Beispiel #1
        public void AddGreenCarsToListTest()

            GreenCars greenCar = _testGreenCarsRepo.GetGreenCarById(greenCar1.Id);

        private void UpdateGreenCarById()
            WriteLine("\nEnter the Green Car Id to Update.");
            int oldCarIdUpdate = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            GreenCars oldGreenCar = _greenCarsRepo.GetGreenCarById(oldCarIdUpdate);

            GreenCars newGreenCar = new GreenCars();

            WriteLine("\nEnter the Car Type Number:" +
                      "\n1. Gas" +
                      "\n2. Hybrid" +
                      "\n3. Electric");
            int carTypeNum = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.CarType = (CarType)carTypeNum;

            WriteLine("\nEnter the MPG or Miles Per Charge.");
            int mpgInput = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.Mpg = mpgInput;

            WriteLine("\nEnter # of Traffic Tickets.");
            int ticketsInput = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.TrafficTickets = ticketsInput;

            WriteLine("\nEnter # of Miles Driven Per Year.");
            int milesPerYrInput = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.MilesDrivenYr = milesPerYrInput;

            WriteLine("\nEnter Insurance Rate in Dollars Per Year.");
            double insRateInput = Double.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.InsuranceRate = insRateInput;

            WriteLine("\nEnter the Car's Primary Use Associated #:" +
                      "\n1. Personal" +
                      "\n2. Work" +
                      "\n3. Pleasure");
            int carUseNum = Int32.Parse(ReadLine());

            newGreenCar.CarUse = (CarUse)carUseNum;

            newGreenCar.Id = oldGreenCar.Id;

            bool ifCarUpdated = _greenCarsRepo.UpdateGreenCar(oldCarIdUpdate, newGreenCar);

            if (ifCarUpdated == true)
                WriteLine("\nCar Was Updated.");
                WriteLine("\nCar Was NOT Updated.");