public ctl3DView()
            //Visible = false;
            m_modelAnimTmr = null;
            m_camera       = new GLCamera();
            m_axisCam      = new GLCamera();
            m_isectnormal = new Engine3D.Vector3d();

            mainViewSplitContainer.Panel1Collapsed = true;


            //glControl1. = new GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode.Default.ColorFormat, GraphicsMode.Default.Depth, 8);
            gr2d                    = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_2d_graphics;
            ctlBgndList             = new List <ctlBgnd>();
            guiconf                 = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gui_config; // set from the main program GUIConfig
            guiconf.TopLevelControl = mainViewSplitContainer.Panel2;
            RearrangeGui(); // once the GUIConfig is loaded from the plugins and from the main GUIConfig, the screen is re-arranged

            // toplevel controls must point to this

            glControl1.PaintCallback += new ctlGL.delPaint(DisplayFunc);

            m_sliceTex = -1;

            UVDLPApp.Instance().m_slicer.Slice_Event += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
            UVDLPApp.Instance().AppEvent += new AppEventDelegate(AppEventDel);
Beispiel #2
 private UVDLPApp()
     m_supportmode          = eSupportEditMode.eNone;
     SceneFileName          = "";
     m_callbackhandler      = new CallbackHandler();
     m_appconfig            = new AppConfig();
     m_printerinfo          = new MachineConfig();
     m_buildparms           = new SliceBuildConfig();
     m_deviceinterface      = new DeviceInterface();
     m_buildmgr             = new BuildManager();
     m_slicer               = new Slicer();
     m_slicer.m_slicemethod = Slicer.eSliceMethod.eNormalCount;// configure the slicer to user the new normal count - Thanks Shai!!!
     m_slicer.Slice_Event  += new Slicer.SliceEvent(SliceEv);
     //m_dispmgr = DisplayManager.Instance(); // initialize the singleton for early event app binding
     //m_flexslice = new FlexSlice();
     m_gcode            = new GCodeFile(""); // create a blank gcode to start with
     m_supportconfig    = new SupportConfig();
     m_supportgenerator = new SupportGenerator();
     m_supportgenerator.SupportEvent += new SupportGeneratorEvent(SupEvent);
     CSG.Instance().CSGEvent += new CSG.CSGEventDel(CSGEvent);
     m_proj_cmd_lst    = new prjcmdlst();
     m_plugins         = new List <PluginEntry>(); // list of user plug-ins
     m_pluginstates    = PluginStates.Instance();  // initialize the plugin state singleton
     m_undoer          = new Undoer();
     m_2d_graphics     = new C2DGraphics();
     m_gui_config      = new GuiConfigManager();
     m_AuxBuildCmds    = AuxBuildCmds.Instance(); // make sure the singleton doesn't go away...
     m_sequencemanager = SequenceManager.Instance();
        public void RegisterControls()
            GuiConfigManager guiconf = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gui_config;

            guiconf.AddControl("ctlToolpathGenConfig1.tbGCode", tbGCode);
            guiconf.AddControl("ctlToolpathGenConfig1.tbOptions", tbOptions);
            guiconf.AddControl("ctlToolpathGenConfig1.panelExposure", panelExposure);
            guiconf.AddControl("ctlToolpathGenConfig1.grpExport", grpExport);
            guiconf.AddControl("ctlToolpathGenConfig1.grpLift", grpLift);
Beispiel #4
 public void RegisterControls()
     GuiConfigManager guiconf = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_gui_config;
     //guiconf.AddControl("guimachineconfig.tbConfig", tbConfig);
     //guiconf.AddControl("guimachineconfig.tbParameters", tbParameters);