToTracker(plugin, this); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, this); }
public void creatorButton(BasePlayer player, createErrorType error = createErrorType.none, BountyBP bp = null) { GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "createButton", "bountyCreator"); Rectangle ButtonPos = new Rectangle(710, 856, 500, 100, resX, resY, true); List <GuiText> textOptions = new List <GuiText> { new GuiText("Create Bounty", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(13, ButtonPos), lightGreen), new GuiText("Target not found!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(17, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Invalid reward!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(15, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Can't afford reward!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(20, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Reason missing!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(15, ButtonPos), lightRed) }; Action <BasePlayer, string[]> cb = (p, a) => { if ( == null) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.missingTarget, bp); } else if (bp.reward == 0) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.badReward, bp); } else if (config.requireReason && string.IsNullOrEmpty(bp.reason)) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.missingReason, bp); } else { Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position); bp.init(player); GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "bountyCreator"); } }; c.addPlainButton("button", ButtonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, (error == createErrorType.none) ? darkGreen : darkRed, FadeIn, FadeOut, textOptions[(int)error], cb, blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium); c.display(player); if (error != createErrorType.none) { PluginInstance.timer.Once(2f, () => { if (GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).getContainer(this, "bountyCreator") != null) { creatorButton(player, bp: bp); } }); } }
private void Unload() { foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyAllGui(); } PluginInstance = null; GuiContainer.blurs = null; GuiContainer.layers = null; _DownloadManager = null; }
public static GuiTracker getGuiTracker(BasePlayer player) { GuiTracker output = null; player.gameObject.TryGetComponent <GuiTracker>(out output); if (output == null) { output = player.gameObject.AddComponent <GuiTracker>(); output.player = player; } return(output); }
private void SendEntry(BasePlayer player, KeyValuePair <BasePlayer, PlayerSummary> kvp, int count, int sizeEach, int gap, Action <BasePlayer> callback) { if (GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).getContainer(PluginInstance, "PlayerSearch") == null) { return; } GuiColor black60 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6f); GuiColor black40 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.4f); GuiColor white70 = new GuiColor(1, 1, 1, 0.7f); GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(PluginInstance, $"{count}ImageContainer", "PlayerSearch"); //background Rectangle entryBgPos = new Rectangle(715, 360 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 490, 80, 1920, 1080, true); c.addPlainPanel($"{count}EntryBG", entryBgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, black60, 0.2f, 0); //ID Rectangle idPos = new Rectangle(795, 365 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 405, 35, 1920, 1080, true); GuiText idText = new GuiText($"[{kvp.Key.userID}]", 14, white70); c.addText($"{count}id", idPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, idText, 0.2f, 0); //Name Rectangle namePos = new Rectangle(795, 400 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 405, 35, 1920, 1080, true); GuiText nameText = new GuiText($"{kvp.Key.displayName}", getFontsizeByFramesize(kvp.Key.displayName.Length, namePos), white70); c.addText($"{count}name", namePos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, nameText, 0.2f, 0); //button Action <BasePlayer, string[]> buttonCb = (p2, a) => { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(PluginInstance, "PlayerSearch"); callback(kvp.Key); }; c.addPlainButton($"{count}btnOverlay", entryBgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0), 0.2f, 0, callback: buttonCb, CursorEnabled: true); Rectangle imgPos = new Rectangle(720, 365 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 70, 70, 1920, 1080, true); c.addButton($"{count}Image", imgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, null, 0.2f, 0, callback: buttonCb, close: "PlayerSearch", imgName: kvp.Key.UserIDString); c.display(player); }
private void SendButton() { GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(PluginInstance, "Ok", nameof(ColorPicker)); Rectangle pos = new Rectangle(1160, 540, 150, 60, resX, resY, true); GuiColor color = new GuiColor(0, 1, 0, 0.5f); GuiText text = new GuiText("OK", 30, GuiColor.White.withAlpha(0.7f)); Action <BasePlayer, string[]> callback = (p, a) => { Callback?.Invoke(new GuiColor(Hue, Value, Saturation, 1)); GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(Player).destroyGui(PluginInstance, nameof(ColorPicker)); }; c.addPlainButton("button", pos, layer, color, fadeIn, fadeOut, text, callback); c.display(Player); }
public void closeIndicators(BasePlayer player) { #if DEBUG player.ChatMessage($"closeIndicators: {player.displayName}"); #endif try { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "hunterIndicator"); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } try { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "targetIndicator"); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } }
public void customGameTip(BasePlayer player, string text, float duration = 0, gametipType type = gametipType.gametip) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "gameTip"); GuiContainer container = new GuiContainer(this, "gameTip"); switch (type) { case gametipType.gametip: //container.addImage("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "bgTex", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#25639BF0"), 0.5f, 1); container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#25639BF4"), 0.5f, 1, GuiContainer.Blur.greyout); container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9")), 0.5f, 1); container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "gameTipIcon", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1); break; case gametipType.warning: container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#DED502F0"), 0.5f, 1); container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#000000D9")), 0.5f, 1); container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "warning_alpha", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1); break; case gametipType.error: //container.addImage("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "bgTex", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#BB0000F0"), 0.5f, 1); container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#BB0000F0"), 0.5f, 1, GuiContainer.Blur.greyout); container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9")), 0.5f, 1); container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "white_cross", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1); break; } if (duration != 0) { Timer closeTimer = timer.Once(duration, () => { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, container); }); container.timers.Add(closeTimer); } container.display(player); }
private void dropdownAddNew(Plugin plugin, BasePlayer player, Rectangle rectangle, Action <string> callback, Predicate <string> predicate) { GuiContainer container = new GuiContainer(this, "dropdown_addNew", "dropdown_API"); Action <BasePlayer, string[]> inputCallback = (bPlayer, input) => { if (input.Length == 0) { return; } GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(PluginInstance, "dropdown_addNew"); StringBuilder newName = new StringBuilder(); int i = 1; foreach (string s in input) { newName.Append(s); if (i != input.Length) { newName.Append(" "); } i++; } if (predicate != null) { if (!predicate(newName.ToString())) { prompt(player, "Your input is invalid!", "INVALID INPUT"); dropdownAddNew(plugin, player, rectangle, callback, predicate); return; } } callback(newName.ToString()); GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(PluginInstance, container); }; container.addInput("dropdown_addNew_input", rectangle, inputCallback,, null, new GuiColor("white"), 15, new GuiText("", color: new GuiColor("black")), 0, 0); container.display(player); }
public void sendCreator(BasePlayer player) { #if DEBUG player.ChatMessage($"sendCreator"); #endif BountyBP bp = new BountyBP(); GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "bountyCreator"); //template Rectangle templatePos = new Rectangle(623, 26, 673, 854, resX, resY, true); c.addImage("template", templatePos, "bounty_template", GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut); //targetName Rectangle targetNamePos = new Rectangle(680, 250, 100, 53, resX, resY, true); Rectangle targetNamePosInput = new Rectangle(780, 250, 460, 53, resX, resY, true); c.addText("targetNameHeader", targetNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText("Target:", 20), FadeIn, FadeOut); Action <BasePlayer, string[]> targetNameCB = (p, a) => { if (a.Length < 1) { return; } BasePlayer target = findPlayer(a[0], player); if (target == null) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.missingTarget, bp); return; } = target; GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, c, "targetName"); int fontsize = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(target.displayName.Length, targetNamePosInput); GuiText targetNameText = new GuiText(target.displayName, fontsize); GuiContainer c2 = new GuiContainer(this, "tfound", "bountyCreator"); c2.addText("targetName", targetNamePosInput, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, targetNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut); c2.display(player); Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position); //image if (config.showSteamImage) { GetSteamUserData(target.userID, (ps) => { guiCreator.registerImage(this, target.userID.ToString(), ps.avatarfull, () => { Rectangle imagePos = new Rectangle(828, 315, 264, 264, resX, resY, true); GuiContainer c3 = new GuiContainer(this, "image", "bountyCreator"); c3.addImage("image", imagePos, target.userID.ToString(), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut); c3.display(player); player.ChatMessage("sent image"); }); }); } }; c.addInput("targetName", targetNamePosInput, targetNameCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 20, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn); //reward ItemDefinition itemDefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(config.currency); Rectangle rewardPosInput = new Rectangle(828, 579, 132, 53, resX, resY, true); Rectangle rewardPosCurrency = new Rectangle(970, 579, 122, 53, resX, resY, true); Action <BasePlayer, string[]> rewardCB = (p, a) => { if (a.Length < 1) { return; } int reward = 0; if (!int.TryParse(a[0], out reward)) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.badReward, bp); return; } if (reward < config.minReward) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.badReward, bp); return; } if (player.inventory.GetAmount(itemDefinition.itemid) < reward) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); creatorButton(player, createErrorType.cantAfford, bp); return; } bp.reward = reward; GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, c, "reward"); GuiContainer c2 = new GuiContainer(this, "rewardok", "bountyCreator"); c2.addText("reward", rewardPosInput, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText(reward.ToString(), 24, align: TextAnchor.MiddleRight), FadeIn, FadeOut); c2.display(player); Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position); }; c.addInput("reward", rewardPosInput, rewardCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 22, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn); c.addText("rewardCurrency", rewardPosCurrency, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText(itemDefinition.displayName.english, 24, new GuiColor("black"), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft), FadeIn, FadeOut); //reason Rectangle reasonPos = new Rectangle(680, 681, 100, 53, resX, resY, true); Rectangle reasonPosInput = new Rectangle(780, 681, 460, 53, resX, resY, true); c.addText("reasonHeader", reasonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText("Reason:", 20), FadeIn, FadeOut); Action <BasePlayer, string[]> reasonCB = (p, a) => { if (a.Length < 1) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in a) { sb.Append($"{s} "); } bp.reason = sb.ToString().Trim(); }; c.addInput("reason", reasonPosInput, reasonCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 14, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn); //placerName Rectangle placerNamePos = new Rectangle(680, 771, 560, 36, resX, resY, true); GuiText placerNameText = new GuiText(player.displayName, guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(player.displayName.Length, placerNamePos)); c.addText("placerName", placerNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, placerNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut); //exitButton Rectangle closeButtonPos = new Rectangle(1296, 52, 60, 60, resX, resY, true); c.addButton("close", closeButtonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, darkRed, FadeIn, FadeOut, new GuiText("X", 24, lightRed), blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium); c.display(player); //button creatorButton(player, bp: bp); }
private void OnGuiInput(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { //gui.input pluginName containerName inputName --close elementNames... --input text... if (arg.Args.Length < 3) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: not enough arguments given!"); return; } BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) { return; } #if DEBUG2 SendReply(arg, $"OnGuiInput: gui.input {arg.FullString}"); player.ChatMessage($"OnGuiInput: gui.input {arg.FullString}"); #endif GuiTracker tracker = GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player); #region parsing Command cmd = new Command("gui.input " + arg.FullString); #if DEBUG player.ChatMessage(cmd.ToString()); #endif Plugin plugin = Manager.GetPlugin(cmd.args[0]); if (plugin == null) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: Plugin not found!"); return; } GuiContainer container = tracker.getContainer(plugin, cmd.args[1]); if (container == null) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: Container not found!"); return; } string inputName = cmd.args[2]; bool closeContainer = false; if (inputName == "close" || inputName == "close_btn") { closeContainer = true; } #endregion #region execution string[] input = null; if (cmd.flags.ContainsKey("-input")) { input = cmd.flags["-input"].ToArray(); } if (!container.runCallback(inputName, player, input)) { #if DEBUG SendReply(arg, $"OnGuiInput: Callback for {plugin.Name} {} {inputName} wasn't found"); #endif } if (cmd.flags.ContainsKey("-close")) { foreach (string name in cmd.flags["-close"]) { if (name == { tracker.destroyGui(plugin, container); } else { tracker.destroyGui(plugin, container, name); } } } if (closeContainer) { tracker.destroyGui(plugin, container); } #endregion }
private object OnPlayerWound(BasePlayer player) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyAllGui(); return(null); }
private void closeUi(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(arg.Player()).destroyAllGui(); }
private void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player, string reason) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyAllGui(); }
private object OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyAllGui(); return(null); }
public void huntButton(BasePlayer player, Bounty bounty, huntErrorType error = huntErrorType.none) { GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "huntButton", "bountyPreview"); Rectangle ButtonPos = new Rectangle(710, 856, 500, 100, resX, resY, true); List <GuiText> textOptions = new List <GuiText> { new GuiText("Start Hunting", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(13, ButtonPos), lightGreen), new GuiText("You are already hunting", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(23, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Target is already being hunted", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(30, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Target can't be hunted yet", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(26, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Hunt Active", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(11, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("You can't hunt yourself!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(24, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Target is offline", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(17, ButtonPos), lightRed), new GuiText("Too close to the target!", guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(24, ButtonPos), lightRed), }; Action <BasePlayer, string[]> cb = (p, a) => { TimeSpan targetCooldown = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan creationCooldown = new TimeSpan(0, 0, config.creationCooldown - (int)bounty.timeSinceCreation.TotalSeconds); if (error == huntErrorType.huntActive) { return; } else if ( == null) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.offline); } else if ( { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.offline); } else if (bounty.hunt != null || HuntData.getHuntByHunter(p) != null) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.hunterAlreadyHunting); } else if (HuntData.getHuntByTarget( != null) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.targetAlreadyHunted); } else if ((bounty.timeSinceCreation.TotalSeconds < config.creationCooldown || CooldownData.isOnCooldown(, out targetCooldown)) && !hasPermission(player, permissions.admin)) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.targetCooldown); TimeSpan select = creationCooldown; if (targetCooldown > creationCooldown) { select = targetCooldown; } player.ChatMessage($"Cooldown: {select.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")}"); } else if ( == player && !hasPermission(player, permissions.admin)) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.selfHunt); } else if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, < config.safeDistance && !hasPermission(player, permissions.admin)) { Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position); huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.tooClose); } else { Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position); bounty.startHunt(p); BountyData.removeBounty(bounty.noteUid); player.GetActiveItem()?.Remove(); closeBounty(player); } }; c.addPlainButton("button", ButtonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, (error == huntErrorType.none)?darkGreen:darkRed, FadeIn, FadeOut, textOptions[(int)error], cb, blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium); c.display(player); if (error != huntErrorType.none && error != huntErrorType.huntActive) { PluginInstance.timer.Once(2f, () => { if (GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).getContainer(this, "bountyPreview") != null) { huntButton(player, bounty); } }); } }
private void OnGuiInput(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { //gui.input pluginName containerName inputName --close elementNames... --input text... if (arg.Args.Length < 3) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: not enough arguments given!"); return; } BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) { return; } #if DEBUG player.ChatMessage($"OnGuiInput: gui.input {arg.FullString}"); #endif GuiTracker tracker = GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player); #region parsing Stack <string> args = new Stack <string>(arg.Args.Reverse <string>()); Plugin plugin = Manager.GetPlugin(args.Pop()); if (plugin == null) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: Plugin not found!"); return; } GuiContainer container = tracker.getContainer(plugin, args.Pop()); if (container == null) { SendReply(arg, "OnGuiInput: Container not found!"); return; } string inputName = args.Pop(); bool closeContainer = false; if (inputName == encodeName(container, "close") || inputName == encodeName(container, "close_btn")) { closeContainer = true; } List <string> close = new List <string>(); List <string> input = new List <string>(); List <string> select = null; string next; while (args.TryPop(out next)) { if (next == "--close") { select = close; } else if (next == "--input") { select = input; } else { if (select == null) { SendReply(arg, $"OnGuiInput: Couldn't interpret {next}"); continue; } else { select.Add(next); } } } #endregion #region execution if (!container.runCallback(inputName, player, input.ToArray())) { #if DEBUG SendReply(arg, $"OnGuiInput: Callback for {plugin.Name} {} {inputName} wasn't found"); #endif } if (close.Count != 0) { foreach (string name in close) { tracker.destroyGui(plugin, container, name); } } if (closeContainer) { tracker.destroyGui(plugin, container); } #endregion }
public void destroy(BasePlayer player) { GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(plugin, this); }