public void generate(AlphaMap alphaMap, GraphVoronoi graphVoronoi){

		int alphaMapSize = alphaMap.mapSize;
		int heightMapSize = 512;

		float ratio = (float)heightMapSize / alphaMapSize;
		for(int x = 0; x < alphaMapSize; x++) 
			for (int y = 0; y < alphaMapSize; y++) 
				Center.BiomeTypes biome = graphVoronoi.getNearestCenter((int)(ratio* x), (int)(ratio*y)).biome;


		alphaMap.fillSplitMap ();
	public void generate(DetailMap detailMap, GraphVoronoi graphVoronoi ){
		//each layer is drawn separately so if you have a lot of layers your draw calls will increase 
		int detailMapSize = detailMap.mapSize;
		int numLayers = detailMap.numLayers;
		int heightMapSize = detailMap.heightMapSize;

		//	float ratio = (float)m_terrainSize/(float)m_detailMapSize;
		//Random.seed = 0;
		for(int x = 0; x <detailMapSize; x ++) 
			for (int y = 0; y <detailMapSize; y ++) 
				for (int h=0; h<numLayers; h++)
				float ratio1 = (float)(heightMapSize-1)/(float)detailMapSize;
				Center.BiomeTypes biome = graphVoronoi.getNearestCenter((int)(x*ratio1),(int)(y*ratio1)).biome;
				int det = 10;
				if ((int)biome == 6) {det= 0;}
				if ((int)biome ==12) {det = 1;}
				if (( int)biome==8) {det=2;}
				//float unit = 1.0f / (m_detailMapSize - 1);
				//float normX = x * unit;
				//float normZ = z * unit;
				// Get the steepness value at the normalized coordinate.
				//	float angle = terrain.terrainData.GetSteepness(normX, normZ);
				// Steepness is given as an angle, 0..90 degrees. Divide
				// by 90 to get an alpha blending value in the range 0..1.
				//float frac = angle / 90.0f;
				if(det<10 )
					/*float worldPosX = (x+(m_detailMapSize-1))*ratio;
					float worldPosZ = (z+(m_detailMapSize-1))*ratio;
					float noise = m_detailNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 3, m_detailFrq, 1.0f);
					if(noise > 0.0f) 
					float rnd = Random.value;
					//Randomly select what layer to use
					if(rnd < 0.01f)
					else if(rnd < 0.75f)