public Entity AddGrid(int newType, float newFieldSize, GridState[,] newGrid) { var component = CreateComponent<GridComponent>(ComponentIds.Grid); component.type = newType; component.fieldSize = newFieldSize; component.grid = newGrid; return AddComponent(ComponentIds.Grid, component); }
GridState[,] getEmptyGrid(int x, int y) { GridState[,] grid = new GridState[x, y]; for (int i = 0; i < grid.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid.GetLength(1); j++) { grid[i, j] = GridState.FREE; } } return grid; }
static Predicate<List<int>> ByGridForWhite(GridState entry, int iStart, int iFinish) { return delegate(List<int> x) { int iIndex = x.FindIndex(ByInt(iStart)); int iFinishIndex = x.FindIndex(ByInt(iFinish)); bool bCanMoveForwardForWhite = (iIndex + 1 < x.Count && iIndex >= 0 && x[iIndex] < x[iIndex + 1]) && iFinishIndex < x.Count; bool b = iIndex != -1 && iFinishIndex != -1 && ((entry == GridState.WHITEPAWN && bCanMoveForwardForWhite) || entry == GridState.WHITEKING); return b; }; }
//get the state of girds, for reserved private GridState[] getGridsState(Coordinate[] target_locations) { MapGrid[] target_mapgrids = getMapGrids (target_locations); int length = target_mapgrids.Length; GridState[] result = new GridState[length]; int i; for(i=0;i<length;i++) { result[i] = target_mapgrids[i].grid.GetComponent<Grid> ().getState(); } return result; }
public GridModel GetOrders(GridState state) { NorthwindDataContext northwind = new NorthwindDataContext(); IQueryable<OrderDto> orders = from o in northwind.Orders select new OrderDto { OrderID = o.OrderID, ContactName = o.Customer.ContactName, ShipAddress = o.ShipAddress, OrderDate = o.OrderDate }; return orders.ToGridModel(state); }
void findField(GridState[,] grid, GridState state, out int x, out int y) { for (int i = 0; i < grid.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid.GetLength(1); j++) { if (grid[i,j] == state) { x = i; y = j; return; } } } x = 0; y = 0; }
//setState, public method to change the state of grid and swap to the corresponding color public GridState setState(GridState _state) { state = _state; if (state == GridState.Move) changeColor (color_move); else if (state == GridState.Attack) changeColor (color_attack); else if (state == GridState.Both) changeColor (color_both); else if (state == GridState.Sleep) changeColor (color_sleep); else if (state == GridState.Selected) changeColor (color_selected); return state; }
public Move MoveISLegal(GridState Piece, int iStartIndex, int iFinishIndex) { var BoardArray = Board.ToList().OrderBy(o => o.Index).Select(s => s.Color).ToArray(); List<List<int>> linesToEvaluate = gameLines.FindAll(ByGridForWhite(BoardArray[iStartIndex], iStartIndex, iFinishIndex)); List<int> line = linesToEvaluate[0]; int _moveSquare = 0; int _captureSquare = 0; GridState _finalSate = Piece; bool _IsMove = false; bool _IsCapture = false; bool bKing = iFinishIndex < iStartIndex && Piece == GridState.WHITEKING; int squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex = line.IndexOf(iStartIndex); int squareToMoveToIndex = BoardArray[iStartIndex] == GridState.WHITEKING ? (bKing ? squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex - 1 : squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex + 1) : squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex + 1; int captureIndexForWhiteIndex = BoardArray[iStartIndex] == GridState.WHITEKING ? (bKing ? squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex - 2 : squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex + 2) : squareCurrentPieceIsOnIndex + 2; GridState startingSquare = BoardArray[iStartIndex]; if (squareToMoveToIndex >= 0 && squareToMoveToIndex < line.Count()) { _moveSquare = line[squareToMoveToIndex]; _captureSquare = captureIndexForWhiteIndex > 0 && captureIndexForWhiteIndex < line.Count() ? line[captureIndexForWhiteIndex] : -1; bool bHasCaptureSquareToLandOn = _captureSquare >= 0 && BoardArray[_captureSquare] == GridState.EMPTY; bool bHasPieceThatCanBeCaptued = BoardArray[_moveSquare] == GridState.BLACKKING || BoardArray[_moveSquare] == GridState.BLACKPAWN; bool bHasMoveThatCanBeMade = BoardArray[_moveSquare] == GridState.EMPTY; if ((bHasMoveThatCanBeMade || (bHasCaptureSquareToLandOn && bHasPieceThatCanBeCaptued)) == false) return new Move { StartIndex = iStartIndex, PieceState = _finalSate, IsMove = false, IsCapture = false, CaptureIndex = _captureSquare, MoveIndex = _moveSquare }; if (BoardArray[_moveSquare] == GridState.EMPTY) { _finalSate = (startingSquare == GridState.WHITEPAWN && (_moveSquare == 56 || _moveSquare == 58 || _moveSquare == 60 || _moveSquare == 62)) ? GridState.WHITEKING : startingSquare; _IsMove = true; } if (_captureSquare > 0 && !_IsMove) { _finalSate = (startingSquare == GridState.WHITEPAWN && (_moveSquare == 56 || _moveSquare == 58 || _moveSquare == 60 || _moveSquare == 62)) ? GridState.WHITEKING : startingSquare; _IsCapture = true; } } return new Move { StartIndex = iStartIndex, PieceState = _finalSate, IsMove = _IsMove, IsCapture = _IsCapture, CaptureIndex = _captureSquare, MoveIndex = _moveSquare }; }
void findRandomField(GridState[,] grid, GridState state, out int x, out int y) { List<Point2D> freeFields = new List<Point2D>(); for (int i = 0; i < grid.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid.GetLength(1); j++) { if (grid[i, j] == state) { freeFields.Add(new Point2D(i, j)); } } } if (freeFields.Count > 0) { Point2D point = freeFields[Random.Range(0, freeFields.Count - 1)]; x = point.x; y = point.y; } else { x = 0; y = 0; } }
/// /// Check the world positioning of this zone and adjust it into the /// world bounds if it is outside. /// void CheckZoneWorldPosition() { Vector3 backgroundPos = backgroundPlane.transform.position; Rect worldBounds = Game.Instance.WorldBoundaries; Bounds zoneBounds = backgroundRenderer.bounds; if (zoneBounds.min.x < worldBounds.min.x) { backgroundPos.x += worldBounds.min.x - zoneBounds.min.x; } else if (zoneBounds.max.x > worldBounds.max.x) { backgroundPos.x -= zoneBounds.max.x - worldBounds.max.x; } if (zoneBounds.min.z < worldBounds.min.y) { backgroundPos.z += worldBounds.min.y - zoneBounds.min.z; } else if (zoneBounds.max.z > worldBounds.max.y) { backgroundPos.z -= zoneBounds.max.z - worldBounds.max.y; } backgroundPlane.transform.position = backgroundPos; var newBounds = backgroundRenderer.bounds; for (float x = newBounds.min.x; x < newBounds.max.x; x += Game.Instance.gridWidth) { for (float z = newBounds.min.z; z < newBounds.max.z; z += Game.Instance.gridHeight) { int gp = Game.Instance.GetGrid(new Vector3(x, 0, z)); GridState gs = Game.Instance.GetGridState(gp); gs.isEnemyArea = true; } } }
//单击某个网格,设置对应状态 void OnGridClicked(UIGridController grid) { if (m_settingState == GridState.Player) { grid.state = GridState.Player; if (m_player != null) { m_player.state = GridState.Default; } m_player = grid; SetHint(); m_settingState = GridState.Default; } else if (m_settingState == GridState.Destination) { grid.state = GridState.Destination; if (m_destination != null) { m_destination.state = GridState.Default; } m_destination = grid; SetHint(); m_settingState = GridState.Default; } else if (m_settingState == GridState.Obstacle) { if (grid.state == GridState.Default) { grid.state = GridState.Obstacle; m_obstacleDic[grid.position] = grid; } else if (grid.state == GridState.Obstacle) { grid.state = GridState.Default; m_obstacleDic.Remove(grid.position); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { switch (gridState) { case GridState.DISABLED: break; case GridState.GENERATINGGRID: if (cardsInMovement == 0) { gridState = GridState.ROTATINGALLCARDS; } break; case GridState.ROTATINGALLCARDS: RotateAllCards(); gridState = GridState.DISABLED; GetComponent <GameController>().gs = GameController.GameState.INITGAME; break; case GridState.CLEANED: GetComponent <GameController>().gs = GameController.GameState.CHANGEMENU; cardsInMovement = 0; gridState = GridState.DISABLED; break; case GridState.ALLCARDSSTOPED: if (cardsInMovement == 0) { //Debug.Log("all cards still stoped"); gridState = GridState.DISABLED; GetComponent <InputController>().DeactivateInput(true); GetComponent <GameController>().gs = GameController.GameState.GAMELOOP; } break; } }
Grid AddGrid(int r, int c, GridState state) { GameObject gridGO = null; if (state == GridState.FREE) { gridGO = Instantiate(m_gridEmpty) as GameObject; } else if (state == GridState.FULL) { gridGO = Instantiate(m_girdFull) as GameObject; } gridGO.transform.SetParent(transform); int posX = r - row / 2; int posZ = c - col / 2 + 1; gridGO.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, 0, posZ); Grid grid = gridGO.AddComponent <Grid> (); grid.State = state; grid.Row = r; grid.Col = c; GameObject textObj = Instantiate(m_UIText) as GameObject; textObj.transform.SetParent(m_canvas.transform); Vector3 textPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(gridGO.transform.position); textPos.x -= 15; textPos.y -= 15; textObj.transform.position = textPos; textObj.transform.SetParent(m_canvas.transform); Text textUI = textObj.GetComponent <Text> (); textUI.text = "(" + r + "," + c + ")"; return(grid); }
public void Initialize(Player player, Vector3 nextTetrominoPos, Vector3 spawnPoint, int width, int height) { if (!isInitialized) { this.spawnPoint = spawnPoint; this.player = player; this.isInitialized = true; this.width = width; this.height = height; //default values in tetris playerGrid minosMatrix = new Transform[width, height]; SetPreviewTetromino(nextTetrominoPos); SetEvents(); gridState = GridState.InitializingGrid; SpawnNewTetrominoIntoGrid(); player.currentGrid = this; if (player.currentRound >= 4 && player.currentRound < 7) { //desenhar as colunas } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ internal void Build(GridState pGridState, IItemVisualSettingsProvider pItemVisualSettProv) { int cols = pGridState.ItemGrid.Cols; int gi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pGridState.Items.Length; i++) { BaseItemState itemState = pGridState.Items[i]; IItemVisualSettings visualSett = pItemVisualSettProv.GetSettings(itemState.Item); GameObject itemObj = (GameObject)itemState.Item.DisplayContainer; var pos = new Vector3(gi % cols, 0, (float)Math.Floor((float)gi / cols)); UiItem uiItem = itemObj.AddComponent <UiItem>(); uiItem.Build(itemState, visualSett); uiItem.transform.localPosition = pos * UiItem.Size; gi += (int)itemState.Item.Width; } gameObject.transform.localPosition =; gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; gameObject.transform.localScale =; }
private void FillGrid() { try { StrSql = new StringBuilder(); StrSql.Length = 0; StrSql.AppendLine("Select SM.Id,SM.StateName"); StrSql.AppendLine(",SM.CountryId As CountryId,CntM.CountryName"); StrSql.AppendLine("From State_Mast SM"); StrSql.AppendLine("Inner Join Country_Mast CntM On SM.CountryId=CntM.Id"); StrSql.AppendLine("Order By SM.StateName,CntM.CountryName"); dtTemp = new DataTable(); dtTemp = SqlFunc.ExecuteDataTable(StrSql.ToString()); GridState.DataSource = dtTemp; GridState.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
private void CheckState() { if (state == GridState.Stable && isChanging) { state = GridState.Changing; SelectionPoint.current.Deselect(); return; } if (state == GridState.Changing && !isChanging) { if (CheckMatches()) { return; } state = GridState.Stabilizing; return; } if (state == GridState.Stabilizing) { state = GridState.Stable; SelectionPoint.current.Select(); if (!PossibleMovesExists()) { OnNoMoveMovesLeft.Raise(); } if (explosionOccured) { moveCount.value++; OnTileMatchEnd.Raise(); explosionOccured = false; } return; } }
/// <summary> /// Check Grid and counts Lines that are complete /// </summary> /// public void CheckRowsForClear() { gridState = GridState.ProcessingRows; int count = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { if (CheckIfRowIsFullAt(y)) { count++; } } if (count > 0) //if it found rows start to delete { if (count == 4) { Debug.LogError("nao existe evento de tetris"); FullTetrisCompletedEvent(); //fires an event of full tetris //Debug.LogWarning("needs to update score"); } if (gridState == GridState.ProcessingRows) { StartCoroutine(RemoveCompletedRows(count, 0)); //using recursive clear Rows so it can update the moving rows } } else { if (gridState == GridState.ProcessingRows) { //nao fez nennuma CallGridProcessed(); } } }
public void SetGrid(int x, int y, GridState state) { if (state == GridState.None) { _matrix[x + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; _matrix[x + 1 + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; _matrix[x + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; _matrix[x + 1 + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; } else if (state == GridState.Way) { _matrixBackground[x + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; _matrixBackground[x + 1 + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; _matrixBackground[x + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; _matrixBackground[x + 1 + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; } else { _matrix[x + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)state; _matrix[x + 1 + y * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; _matrix[x + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; _matrix[x + 1 + (y + 1) * Core.GEM_COUNT] = (byte)GridState.Placeholder; } }
public void UpdateState(string gameId, GridState newState) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool ExecuteAction(GridState gh, IList <PriceManager.Business.Filters.IFilter> filters, params object[] parameters) { return(ControllerManager.Selection.Remove(gh, filters)); }
public GridModel Select(GridState state) { return SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state); }
public static FilterDescriptor TransactionDateFilters(this GridState <Sale> gridState, Func <FilterDescriptor, bool> predicate) => gridState.FilterDescriptors .OfType <FilterDescriptor>() .Where(f => f.Member == "TransactionDate") .First(predicate);
private void LineInfo(int[] lines, GridState[] arr, GridState hope, GridState nope, List<Coordinate> player, List<Coordinate> ai) { int hopeNr = 0; int nopeNr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i) { if (arr[i] == hope) { ++hopeNr; } else if (arr[i] == nope) { ++nopeNr; } } if ((hopeNr == 2 && !mToggleRole && nopeNr == 0) || (hopeNr == 3)) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i) { ai.Add(new Coordinate(lines[i], i)); } } if ((nopeNr == 2 && mToggleRole && hopeNr == 0) || (nopeNr == 3)) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i) { player.Add(new Coordinate(lines[i], i)); } } }
public GridModel Insert(GridState state, EditableProduct value) { SessionProductRepository.Insert(value); return(SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state)); }
public GridModel GetOrders(GridState state) { NorthwindDataContext northwind = new NorthwindDataContext(); return northwind.Orders.ToGridModel(state); }
public static GridState LoadFromFile(String file) { String directoryToLookFor = "Content/Maps/"; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(directoryToLookFor + file)) { String line; int lineNum = -1; int sizeX = 0; int sizeY = 0; GridState gridState = null; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (lineNum == -1) { String[] sizes = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (sizes.Length != 2) { throw new Exception("Size line was not 2."); } if (!int.TryParse(sizes[0], out sizeX)) { throw new Exception("X was not an integer"); } if (!int.TryParse(sizes[1], out sizeY)) { throw new Exception("Y was not an integer"); } gridState = new GridState(sizeX, sizeY); } else { String[] row = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (sizeX != row.Length) { throw new Exception("size of data does not match specified size on file"); } if (gridState != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { //int val = -1; //if (!Int32.TryParse(row[i], out val)) //{ gridState.cells[i, lineNum] = (GridState.CellType)Int32.Parse(row[i]); //} //else //{ // throw new Exception("could not parse int. " + row[i]); //} } } } Console.WriteLine(line); lineNum++; } return gridState; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("uh oh...I can't read that map file..." + e.Message); return null; } }
/// <summary> /// 定义当前表格的状态:'visible'(默认) or 'hidden' /// </summary> /// <param name="gridState"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Grid SetGridState(GridState gridState) { _gridstate = gridState; return this; }
public GridModel Insert(EditableProduct value, GridState state) { SessionProductRepository.Insert(value); return SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state); }
//set the state of grids at multipple target loactions, MapGrid, list private void setGridsState(MapGrid[] target_mapgrids, GridState[] target_states) { int length = target_mapgrids.Length; int i; for (i=0; i<length; i++) { target_mapgrids[i].grid.GetComponent<Grid> ().setState (target_states[i]); } }
//set the state of grid at target loaction private void setGridState(Coordinate target_location, GridState target_state) { MapGrid target_mapgrid = getMapGrid (target_location); target_mapgrid.grid.GetComponent<Grid> ().setState (target_state); }
public GridModel Insert(EditableCustomer value, GridState state) { SessionCustomerRepository.Insert(value); return SessionCustomerRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state); }
public GridModel Update(GridState state, EditableCustomer value) { SessionCustomerRepository.Update(value); return SessionCustomerRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state); }
//set the state of grids at multipple target loactions, Coordinate, list private void setGridsState(Coordinate[] target_locations, GridState[] target_states) { int length = target_locations.Length; MapGrid[] target_mapgrids = getMapGrids (target_locations); int i; for (i=0; i<length; i++) { target_mapgrids[i].grid.GetComponent<Grid> ().setState (target_states[i]); } }
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] //Session required by SessionCustomerRepository public GridModel Delete(EditableProduct value, GridState state) { SessionProductRepository.Delete(value); return(SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state)); }
//set all grid to target state, base of refresh map, ignore the grid in ignore list private void setAllGridState(GridState target_state) { int i, j; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { for (j=0; j<6; j++) { setGridState(new Coordinate(i, j), target_state); } } }
public abstract IEnumerable <CellState> Select(GridState grid);
/// <summary> /// Dessine un bateau /// </summary> /// <param name="img">image</param> /// <param name="ImgState">état de la grille</param> private void DrawSingleShip(Image img, GridState ImgState) { if (EtatGrille == ImgState) // si dans le même état que l'image dessine un preview { FPoint pos = GetGridCoordOfMouse(); if (OCurrentShip == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); switch (ImgState) { case GridState.PlacementPorteAvions: DrawImage(carry, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizePorteAvions * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementCroiseur: DrawImage(carry, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeCroiseur * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementContreTorpilleur: DrawImage(carry, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeContreTorpilleur * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementSousMarin: DrawImage(carry, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeSousMarin * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementTorpilleur: DrawImage(carry, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeTorpilleur * GridRectHeight); break; default: break; } } else { switch (ImgState) { case GridState.PlacementPorteAvions: DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizePorteAvions * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementCroiseur: DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeCroiseur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementContreTorpilleur: DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeContreTorpilleur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementSousMarin: DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeSousMarin * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); break; case GridState.PlacementTorpilleur: DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeTorpilleur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); break; default: break; } DrawImage(img, pos.X * GridRectWidth, pos.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeTorpilleur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } } else // si pas dans le même état { switch (ImgState) { case GridState.PlacementPorteAvions: if (PositionBateau.OPorteAvion == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); DrawImage(carry, PositionBateau.PPorteAvion.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PPorteAvion.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizePorteAvions * GridRectHeight); } else { DrawImage(img, PositionBateau.PPorteAvion.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PPorteAvion.Y * GridRectHeight, SizePorteAvions * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } break; case GridState.PlacementCroiseur: if (PositionBateau.OCroiseur == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); DrawImage(carry, PositionBateau.PCroiseur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PCroiseur.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeCroiseur * GridRectHeight); } else { DrawImage(img, PositionBateau.PCroiseur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PCroiseur.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeCroiseur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } break; case GridState.PlacementContreTorpilleur: if (PositionBateau.OContreTorpilleur == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); DrawImage(carry, PositionBateau.PContreTorpilleur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PContreTorpilleur.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeContreTorpilleur * GridRectHeight); } else { DrawImage(img, PositionBateau.PContreTorpilleur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PContreTorpilleur.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeContreTorpilleur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } break; case GridState.PlacementSousMarin: if (PositionBateau.OSousMarin == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); DrawImage(carry, PositionBateau.PSousMarin.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PSousMarin.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeSousMarin * GridRectHeight); } else { DrawImage(img, PositionBateau.PSousMarin.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PSousMarin.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeSousMarin * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } break; case GridState.PlacementTorpilleur: if (PositionBateau.OTorpilleur == PosShips.Orientation.Verticale) { Image carry = (Image)img.Clone(); carry.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); DrawImage(carry, PositionBateau.PTorpilleur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PTorpilleur.Y * GridRectHeight, 1 * GridRectWidth, SizeTorpilleur * GridRectHeight); } else { DrawImage(img, PositionBateau.PTorpilleur.X * GridRectWidth, PositionBateau.PTorpilleur.Y * GridRectHeight, SizeTorpilleur * GridRectWidth, 1 * GridRectHeight); } break; default: break; } } }
public void Step(int x, int y, GridState gs) { if (x > mChess.Length) { return; } else if (y > mChess[x].Length) { return; } if (mChess[x][y] == GridState.None) { mChess[x][y] = gs; } }
public Board(GridState[] valuesForBoardArray, bool turnForPlayerBlack) { m_TurnForPlayerBlack = turnForPlayerBlack; BoardArray = valuesForBoardArray; ComputerScore(); }
public WellGame(GridState player) { mPlayer = player; mAI = (player == GridState.Circle) ? GridState.Cross : GridState.Circle; }
static void Method(string[] args) { string[] input; bs = new int[2, 3]; input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); bs[0, 0] = int.Parse(input[0]); bs[0, 1] = int.Parse(input[1]); bs[0, 2] = int.Parse(input[2]); input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); bs[1, 0] = int.Parse(input[0]); bs[1, 1] = int.Parse(input[1]); bs[1, 2] = int.Parse(input[2]); cs = new int[3, 2]; input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); cs[0, 0] = int.Parse(input[0]); cs[0, 1] = int.Parse(input[1]); input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); cs[1, 0] = int.Parse(input[0]); cs[1, 1] = int.Parse(input[1]); input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); cs[2, 0] = int.Parse(input[0]); cs[2, 1] = int.Parse(input[1]); /*int allPat = 1 << 9; * for (int i = 0; i < allPat; i++) * { * bool[,] chokudaiGrid = new bool[3, 3]; * int chokudaiCnt = 0; * for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) * { * if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1) * { * chokudaiGrid[j / 3, j % 3] = true; * chokudaiCnt++; * } * } * if (chokudaiCnt != 5) continue; * * int chokudai = 0, naoko = 0; * for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) * { * for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) * { * if (chokudaiGrid[j, k] && chokudaiGrid[j + 1, k]) * { * chokudai += bs[j, k]; * } * else * { * naoko += bs[j, k]; * } * } * } * for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) * { * for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) * { * if (chokudaiGrid[j, k] && chokudaiGrid[j, k+1]) * { * chokudai += cs[j, k]; * } * else * { * naoko += cs[j, k]; * } * } * } * Console.WriteLine(chokudai.ToString() + " " + naoko.ToString()); * }*/ var gridInfo = new GridState[3, 3]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { gridInfo[i / 3, i % 3] = GridState.undefined; } int[] score = DFS(1, gridInfo); Console.WriteLine(score[0]); Console.WriteLine(score[1]); }
public GridModel GetOrders(GridState state) { NorthwindDataContext northwind = new NorthwindDataContext(); return(northwind.Orders.ToGridModel(state)); }
public IList <Distributor> GetDistributors(string name, Country country, PriceList priceList, Lookup paymentTerm, DistributorStatus?status, GridState gridState, out int totalRecords, Lookup saleCondition, Lookup type, CatalogPage page, IList priceListIds, bool isActive) { int pageNumber = gridState.PageNumber; int pageSize = gridState.PageSize; ICriteria crit = GetDistributorsCriteria(name, country, priceList, paymentTerm, status, gridState, saleCondition, type, page, priceListIds, isActive); crit.SetProjection(Projections.ProjectionList().Add(Projections.Count("ID"))); totalRecords = crit.UniqueResult <int>(); if (totalRecords == 0) { return(new List <Distributor>()); } pageNumber = Utils.AdjustPageNumber(pageNumber, pageSize, totalRecords); crit = GetDistributorsCriteria(name, country, priceList, paymentTerm, status, gridState, saleCondition, type, page, priceListIds, isActive); if (gridState.PageSize > 0) { crit.SetMaxResults(gridState.PageSize); } if (pageNumber > 0) { if (pageNumber == 1) { crit.SetFirstResult(0); } else { crit.SetFirstResult((pageNumber - 1) * gridState.PageSize); } } string[] sort = gridState.SortField.Split('.'); ICriteria critSort = crit; string sortField = gridState.SortField; if (!sortField.Contains("TimeStamp") && sort.Length > 1) { critSort = crit.CreateCriteria(sort[0], JoinType.LeftOuterJoin); sortField = sort[1]; } critSort.AddOrder(new Order(sortField, gridState.SortAscending)); return(crit.List <Distributor>()); }
public GridModel Update(GridState state, EditableProduct value) { SessionProductRepository.Update(value); return SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state); }
public Grid(Vector2Int boardPosition, GameObject go, GridState gridState) { BoardPosition = boardPosition; gameObject = go; GridState = gridState; }
public void CreateGame(string gameId, GridState initialState, List<int> playerInvolved) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool ExecuteAction(GridState gs, IList <IFilter> filters, params object[] parameters) { return(ControllerManager.PriceBase.RemoveFromPriceGroup(gs, filters, FilterHelper.FindObjectFromFilter(filters, typeof(PriceGroup), "ID") as PriceGroup)); }
private ICriteria GetDistributorsCriteria(string name, Country country, PriceList priceList, Lookup paymentTerm, DistributorStatus?status, GridState gridState, Lookup saleCondition, Lookup type, CatalogPage page, IList priceListIds, bool isActive) { ICriteria crit = GetCriteria(); if (priceListIds != null) { int[] intPriceListIds = new int[priceListIds.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < priceListIds.Count; i++) { intPriceListIds[i] = Convert.ToInt32(priceListIds[i]); } ICriteria critDistributor = crit.CreateCriteria("PriceList"); critDistributor.Add(Expression.In("ID", intPriceListIds)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Disjunction d = new Disjunction(); d.Add(Expression.InsensitiveLike("Name", name, MatchMode.Anywhere)); d.Add(Expression.InsensitiveLike("Code", name, MatchMode.Anywhere)); crit.Add(d); } if (country != null) { ICriteria critCountry = crit.CreateCriteria("Country"); critCountry.Add(Expression.Eq("ID", country.ID)); } if (priceList != null) { ICriteria critPriceList = crit.CreateCriteria("PriceList"); critPriceList.Add(Expression.Eq("ID", priceList.ID)); } if (paymentTerm != null) { crit.Add(Expression.Eq("PaymentTerm", paymentTerm)); } if (status != null) { crit.Add(Expression.Eq("DistributorStatus", status)); } else if (isActive == false) { crit.Add(Expression.Eq("DistributorStatus", DistributorStatus.Active)); } if (saleCondition != null) { crit.Add(Expression.Eq("SaleConditions", saleCondition)); } if (type != null) { crit.Add(Expression.Eq("Type", type)); } if (page != null) { crit.CreateCriteria("PriceList").CreateCriteria("CategoryPages").Add(Expression.Eq("ID", page.ID)); } return(crit); }
public JsonResult Index(GridState colorMovingPiece, string FromPosition, string toPosition, GameState gameState) { var jResult = new JsonResult(); var game = new Game(); if (gameState == (GameState)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameState), "DEFAULTGAME")) { Board = new Game().InitBoard(); var gState = Board.ToList().OrderBy(o => o.Index).Select(s => s.Color).ToArray(); CheckGame cGame = new CheckGame(gState); var aIBoard = cGame.ComputerMakeMove(5); Board = aIBoard.BoardArray.Select((s, i) => new GamePieceViewModel { Color = s, Index = i, Position = "sq_" + i }); var startModel = new BoardViewModel { Pieces = Board, IsLegalMove = true, Message = "White Turn", GameState = GameState.WHITETURN }; jResult = Json(startModel); } else if(gameState == (GameState)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameState), "BLACKTURN")) { var gState = Board.ToList().OrderBy(o => o.Index).Select(s => s.Color).ToArray(); CheckGame cGame = new CheckGame(gState); var aIBoard = cGame.ComputerMakeMove(5); Board = aIBoard.BoardArray.Select((s, i) => new GamePieceViewModel { Color = s, Index = i, Position = "sq_" + i }); var currentState = CheckersWeb.Classes.Board.WhiteHasMove(Board.Select(s => s.Color).ToArray()) ? GameState.WHITETURN : GameState.BLACKWIN; var model = new BoardViewModel { Pieces = Board, IsLegalMove = true, Message = "White Turn", GameState = currentState }; jResult = Json(model); } else if (gameState == (GameState)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameState), "WHITETURN")) { try { if (colorMovingPiece.ToString().Contains("WHITE") == false) return Json(new BoardViewModel { IsLegalMove = false, Pieces = Board }); PlayerMoves pMoves = new PlayerMoves(Board); var pos = Board.ToList(); if (pos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Color == colorMovingPiece && f.Index == int.Parse(FromPosition)) == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toPosition)) return Json(new BoardViewModel { IsLegalMove = false, Pieces = pos }); var islegal = pMoves.MoveISLegal(colorMovingPiece, int.Parse(FromPosition), int.Parse(toPosition)); if ((islegal.IsMove || islegal.IsCapture) == false) return Json(new BoardViewModel { IsLegalMove = false, Pieces = pos }); pos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Index == islegal.StartIndex).Color = GridState.EMPTY; if(islegal.IsMove) { pos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Index == islegal.MoveIndex).Color = islegal.PieceState; } else { pos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Index == islegal.MoveIndex).Color = GridState.EMPTY; pos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Index == islegal.CaptureIndex).Color = islegal.PieceState; } Board = pos; var currentState = CheckersWeb.Classes.Board.BlackHasMove(Board.Select(s => s.Color).ToArray()) ? GameState.BLACKTURN : GameState.WHITEWIN; var model = new BoardViewModel { Pieces = pos, IsLegalMove = true, Message = "Black Turn", GameState = currentState }; jResult = Json(model); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new BoardViewModel { IsLegalMove = false, Pieces = Board, Message = ex.Message }); } } return jResult; }
public Grid(Vector2Int boardPosition, GameObject go) { BoardPosition = boardPosition; gameObject = go; GridState = GridState.Empty; }
public void OnMouseDown() { GridState.MouseDown = true; if (GridState.Draw == GridState.DrawState.Wall) { MyNode.IsFinish = false; MyNode.IsStart = false; MyNode.IsBomb = false; MyNode.Weight = 0; MyNode.IsWall = !MyNode.IsWall; StateHasChanged(); } else if (GridState.Draw == GridState.DrawState.Start) { MyNode.IsFinish = false; MyNode.IsWall = false; MyNode.IsBomb = false; MyNode.Weight = 0; GridState.Grid[GridState.StartNodeRow][GridState.StartNodeColumn].IsStart = false; MyNode.IsStart = true; GridState.StartNodeRow = MyNode.Row; GridState.StartNodeColumn = MyNode.Column; GridState.RerenderEventInvoke(new EventArgs()); } else if (GridState.Draw == GridState.DrawState.Finish) { MyNode.IsStart = false; MyNode.IsWall = false; MyNode.IsBomb = false; MyNode.Weight = 0; GridState.Grid[GridState.FinishNodeRow][GridState.FinishNodeColumn].IsFinish = false; MyNode.IsFinish = true; GridState.FinishNodeRow = MyNode.Row; GridState.FinishNodeColumn = MyNode.Column; GridState.RerenderEventInvoke(new EventArgs()); } else if (GridState.Draw == GridState.DrawState.Weight) { MyNode.IsFinish = false; MyNode.IsStart = false; MyNode.IsWall = false; MyNode.IsBomb = false; if (MyNode.Weight != 2) { MyNode.Weight = 2; } else { MyNode.Weight = 0; } StateHasChanged(); } else if (GridState.Draw == GridState.DrawState.Bomb) { MyNode.IsFinish = false; MyNode.IsStart = false; MyNode.IsWall = false; MyNode.Weight = 0; if (MyNode.IsBomb) { GridState.Bombs.Remove(MyNode); MyNode.IsBomb = false; MyNode.BombOrder = 0; } else { GridState.Bombs.Add(MyNode); MyNode.IsBomb = true; MyNode.BombOrder = GridState.Bombs.Count; } StateHasChanged(); } }
public GroundGrid(Vector2Int boardPosition, GameObject go, GridState gridState) : base(boardPosition, go, gridState) { }
public override IEnumerable <CellState> Select(GridState grid) { return(grid.TopStartCell.Value); }
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] //Session required by SessionCustomerRepository public GridModel Select(GridState state) { return(SessionProductRepository.All().AsQueryable().ToGridModel(state)); }
public void SetGridState(GridState s) { gridState = s; }
public static GridModel ToGridModel(this IQueryable queryable, GridState state) { return(queryable.ToGridModel(state.Page, state.Size, state.OrderBy, state.GroupBy, state.Filter)); }
public GridPoint(Point location, GridState state) { this.location = location; this.state = state; }
private void changeState(GridState state) { gridState = state; }
public override IEnumerable <CellState> Select(GridState grid) { return(grid.AllCells.Value); }