public string GetValueOfCellForRecordWithTitle(string recordTitle, string recordType, string cell)
            var records      = Element.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.GridRow));
            var recordsCount = Element.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.TitleColumnLocator)).Where(d => d.Text.Equals(recordTitle)).ToArray().Length;

            if (recordsCount == 0)
                throw new WebDriverException(recordType + ": " + recordTitle + " Not Found in " + recordType + " Grid. Unable to get requested value.");
            if (recordsCount > 1)
                throw new WebDriverException("More than one record with the title " + recordTitle + " found on the " + recordType + " grid. Found " + recordsCount + " records. Unable to determin which record was requested.");

            foreach (var record in records)
                if (record.FindElement(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.TitleColumnLocator)).Text.Equals(recordTitle))
                    var cellToGet = record.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.GridCellSelector(cell)));
                    if (cellToGet.Count != 1)
                        throw new WebDriverException("Cell to get not found or more than one option found, looking for cell " + cell + ". Found " + cellToGet.Count + ".");
            throw new WebDriverException("Failed to get cell value on the grid, method exited unexpectedly.");
        public void ClickOnCellofRecordWithTitle(string recordTitle, string recordType, string cellToClick)
            var records      = Element.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.GridRow));
            var recordsCount = Element.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.TitleColumnLocator)).Where(d => d.Text.Equals(recordTitle)).ToArray().Length;

            if (recordsCount == 0)
                throw new WebDriverException(recordType + ": " + recordTitle + " Not Found in " + recordType + " Grid. Unable to click on requested cell.");
            if (recordsCount > 1)
                throw new WebDriverException("More than one record with the title " + recordTitle + " found on the " + recordType + " grid. Found " + recordsCount + " records. Unable to determin which record requested.");

            foreach (var record in records)
                if (record.FindElement(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.TitleColumnLocator)).Text.Equals(recordTitle))
                    var itemToClick = record.FindElements(By.CssSelector(GridLocators.GridCellSelector(cellToClick)));
                    if (itemToClick.Count != 1)
                        throw new WebDriverException("Cell to click not found or more than one option found, looking for cell " + cellToClick + ". Found " + itemToClick.Count + ".");