Beispiel #1
        protected virtual void grid_MouseMove(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            Position l_PointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

            Cells.ICellVirtual l_CellPosition = sender.GetCell(l_PointPosition);

            //Call MouseMove on the cell that receive tha MouseDown event
            if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
                Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
                if (l_MouseDownCell != null)
                    sender.Controller.OnMouseMove(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), e);
            else             //se non ho nessuna cella attualmente che ha ricevuto un mousedown, l'evento di MouseMove viene segnalato sulla cella correntemente sotto il Mouse
                // se non c'è nessuna cella MouseDown cambio la cella corrente sotto il Mouse
#if !MINI
                sender.ChangeMouseCell(l_PointPosition);                //in ogni caso cambio la cella corrente
                if (l_PointPosition.IsEmpty() == false && l_CellPosition != null)
                    // I call MouseMove on the current cell only if there aren't any cells under the mouse
                    sender.Controller.OnMouseMove(new CellContext(sender, l_PointPosition, l_CellPosition), e);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the specified range data into a string array. This method use the cell editor to get the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceRange"></param>
        /// <param name="startDragPosition">Starting drag position. Used only for calculating drop destination range.</param>
        /// <param name="cutMode">Cut mode. Can be used to remove the data from the source when pasting it to the destination or immediately.</param>
        public void LoadData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range sourceRange, Position startDragPosition, CutMode cutMode)
            mSourceGrid        = sourceGrid;
            mCutMode           = cutMode;
            mStartDragPosition = startDragPosition;
            mSourceRange       = sourceRange;
            mSourceValues      = new string[mSourceRange.RowsCount, mSourceRange.ColumnsCount];

            int arrayRow = 0;

            for (int r = mSourceRange.Start.Row; r <= mSourceRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = mSourceRange.Start.Column; c <= mSourceRange.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);
                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null)
                        mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString(cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext));
                    else if (cell != null)
                        mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.GetDisplayText();

            //Cut Data
            if (CutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately && sourceGrid != null)
                for (int sr = sourceRange.Start.Row; sr <= sourceRange.End.Row; sr++)
                    for (int sc = sourceRange.Start.Column; sc <= sourceRange.End.Column; sc++)
                        Position           pos         = new Position(sr, sc);
                        Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(sr, sc);
                        CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, pos, cell);
                        if (cell.Editor != null)

            mClipboardDataObject = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();
            mClipboardDataObject.SetData(RANGEDATA_FORMAT, this);
            mClipboardDataObject.SetData(typeof(string), DataToString(mSourceValues, mSourceRange));
Beispiel #3
		protected virtual void grid_MouseDown(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			//verifico che l'eventuale edit sia terminato altrimenti esco
			if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() == false)
				CellContext focusCell = new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
				if (focusCell.Cell != null && focusCell.IsEditing())
					if (focusCell.EndEdit(false) == false)

			//scateno eventi di MouseDown
			Position position = sender.PositionAtPoint( new Point(e.X, e.Y) );
			if (position.IsEmpty() == false)
				Cells.ICellVirtual cellMouseDown = sender.GetCell(position);
				if (cellMouseDown != null)
					sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(position, position);

					CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sender, position, cellMouseDown);
					sender.Controller.OnMouseDown(cellContext, e);
				sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(Position.Empty, Position.Empty);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a range and an array of string into a string. Normally using a tab delimited for columns and a LineFeed for rows.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static string[,] DataToStringArray(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range range)
            int numberOfRows = range.End.Row - range.Start.Row + 1;
            int numberOfCols = range.End.Column - range.Start.Column + 1;

            string[,] values = new string[numberOfRows, numberOfCols];

            int arrayRow = 0;

            for (int r = range.Start.Row; r <= range.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = range.Start.Column; c <= range.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    String val = String.Empty;

                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
                        values[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString(cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext));
                    else if (cell != null)
                        values[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;

Beispiel #5
        protected virtual void grid_MouseDown(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            //verifico che l'eventuale edit sia terminato altrimenti esco
            if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() == false)
                CellContext focusCell = new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
                if (focusCell.Cell != null && focusCell.IsEditing())
                    if (focusCell.EndEdit(false) == false)

            //scateno eventi di MouseDown
            Position position = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

            if (position.IsEmpty() == false)
                Cells.ICellVirtual cellMouseDown = sender.GetCell(position);
                if (cellMouseDown != null)
                    sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(position, position);

                    CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sender, position, cellMouseDown);
                    sender.Controller.OnMouseDown(cellContext, e);
                sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(Position.Empty, Position.Empty);
Beispiel #6
        protected virtual void grid_DragEnter(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
            Position pointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(sender.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));

            Cells.ICellVirtual cellPosition = sender.GetCell(pointPosition);

            sender.ChangeDragCell(new CellContext(sender, pointPosition, cellPosition), e);
Beispiel #7
        protected virtual void grid_GiveFeedback(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
            Position dragPosition = sender.DragCellPosition;

            Cells.ICellVirtual cellPosition = sender.GetCell(dragPosition);

            sender.Controller.OnGiveFeedback(new CellContext(sender, dragPosition, cellPosition), e);
Beispiel #8
        protected virtual void grid_MouseDown(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            //verifico che l'eventuale edit sia terminato altrimenti esco
            if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() == false)
                //Se la cella coincide esco
                if (sender.MouseDownPosition == sender.Selection.ActivePosition)

                //Altrimenti provo a terminare l'edit
                CellContext focusCell = new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
                if (focusCell.Cell != null && focusCell.IsEditing())
                    if (focusCell.EndEdit(false) == false)

            //scateno eventi di MouseDown e seleziono la cella
            if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
                Cells.ICellVirtual cellMouseDown = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
                if (cellMouseDown != null)
                    int distance;
                    DevAge.Drawing.RectanglePartType partType = sender.Selection.Border.PointToPartType(sender.Selection.GetDrawingRectangle(),
                                                                                                        new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y), out distance);
                    if (partType == DevAge.Drawing.RectanglePartType.ContentArea ||
                        partType == DevAge.Drawing.RectanglePartType.None)
                        bool l_bShiftPress = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift &&
                                              (sender.SpecialKeys & GridSpecialKeys.Shift) == GridSpecialKeys.Shift);

                        if (l_bShiftPress == false ||
                            sender.Selection.EnableMultiSelection == false ||
                            //Standard focus on the cell on MouseDown
                            if (sender.Selection.Contains(sender.MouseDownPosition) == false || e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)                             //solo se non è stata ancora selezionata
                        else                         //gestione speciale caso shift
                            Range rangeToSelect = new Range(sender.Selection.ActivePosition, sender.MouseDownPosition);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the current loaded array string in the specified grid range. This method use the cell editor to set the value.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Position destinationPosition)
            int sourceRow    = this.SourceValues.GetUpperBound(0);
            int sourceColumn = this.SourceValues.GetUpperBound(1);
            var dataRow      = 0;

            for (int r = destinationPosition.Row; r <= destinationPosition.Row + sourceRow; r++)
                int dataColumn = 0;
                for (int c = destinationPosition.Column; c <= destinationPosition.Column + sourceColumn; c++)
                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

                    //[email protected] : WriteData method is changed to support paste activity.
                    if (cell != null && (cell.ClipboardModes & ClipboardMode.Paste) == ClipboardMode.Paste &&
                        cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[dataRow, dataColumn] != null)
                        cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[dataRow, dataColumn]);

            /*int sourceRow = this.SourceValues.Length - 1;
             * int sourceColumn = this.SourceValues.Rank - 1;
             * //Calculate the destination Range merging the source range
             * var destinationRange = new Range(destinationPosition,
             *                               new Position(destinationPosition.Row + sourceRow, destinationPosition.Column + sourceColumn));
             * Range newRange = mSourceRange;
             * newRange.MoveTo(destinationRange.Start);
             * if (newRange.End.Column > destinationRange.End.Column)
             *      newRange.End = new Position(newRange.End.Row, destinationRange.End.Column);
             * if (newRange.End.Row > destinationRange.End.Row)
             *      newRange.End.Row = destinationRange.End.Row;
             * for (int r = newRange.Start.Row; r <= newRange.End.Row; r++)
             * {
             *      int dataColumn = 0;
             *      for (int c = newRange.Start.Column; c <= newRange.End.Column ; c++)
             *      {
             *              //if (sourceGrid.Columns.IsColumnVisible(c) == false)
             *              //	continue;
             *              Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
             *              Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
             *              CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);
             *              if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[r - newRange.Start.Row, dataColumn] != null)
             *                      cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[r - newRange.Start.Row, dataColumn] );
             *              dataColumn++;
             *      }
             * }*/
Beispiel #10
 protected virtual void grid_DoubleClick(GridVirtual sender, EventArgs e)
     if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
         Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
         if (l_MouseDownCell != null)
             sender.Controller.OnDoubleClick(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #11
 protected virtual void grid_KeyUp(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
     if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() == false)
         Cells.ICellVirtual l_FocusCell = sender.GetCell(sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
         if (l_FocusCell != null)
             sender.Controller.OnKeyUp(new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition, l_FocusCell), e);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the union of all the selected range as Position collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual CellCollection GetCells()
            CellCollection     cells       = new CellCollection();
            PositionCollection l_Positions = GetCellsPositions();

            for (int i = 0; i < l_Positions.Count; i++)

Beispiel #13
        protected virtual void grid_MouseUp(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
                Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
                if (l_MouseDownCell != null)
                    sender.Controller.OnMouseUp(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), e);

                sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(Position.Empty, sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the current loaded array string in the specified grid range. This method use the cell editor to set the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationRange"></param>
        public void WriteData(GridVirtual destinationGrid, Range destinationRange)
            //Calculate the destination Range merging the source range
            Range newRange = mSourceRange;

            if (newRange.ColumnsCount > destinationRange.ColumnsCount)
                newRange.ColumnsCount = destinationRange.ColumnsCount;
            if (newRange.RowsCount > destinationRange.RowsCount)
                newRange.RowsCount = destinationRange.RowsCount;

            //Cut Data
            if (CutMode == CutMode.CutOnPaste && mSourceGrid != null)
                for (int sr = mSourceRange.Start.Row; sr <= mSourceRange.End.Row; sr++)
                    for (int sc = mSourceRange.Start.Column; sc <= mSourceRange.End.Column; sc++)
                        Position           pos         = new Position(sr, sc);
                        Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = mSourceGrid.GetCell(sr, sc);
                        CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(mSourceGrid, pos, cell);
                        if (cell.Editor != null)

            int arrayRow = 0;

            for (int r = newRange.Start.Row; r <= newRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = newRange.Start.Column; c <= newRange.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = destinationGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(destinationGrid, posCell, cell);

                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] != null)
                        cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol]);
Beispiel #15
        protected virtual void grid_MouseMove(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            Position l_PointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

            Cells.ICellVirtual l_CellPosition = sender.GetCell(l_PointPosition);

            #region Mouse Multiselection
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && sender.Selection.EnableMultiSelection)
                //Only if there is a FocusCell
                CellContext focusCellContext = new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
                if (focusCellContext.Cell != null && focusCellContext.IsEditing() == false)
                    Position           l_SelCornerPos = l_PointPosition;
                    Cells.ICellVirtual l_SelCorner    = l_CellPosition;

                    //If the current Focus Cell is a scrollable cell then search the current cell (under the mouse)only in scrollable cells
                    // see PositionAtPoint with false parameter
                    if (sender.GetPositionType(sender.Selection.ActivePosition) == CellPositionType.Scrollable)
                        l_SelCornerPos = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                        l_SelCorner    = sender.GetCell(l_PointPosition);

                    if (l_SelCornerPos.IsEmpty() == false && l_SelCorner != null)
                        //Only if the user start the selection with a cell (m_MouseDownCell!=null)
                        if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false && sender.Selection.Contains(sender.MouseDownPosition))
Beispiel #16
 private void grid_KeyPress(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
     //solo se diverso da tab e da a capo ( e non è un comando di copia/incolla)
     if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() || e.KeyChar == '\t' || e.KeyChar == 13 ||
         e.KeyChar == 3 || e.KeyChar == 22 || e.KeyChar == 24)
         Cells.ICellVirtual l_FocusCell = sender.GetCell(sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
         if (l_FocusCell != null)
             sender.Controller.OnKeyPress(new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition, l_FocusCell), e);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the specified range data into a string array. This method use the cell editor to get the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceRange"></param>
        /// <param name="cutMode">Cut mode. Can be used to remove the data from the source when pasting it to the destination or immediately.</param>
        public static RangeData LoadData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range sourceRange, CutMode cutMode)
            RangeData data = new RangeData(sourceGrid);

            //mCutMode = cutMode;
            data.mSourceRange  = sourceRange;
            data.mSourceValues = new object[sourceRange.RowsCount, GetVisibleColumnCount(sourceGrid, sourceRange)];

            int arrayRow = 0;

            for (int r = sourceRange.Start.Row; r <= sourceRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = sourceRange.Start.Column; c <= sourceRange.End.Column; c++)
                    if (sourceGrid.Columns.IsColumnVisible(c) == false)
                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

                    /*if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
                     *      data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString( cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext) );
                     * else if (cell != null)
                     *      data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;*/
                    if (cell != null)
                        data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.Value;

            //Cut Data
            if (cutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately && sourceGrid != null)
                sourceGrid.ClearValues(new RangeRegion(sourceRange));

            data.mClipboardDataObject = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();
            data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(RANGEDATA_FORMAT, data);
            string[,] values = DataToStringArray(sourceGrid, data.mSourceRange);
            data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(typeof(string), StringArrayToString(values));
Beispiel #18
        public void Export(GridVirtual grid)
            System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Stream,

            //write HTML and BODY
            if ((Mode & ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody) == ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody)


            writer.WriteAttributeString("cellspacing", "0");
            writer.WriteAttributeString("cellpadding", "0");

            for (int r = 0; r < grid.Rows.Count; r++)

                for (int c = 0; c < grid.Columns.Count; c++)
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell    = grid.GetCell(r, c);
                    Position           pos     = new Position(r, c);
                    CellContext        context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                    ExportHTMLCell(context, writer);



            //write end HTML and BODY
            if ((Mode & ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody) == ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody)

Beispiel #19
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Range rangeToExport, System.Drawing.Point destinationLocation)
            if (rangeToExport.IsEmpty())

            System.Drawing.Point cellPoint = destinationLocation;

            System.Drawing.Point deltaPoint = destinationLocation;

            using (DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache graphicsCache = new DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache(graphics))
                for (int r = rangeToExport.Start.Row; r <= rangeToExport.End.Row; r++)
                    int rowHeight = grid.Rows.GetHeight(r);

                    for (int c = rangeToExport.Start.Column; c <= rangeToExport.End.Column; c++)
                        System.Drawing.Rectangle cellRectangle;
                        Position pos = new Position(r, c);

                        Range range = grid.PositionToCellRange(pos);
                        System.Drawing.Size cellSize = new System.Drawing.Size(grid.Columns.GetWidth(c), rowHeight);

                        if (range.ColumnsCount > 1 || range.RowsCount > 1) //support for RowSpan or ColSpan
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle rangeRectange = grid.RangeToRectangleRelative(rangeToExport.Start.Row, rangeToExport.Start.Column, range);
                            cellRectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(deltaPoint.X + rangeRectange.Location.X, deltaPoint.Y + rangeRectange.Location.Y), rangeRectange.Size);
                            cellRectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(cellPoint, cellSize);

                        Cells.ICellVirtual cell    = grid.GetCell(pos);
                        CellContext        context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                        ExportCell(context, graphicsCache, cellRectangle);

                        cellPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(cellPoint.X + cellSize.Width, cellPoint.Y);

                    cellPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(destinationLocation.X, cellPoint.Y + rowHeight);
Beispiel #20
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.IO.TextWriter stream)
            for (int r = 0; r < grid.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < grid.Columns.Count; c++)
                    if (c > 0)

                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell = grid.GetCell(r, c);
                    Position pos = new Position(r, c);
                    CellContext context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                    ExportCSVCell(context, stream);
Beispiel #21
        protected virtual void grid_Click(GridVirtual sender, EventArgs e)
            Position clickPosition      = sender.PositionAtPoint(sender.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition));
            Position clickStartPosition = sender.PositionToStartPosition(clickPosition);

            //Se ho precedentemente scatenato un MouseDown su una cella
            // e se questa corrisponde alla cella sotto il puntatore del mouse (non posso usare MouseCellPosition perchè questa viene aggiornata solo quando non si ha una cella come MouseDownPosition
            if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false &&
                sender.MouseDownPosition == clickStartPosition /* MouseCellPosition &&
                                                                * m_MouseDownCell.Focused == true //tolto altrimenti non funzionava per le celle Selectable==false*/)
                Cells.ICellVirtual mouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
                if (mouseDownCell != null)
                    sender.Controller.OnClick(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, mouseDownCell), EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #22
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.IO.TextWriter stream)
            for (int r = 0; r < grid.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < grid.Columns.Count; c++)
                    if (c > 0)

                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell    = grid.GetCell(r, c);
                    Position           pos     = new Position(r, c);
                    CellContext        context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                    ExportCSVCell(context, stream);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the union of all the selected range as Position collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CellVirtualCollection GetCells()
            if (m_CellBaseListCache == null)
                m_CellBaseListCache = new CellVirtualCollection();
                PositionCollection l_Positions = GetCellsPositions();
                for (int i = 0; i < l_Positions.Count; i++)

Beispiel #24
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.IO.TextWriter stream)
            for (var r = 0; r < grid.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (var c = 0; c < grid.Columns.Count; c++)
                    if (c > 0)

                    var cell    = grid.GetCell(r, c);
                    var pos     = new Position(r, c);
                    var context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                    ExportCsvCell(context, stream);
                if (IsLastLine(grid, r) == false)
Beispiel #25
		protected virtual void grid_DragOver(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
			Position pointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(sender.PointToClient( new Point(e.X, e.Y) ));
			Cells.ICellVirtual cellPosition = sender.GetCell(pointPosition);

			CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sender, pointPosition, cellPosition);
			sender.ChangeDragCell(cellContext, e);
			sender.Controller.OnDragOver(cellContext, e);
Beispiel #26
		protected virtual void grid_MouseMove(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			Position l_PointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
			Cells.ICellVirtual l_CellPosition = sender.GetCell(l_PointPosition);

			//Call MouseMove on the cell that receive tha MouseDown event
			if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
				Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
				if (l_MouseDownCell!=null)
					sender.Controller.OnMouseMove(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), e);
			else //se non ho nessuna cella attualmente che ha ricevuto un mousedown, l'evento di MouseMove viene segnalato sulla cella correntemente sotto il Mouse
				// se non c'è nessuna cella MouseDown cambio la cella corrente sotto il Mouse
#if !MINI
				sender.ChangeMouseCell(l_PointPosition);//in ogni caso cambio la cella corrente
				if (l_PointPosition.IsEmpty() == false && l_CellPosition != null)
					// I call MouseMove on the current cell only if there aren't any cells under the mouse
					sender.Controller.OnMouseMove(new CellContext(sender, l_PointPosition, l_CellPosition), e);
Beispiel #27
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, 
                                Range rangeToExport, System.Drawing.Point destinationLocation)
            if (rangeToExport.IsEmpty())

            System.Drawing.Point cellPoint = destinationLocation;

            using (DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache graphicsCache = new DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache(graphics))
                for (int r = rangeToExport.Start.Row; r <= rangeToExport.End.Row; r++)
                    int rowHeight = grid.Rows.GetHeight(r);

                    for (int c = rangeToExport.Start.Column; c <= rangeToExport.End.Column; c++)
                        Rectangle cellRectangle;
                        Position pos = new Position(r, c);

                        Size cellSize = new Size(grid.Columns.GetWidth(c), rowHeight);

                        Range range = grid.PositionToCellRange(pos);

                        //support for RowSpan or ColSpan 
                        //Note: for now I draw only the merged cell at the first position 
                        // (this can cause a problem if you export partial range that contains a partial merged cells)
                        if ( range.ColumnsCount > 1 || range.RowsCount > 1)
                            //Is the first position
                            if (range.Start == pos)
                                Size rangeSize = grid.RangeToSize(range);

                                cellRectangle = new Rectangle(cellPoint,
                                cellRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
                            cellRectangle = new Rectangle(cellPoint, cellSize);

                        if (cellRectangle.IsEmpty == false)
                            Cells.ICellVirtual cell = grid.GetCell(pos);
                            CellContext context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                            ExportCell(context, graphicsCache, cellRectangle);

                        cellPoint = new Point(cellPoint.X + cellSize.Width, cellPoint.Y);

                    cellPoint = new Point(destinationLocation.X, cellPoint.Y + rowHeight);
Beispiel #28
		protected virtual void grid_GiveFeedback(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
			Position dragPosition = sender.DragCellPosition;
			Cells.ICellVirtual cellPosition = sender.GetCell(dragPosition);

			sender.Controller.OnGiveFeedback(new CellContext(sender, dragPosition, cellPosition), e);
Beispiel #29
		protected virtual void grid_DoubleClick(GridVirtual sender, EventArgs e)

			if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
				Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
				if (l_MouseDownCell!=null)
					sender.Controller.OnDoubleClick(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #30
		protected virtual void grid_Click(GridVirtual sender, EventArgs e)
			Position clickPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(sender.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition));
			Position clickStartPosition = sender.PositionToStartPosition(clickPosition);

			//Se ho precedentemente scatenato un MouseDown su una cella 
			// e se questa corrisponde alla cella sotto il puntatore del mouse (non posso usare MouseCellPosition perchè questa viene aggiornata solo quando non si ha una cella come MouseDownPosition
			if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false && 
				sender.MouseDownPosition == clickStartPosition /* MouseCellPosition && 
				m_MouseDownCell.Focused == true //tolto altrimenti non funzionava per le celle Selectable==false*/)
				Cells.ICellVirtual mouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
				if (mouseDownCell != null)
					sender.Controller.OnClick(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, mouseDownCell), EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #31
		private void grid_KeyPress(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
			//solo se diverso da tab e da a capo ( e non è un comando di copia/incolla)
			if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() || e.KeyChar == '\t' || e.KeyChar == 13 ||
				e.KeyChar == 3 || e.KeyChar == 22 || e.KeyChar == 24)
				Cells.ICellVirtual l_FocusCell = sender.GetCell(sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
				if (l_FocusCell != null)
					sender.Controller.OnKeyPress( new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition, l_FocusCell), e );
Beispiel #32
		protected virtual void grid_KeyUp(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
			if (sender.Selection.ActivePosition.IsEmpty() == false)
				Cells.ICellVirtual l_FocusCell = sender.GetCell(sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
				if (l_FocusCell!=null)
					sender.Controller.OnKeyUp(new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition, l_FocusCell), e );
Beispiel #33
		protected virtual void grid_MouseUp(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false)
				Cells.ICellVirtual l_MouseDownCell = sender.GetCell(sender.MouseDownPosition);
				if (l_MouseDownCell!=null)
					sender.Controller.OnMouseUp(new CellContext(sender, sender.MouseDownPosition, l_MouseDownCell), e );

				sender.ChangeMouseDownCell(Position.Empty, sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pGridVirtual"></param>
 /// <param name="pPosition"></param>
 public CellContext(GridVirtual pGridVirtual, Position pPosition)
     Position = pPosition;
     Grid     = pGridVirtual;
     Cell     = Grid.GetCell(Position);
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// cast cell on position pos to Cell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grid"></param>
 /// <param name="pos"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static SourceGrid.Cells.Cell GetCell(GridVirtual grid, Position pos)
     return(grid.GetCell(pos) as SourceGrid.Cells.Cell);
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the specified range data into a string array. This method use the cell editor to get the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceRange"></param>
        /// <param name="cutMode">Cut mode. Can be used to remove the data from the source when pasting it to the destination or immediately.</param>
        public static RangeData LoadData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range sourceRange, CutMode cutMode)
            RangeData data = new RangeData(sourceGrid);

            //mCutMode = cutMode;
            data.mSourceRange  = sourceRange;
            data.mSourceValues = new object[sourceRange.RowsCount, GetVisibleColumnCount(sourceGrid, sourceRange)];

            int arrayRow = 0;

            for (int r = sourceRange.Start.Row; r <= sourceRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = sourceRange.Start.Column; c <= sourceRange.End.Column; c++)
                    if (sourceGrid.Columns.IsColumnVisible(c) == false)
                    Position           posCell     = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell        = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext        cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

                    /*if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
                     *      data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString( cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext) );
                     * else if (cell != null)
                     *      data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;*/

                    //[email protected] : LoadData method is changed to support cut and copy activities.
                    if (cell != null)
                        if (cutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately)
                            if ((cell.ClipboardModes & ClipboardMode.Cut) == ClipboardMode.Cut)
                                data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.Value;
                        else if (cutMode == CutMode.None)
                            if ((cell.ClipboardModes & ClipboardMode.Copy) == ClipboardMode.Copy)
                                data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.Value;

            data.mClipboardDataObject = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();
            data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(RANGEDATA_FORMAT, data);
            string[,] values = DataToStringArray(sourceGrid, data.mSourceRange);
            data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(typeof(string), StringArrayToString(values));

            //Cut Data
            //[email protected] : Cut operation is moved below the copy operation to retain the data
            if (cutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately && sourceGrid != null)
                sourceGrid.ClearValues(new RangeRegion(sourceRange), ClipboardMode.Cut);

Beispiel #37
		public void Export(GridVirtual grid)
			System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Stream, 
			//write HTML and BODY
			if ( (Mode & ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody) == ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody)



			for (int r = 0; r < grid.Rows.Count; r++)

				for (int c = 0; c < grid.Columns.Count; c++)
					Cells.ICellVirtual cell = grid.GetCell(r,c);
					Position pos = new Position(r,c);
					CellContext context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
					ExportHTMLCell(context, writer);



			//write end HTML and BODY
			if ( (Mode & ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody) == ExportHTMLMode.HTMLAndBody)

Beispiel #38
        public virtual void Export(GridVirtual grid, System.Drawing.Graphics graphics,
                                   Range rangeToExport, System.Drawing.Point destinationLocation)
            if (rangeToExport.IsEmpty())

            System.Drawing.Point cellPoint = destinationLocation;

            using (DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache graphicsCache = new DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache(graphics))
                for (int r = rangeToExport.Start.Row; r <= rangeToExport.End.Row; r++)
                    int rowHeight = grid.Rows.GetHeight(r);

                    for (int c = rangeToExport.Start.Column; c <= rangeToExport.End.Column; c++)
                        Rectangle cellRectangle;
                        Position  pos = new Position(r, c);

                        Size cellSize = new Size(grid.Columns.GetWidth(c), rowHeight);

                        Range range = grid.PositionToCellRange(pos);

                        //support for RowSpan or ColSpan
                        //Note: for now I draw only the merged cell at the first position
                        // (this can cause a problem if you export partial range that contains a partial merged cells)
                        if (range.ColumnsCount > 1 || range.RowsCount > 1)
                            //Is the first position
                            if (range.Start == pos)
                                Size rangeSize = grid.RangeToSize(range);

                                cellRectangle = new Rectangle(cellPoint,
                                cellRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
                            cellRectangle = new Rectangle(cellPoint, cellSize);

                        if (cellRectangle.IsEmpty == false)
                            Cells.ICellVirtual cell    = grid.GetCell(pos);
                            CellContext        context = new CellContext(grid, pos, cell);
                            ExportCell(context, graphicsCache, cellRectangle);

                        cellPoint = new Point(cellPoint.X + cellSize.Width, cellPoint.Y);

                    cellPoint = new Point(destinationLocation.X, cellPoint.Y + rowHeight);
Beispiel #39
		protected virtual void grid_MouseMove(GridVirtual sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && sender.Selection.EnableMultiSelection)
                //Scroll if necesary

                Position pointPosition = sender.PositionAtPoint(e.Location);
                Cells.ICellVirtual cellPosition = sender.GetCell(pointPosition);

				//Only if there is a FocusCell
				CellContext focusCellContext = new CellContext(sender, sender.Selection.ActivePosition);
				if (focusCellContext.Cell != null && focusCellContext.IsEditing() ==false)
                    Position selCornerPos = pointPosition;
                    Cells.ICellVirtual selCorner = cellPosition;

                    ////If the current Focus Cell is a scrollable cell then search the current cell (under the mouse)only in scrollable cells
                    //// see PositionAtPoint with false parameter
                    //if (sender.GetPositionType(sender.Selection.ActivePosition) == CellPositionType.Scrollable)
                    //    selCornerPos = sender.PositionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                    //    selCorner = sender.GetCell(pointPosition);

                    if (selCornerPos.IsEmpty() == false && selCorner != null)
						//Only if the user start the selection with a cell (m_MouseDownCell!=null)
						if (sender.MouseDownPosition.IsEmpty() == false && sender.Selection.IsSelectedCell(sender.MouseDownPosition))