Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the local user if following anyone.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='callback'>
 /// Called upon receiving results from the call. Second parameter is set to whether or not the 
 /// user is following anyone. CANNOT be 'null'.
 /// </param>
 public static void IsLocalUserFollowingAnyone(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.FollowingResultDelegate callback)
     if(callback != null)
         if(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.followingResultCallback == null)
             Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.followingResultCallback = callback;
             SendMessage("isLocalUserFollowingAnyone", new ArrayList());
             Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: Cannot call IsLocalUserFollowingAnyone until previous call has returned success or failure.");
         Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: No callback supplied to IsLocalUserFollowingAnyone.");
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Submits the result of a played challenge to the server. This should always be called
    /// after the challenge game play session is over, regardless of the result or the type
    /// of challenge. It should be called before DisplayChallengeCompletedModal.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Events : OnChallengeResultSubmitted
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name='result'>
    /// The result of the challenge.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='resultDescription'>
    /// A string that will be prefixed by either the recipient's name or "You", depending on 
    /// the player that is viewing the result. It should not contain whether the recipient won 
    /// or lost, but should contain the statistics of his attempt. (Ex. "beat 30 monsters" will 
    /// turn into "You beat 30 monsters")
    /// </param>
    public static void SubmitChallengeResult(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.eChallengeResult result, string resultDescription)
        ArrayList args = new ArrayList {

        SendMessage("submitChallengeResult", args);
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a challenge defintion structure for a particular challenge ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='challengeId'>
    /// The ID of the challenge.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='callback'>
    /// Called upon success or failure of the get. CANNOT be 'null'.
    /// </param>
    public static void GetChallengeDefinition(string challengeId, Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.ChallengeDefinitionResultDelegate callback)
        #if UNITY_ANDROID
        throwAndroidUnsupported("OpenFeint.cs", "GetChallengeDefinition");

            ArrayList args = new ArrayList {

            if(callback != null)
                if(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.challengeDefinitionResultCallback == null)
                    Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.challengeDefinitionResultCallback = callback;
                    SendMessage("getChallengeDefinition", args);
                    Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: Cannot call GetChallengeDefinition until previous call has returned success or failure.");
                Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: No callback supplied to GetChallengeDefinition.");
Beispiel #4
 public static void GetChallengeDefinition(long challengeId, Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.ChallengeDefinitionResultDelegate callback)
     GetChallengeDefinition(challengeId.ToString(), callback);
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Download a previously uploaded data blob from the "cloud".
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Events : OnUploadedCloudBlob
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name='blobKey'>
 /// The key of the blob you wish to download from the cloud.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='playerPrefsKeys'>
 /// An array of PlayerPrefs keys that will be populated with the downloaded blob data.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='callback'>
 /// Called whenever the action returns success or failure. CANNOT be 'null'.
 /// </param>
 public static void DownloadBlobToPlayerPrefs(string blobKey, string[] playerPrefsKeys, Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.DeferredResultDelegate callback)
     throwAndroidUnsupported("OpenFeint.cs", "DownloadBlobToPlayerPrefs");
         ArrayList args = new ArrayList {
         if(callback != null)
             if(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.downloadCloudBlobResultCallback == null)
                 Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.downloadCloudBlobResultCallback = callback;
                 SendMessage("downloadBlobToPlayerPrefs", args);
                 Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: Cannot call DownloadBlobToPlayerPrefsKeys until previous blob download has returned success or failure.");
             Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: No callback supplied to DownloadBlobToPlayerPrefsKeys.");
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Download a previously uploaded data blob from the "cloud".
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='blobKey'>
    /// The key of the blob you wish to download from the cloud.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='filePath'>
    /// A path to a file in the app's Documents directory that you wish to be populated 
    /// with the downloaded blob contents. This is the preferred method if using serialized 
    /// XML data (Unity iPhone Advanced only).
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='callback'>
    /// Called whenever the action returns success or failure. CANNOT be 'null'.
    /// </param>
    public static void DownloadBlobToFilePath(string blobKey, string filePath, Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.DeferredResultDelegate callback)
        ArrayList args = new ArrayList {

        if(callback != null)
            if(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.downloadCloudBlobResultCallback == null)
                Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.downloadCloudBlobResultCallback = callback;

                SendMessage("downloadBlobToFile", args);
                Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: Cannot call DownloadBlobToFilePath until previous blob download has returned success or failure.");
            Debug.LogError("OpenFeint error: No callback supplied to DownloadBlobToFilePath.");
Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the modal for showing the result of the challenge and allows for the user
    /// to re-challenge (if it was a multi-attempt challenge). Call SubmitChallengeResult BEFORE
    /// calling this.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='result'>
    /// The result of the challenge.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='resultDescription'>
    /// A string that will be prefixed by either the recipient's name or "You", depending on the player 
    /// that is viewing the result. It should not contain whether the recipient won or lost, but 
    /// should contain the statistics of his attempt. (Ex. "beat 30 monsters" will turn into 
    /// "You beat 30 monsters")
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='reChallengeDescription'>
    /// If the user decides to send out the result as a re-challenge, this will be the description 
    /// for the new challenge. It should display what needs to be fulfilled to complete the challenge. 
    /// Only used by multi-attempt challenges.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='reChallengeDataKeys'>
    /// Tells the native code how/where to access the challenge data if the user decides to send out a 
    /// "re-challenge". Only used for multi-attempt challenges.
    /// </param>
    public static void DisplayChallengeCompletedModalWithPlayerPrefs(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.eChallengeResult result,
		string resultDescription, string reChallengeDescription, string[] reChallengeDataKeys)
        ArrayList args = new ArrayList {

        SendMessage("displayChallengeCompletedModalWithPlayerPrefs", args);
Beispiel #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the modal for showing the result of the challenge and allows for the user
    /// to re-challenge (if it was a multi-attempt challenge). Call SubmitChallengeResult BEFORE
    /// calling this.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='result'>
    /// The result of the challenge.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='resultDescription'>
    /// RA string that will be prefixed by either the recipient's name or "You", depending on the 
    /// player that is viewing the result. It should not contain whether the recipient won or lost, 
    /// but should contain the statistics of his attempt. (Ex. "beat 30 monsters" will turn into 
    /// "You beat 30 monsters")
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='reChallengeDescription'>
    /// If the user decides to send out the result as a re-challenge, this will be the description 
    /// for the new challenge. It should display what needs to be fulfilled to complete the challenge. 
    /// Only used by multi-attempt challenges.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='reChallengeDataFilePath'>
    /// Tells the native code how/where to access the challenge data if the user decides to send 
    /// out a "re-challenge". Only used for multi-attempt challenges.
    /// </param>
    public static void DisplayChallengeCompletedModalWithFile(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.eChallengeResult result, string resultDescription,
		string reChallengeDescription, string reChallengeDataFilePath)
        ArrayList args = new ArrayList {

        SendMessage("displayChallengeCompletedModalWithFile", args);
 private void ReceivedNewChallenge(Gree.Unity.CallbackFetcherOpenFeint.ChallengeDefinition challengeDefinition)
     OpenFeint.InGameNotification("Accepted Challenge with title: " + challengeDefinition.title);