public static void TerrainImportGui_TerrainMaterialApplyCallback(string mat, string matIndex)
            // Skip over a bad selection.
            if (!mat.isObject())
            GuiTextListCtrl opacityList =
                ((GuiControl)"TerrainImportGui").findObjectByInternalName("OpacityLayerTextList", true);
            string itemIdx = ((SimObject)"TerrainImportGui")["activeIdx"];

            if (itemIdx.AsInt() < 0 || itemIdx == "")

            string rowTxt = opacityList.getRowTextById(itemIdx.AsInt());

            int columTxtCount = omni.Util.getFieldCount(rowTxt);

            if (columTxtCount > 2)
                rowTxt = omni.Util.getFields(rowTxt, 0, 1);

            opacityList.setRowById(itemIdx.AsInt(), rowTxt + "\t" + ((SimObject)mat).internalName + "/t" + mat);
Beispiel #2
        public static void StartLevel(string mission, string hostingType)
            GuiTextListCtrl CL_levelList = "CL_levelList";

            if (mission == "")
                mission = omni.Util.getField(CL_levelList.getRowTextById(CL_levelList.getSelectedId()), 1);

            string serverType = hostingType;

            if (serverType == "")
                if (omni.bGlobal["$pref::HostMultiPlayer"])
                    serverType = "MultiPlayer";
                    serverType = "SinglePlayer";

            // Show the loading screen immediately.
            if ("LoadingGui".isObject())
                ((GuiTextCtrl)"LoadingProgressTxt").setValue("LOADING MISSION FILE");

            server.createAndConnectToLocalServer(serverType, mission);
        public static void StartSelectedDemo()
            // first unit is filename
            GuiTextListCtrl RecordingsDlgList = "RecordingsDlgList";
            int             sel     = RecordingsDlgList.getSelectedId();
            string          rowText = RecordingsDlgList.getRowTextById(sel);

            string file = omni.sGlobal["$currentMod"] + "/recordings/" + omni.Util.getField(rowText, 0) + ".rec";

            GameConnection ServerConnection = new ObjectCreator("GameConnection", "ServerConnection").Create();


            // Start up important client-side stuff, such as the group
            // for particle emitters.  This doesn't get launched during a demo
            // as we short circuit the whole mission loading sequence.

            if (ServerConnection.playDemo(file))
                messageBox.MessageBoxOK("Playback Failed", "Demo playback failed for file '" + file + "'.", "");
                if ("ServerConnection".isObject())
Beispiel #4
        public static void DbgWatchDialogEdit()
            GuiTextEditCtrl      EditWatchDialogValue = "EditWatchDialogValue";
            GuiTextListCtrl      DebuggerWatchView    = "DebuggerWatchView";
            DebuggerEditWatchDlg DebuggerEditWatchDlg = "DebuggerEditWatchDlg";
            TCPDebugger          TCPDebugger          = "TCPDebugger";
            GuiCanvas            Canvas = "Canvas";

            string newValue = EditWatchDialogValue.getValue();
            int    id       = DebuggerWatchView.getSelectedId();

            if (id >= 0)
                string row  = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id);
                string expr = omni.Util.getField(row, 0);
                string assignment;
                if (newValue == "")
                    assignment = expr + " = \"\"";
                    assignment = expr + " = " + newValue;
                TCPDebugger.send("EVAL " + id + " 0 " + assignment + "\r\n");
Beispiel #5
        public static void DbgRefreshWatches()
            GuiTextListCtrl DebuggerWatchView = "DebuggerWatchView";
            TCPDebugger     TCPDebugger       = "TCPDebugger";

            for (int i = 0; i < DebuggerWatchView.rowCount(); i++)
                int    id   = DebuggerWatchView.getRowId(i);
                string row  = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id);
                string expr = omni.Util.getField(row, 0);
                TCPDebugger.send("EVAL " + id + " 0 " + expr + "\r\n");
        public virtual void updateScore(GameConnection clientId, int score, int kills, int deaths)
            GuiTextListCtrl PlayerListGuiList = "PlayerListGuiList";

            string text = PlayerListGuiList.getRowTextById(clientId);

            //Since I'm lazy and I don't feel like writing a csharp function...

            text = Util.setField(text, 1, score.AsString());
            text = Util.setField(text, 2, kills.AsString());
            text = Util.setField(text, 3, deaths.AsString());

            PlayerListGuiList.setRowById(clientId, text);

            // Sorts by score
            PlayerListGuiList.sortNumerical(1, false);
Beispiel #7
            public void handleBreak(string line)
                GuiTextCtrl       DebuggerStatus    = "DebuggerStatus";
                GuiTextListCtrl   DebuggerWatchView = "DebuggerWatchView";
                DebuggerCallStack DebuggerCallStack = "DebuggerCallStack";


                // Query all the watches.
                for (int i = 0; i < DebuggerWatchView.rowCount(); i++)
                    int    id   = DebuggerWatchView.getRowId(i);
                    string row  = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id);
                    string expr = Util.getField(row, 0);
                    this.send("EVAL " + id + " 0 " + expr + "\r\n");

                // Update the call stack window.

                string file       = Util.getWord(line, 0);
                string lineNumber = Util.getWord(line, 1);
                string funcName   = Util.getWord(line, 2);

                DbgOpenFile(file, lineNumber.AsInt(), true);

                int nextWord = 3;
                //int rowId = 0;
                int iD = 0;

                while (true)
                    DebuggerCallStack.setRowById(iD, file + "\t" + lineNumber + "\t" + funcName);
                    file       = Util.getWord(line, nextWord);
                    lineNumber = Util.getWord(line, nextWord + 1);
                    funcName   = Util.getWord(line, nextWord + 2);
                    nextWord  += 3;
                    if (file == "")
        public void onOpacityListDblClick()
            GuiTextListCtrl opacityList =
                ((GuiControl)"TerrainImportGui").findObjectByInternalName("OpacityLayerTextList", true);

            int itemIdx = opacityList.getSelectedId();

            if (itemIdx < 0)

            this["activeIdx"] = itemIdx.AsString();
            string rowTxt = opacityList.getRowTextById(itemIdx);
            string matTxt = Util.getField(rowTxt, 2);
            string matID  = Util.getField(rowTxt, 3);

                                      new string[] { matID, "TerrainImportGui_TerrainMaterialApplyCallback" });
Beispiel #9
        public static void StartGame(string mission = null, string hostingType = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mission))
                GuiTextListCtrl CL_levelList = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextListCtrl>("CL_levelList");
                int             id           = CL_levelList.getSelectedId();
                mission = Global.getField(CL_levelList.getRowTextById(id), 1);
                // Alternatively:
                //error("Cannot start a level with no level selected!");

            string serverType = hostingType;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostingType))
                if (Globals.GetBool("pref::HostMultiPlayer"))
                    serverType = "MultiPlayer";
                    serverType = "SinglePlayer";

            // Show the loading screen immediately.
            if (Global.isObject("LoadingGui"))
                GuiProgressBitmapCtrl LoadingProgress    = Sim.FindObject <GuiProgressBitmapCtrl>("LoadingProgress");
                GuiTextCtrl           LoadingProgressTxt = Sim.FindObject <GuiTextCtrl>("LoadingProgressTxt");
                LoadingProgressTxt.setValue("LOADING MISSION FILE");

            Server.Server.createAndConnectToLocalServer(serverType, mission);
Beispiel #10
            public void handleEvalOut(string line)
                GuiTextCtrl     DebuggerCursorWatch = "DebuggerCursorWatch";
                GuiTextListCtrl DebuggerWatchView   = "DebuggerWatchView";

                int    id    = Util.firstWord(line).AsInt();
                string value = Util.restWords(line);

                // See if it's the cursor watch, or from the watch window.
                if (id < 0)
                    DebuggerCursorWatch.setText(DebuggerCursorWatch["expr"] + ' ' + "=" + ' ' + value);
                    string row = DebuggerWatchView.getRowTextById(id);
                    if (row == "")
                    string expr = Util.getField(row, 0);
                    DebuggerWatchView.setRowById(id, expr + "\t" + value);
        public void import()
            // Gather all the import settings.
            GuiTextEditCtrl HeightfieldFilename = this.findObjectByInternalName("HeightfieldFilename", true);
            string          heightMapPng        = HeightfieldFilename.getText();
            GuiTextEditCtrl MetersPerPixel      = this.findObjectByInternalName("MetersPerPixel", true);
            string          metersPerPixel      = MetersPerPixel.getText();
            GuiTextEditCtrl HeightScale         = findObjectByInternalName("HeightScale", true);
            string          heightScale         = HeightScale.getText();
            GuiCheckBoxCtrl FlipYAxis           = findObjectByInternalName("FlipYAxis", true);
            bool            flipYAxis           = FlipYAxis.isStateOn();

            editor Editor = "Editor";
            // Grab and validate terrain object name.

            string terrainName = ((GuiTextEditCtrl)this.findObjectByInternalName("TerrainName", true)).getText();

            if (!terrainName.isObject() && ((SimObject)terrainName).isMemberOfClass("TerrainBlock") &&
                !Editor.validateObjectName(terrainName, false))

            string opacityNames  = "";
            string materialNames = "";

            GuiTextListCtrl opacityList = this.findObjectByInternalName("OpacityLayerTextList", true);

            ArrayObject namesArray    = this["namesArray"];
            ArrayObject channelsArray = this["channelsArray"];

            for (int i = 0; i < opacityList.rowCount(); i++)
                string itemText    = opacityList.getRowTextById(i);
                string opacityName = namesArray.getValue(i);
                string channelInfo = channelsArray.getValue(i);
                string channel     = Util.getWord(channelInfo, 0);

                string materialName = Util.getField(itemText, 2);
                opacityNames  += opacityName + "\t" + channel + "\n";
                materialNames += materialName + "\n";

            int updated = Util.nameToID(terrainName);
            // This will update an existing terrain with the name %terrainName,
            // or create a new one if %terrainName isn't a TerrainBlock

            String obj = console.Call_Classname("TerrainBlock", "import",
                                                new string[]
                terrainName, heightMapPng, metersPerPixel, heightScale, opacityNames, materialNames,


            if (obj.isObject())
                if (obj != updated.AsString())
                    // created a new TerrainBlock
                    // Submit an undo action.

                EWorldEditor EWorldEditor = "EWorldEditor";

                if (!EWorldEditor.isObject())
                    throw new Exception("ObjectBuilderGui::processNewObject - EWorldEditor is missing!");

                // Select it in the editor.
                // When we drop the selection don't store undo
                // state for it... the creation deals with it.


                EWorldEditor.isDirty = true;
                //Copyright Winterleaf Entertainment L.L.C. 2013
                //Copyright Winterleaf Entertainment L.L.C. 2013
                messageBox.MessageBoxOK("Import Terrain", "Terrain import failed! Check console for error messages.",