public void RemoveFromGroup(IUser addedBy, IGroup group, IRichTextString reason = null)
            if (!IsCurrentlyInGroup(group))
                return;                                         //Not even in the group.
                new GroupUpdate()
                Group = group,
                Rank  = group.GetLowestRank(),

                ActionedBy       = addedBy,
                ActionedDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToDateTime(),

                Reason = reason ?? ObjectFactory.CreateRichTextString("No Reason.")
        public void AddToGroup(IUser addedBy, IGroup group, IRichTextString reason = null)
            if (IsCurrentlyInGroup(group))
                return;                                        //Currently a member, no need to add again.
                new GroupUpdate()
                Group = group,
                Rank  = group.GetLowestRank(),

                ActionedBy       = addedBy,
                ActionedDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToDateTime(),

                Reason = reason ?? ObjectFactory.CreateRichTextString("No Reason.")
        public void Demote(IUser demotedBy, IGroup group, IRichTextString reason = null)
            if (!IsCurrentlyInGroup(group))
                return;                                         //Not in the group. Can't demote!
            IRank currentRank = GetRankInGroupOrNull(group) ?? group.GetLowestRank();
            IRank newRank     = group.GetNextLowerRank(currentRank);

                new GroupUpdate()
                Group = group,
                Rank  = newRank,

                ActionedBy       = demotedBy,
                ActionedDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToDateTime(),

                Reason = reason ?? ObjectFactory.CreateRichTextString("No Reason.")