Beispiel #1
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position,
                                             GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            if (coordinateBrush.z != 0)
                var zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, coordinateBrush.z);
                var newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
                var cellLocals  = new[]
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z))

                Handles.color =;
                var i = 0;
                for (var j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

            Handles.Label(grid.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, coordinateBrush.z)),
                          new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, coordinateBrush.z).ToString());
Beispiel #2
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            if (position.z != 0)
                var       zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.min.z);
                BoundsInt newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
                Vector3[] cellLocals  = new Vector3[]
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z))

                Handles.color =;
                int i = 0;
                for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

            var labelText = "Pos: " + new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z);

            if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                labelText += " Size: " + new Vector2Int(position.size.x, position.size.y);

            Handles.Label(grid.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z)), labelText);
        public static void DrawSelectedHexGridArea(GridLayout gridLayout, BoundsInt area, Color color)
            int requiredVertices = 4 * (area.size.x + area.size.y) - 2;

            if (requiredVertices < 0)
            Vector3[] cellLocals      = new Vector3[requiredVertices];
            int       horizontalCount = area.size.x * 2;
            int       verticalCount   = area.size.y * 2 - 1;
            int       bottom          = 0;
            int       top             = horizontalCount + verticalCount + horizontalCount - 1;
            int       left            = requiredVertices - 1;
            int       right           = horizontalCount;

            Vector3[] cellOffset =
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(0,                          gridLayout.cellSize.y / 2,  area.zMin)),
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(gridLayout.cellSize.x / 2,  gridLayout.cellSize.y / 4,  area.zMin)),
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(gridLayout.cellSize.x / 2,  -gridLayout.cellSize.y / 4, area.zMin)),
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(0,                          -gridLayout.cellSize.y / 2, area.zMin)),
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(-gridLayout.cellSize.x / 2, -gridLayout.cellSize.y / 4, area.zMin)),
                Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(-gridLayout.cellSize.x / 2, gridLayout.cellSize.y / 4,  area.zMin))
            // Fill Top and Bottom Vertices
            for (int x = area.min.x; x < area.max.x; x++)
                cellLocals[bottom++] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, area.min.y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[4];
                cellLocals[bottom++] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, area.min.y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[3];
                cellLocals[top--]    = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, area.max.y - 1, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[0];
                cellLocals[top--]    = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, area.max.y - 1, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[1];
            // Fill first Left and Right Vertices
            cellLocals[left--] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.min.x, area.min.y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[5];
            cellLocals[top--]  = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.max.x - 1, area.max.y - 1, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[2];
            // Fill Left and Right Vertices
            for (int y = area.min.y + 1; y < area.max.y; y++)
                cellLocals[left--] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.min.x, y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[4];
                cellLocals[left--] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.min.x, y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[5];
            for (int y = area.min.y; y < (area.max.y - 1); y++)
                cellLocals[right++] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.max.x - 1, y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[2];
                cellLocals[right++] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.max.x - 1, y, area.zMin)) + cellOffset[1];
            int i = 0;

            for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                DrawBatchedLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);
Beispiel #4
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            lastBoundsInt = position;
            //base.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            //Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(position.position), position.position.ToString());
            var       zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.min.z);
            BoundsInt newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
            Vector3   offset      = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.1f);

            Vector3[] cellLocals = new Vector3[]
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset
            Handles.color =;
            int index = 0;

            for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; index < cellLocals.Length; j = index++)
                Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[index]);

            var labelText = "Pos: " + new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z);

            if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                labelText += " Size: " + new Vector2Int(position.size.x, position.size.y);

            Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z)) + offset, labelText);
Beispiel #5
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     PlayerPosition = PlayGround.LocalToCell(transform.position);
     PlayerBody     = new Vector3Int[1];
     PlayerBody.SetValue(PlayerPosition, 0);
     transform.localPosition = PlayGround.CellToLocal(PlayerPosition);
     PlayMap.SetTile(PlayerPosition, PlayerAvatar);
     MoveTimeStamp   = Time.time;
     PositionChanger = new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0);
Beispiel #6
        public static void DrawGridMarquee(GridLayout gridLayout, BoundsInt area, Color color)
            if (gridLayout == null)

            switch (gridLayout.cellLayout)
            case GridLayout.CellLayout.Hexagon:
                DrawSelectedHexGridArea(gridLayout, area, color);

            case GridLayout.CellLayout.Isometric:
            case GridLayout.CellLayout.IsometricZAsY:
            case GridLayout.CellLayout.Rectangle:
                var cellStride = gridLayout.cellSize + gridLayout.cellGap;
                var cellGap    =;
                if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.x, 0f))
                    cellGap.x = gridLayout.cellSize.x / cellStride.x;
                if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.y, 0f))
                    cellGap.y = gridLayout.cellSize.y / cellStride.y;

                Vector3[] cellLocals =
                    gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.xMin,                          area.yMin,                 area.zMin)),
                    gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMax - 1 + cellGap.x, area.yMin,                 area.zMin)),
                    gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMax - 1 + cellGap.x, area.yMax - 1 + cellGap.y, area.zMin)),
                    gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMin,                 area.yMax - 1 + cellGap.y, area.zMin))

                int i = 0;

                for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                    DrawBatchedLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

Beispiel #7
    void MoveIn(Vector3Int tile)
        //if (index <= moveDistance)
        //    index += interval;
        //    panel.transform.Translate(Vector3.right * interval);
        Vector3 temp = tile + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0);

        temp = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(myGrid.CellToLocal(tile) + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
        panel.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position = temp;
        panel.GetComponent <Animator>().Play("Fade in");
        public override void Paint(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
            GameObject prefab = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject));

            var obj = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject;

            obj.transform.position = gridLayout.LocalToWorld(gridLayout.CellToLocal(position));
            obj.transform.position = new Vector3(obj.transform.position.x + 0.5f, obj.transform.position.y, obj.transform.position.z); // Technique de sioux

            tilemap = GameObject.Find(parentGameObjectName).transform;

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(obj, "Create");
Beispiel #9
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, true);
            //Tilemap layerTilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent<Tilemap>();
            UnitSpawner spawner = brushTarget.GetComponent <UnitSpawner>();

            if (spawner == null)
            int i = 0;

            Handles.color =;
            foreach (var p in spawner.spawns)
                Vector3 wp = grid.CellToLocal(p.position) + brushTarget.transform.position;
                Handles.RectangleHandleCap(i, wp + grid.cellSize / 2, Quaternion.identity, 8f, EventType.Repaint);
                Handles.Label(wp, "生怪器");
        public static void DrawGridMarquee(GridLayout gridLayout, BoundsInt area, Color color)
            Vector3 cellStride = gridLayout.cellSize + gridLayout.cellGap;
            Vector3 cellGap    =;

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.x, 0f))
                cellGap.x = gridLayout.cellSize.x / cellStride.x;
            if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.y, 0f))
                cellGap.y = gridLayout.cellSize.y / cellStride.y;

            Vector3[] cellLocals =
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(area.xMin,                          area.yMin,                 0)),
                gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMax - 1 + cellGap.x, area.yMin,                 0)),
                gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMax - 1 + cellGap.x, area.yMax - 1 + cellGap.y, 0)),
                gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(area.xMin,                 area.yMax - 1 + cellGap.y, 0))

            int i = 0;

            for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                DrawBatchedLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

        private static Mesh GenerateCachedHexagonalGridMesh(GridLayout gridLayout, Color color)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
            int vertex = 0;
            int max    = k_GridGizmoVertexCount / (2 * (6 * 2));

            max = (max / 4) * 4;
            int   min = -max;
            float numVerticalCells = 6 * (max / 4);
            int   totalVertices    = max * 2 * 6 * 2;
            var   cellStrideY      = gridLayout.cellGap.y + gridLayout.cellSize.y;
            var   cellOffsetY      = gridLayout.cellSize.y / 2;
            var   hexOffset        = (1.0f / 3.0f);
            var   drawTotal        = numVerticalCells * 2.0f * hexOffset;
            var   drawDiagTotal    = 2 * drawTotal;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[totalVertices];
            Vector2[] uvs2     = new Vector2[totalVertices];
            // Draw Vertical Lines
            for (int x = min; x < max; x++)
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, min, 0));
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, max, 0));
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, 2 * hexOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, 2 * hexOffset + drawTotal);
                vertex += 2;
                // Alternate Row Offset
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, min - 1, 0));
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(x, max - 1, 0));
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, 2 * hexOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, 2 * hexOffset + drawTotal);
                vertex += 2;
            // Draw Diagonals
            for (int y = min; y < max; y++)
                float drawDiagOffset = ((y + 1) % 3) * hexOffset;
                var   cellOffSet     = Grid.Swizzle(gridLayout.cellSwizzle, new Vector3(0f, y * cellStrideY + cellOffsetY, 0.0f));
                // Slope Up
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * min), min, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * max), max, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset + drawDiagTotal);
                vertex += 2;
                // Slope Down
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * max), min, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * min), max, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset + drawDiagTotal);
                vertex += 2;
                // Alternate Row Offset
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * min) + 1, min, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * max) + 1, max, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset + drawDiagTotal);
                vertex              += 2;
                vertices[vertex]     = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * max) + 1, min, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(1.5f * min) + 1, max, 0)) + cellOffSet;
                uvs2[vertex]         = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset);
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, drawDiagOffset + drawDiagTotal);
                vertex              += 2;
            var uv0     = new Vector2(k_GridGizmoDistanceFalloff, 0f);
            var indices = new int[totalVertices];
            var uvs     = new Vector2[totalVertices];
            var colors  = new Color[totalVertices];
            var normals = new Vector3[totalVertices];     // Normal channel stores the position of the other end point of the line.
            var uvs3    = new Vector2[totalVertices];     // UV3 channel stores the UV2 value of the other end point of the line.

            for (int i = 0; i < totalVertices; i++)
                uvs[i]     = uv0;
                indices[i] = i;
                colors[i]  = color;
                var alternate = i + ((i % 2) == 0 ? 1 : -1);
                normals[i] = vertices[alternate];
                uvs3[i]    = uvs2[alternate];

            mesh.vertices = vertices;
            mesh.uv       = uvs;
            mesh.uv2      = uvs2;
            mesh.uv3      = uvs3;
            mesh.colors   = colors;
            mesh.normals  = normals;
            mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Lines, 0);
        public static Mesh GenerateCachedGridMesh(GridLayout gridLayout, Color color, float screenPixelSize, RectInt bounds, MeshTopology topology)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

            int vertex = 0;

            int totalVertices = topology == MeshTopology.Quads ?
                                8 * (bounds.size.x + bounds.size.y) :
                                4 * (bounds.size.x + bounds.size.y);

            Vector3 horizontalPixelOffset = new Vector3(screenPixelSize, 0f, 0f);
            Vector3 verticalPixelOffset   = new Vector3(0f, screenPixelSize, 0f);

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[totalVertices];
            Vector2[] uvs2     = new Vector2[totalVertices];

            Vector3    cellStride  = gridLayout.cellSize + gridLayout.cellGap;
            Vector3Int minPosition = new Vector3Int(0, bounds.min.y, 0);
            Vector3Int maxPosition = new Vector3Int(0, bounds.max.y, 0);

            Vector3 cellGap =;

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.x, 0f))
                cellGap.x = gridLayout.cellSize.x / cellStride.x;

            for (int x = bounds.min.x; x < bounds.max.x; x++)
                minPosition.x = x;
                maxPosition.x = x;

                vertices[vertex + 0] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(minPosition);
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(maxPosition);
                uvs2[vertex + 0]     =;
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, cellStride.y * bounds.size.y);
                if (topology == MeshTopology.Quads)
                    vertices[vertex + 2] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(maxPosition) + horizontalPixelOffset;
                    vertices[vertex + 3] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(minPosition) + horizontalPixelOffset;
                    uvs2[vertex + 2]     = new Vector2(0f, cellStride.y * bounds.size.y);
                    uvs2[vertex + 3]     =;
                vertex += topology == MeshTopology.Quads ? 4 : 2;

                vertices[vertex + 0] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(minPosition + cellGap);
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(maxPosition + cellGap);
                uvs2[vertex + 0]     =;
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(0f, cellStride.y * bounds.size.y);
                if (topology == MeshTopology.Quads)
                    vertices[vertex + 2] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(maxPosition + cellGap) + horizontalPixelOffset;
                    vertices[vertex + 3] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(minPosition + cellGap) + horizontalPixelOffset;
                    uvs2[vertex + 2]     = new Vector2(0f, cellStride.y * bounds.size.y);
                    uvs2[vertex + 3]     =;
                vertex += topology == MeshTopology.Quads ? 4 : 2;

            minPosition = new Vector3Int(bounds.min.x, 0, 0);
            maxPosition = new Vector3Int(bounds.max.x, 0, 0);
            cellGap     =;
            if (!Mathf.Approximately(cellStride.y, 0f))
                cellGap.y = gridLayout.cellSize.y / cellStride.y;

            for (int y = bounds.min.y; y < bounds.max.y; y++)
                minPosition.y = y;
                maxPosition.y = y;

                vertices[vertex + 0] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(minPosition);
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(maxPosition);
                uvs2[vertex + 0]     =;
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(cellStride.x * bounds.size.x, 0f);
                if (topology == MeshTopology.Quads)
                    vertices[vertex + 2] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(maxPosition) + verticalPixelOffset;
                    vertices[vertex + 3] = gridLayout.CellToLocal(minPosition) + verticalPixelOffset;
                    uvs2[vertex + 2]     = new Vector2(cellStride.x * bounds.size.x, 0f);
                    uvs2[vertex + 3]     =;
                vertex += topology == MeshTopology.Quads ? 4 : 2;

                vertices[vertex + 0] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(minPosition + cellGap);
                vertices[vertex + 1] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(maxPosition + cellGap);
                uvs2[vertex + 0]     =;
                uvs2[vertex + 1]     = new Vector2(cellStride.x * bounds.size.x, 0f);
                if (topology == MeshTopology.Quads)
                    vertices[vertex + 2] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(maxPosition + cellGap) + verticalPixelOffset;
                    vertices[vertex + 3] = gridLayout.CellToLocalInterpolated(minPosition + cellGap) + verticalPixelOffset;
                    uvs2[vertex + 2]     = new Vector2(cellStride.x * bounds.size.x, 0f);
                    uvs2[vertex + 3]     =;
                vertex += topology == MeshTopology.Quads ? 4 : 2;

            var uv0     = new Vector2(k_GridGizmoDistanceFalloff, 0f);
            var uvs     = new Vector2[vertex];
            var indices = new int[vertex];
            var colors  = new Color[vertex];
            var normals = new Vector3[totalVertices];     // Normal channel stores the position of the other end point of the line.
            var uvs3    = new Vector2[totalVertices];     // UV3 channel stores the UV2 value of the other end point of the line.

            for (int i = 0; i < vertex; i++)
                uvs[i]     = uv0;
                indices[i] = i;
                colors[i]  = color;
                var alternate = i + ((i % 2) == 0 ? 1 : -1);
                normals[i] = vertices[alternate];
                uvs3[i]    = uvs2[alternate];

            mesh.vertices = vertices;
            mesh.uv       = uvs;
            mesh.uv2      = uvs2;
            mesh.uv3      = uvs3;
            mesh.colors   = colors;
            mesh.normals  = normals;
            mesh.SetIndices(indices, topology, 0);

Beispiel #13
            public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
                Tilemap tilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent <Tilemap>();

                if (tilemap != null)
                    lastTilemap = tilemap;

                base.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);

                switch (sudokuBrush.paintModel)
                case PaintModel.SUDOKU:


                case PaintModel.FOUR:
                    var       fourZPosition = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, sudokuBrush.z);
                    Vector3[] cellPostions  = null;
                    BoundsInt newPosition   = new BoundsInt(fourZPosition, position.size);

                    if (gridLayout.cellLayout == GridLayout.CellLayout.Isometric || gridLayout.cellLayout == GridLayout.CellLayout.Isometric)
                        cellPostions = new Vector3[]
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x - 2, newPosition.max.y - 1, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x + 0, newPosition.max.y - 1, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x - 1, newPosition.max.y - 0, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x - 1, newPosition.max.y - 2, newPosition.max.z))
                        cellPostions = new Vector3[]
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x - 1, newPosition.max.y - 1, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x + 1, newPosition.max.y - 1, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y - 0, newPosition.max.z)),
                            gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y - 2, newPosition.max.z))

                    Handles.color = Color.cyan;
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellPostions[0], cellPostions[1]);
                    Handles.color = Color.cyan;
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellPostions[2], cellPostions[3]);



                var labelText = "Pos: " + new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, sudokuBrush.z);

                if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                    labelText += " Size: " + new Vector2Int(position.size.x, position.size.y);

                Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, sudokuBrush.z)), labelText);