Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Chooses the next cell that the characters can traverse on, given the previous cell. This function chooses which
    /// cells are traversable in the level grid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridNavigator">The navigator which chooses the next traversable cell.</param>
    private Cell ChooseNextTraversableCell(Cell cell, GridNavigator gridNavigator)
        // Stores the directions in which the path may NOT go. That is, if this constant is
        // set to 'NavigationDirection.Left', for instance, the next cell CANNOT be to the left
        // of the current one. The illegal directions are set to the direction of each of the
        // cell's occupied neighbours. That is, if the cell above this one is occupied, the next
        // traversable cell cannot be above the current one, since it is already occupied.
        NavigationDirection illegalDirections = GetOccupiedNeighbours(cell);

        // Choose a direction in which to move to define the next cell in the golden path
        NavigationDirection pathDirection = gridNavigator.ChooseDirection(illegalDirections);

        // Advance to the next cell in which to continue the current path
        cell = GridNavigator.Advance(cell, pathDirection);

        // Return the next traversable cell to define in the level grid