Beispiel #1
    public void FindPath(Vector3 a_StartPos, Vector3 a_TargetPos)
        Node StartNode  = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_StartPos);                                                                         //Gets the node closest to the starting position
        Node TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_TargetPos);                                                                        //Gets the node closest to the target position

        List <Node>    OpenList   = new List <Node>();                                                                                          //List of nodes for the open list
        HashSet <Node> ClosedList = new HashSet <Node>();                                                                                       //Hashset of nodes for the closed list

        OpenList.Add(StartNode);                                                                                                                //Add the starting node to the open list to begin the program

        while (OpenList.Count > 0)                                                                                                              //Whilst there is something in the open list
            Node CurrentNode = OpenList[0];                                                                                                     //Create a node and set it to the first item in the open list
            for (int i = 1; i < OpenList.Count; i++)                                                                                            //Loop through the open list starting from the second object
                if (OpenList[i].FCost < CurrentNode.FCost || OpenList[i].FCost == CurrentNode.FCost && OpenList[i].ihCost < CurrentNode.ihCost) //If the f cost of that object is less than or equal to the f cost of the current node
                    CurrentNode = OpenList[i];                                                                                                  //Set the current node to that object
            OpenList.Remove(CurrentNode);                         //Remove that from the open list
            ClosedList.Add(CurrentNode);                          //And add it to the closed list

            if (CurrentNode == TargetNode)                        //If the current node is the same as the target node
                PathToWalk = GetFinalPath(StartNode, TargetNode); //Calculate the final path

            foreach (Node NeighborNode in GridReference.GetNeighboringNodes(CurrentNode)) //Loop through each neighbor of the current node
                if (!NeighborNode.isWalkable || ClosedList.Contains(NeighborNode))        //If the neighbor is a wall or has already been checked
                    continue;                                                             //Skip it

                if (NeighborNode.isMud)
                    CurrentNode.igCost += GridWorld.instance.mudCost;
                if (NeighborNode.isGravel)
                    CurrentNode.igCost += GridWorld.instance.gravelCost;

                int MoveCost = CurrentNode.igCost + GetManhattanDistance(CurrentNode, NeighborNode); //Get the F cost of that neighbor

                if (MoveCost < NeighborNode.igCost || !OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode))              //If the f cost is greater than the g cost or it is not in the open list
                    NeighborNode.igCost     = MoveCost;                                              //Set the g cost to the f cost
                    NeighborNode.ihCost     = GetManhattanDistance(NeighborNode, TargetNode);        //Set the h cost
                    NeighborNode.ParentNode = CurrentNode;                                           //Set the parent of the node for retracing steps

                    if (!OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode))                                            //If the neighbor is not in the openlist
                        OpenList.Add(NeighborNode);                                                  //Add it to the list
Beispiel #2
 private void Start()
     TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(transform.position);
     print("Player X = " + TargetNode.iGridX + "and Y = " + TargetNode.iGridY);
     TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX + 1, TargetNode.iGridY);
     TargetNode.isDiscovered = true;
Beispiel #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromWorldPoint(transform.position);
        TargetNode = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX, TargetNode.iGridY);
        TargetNode.isDiscovered = true;

        Left   = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX - 1, TargetNode.iGridY);
        Bottom = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX, TargetNode.iGridY - 1);
        Up     = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX, TargetNode.iGridY + 1);
        Right  = GridReference.NodeFromGridPos(TargetNode.iGridX + 1, TargetNode.iGridY);

        if ((!Left.isWalkable) || (!Up.isWalkable) || (!Right.isWalkable) || (!Bottom.isWalkable))
            tiempo += Time.deltaTime;

        tiempo += Time.deltaTime;

        if (transform.localPosition.x > xMax)
            x      = Random.Range(-velocidadMax, 0.0f);
            angulo = Mathf.Atan2(x, z) * (180 / 3.141592f) + 90;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angulo, 0);
            tiempo = 0.0f;
        if (transform.localPosition.x < xMin)
            x      = Random.Range(0.0f, velocidadMax);
            angulo = Mathf.Atan2(x, z) * (180 / 3.141592f) + 90;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angulo, 0);
            tiempo = 0.0f;
        if (transform.localPosition.z > zMax)
            z      = Random.Range(-velocidadMax, 0.0f);
            angulo = Mathf.Atan2(x, z) * (180 / 3.141592f) + 90;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angulo, 0);
            tiempo = 0.0f;
        if (transform.localPosition.z < zMin)
            z      = Random.Range(0.0f, velocidadMax);
            angulo = Mathf.Atan2(x, z) * (180 / 3.141592f) + 90;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angulo, 0);
            tiempo = 0.0f;

        if (tiempo > 1.0f)
            x      = Random.Range(-velocidadMax, velocidadMax);
            z      = Random.Range(-velocidadMax, velocidadMax);
            angulo = Mathf.Atan2(x, z) * (180 / 3.141592f) + 90;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angulo, 0);
            tiempo = 0.0f;

        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x + x, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z + z);