IEnumerator GrowScoreBox(GrowData data) { float startY =; if (data.highScore == 0) { data.highScore++; } Vector3 endSize = new Vector3(, ((data.score / data.highScore) * maxHeight) + startY,; float timer = 0f; bool growing = true; while (growing) { = Vector3.Lerp(, endSize, timer); data.scoreText.text = (Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Lerp(float.Parse(data.scoreText.text), data.score, timer))).ToString(); if (timer > 1f) { growing = false; data.scoreText.text = data.score.ToString(); } if (winText.gameObject.activeSelf == false && timer > 0.35f) { winText.gameObject.SetActive(true); if ( == 0) { winText.color = Color.yellow; winText.text = "Tie game!"; } else if ( == 1) { if ( == redBox) { winText.color = new Color(229f / 250f, 57 / 250f, 50 / 250f); winText.text = "Red wins!"; } else if ( == greenBox) { winText.color = new Color(13 / 250f, 179 / 250f, 101 / 250f); winText.text = "Green wins!"; } } } timer += Time.deltaTime / growTime; yield return(null); } }
public List<Vector2i> Grow(VoxelTypes[,] worldGrid, GrowData dataBase) { GrowData_Oak dat = (GrowData_Oak)dataBase; List<Vector2i> changed = new List<Vector2i>(); //Clear out the current leaves. changed.Capacity += dat.Leaves.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dat.Leaves.Count; ++i) { worldGrid[dat.Leaves[i].x, dat.Leaves[i].y] = VoxelTypes.Empty; changed.Add(dat.Leaves[i]); } dat.Leaves.Clear(); //Extend the tree-top upwards. Vector2i counter = new Vector2i(dat.SproutPos.x, dat.TopY); for (int i = 0; i < GrowthRate && counter.y < worldGrid.GetLength(1) - 1; ++i) { counter.y += 1; if (!WorldVoxels.IsTreeFodder(worldGrid[counter.x, counter.y])) { break; } worldGrid[counter.x, counter.y] = dat.TreeType; changed.Add(counter); dat.TopY = counter.y; dat.MaxBoundBox.y = UnityEngine.Mathf.Max(dat.MaxBoundBox.y, counter.y); } //Add leaves spreading out from the top. dat.LeavesRadius += 1; AddLeaves(dat, worldGrid); changed.Capacity += dat.Leaves.Count; changed.AddRange(dat.Leaves); return changed; }
public Tree(IGrowPattern pattern, GrowData dat) { GrowPattern = pattern; GrowDat = dat; }
public bool Occupies(GrowData baseData, Vector2i worldPos, bool includeLeaves) { //The logs occupy a single column of space. if (worldPos.x == baseData.SproutPos.x) { GrowData_Oak dat = (GrowData_Oak)baseData; if (worldPos.y >= dat.SproutPos.y && worldPos.y <= dat.TopY) { return true; } else { return includeLeaves && dat.Leaves.Any(le => (le == worldPos)); } } else { return includeLeaves && ((GrowData_Oak)baseData).Leaves.Any(le => (le == worldPos)); } }