Beispiel #1
 //removes nodes from the snake
 public void shrinkSnake(int amount, GraphicsManager.Direction direction)
     for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
         if (positions.Count > 0 && positions.Count > Variables.minLength)
             positions.RemoveAt(positions.Count - 1);
             snakeBody.RemoveAt(snakeBody.Count - 1);
             snakeBoxes.RemoveAt(snakeBoxes.Count - 1);
             directions.RemoveAt(directions.Count - 1);
             snakeBody[snakeBody.Count - 1] = GraphicsManager.Instance.getSnakeTexture(direction, GraphicsManager.SnakePart.tail);
Beispiel #2
        public void UpdateSnakePositions(KeyboardState kstate, GameTime gameTime, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, bool doesIntersect, bool powerUp, bool powerDown)
            //redraw all collision boxes

            //check pick up collisions
            if (powerUp)
                if (Variables.fxOn && Variables.audioOn)
            if (powerDown)
                if (Variables.fxOn && Variables.audioOn)

            noKeyPressed = true;

            bool allowTail  = true;
            bool allowHead  = true;
            bool shrinkMode = false;

            if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                shrinkMode   = true;
                noKeyPressed = false;
            else if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.S) || kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                tailMoving   = false;
                noKeyPressed = false;

            if (noKeyPressed == true)

            if (positions.Count == Variables.maxLength)
                allowHead = false;
                allowTail = false;

            //if player is holding shift, shrink a node every n frames
            if (shrinkMode)
                if (framesPassedTail < Variables.shrinkEveryNFrames)
                    framesPassedTail = 0;
                    shrinkSnake(1, direction);
                    if (Variables.audioOn && Variables.fxOn)


            //dont change any positions if the snake isnt moving
            if (!noKeyPressed)
                if ((tailMoving && allowTail) || (!tailMoving && allowHead))
                    //are we moving the head or the tail now?
                    var head = positions[0];

                    var lastPreviousPosition  = head;
                    var lastPreviousDirection = direction;

                    //move head or tail first
                    if (!tailMoving)
                        //apply movement
                        if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
                            head.Y      -= snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                            direction    = GraphicsManager.Direction.up;
                            noKeyPressed = false;

                        else if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
                            head.Y      += snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                            direction    = GraphicsManager.Direction.down;
                            noKeyPressed = false;

                        else if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                            head.X   -= snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                            direction = GraphicsManager.Direction.left;

                        else if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                            head.X      += snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                            direction    = GraphicsManager.Direction.right;
                            noKeyPressed = false;

                    //record the head's movement
                    previousPositions.Insert(0, lastPreviousPosition);
                    previousDirections.Insert(0, lastPreviousDirection);

                    //this stops the snake from moving out of the screen :)
                    head.X = Math.Min(Math.Max(GraphicsManager.Instance.headUp.Width / 2, head.X), graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - GraphicsManager.Instance.headUp.Width / 2);
                    head.Y = Math.Min(Math.Max(GraphicsManager.Instance.headUp.Height / 2, head.Y), graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight - GraphicsManager.Instance.headUp.Height / 2);

                    //check collision, if this move is allowed, store the position - if not, stay where we are!
                    //now that we dont use obstacles anymore this if statement is obsolete
                    if (doesIntersect)
                        snakeSpeed = snakeSpeed / Variables.slowdown;

                        Console.WriteLine("Speed: " + snakeSpeed);

                        if (direction == GraphicsManager.Direction.up)
                            head.Y += Variables.collisionModifier * snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        else if (direction == GraphicsManager.Direction.down)
                            head.Y -= Variables.collisionModifier * snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        else if (direction == GraphicsManager.Direction.left)
                            head.X += Variables.collisionModifier * snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                        else if (direction == GraphicsManager.Direction.right)
                            head.X -= Variables.collisionModifier * snakeSpeed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    //if the snake has slowed down, it gradually gets back to its max speed
                    if (snakeSpeed < Variables.maxSpeed)

                    //save the new head and direction variables
                    positions[0]  = head;
                    directions[0] = direction;

                    ////set the correct orientation asset
                    snakeBody[0] = GraphicsManager.Instance.getSnakeTexture(directions[0], GraphicsManager.SnakePart.head);
                    snakeBody[snakeBody.Count - 1] = GraphicsManager.Instance.getSnakeTexture(directions[directions.Count - 1], GraphicsManager.SnakePart.tail);

                    // loop through list, set positions for all nodes while incrementing positions
                    for (int i = 1; i < positions.Count; i++)
                        //set position
                        Vector2 temp = positions[i];

                        if (previousPositions.Count != 0 && previousPositions.Count > i * Variables.spacing)
                            temp = previousPositions.ToArray()[i * Variables.spacing];

                        //store back in list
                        positions[i] = temp;

                        //update texture
                        if (previousDirections.Count != 0 && previousDirections.Count > i * Variables.spacing)
                            if (i != positions.Count - 1)
                                snakeBody[i] = GraphicsManager.Instance.getSnakeTexture(previousDirections.ToArray()[i * Variables.spacing],
                            else if (i == positions.Count - 1)
                                snakeBody[i] = GraphicsManager.Instance.getSnakeTexture(previousDirections.ToArray()[i * Variables.spacing],

                            directions[i] = previousDirections.ToArray()[i * Variables.spacing];

                    //if the snake is not at max length, add a new node every n frames
                    if (framesPassedHead < Variables.growEveryNFrames)
                        framesPassedHead = 0;
                        if (previousPositions.Count > Variables.spacing * positions.Count && positions.Count < Variables.maxLength)
                            Vector2 position = positions[positions.Count - 1];
                            if (Variables.audioOn && Variables.fxOn)

                //save the keyboard state so we can tell if keys can being held down etc
                previousKB = kstate;