Beispiel #1
        public void Initialise()
            for (int z = 0; z < GridId.GridZRange; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < GridId.GridXRange; x++)
                    int   id = GridId.IdFromComponents(x, z);
                    float xp = 0, zp = 0;
                    bool  ok = GridId.XZ(id, out xp, out zp);
                    StarGrid grd = new StarGrid(id, xp, zp, Color.Transparent, 1.0F); //A=0 means use default colour array
                    if (xp == 0 && zp == 0)                                           // sol grid, unpopulated stars please
                        grd.dBAsk = SystemsDB.SystemAskType.UnpopulatedStars;


            systemlistgrid = new StarGrid(-1, 0, 0, Color.Orange, 1.0F);    // grid ID -1 means it won't be filled by the Update task

            int solid = GridId.Id(0, 0);

            populatedgrid       = new StarGrid(solid, 0, 0, Color.Transparent, 1.0F); // Duplicate grid id but asking for populated stars
            populatedgrid.dBAsk = SystemsDB.SystemAskType.PopulatedStars;
            grids.Add(populatedgrid);                                                 // add last so shown last

            Console.WriteLine("Grids " + grids.Count + " mid " + midpercentage + " far " + farpercentage);
Beispiel #2
        public void Initialise()
            for (int z = 0; z < GridId.gridzrange; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < GridId.gridxrange; x++)
                    int    id = GridId.IdFromComponents(x, z);
                    double xp = 0, zp = 0;
                    bool   ok = GridId.XZ(id, out xp, out zp);
                    StarGrid grd = new StarGrid(id, xp, zp, Color.Transparent, 1.0F); //A=0 means use default colour array
                    if (xp == 0 && zp == 0)                                           // sol grid, unpopulated stars please
                        grd.dBAsk = SystemClass.SystemAskType.UnPopulatedStars;


            visitedsystemsgrid = new StarGrid(-1, 0, 0, Color.Orange, 1.0F);    // grid ID -1 means it won't be filled by the Update task

            int solid = GridId.Id(0, 0);

            populatedgrid       = new StarGrid(solid, 0, 0, Color.Transparent, 1.0F); // Duplicate grid id but asking for populated stars
            populatedgrid.dBAsk = SystemClass.SystemAskType.PopulatedStars;
            grids.Add(populatedgrid);                                                 // add last, so displayed last, so overwrites anything else

            long total = SystemClass.GetTotalSystems();

            total = Math.Min(total, 10000000);                  // scaling limit at 10mil
            long offset = (total - 1000000) / 100000;           // scale down slowly.. experimental!

            midpercentage -= (int)(offset / 2);
            farpercentage -= (int)(offset / 3);

            //midpercentage = 10;           // agressive debugging options
            //farpercentage = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Grids " + grids.Count + "Database Stars " + total + " mid " + midpercentage + " far " + farpercentage);
        public void Initialise()
            for (int z = 0; z < GridId.GridZRange; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < GridId.GridXRange; x++)
                    int   id = GridId.IdFromComponents(x, z);
                    float xp = 0, zp = 0;
                    bool  ok = GridId.XZ(id, out xp, out zp);
                    StarGrid grd = new StarGrid(id, xp, zp, Color.Transparent, 1.0F);           //A=0 means use default colour array

            systemlistgrid = new StarGrid(-1, 0, 0, Color.Orange, 1.0F);    // grid ID -1 means it won't be filled by the Update task

            Trace.WriteLine("Grids " + grids.Count + " mid " + midpercentage + " far " + farpercentage);
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            if (galaxy != null)
                SolidBrush red = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);
                SolidBrush sel = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red));
                Pen        pen = new Pen(red);

                Rectangle imagesourceregion = GetSourceImageRegion();                                    // This is what we are displaying

                Point lypostop = galaxy.LYPos(new Point(imagesourceregion.Left, imagesourceregion.Top)); // convert the top of what displayed to lys.

                int lywidth  = imagesourceregion.Width * galaxy.LYWidth / galaxy.PixelWidth;             // work out the width of the displayed in ly.
                int lyheight = imagesourceregion.Height * galaxy.LYHeight / galaxy.PixelHeight;

                Rectangle imageviewport = GetImageViewPort();       // these are the pixels on the screen in which imagesourceregion is squashed into

                int[] xpos = new int[xlines.Length];
                int[] zpos = new int[zlines.Length];

                for (int x = 0; x < xlines.Length; x++)
                    int   xly    = xlines[x];
                    int   pos    = xly - lypostop.X;                                         // where it is relative to left of image
                    float offset = (float)pos / lywidth;                                     // fraction across the image
                    int   px     = imageviewport.Left + (int)(imageviewport.Width * offset); // shift to image viewport pixels
                    xpos[x] = px;

                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(px, imageviewport.Top), new Point(px, imageviewport.Bottom));

                for (int z = 0; z < zlines.Length; z++)     // in numberic order, so bottom of map first
                    int   zly    = zlines[z];
                    int   pos    = lypostop.Y - zly;                                         // where it is relative to top of image, remembering top is highest
                    float offset = (float)pos / lyheight;                                    // fraction across the image
                    int   px     = imageviewport.Top + (int)(imageviewport.Height * offset); // shift to image viewport pixels
                    zpos[z] = px;

                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(imageviewport.Left, px), new Point(imageviewport.Right, px));

                //for (int x = -40000; x < 40000; x += 250)    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1}", x, GridId.Id(x, 0));

                for (int x = 0; x < xlines.Length - 1; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < zlines.Length - 1; z++)
                        int id = GridId.IdFromComponents(x, z);

                        if (!includedgridid.Contains(id))
                            int width  = xpos[x + 1] - xpos[x] - 2;
                            int height = zpos[z] - zpos[z + 1] - 2;       // from bottom of map upwards

                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0},{1} => {2} {3} {4} {5}", x, z, xpos[x], zpos[z], width, height);
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sel, xpos[x] + 1, zpos[z + 1] + 1, width, height);
