public PlayerGameState(ICardFactory cardFactory)
            _cardFactory = cardFactory;

            HandZone        = new HandZone();
            GraveyardZone   = new GraveyardZone();
            BattlefieldZone = new BattlefieldZone();
        public void InitializeGameState(IEnumerable <string> deckCardNames)
            Deck = new Deck(_cardFactory);
            Deck.LoadCardByNames(deckCardNames, this);


            TurnCounter = 1;

        public void InitializeGameState(string deckCsvFilePath)
            Deck = new Deck(_cardFactory);
            Deck.LoadFromCsv(deckCsvFilePath, this);


            TurnCounter = 1;

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this agent's estimation of the opponent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opponent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        void SetupOpponent(Game game)
            BlindGame     = game.Clone();
            Opponent      = BlindGame.CurrentOpponent;
            Opponent.Game = BlindGame;

            OpponentDeck     = DeckQuery.GetMostPopular(Opponent.HeroClass);
            OpponentDeckZone = new DeckZone(Opponent)
                Controller = Opponent

            Opponent.Deck     = OpponentDeck.Clone();
            Opponent.DeckZone = OpponentDeckZone;

            OpponentGraveyardZone = new GraveyardZone(Opponent);
            OpponentSecretZone    = new SecretZone(Opponent);

            OpponentSet = true;
Beispiel #5
        private static void Neutral(IDictionary <string, Power> cards)
            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_001] Zombie Chow - COST:1 [ATK:2/HP:3]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Restore 5 Health to the enemy hero.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_001", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = new HealTask(5, EntityType.OP_HERO)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_002] Haunted Creeper - COST:2 [ATK:1/HP:2]
            // - Race: beast, Set: naxx, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_002", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = new EnqueueTask(2, new SummonTask("FP1_002t", SummonSide.DEATHRATTLE))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_003] Echoing Ooze - COST:2 [ATK:1/HP:2]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon an exact copy of this minion at the end of the turn.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_003", new Power {
                PowerTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new SetGameTagTask(GameTag.CUSTOM_KEYWORD_EFFECT, 1, EntityType.SOURCE),
                    new SetGameTagTask(GameTag.TAG_SCRIPT_DATA_NUM_1, 1, EntityType.SOURCE),
                    new SetGameTagTask(GameTag.MULTIPLY_BUFF_VALUE, 1, EntityType.SOURCE)),
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.TURN_END)
                    SingleTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                        new ConditionTask(EntityType.SOURCE, SelfCondition.IsTagValue(GameTag.CUSTOM_KEYWORD_EFFECT, 1)),
                        new FlagTask(true, ComplexTask.Create(
                                         new SetGameTagTask(GameTag.CUSTOM_KEYWORD_EFFECT, 0, EntityType.SOURCE),
                                         new SummonCopyTask(EntityType.SOURCE, SummonSide.RIGHT)))),
                    RemoveAfterTriggered = true

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_004] Mad Scientist - COST:2 [ATK:2/HP:2]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Put a <b>Secret</b> from your deck into the battlefield.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // RefTag:
            // - SECRET = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_004", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = ComplexTask.PutSecretFromDeck

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_005] Shade of Naxxramas - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:2]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Stealth.</b> At the start of your turn, gain +1/+1.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - STEALTH = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_005", new Power {
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.TURN_START)
                    SingleTask = new AddEnchantmentTask("FP1_005e", EntityType.SOURCE)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_007] Nerubian Egg - COST:2 [ATK:0/HP:2]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Summon a 4/4 Nerubian.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_007", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = new SummonTask("FP1_007t", SummonSide.DEATHRATTLE)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_008] Spectral Knight - COST:5 [ATK:4/HP:6]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - CANT_BE_TARGETED_BY_SPELLS = 1
            // - CANT_BE_TARGETED_BY_HERO_POWERS = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_008", null);

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_009] Deathlord - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:8]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Taunt. Deathrattle:</b> Your opponent puts a minion from their deck into the battlefield.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - TAUNT = 1
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_009", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new IncludeTask(EntityType.OP_DECK),
                    new FilterStackTask(SelfCondition.IsMinion),
                    new RandomTask(1, EntityType.STACK),
                    new SummonStackTask())

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_010] Maexxna - COST:6 [ATK:2/HP:8]
            // - Race: beast, Set: naxx, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Poisonous</b>
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - POISONOUS = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_010", null);

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_012] Sludge Belcher - COST:5 [ATK:3/HP:5]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Taunt
            //       Deathrattle:</b> Summon a 1/2 Slime with <b>Taunt</b>.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - TAUNT = 1
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_012", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = new SummonTask("FP1_012t", SummonSide.DEATHRATTLE)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [FP1_013] Kel'Thuzad - COST:8 [ATK:6/HP:8]
            // - Set: naxx, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: At the end of each turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("FP1_013", new Power {
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.TURN_END)
                    EitherTurn = true,
                    SingleTask = new FuncNumberTask(src =>
                        Controller c            = src.Controller;
                        int num                 = c.NumFriendlyMinionsThatDiedThisTurn;
                        GraveyardZone graveyard = c.GraveyardZone;
                        if (graveyard.Count == 0)
                        int i = graveyard.Count - 1;
                        int j = 0;
                            if (graveyard[i] is Minion m && m.ToBeDestroyed)
                                Generic.SummonBlock.Invoke(c, (Minion)Entity.FromCard(c, m.Card), -1);
                        } while (j < num && i >= 0);

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates this agent's estimation of the opponent
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateOpponent(int handSize)
            Opponent.Game     = BlindGame;
            Opponent.Deck     = OpponentDeck.Clone();
            Opponent.DeckZone = OpponentDeckZone.Clone(Opponent);
            //OpponentDeckZone.Controller = Opponent;

            OpponentHandZone = new HandZone(Opponent);
            //	Controller = Opponent

            foreach (Card card in OpponentDeck)
                Entity.FromCard(Opponent, card, null, OpponentDeckZone);

            foreach (Card card in PlayedSoFar)
                if (OpponentDeckZone.Contains(card))

            for (int i = 0; i < handSize; ++i)
                IPlayable rnd = OpponentDeckZone.Random;
                rnd.Controller = OpponentHandZone.Controller;

            Opponent.HandZone     = OpponentHandZone.Clone(Opponent);
            OpponentGraveyardZone = BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.GraveyardZone.Clone(Opponent);

            if (BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.SecretZone.Count == 0)
                OpponentSecretZone = new SecretZone(Opponent);

            else if (BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.SecretZone.Count == 1 && BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.SecretZone.Contains(s => s.IsQuest))
                OpponentSecretZone = BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.SecretZone.Clone(Opponent);

                OpponentSecretZone = new SecretZone(Opponent);
                if (!OpponentDeck.Contains(c => c.IsSecret))

                    var secretsPlayed = OpponentGraveyardZone.Where(p => p.Card.IsSecret).ToList();
                    if (secretsPlayed != null)
                        List <string> secrets = GetSecrets(Opponent.HeroClass);
                        foreach (Spell s in secretsPlayed)
                            if (secretsPlayed.Count(s) > 2)

                        if (secrets.Count != 0)


            BlindGame.Player2              = Opponent;
            BlindGame.CurrentPlayer.Game   = BlindGame;
            BlindGame.CurrentOpponent.Game = BlindGame;