Beispiel #1
        public static GsRectangle CreateBoxAroundPoint(GsVector pt, GsVector offset, float width, float height)
            GsRectangle box = new GsRectangle(pt.X - (width / 2), pt.Y - (height / 2), width, height);

Beispiel #2
        public void ChooseTarget(IEnumerable <Invader> invaders, GsVector offset)
            Invader     bestInvader    = null;
            float       bestFuzzyValue = 0.0f;
            float       radiusSquared  = Radius * Radius;
            GsRectangle pieceBounds    = GsRectangle.Offset(Bounds, offset);

            foreach (Invader invader in invaders)
                // calculate the position. In the future, we should get this directly from the invader
                GsVector position = invader.Position + offset + (invader.Size.ToVector() * .5f);
                GsVector origin   = invader.Origin;
                GsSize   size     = invader.Size;

                // calculate the bounds
                GsRectangle invaderBounds = new GsRectangle(position - (origin * .5f), size);

                // determine the distance
                float distance = GsVector.DistanceSquared(pieceBounds.Center, invaderBounds.Center);
                if (InvalidTarget(distance, radiusSquared, invader, invaderBounds))

                // determine the fuzzy number
                float fuzzy = 0.0f;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyLife(invader) * FuzzyLifeWeight;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyTime(invader) * FuzzyTimeWeight;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyDistance(distance) * FuzzyDistanceWeight;

                // if the fuzzy value is better, then select this invader
                if (fuzzy > bestFuzzyValue)
                    bestInvader    = invader;
                    bestFuzzyValue = fuzzy;

            if (bestInvader == null)
                Target = null;
            else if (bestInvader != Target)
                mTimeChasingTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
                Target             = bestInvader;
        private void InitializeGrid()
            int midCol = (NumCols - 1) / 2;
            int midRow = (NumRows - 1) / 2;

            int midColLeft  = midCol - HalfThroughWay;
            int midColRight = midCol + HalfThroughWay;

            int midRowUp   = midRow - HalfThroughWay;
            int midRowDown = midRow + HalfThroughWay;

            int dc = (NumCols - 1) % 2;
            int dr = (NumRows - 1) % 2;

            Grid = new GridCell[NumCols, NumRows];
            for (int c = 0; c < NumCols; ++c)
                for (int r = 0; r < NumRows; ++r)
                    bool isOuter      = (c == 0 || r == 0 || c == (NumCols - 1) || r == (NumRows - 1));
                    bool isThroughway = isOuter && (GsMath.InRange(c, midColLeft + dc, midColRight) || GsMath.InRange(r, midRowUp + dr, midRowDown));

                    GridCell cell = new GridCell(c, r, isOuter, isThroughway);
                    cell.Bounds = new GsRectangle(c * CellWidth, r * CellHeight, CellWidth, CellHeight);
                    Grid[c, r]  = cell;

            HorzGoalCell = Grid[NumCols - 1, midRow];
            VertGoalCell = Grid[midCol, NumRows - 1];

            HorzStartCell = Grid[0, midRow];
            VertStartCell = Grid[midCol, 0];

            gridBounds = GsRectangle.FromLTRB(Grid[0, 0].X, Grid[0, 0].Y, Grid[NumCols - 1, 0].X + CellWidth, Grid[0, NumRows - 1].Y + CellHeight);
            gridBounds.Offset(MiddleOffset + Position);