Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   This method is activated when a menu was selected. It performs the needed operations in order to
        ///   translate the selected menu into the matching operation
        /// </summary>
        private void onSelection(Object sender)
            //Object object_Renamed = widget.getData();
            GuiMenuEntry menuEntry = null;
            MenuItem     menuItem  = null;

            menuItem  = (MenuItem)sender;
            menuEntry = ((TagData)(menuItem.Tag)).guiMenuEntry;
            // when a menu with check style is selected, it is automatically checked.
            // we want to check it only if it should be checked - according to the state.
            //In Compact framework it is not allowed to set "Checked" for top level menus.
            if (!(menuItem.Parent is MainMenu))
                ((MenuItem)sender).Checked = menuEntry.getChecked();

                GuiMgForm guiMgForm = menuObjToForm(sender);

                Events.OnMenuSelection(menuEntry, guiMgForm, false);
            catch (ApplicationException e)
                Misc.WriteStackTrace(e, Console.Error);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform actions required when a dragged object is dropped (mouse released).
        /// Put actions : ACT_CTRL_HIT or ACT_HIT and MG_ACT_BEGIN_DROP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name="guiMgCtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        protected virtual void processBeginDrop(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, int line)
            MgControlBase mgControl = (MgControlBase)guiMgCtrl;
            MgFormBase    mgForm    = (guiMgForm == null) ? mgControl.getForm() : (MgFormBase)guiMgForm;
            bool          isCtrlHit = (mgControl != null) ? true : false; // Drop occurs on a control or a form?

            if (isCtrlHit)
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CTRL_HIT, line);

                if (mgControl.isSubform())
                    Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl.GetSubformMgForm().getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_BEGIN_DROP);
                    Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_BEGIN_DROP, line);
            { // If Drop occurs on FORM.
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgForm.getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_HIT);
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgForm.getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_BEGIN_DROP);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary> </summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="mgForm"></param>
        private void onWindowResizeEnd(Form form)
            // ((TagData)form.Tag).Bounds saves X and Y with respect to the Form,
            // but Width and Height are with respect to Client area. So, compare them
            // accordingly.
            Point       location    = form.Location;
            Size        size        = form.ClientSize;
            ControlsMap controlsMap = ControlsMap.getInstance();
            MapData     mapData     = controlsMap.getFormMapData(form);

            GuiMgForm mgForm = mapData.getForm();

            Rectangle?prevRectPtr = GuiUtils.getSavedBounds(form);
            Rectangle prevRect    = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (prevRectPtr != null)
                prevRect = (Rectangle)prevRectPtr;

            if (location.X != prevRect.X || location.Y != prevRect.Y)
                onMove(form, mgForm);
            if (size.Width != prevRect.Width || size.Height != prevRect.Height)
                onResize(form, mgForm);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// resize form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="mgForm"></param>
        private void onResize(Form form, GuiMgForm guiMgForm)
#if !PocketPC
            if (GuiUtils.getActiveForm() == form)

            if (!GuiUtils.IsFormMinimized(form))
                if (((TagData)form.Tag).Minimized)
                    ((TagData)form.Tag).Minimized = false;
                    form.PerformLayout(form, "Size");
            // Perform the layout now, as we don't get the layout event.
            if (((TagData)form.Tag).WindowType == WindowType.Sdi)
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function handling form close event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <returns>true if event is CLR handled else false.</returns>
        protected virtual bool processFormClose(GuiMgForm guiMgForm)
            bool       clrHandledEvent = false;
            MgFormBase mgForm          = (MgFormBase)guiMgForm;

            if (mgForm.IsMDIFrame)
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgForm.getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_EXIT_SYSTEM);
                if (!mgForm.IsHelpWindow)
                    if (mgForm.ShouldPutActOnFormClose())
                        Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgForm.getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_HIT, RaisedBy.CLOSE_SYSTEM_MENU);
                    Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgForm.getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CLOSE);
                    if (mgForm.Opened)
                        clrHandledEvent = true;

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary> This method updates a toolbar as instantiated for a specific form and style. It returns a reference to a
        /// menu object - to be used in order to retrieve this menu object, if it is needed. The returned object
        /// should be placed in the controlsMap, with the created menu for future use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instatiated</param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
        /// <returns> menu reference object</returns>
        public MenuReference setToolItemInstantiated(GuiMgForm form)
            MenuReference menuReference = new MenuReference(form);

            _instantiatedToolItem[form] = menuReference;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>*******************************************************************************************************
        /// **************************** DO NOT DELETE THIS CODE ****************************
        /// *********************************************************************************************** This
        /// method refreshes the enabling of internal event menu entries. It is activated when the menu is
        /// displayed.
        /// NOTE: currently not used - we refresh all action menu entries when the action is enabled\disabled. But,
        /// we may decide to use this method instead, due to performance issues. If we decide to use this, we need
        /// to add the SWT.Show to the listeber.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">-
        /// on which show was received
        /// </param>

         * private void menuShow (Widget widget) { Menu menu = null; MgMenu mgMenu = null; MenuEntryMenu
         * menuEntryMenu = null; MenuEntry menuEntry = null; MgForm form = null;
         * if (widget instanceof Menu) { menu = (Menu)widget; Object data = menu.getData(); int style =
         * menu.getStyle(); MenuStyle menuStyle = (style == SWT.POP_UP ? MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT :
         * MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN);
         * form = (MgForm)menu.getShell().getData(); if (data instanceof MgMenu) { mgMenu = (MgMenu) data;
         * mgMenu.refreshInternalEventMenus(form); } else if (data instanceof MenuEntryMenu) { menuEntryMenu =
         * (MenuEntryMenu)data; menuEntryMenu.refreshActionMenus(form, menuStyle); } } else if (widget instanceof
         * MenuItem) { MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)widget; menuEntry = (MenuEntry)menuItem.getData(); } }

        /// <summary> This mdthod takes care of toolitem's prompt - we get the mouse move \ mouse exit event on the toolbar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="event">-
        /// the event which occured.
        /// </param>
        private void onItemEnterLeave(ToolStripItem menuItem, EventType type)
            GuiMenuEntry  guiMenuEntry = null;
            GuiMgForm     guiMgForm    = null;
            ControlsMap   controlsMap  = ControlsMap.getInstance();
            MapData       mapData      = controlsMap.getMapData(menuItem);
            MenuReference menuRef      = mapData.getMenuReference();

            guiMgForm = menuRef.GetMgForm();

            if (type == EventType.MOUSE_ENTER)
                guiMenuEntry = ((TagData)menuItem.Tag).guiMenuEntry;

                // handle tooltip
                if (menuItem is ToolStripButton)
                    String tooltipStrMLS = Events.Translate(guiMenuEntry.ToolTip);

                    if (tooltipStrMLS == null)
                        tooltipStrMLS = "";

                    menuItem.ToolTipText = tooltipStrMLS;

            Events.OnMenuPrompt(guiMgForm, (GuiMenuEntry)guiMenuEntry);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        ///   handle the context of a control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "widget">:
        ///   is the widget of the control \ tab \ table
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "ctrl">
        /// </param>
        private void handleContext(Control control, GuiMgControl guiMgControl, GuiMgForm guiMgForm)
            ControlsMap controlsMap = ControlsMap.getInstance();
            GuiMgMenu   contextMenu = null;
            ContextMenu menu        = null;
            ContextMenu prevMenu    = (ContextMenu)control.ContextMenu;

            if (guiMgControl != null)
                contextMenu = Events.OnGetContextMenu(guiMgControl);

                Form    form    = GuiUtilsBase.FindForm(control);
                MapData mapData = controlsMap.getFormMapData(form);
                guiMgForm = mapData.getForm();
                contextMenu = Events.OnGetContextMenu(guiMgForm);

            if (contextMenu != null)
                MenuReference menuRefernce = contextMenu.getInstantiatedMenu(guiMgForm, MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT);
                menu = (ContextMenu)controlsMap.object2Widget(menuRefernce);

            if (menu != prevMenu)
                GuiUtilsBase.setContextMenu(control, menu);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// When menuEntry is selected on Menu, this method gets called. It calls appropriate functions depending
        /// upon type of menu selected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menuEntry">selected menu entry</param>
        /// <param name="activeForm">current active form, when menu is selected.</param>
        /// <param name="activatedFromMDIFrame">Is menu selected from MDI Frame. </param>
        public void onMenuSelection(GuiMenuEntry menuEntry, GuiMgForm activeForm, bool activatedFromMDIFrame)
                MgFormBase topMostForm = null;
                TaskBase   task        = null;

                if (!((MgFormBase)activeForm).IsHelpWindow)
                    task = ((MgFormBase)activeForm).getTask();
                    //from the menu task get the form of the menu(topmost) and save member of the last menu Id selected.
                    topMostForm = (MgFormBase)task.getTopMostForm();
                    //In case of help window, get the parent form of help form and get task from that.
                    activeForm = topMostForm = ((MgFormBase)activeForm).ParentForm;
                    task       = topMostForm.getTask();

                topMostForm.LastClickedMenuUid = menuEntry.menuUid();

                if (menuEntry is MenuEntryProgram)
                    Events.OnMenuProgramSelection(task.ContextID, (MenuEntryProgram)menuEntry, activeForm, activatedFromMDIFrame);
                else if (menuEntry is MenuEntryOSCommand)
                    Events.OnMenuOSCommandSelection(task.ContextID, (MenuEntryOSCommand)menuEntry, activeForm);
                else if (menuEntry is MenuEntryEvent)
                    // in order to get the correct ctlidx we take it from the parent MgMenu of the menuentry and then
                    // change it if the event is a user event from another component
                    int            ctlIdx         = ((MenuEntryEvent)menuEntry).getParentMgMenu().CtlIdx;
                    MenuEntryEvent menuEntryEvent = (MenuEntryEvent)menuEntry;
                    if (menuEntryEvent.UserEvtCompIndex > 0)
                        ctlIdx = menuEntryEvent.UserEvtCompIndex;

                    Events.OnMenuEventSelection(task.ContextID, (MenuEntryEvent)menuEntry, activeForm, ctlIdx);
                else if (menuEntry is MenuEntryWindowMenu)
                    MgFormBase mgFormbase = ((MenuEntryWindowMenu)menuEntry).MgForm;

                    // Activate the form associated with the entry
                    Commands.addAsync(CommandType.ACTIVATE_FORM, mgFormbase);

                    // Put ACT_HIT on form.
            catch (ApplicationException ex)
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        ///   returns the form of the menu which was activated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param> Object menuObj
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> The form which the menu belongs to.
        /// </returns>
        private GuiMgForm menuObjToForm(Object menuObj)
            ControlsMap   controlsMap = ControlsMap.getInstance();
            MapData       mapData     = controlsMap.getMapData(menuObj);
            MenuReference menuRef     = mapData.getMenuReference();
            GuiMgForm     guiMgForm   = menuRef.GetMgForm();

Beispiel #11
        /// <summary> Refresh internal actions used in Menus </summary>
        /// <param name = "guiMgMenu"></param>
        /// <param name = "guiMgForm"></param>
        private void refreshMenuActions(GuiMgMenu guiMgMenu, GuiMgForm guiMgForm)
            MgMenu     mgMenu = (MgMenu)guiMgMenu;
            MgFormBase mgForm = (MgFormBase)guiMgForm;

            if (mgMenu != null)
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create MenuEntries for WindowList Items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name="guiMenuEntry"></param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle"></param>
        public void CreateWindowMenuEntries(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, Object guiMenuEntry, MenuStyle menuStyle)
            bool      IsMenuEntryWindowMenu = guiMenuEntry is MenuEntryWindowMenu;
            MenuEntry menuEntry;
            int       windowMenuIdx = 0;

            //We get this flag as true only when the menu contains WindowList at first level and it is being used as context menu
            if (IsMenuEntryWindowMenu)
                //Here we add the new WindowMenu in the parent MgMenu
                menuEntry     = (MenuEntryWindowMenu)guiMenuEntry;
                windowMenuIdx = menuEntry.getParentMgMenu().GetWindowMenuEntryIndex();
                //We add the WindowMenu in the MenuEntryMenu
                menuEntry     = (MenuEntryMenu)guiMenuEntry;
                windowMenuIdx = ((MenuEntryMenu)menuEntry).GetWindowMenuEntryIndex();

            // Enable/Disable MenuEntries for CloseAll, NextWindow & PreviousWindow.
            TaskBase task   = ((MgFormBase)guiMgForm).getTask();
            MgMenu   mgMenu = menuEntry.getParentMgMenu();

            mgMenu.enableInternalEvent((MgFormBase)guiMgForm, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CLOSE_ALL_WIN, task.ActionManager.isEnabled(InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CLOSE_ALL_WIN), null);
            mgMenu.enableInternalEvent((MgFormBase)guiMgForm, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_NEXT_RT_WINDOW, task.ActionManager.isEnabled(InternalInterface.MG_ACT_NEXT_RT_WINDOW), null);
            mgMenu.enableInternalEvent((MgFormBase)guiMgForm, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_PREV_RT_WINDOW, task.ActionManager.isEnabled(InternalInterface.MG_ACT_PREV_RT_WINDOW), null);

            lock (_windowListLock)
                if (IsValidIndex(windowMenuIdx))
                    // Delete the existing MenuEntries.
                    DeleteWindowMenuEntries(menuEntry, windowMenuIdx + 1, IsMenuEntryWindowMenu);

                    // Create new MenuEntries for WindowList Items.
                    if (_windowList.Count > 0)
                        // Create menu item for a form in window list.
                        for (int i = 0; i < _windowList.Count; i++)
                            MgFormBase mgForm = _windowList[i];
                            menuEntry.CreateMenuEntry(mgForm, GuiMenuEntry.MenuType.WINDOW_MENU_ENTRY, windowMenuIdx++, guiMgForm, menuStyle, _sortByRecentlyUsed ? i == 0 : i == _currWinIdx);

                        // Create a separator to distinguish the window menu items only for PullDown menu
                        if (menuStyle != MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT)
                            menuEntry.CreateMenuEntry(null, GuiMenuEntry.MenuType.SEPARATOR, windowMenuIdx++, guiMgForm, menuStyle, false);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary> This method removes an instantiated menu from the list</summary>
 /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instantiated</param>
 /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
 /// <returns> menu reference object</returns>
 internal void removeInstantiatedMenu(GuiMgForm form, MenuStyle menuStyle)
     if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary> Move form</summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="mgForm"></param>
        private void onMove(Form form, GuiMgForm mgForm)
#if !PocketPC
            if (GuiUtils.getActiveForm() == form)
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>Put ACT_CTRL_FOCUS, ACT_CTRL_HIT and MG_ACT_BEGIN_DROP to Runtime thread.</summary>
        protected override void processBeginDrop(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, int line)
            MgControl mgControl = (MgControl)guiMgCtrl;

            if (mgControl != null && (mgControl.Type == MgControlType.CTRL_TYPE_TEXT || mgControl.Type == MgControlType.CTRL_TYPE_TREE))
                ClientManager.Instance.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, line, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CTRL_FOCUS, false);

            base.processBeginDrop(guiMgForm, guiMgCtrl, line);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name = "guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name = "guiMgCtrl"></param>
        /// <param name = "modifier"></param>
        /// <param name = "keyCode"></param>
        /// <param name = "start"></param>
        /// <param name = "end"></param>
        /// <param name = "text"></param>
        /// <param name = "im"></param>
        /// <param name = "isActChar"></param>
        /// <param name = "suggestedValue"></param>
        /// <param name = "dotNetArgs"></param>
        /// <param name = "comboIsDropDown"></param>
        /// <param name="handled">boolean variable event is handled or not.</param>
        /// <returns> true only if we have handled the KeyDown event (otherwise the CLR should handle). If true magic will handle else CLR will handle.</returns>
        protected override bool processKeyDown(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, Modifiers modifier,
                                               int keyCode,
                                               int start, int end,
                                               String text, ImeParam im, bool isActChar, String suggestedValue,
                                               bool comboIsDropDown, bool handled)
            // time of last user action for IDLE function
            ClientManager.Instance.LastActionTime = Misc.getSystemMilliseconds();

            // DOWN or UP invoked on a SELECT/RADIO control
            return(base.processKeyDown(guiMgForm, guiMgCtrl, modifier, keyCode,
                                       start, end, text, im, isActChar, suggestedValue, comboIsDropDown, handled));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        ///   Release references to mgData and to the task in order to let the gc to free the memory.
        ///   This code was moved from processClose in order to clean also when the "open window = NO" (non interactive tasks).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "form"></param>
        internal void processDispose(GuiMgForm guiMgForm)
            var    form = (MgForm)guiMgForm;
            var    task = (Task)form.getTask();
            MGData mgd  = task.getMGData();


            if (mgd.IsAborting)
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary> This method returns a menu object reference for a specific form and menu style (pulldown, context). The
        /// returned reference should be used in order to retrieve the specific instantiated menu object from the
        /// controls map.</summary>
        /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instatiated</param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
        /// <returns> a menu object reference. In case the menu was not yet instantiated for the specfic form and
        /// style, null is returned.
        /// </returns>
        public MenuReference getInstantiatedMenu(GuiMgForm form, MenuStyle menuStyle)
            MenuReference menuReference = null;

            if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
                menuReference = (MenuReference)instantiatedPullDown[form];
                menuReference = (MenuReference)instantiatedContext[form];
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary> This method updates a menu as instantiated for a specific form and style. It returns a reference to a
        /// menu object - to be used in order to retrieve this menu object, if it is needed. The returned object
        /// should be placed in the controlsMap, with the created menu for future use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instantiated</param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
        /// <returns> menu reference object</returns>
        protected MenuReference setMenuIsInstantiated(GuiMgForm form, MenuStyle menuStyle)
            var menuReference = new MenuReference(form);

            if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
                instantiatedPullDown[form] = menuReference;
                instantiatedContext[form] = menuReference;
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary> Remove the menu reference for the menu entry</summary>
 /// <param name="menuReference"></param>
 /// <param name="style"></param>
 internal void removeMenuIsInstantiated(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, MenuStyle style)
     if (style == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
     else if (style == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT)
     else if (style == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_TOOLBAR)
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary> This method is activated when a menu was selected. It performs the needed operations in order to
        /// translate the selected menu into the matching operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">-
        /// the selected menu entry widget
        /// </param>
        private void onSelection(Object sender)
            //Object object_Renamed = widget.getData();
            GuiMenuEntry  guiMenuEntry = null;
            ToolStripItem menuItem     = null;
            ToolStrip     ts;

            menuItem = (ToolStripItem)sender;
            ts       = menuItem.GetCurrentParent();

            guiMenuEntry = ((TagData)menuItem.Tag).guiMenuEntry;

            // when a menu with check style is selected, it is automatically checked.
            // we want to check it only if it should be checked - according to the state.
            if (sender is ToolStripButton)
                ((ToolStripButton)sender).Checked = guiMenuEntry.getChecked();
                ((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Checked = guiMenuEntry.getChecked();

            Form      form                  = menuObjToForm(sender);
            GuiMgForm activeForm            = null;
            bool      activatedFromMDIFrame = false;

            if (form.IsMdiContainer)
                activatedFromMDIFrame = true;

                Form activeMDIChild = GuiUtils.GetActiveMDIChild(form);
                if (activeMDIChild != null)
                    form = activeMDIChild;

            ControlsMap controlsMap = ControlsMap.getInstance();
            Control     c           = ((TagData)(form.Tag)).ClientPanel;

            activeForm = controlsMap.getControlMapData(c).getForm();

            Events.OnMenuSelection(guiMenuEntry, activeForm, activatedFromMDIFrame);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contextID using the GuiMgForm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mgObject">Magic Object - GuiMgForm/GuiMgControl/Logical control</param>
        /// <returns>contextID</returns>
        internal static Int64 GetContextID(Object mgObject)
            GuiMgForm guiMgForm = null;

            if (mgObject is LogicalControl)
                guiMgForm = ((LogicalControl)mgObject).GuiMgControl.GuiMgForm;
            else if (mgObject is GuiMgControl)
                guiMgForm = ((GuiMgControl)mgObject).GuiMgForm;
            else if (mgObject is GuiMgForm)
                guiMgForm = (GuiMgForm)mgObject;

Beispiel #23
        /// <summary> Add Open Context Menu event on right click on form.</summary>
        /// <param name = "guiMgControl">control </param>
        /// <param name = "guiMgForm">code of internal event </param>
        /// <param name = "left">code of internal event </param>
        /// <param name = "top">code of internal event </param>
        /// <param name = "line">code of internal event </param>
        public void AddOpenContextMenuEvent(GuiMgControl guiMgControl, GuiMgForm guiMgForm, int left, int top, int line)
            MgControl ctrl = null;
            Task      task = null;

            if (guiMgControl != null)
                if (guiMgControl is MgControl)
                    ctrl = (MgControl)guiMgControl;
                    if (ctrl.Type == MgControlType.CTRL_TYPE_SUBFORM)
                        task = (Task)ctrl.GetSubformMgForm().getTask();
                        task = (Task)((MgControlBase)guiMgControl).getForm().getTask();
                task = (Task)((MgFormBase)guiMgForm).getTask();

            // Prepare event for MG_ACT_CONTEXT_MENU to open context menu.
            var rtEvt = new RunTimeEvent(task);


            //Prepare an argument list for left and top co-ordinate.
            var argsList = new GuiExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal[3];

            argsList[0] = new GuiExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal(StorageAttribute.ALPHA, false, left.ToString());
            argsList[1] = new GuiExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal(StorageAttribute.ALPHA, false, top.ToString());
            argsList[2] = new GuiExpressionEvaluator.ExpVal(StorageAttribute.ALPHA, false, line.ToString());
            var args = new ArgumentsList(argsList);


Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>Pass keycode and modifier to bridge, bridge then converts it to keyboard action and adds in MgCore.dll
        /// events queue</summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="guiMgCtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="modifier"></param>
        /// <param name="keyCode"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="caretPos"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="im"></param>
        /// <param name="isActChar"></param>
        /// <param name="suggestedValue"></param>
        /// <param name="ComboIsDropDown"></param>
        /// <param name="handled">boolean variable event is handled or not.</param>
        /// <returns> true only if we have handled the KeyDown event (otherwise the CLR should handle). If true magic will handle else CLR will handle.</returns>
        protected virtual bool processKeyDown(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, Modifiers modifier, int keyCode,
                                              int start, int end, string text, ImeParam im,
                                              bool isActChar, string suggestedValue, bool ComboIsDropDown, bool handled)
            bool eventHandled     = handled;
            bool addKeyBoardEvent = true;

            MgControlBase mgControl = (MgControlBase)guiMgCtrl;
            MgFormBase    mgForm    = (MgFormBase)guiMgForm;

            if (mgControl != null)
                //In case of help window, the events like up arrow\down arrow key, should be handled by the
                //CLR.So first check if the form is help form and return the value true or false.

                if (mgControl.getForm() != null && mgControl.getForm().IsHelpWindow&& keyCode != GuiConstants.KEY_ESC)
                    //events related with the help window will NOT be handled by magic.

                // DOWN or UP invoked on a SELECT/RADIO control
                if ((mgControl.isRadio() || mgControl.isListBox() ||
                     (mgControl.isComboBox() && ComboIsDropDown) ||
                     (mgControl.isTabControl() && !suggestedValue.Equals("-1"))))
                    if (processKeyForSelectionControl(mgForm, mgControl, modifier, keyCode, suggestedValue))
                        addKeyBoardEvent = false;

            if (addKeyBoardEvent)
                // raise event
                Manager.EventsManager.AddKeyboardEvent(mgForm, mgControl, modifier, keyCode,
                                                       start, end, text, im,
                                                       isActChar, suggestedValue, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CTRL_KEYDOWN);

Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Process press event. Move Focus and raise internal press event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name="guiMgCtrl"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        private void ProcessPress(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, int line)
            MgControlBase mgControl = (MgControlBase)guiMgCtrl;

            // The internal press event is fired if press event is fired on form or subform
            if (mgControl == null)
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(((MgFormBase)guiMgForm).getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_HIT);
            else if (mgControl.isSubform())
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CTRL_HIT, line);

            Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_PRESS, line);
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary> </summary>
        /// <param name = "guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name = "prompt"></param>
        private void onMenuPrompt(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMenuEntry guiMenuEntry)
            MgFormBase mgForm = null;
            TaskBase   task   = null;

            if (guiMgForm is MgFormBase)
                mgForm = (MgFormBase)guiMgForm;

            if (mgForm != null)
                task = mgForm.getTask();

            if (task != null)
                if (guiMenuEntry == null)
                    if (!task.isAborting())
                    if (guiMenuEntry is MenuEntry)
                        MenuEntry menuEntry = (MenuEntry)guiMenuEntry;

                        String prompt = menuEntry.getPrompt();
                        if (prompt == null)
                            prompt = "";

                        Manager.WriteToMessagePane(task, StrUtil.makePrintable(prompt), false);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary> This method returns a menu object reference for a specific form and menu style (pulldown, context). The
        /// returned reference should be used in order to retrieve the specific instantiated menu object from the
        /// controls map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instatiated</param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
        /// <returns> a menu object reference. In case the menu was not yet instantiated for the specfic form and
        /// style, null is returned.</returns>
        public MenuReference getInstantiatedMenu(GuiMgForm form, MenuStyle menuStyle)
            MenuReference menuReference = null;

            if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
                menuReference = (MenuReference)_instantiatedPullDown[form];
            else if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT)
                menuReference = (MenuReference)_instantiatedContext[form];
            else if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_TOOLBAR)
                menuReference = (MenuReference)_instantiatedToolItem[form];
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary> This method updates a menu as instantiated for a specific form and style. It returns a reference to a
        /// menu object - to be used in order to retrieve this menu object, if it is needed. The returned object
        /// should be placed in the controlsMap, with the created menu for future use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form">the form for which the menus is instatiated</param>
        /// <param name="menuStyle">the menu style (pulldown, context)</param>
        /// <returns> menu reference object</returns>
        protected MenuReference setMenuIsInstantiated(GuiMgForm form, MenuStyle menuStyle)
            MenuReference menuReference = new MenuReference(form);

            if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_PULLDOWN)
                _instantiatedPullDown[form] = menuReference;
            else if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_CONTEXT)
                _instantiatedContext[form] = menuReference;
            else if (menuStyle == MenuStyle.MENU_STYLE_TOOLBAR)
                _instantiatedToolItem[form] = menuReference;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name = "guiMgForm"></param>
        /// <param name = "guiMgCtrl"></param>
        /// <param name = "dotNetArgs"></param>
        /// <param name = "leftClickWasPressed"></param>
        /// <param name = "line"></param>
        private void processMouseDown(GuiMgForm guiMgForm, GuiMgControl guiMgCtrl, Object[] dotNetArgs, bool leftClickWasPressed, int line, bool onMultiMark, bool canProduceClick)
            MgControlBase mgControl = (MgControlBase)guiMgCtrl;

            // Click on form or Click on the Subform's form should handle mg_act_hit (not control_hit).
            if (mgControl == null)
                Debug.Assert(guiMgForm != null);
                // As in online. clicking on a form results in ACT_HIT
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(((MgFormBase)guiMgForm).getTask(), InternalInterface.MG_ACT_HIT, onMultiMark);
            else if (mgControl.isSubform())

            if (mgControl.RaiseControlHitOnMouseDown(leftClickWasPressed))
                Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_CTRL_HIT, line, null, onMultiMark);

            if (leftClickWasPressed && canProduceClick)
                // fixed bug#927942
                // we never get to this method with the control type button & checkbox.
                // for button & checkbox, we sent the trigger MG_ACT_WEB_CLICK in EventsManager.handleMouseUp() that call
                // from simulateSelection()
                // the "if" is only for make sure that if we will get it (in the feture) we will not be sent the same trigger twice
                if (mgControl.Type != MgControlType.CTRL_TYPE_BUTTON && mgControl.Type != MgControlType.CTRL_TYPE_CHECKBOX)
                    Manager.EventsManager.addGuiTriggeredEvent(mgControl, InternalInterface.MG_ACT_WEB_CLICK, line, dotNetArgs, false);
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// An empty virtual method. Implemented in MenuEntryWindowMenu and MenuEntryMenu used for ContextMenu and PullDownMenu respectively.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgFormBase"></param>
 /// <param name="menuType"></param>
 /// <param name="windowMenuIdx"></param>
 /// <param name="guiMgForm"></param>
 /// <param name="menuStyle"></param>
 /// <param name="setChecked"></param>
 public virtual void CreateMenuEntry(MgFormBase mgFormBase, MenuType menuType, int windowMenuIdx, GuiMgForm guiMgForm, MenuStyle menuStyle, bool setChecked)