Beispiel #1
     static void Main(string[] args)
         GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"));
         Us us = new Us { Name = "We are Us" };
         NodeReference<Us> usRef = client.Create(us);
         Console.WriteLine("us {0}", usRef.Id);
         var queryUs = client.Cypher.Start("n", "node(" + usRef.Id + ")").Return<Node<Us>>("n");
         Console.WriteLine("Us node name: {0}\n", queryUs.Results.AsEnumerable<Node<Us>>().First().Data);
         AllYourBase allYourBase = new AllYourBase { Name = "We are all your base" };
         NodeReference<AllYourBase> allYourBaseRef = client.Create(allYourBase);
         Console.WriteLine("AllYourBase {0}",allYourBaseRef.Id);
         var queryAllYourBase = client.Cypher.Start("n", "node(" + allYourBaseRef.Id + ")").Return<Node<AllYourBase>>("n");
         Console.WriteLine("AllYourBase node name: {0}\n", queryAllYourBase.Results.AsEnumerable<Node<AllYourBase>>().First().Data);
         RelationshipReference areBelongToRef = client.CreateRelationship(allYourBaseRef, new AreBelongTo(usRef));
         var query = client.Cypher.Start("allyourbase", "node(" + allYourBaseRef.Id + ")").Match("allyourbase-[:ARE_BELONG_TO]->us").Return<Node<AllYourBase>>("allyourbase");
         Console.WriteLine("Result of querying for all your base that belongs to us: {0}", query.Results.AsEnumerable<Node<AllYourBase>>().First().Data.Name);
     catch(Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message);
         Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.InnerException);
Beispiel #2
        static NodeReference <DatabaseServer> GetDatabaseServerNode(string serverName)
            var query = GraphClient.Cypher
                        .Start(new { root = GraphClient.RootNode })
                        .Where(string.Format("databaseserver.Id='{0}'", serverName))
                        .Return <Node <DatabaseServer> >("databaseserver");

            var results = query.Results.ToList();

            if (results.Count() == 1)

            var databaseServerNode = GraphClient.Create(new DatabaseServer
                Id   = serverName,
                Name = serverName

            GraphClient.CreateRelationship(GraphClient.RootNode, new RootContainsDatabaseServer(databaseServerNode));

        static void Main(string[] args)
                GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"));

                // Create nodes and relationship
                MyNode node1 = new MyNode()
                    Name = "Test 1"
                MyNode node2 = new MyNode()
                    Name = "Test 2"

                NodeReference <MyNode> node1ref = client.Create <MyNode>(node1);
                NodeReference <MyNode> node2ref = client.Create <MyNode>(node2);

                MyRelationShip rel12 = new MyRelationShip(node2ref);

                var Rel1 = client.CreateRelationship <MyNode, MyRelationShip>(node1ref, rel12);

                MyNode node3 = new MyNode()
                    Name = "Test 3"
                NodeReference <MyNode> node3ref = client.Create <MyNode>(node3);

                MyRelationShip rel13 = new MyRelationShip(node3ref);
                var            Rel13 = client.CreateRelationship <MyNode, MyRelationShip>(node1ref, rel13);

                var query = client.Cypher.Start(new { n1 = node1ref })
                            .Return <MyNode>(targetnode => targetnode.As <MyNode>());
                var res = query.Results;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (MyNode n in res)
                    Console.WriteLine(i + ". Name: '" + n.Name + "'");
            catch (NeoException ex)
Beispiel #4
        public NodeReference Visit(Type type)
            const BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            Console.WriteLine("Discovered class {0}", type.FullName);

            var classNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Class
                Id   = type.FullName,
                Name = type.FullName

            var propertyVisitor = new PropertyVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var propertyNode in type.GetProperties(bindingFlags).Select(propertyVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(classNode, new ClassContainsProperty(propertyNode));

            var fieldVisitor = new FieldVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var fieldNode in type.GetFields(bindingFlags).Select(fieldVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(classNode, new ClassContainsField(fieldNode));

            var methodVisitor = new MethodVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var methodNode in type.GetMethods(bindingFlags).Select(methodVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(classNode, new ClassContainsMethod(methodNode));

        public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionForPreemptivelyWrappedNode()
            var graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://foo/db/data"), null);
            var ex          = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => graphClient.Create((Node <TestNode>)null));

            ex.Message.Should().Be("You're trying to pass in a Node<TestNode> instance. Just pass the TestNode instance instead.\r\nParameter name: node");
        public NodeReference Visit(Type type)
            const BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            var classNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Interface
                Id   = type.Name,
                Name = type.Name

            var propertyVisitor = new PropertyVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var propertyNode in type.GetProperties(bindingFlags).Select(propertyVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(classNode, new InterfaceContainsProperty(propertyNode));

            var methodVisitor = new MethodVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var methodNode in type.GetMethods(bindingFlags).Select(methodVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(classNode, new InterfaceContainsMethod(methodNode));

 public NodeReference Visit(FieldInfo field)
     return(_graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Field
         Id = field.Name,
         Name = field.Name
        public void ShouldThrowValidationExceptionForInvalidNodes()
            var graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://foo/db/data"), null);

            var testNode = new TestNode {
                Foo = "text is too long", Bar = null, Baz = "123"

            Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => graphClient.Create(testNode));
Beispiel #9
        public NodeReference Visit(TSqlObject column)
            var columnNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Column
                Id   = column.Name.ToString(),
                Name = column.Name.ToString()

        public NodeReference Visit(TSqlObject storedProcedure)
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered stored procedure {0}", storedProcedure.Name);

            var storedProcedureNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.StoredProcedure
                Id   = storedProcedure.Name.ToString(),
                Name = storedProcedure.Name.ToString()

Beispiel #11
 private static void Fill(GraphClient graphClient)
     using (var context = new AdventureWorks2012Context())
         foreach (var product in context.Products)
             graphClient.Create(new Product {
                 ProductId = product.ProductID
Beispiel #12
        public NodeReference Visit(TSqlObject view)
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered view {0}", view.Name);

            var viewNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.View
                Id   = view.Name.ToString(),
                Name = view.Name.ToString()

Beispiel #13
        public NodeReference Visit(TSqlObject userDefinedFunction)
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered user defined function {0}", userDefinedFunction.Name);

            var userDefinedFunctionNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.UserDefinedFunction
                Id   = userDefinedFunction.Name.ToString(),
                Name = userDefinedFunction.Name.ToString()

        public NodeReference Visit(MethodInfo method)
            if (method.DeclaringType != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Discovered method {0}.{1}", method.DeclaringType.Name, method.Name);

            return(_graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Method
                Id = method.Name,
                Name = method.Name
Beispiel #15
        public void Create(Field field, Row row, Herbicide herbicide)
                var temp1 = client.Create(field);
                var temp2 = client.Create(row);
                var tmep3 = client.Create(herbicide);

                //client.CreateRelationship(field,new FieldRelationship(temp2) { flightNumber = "2" });
            catch (Exception)
        public NodeReference Visit(PropertyInfo property)
            if (property.DeclaringType != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Discovered property {0}.{1}", property.DeclaringType.Name, property.Name);

            return(_graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Property
                Id = property.Name,
                Name = property.Name
Beispiel #17
        void Foo()
            IGraphClient graph = new GraphClient(new Uri(""));

            // Based on

            // Can create nodes from POCOs
            var frameStore = graph.Create(
                new StorageLocation { Name = "Frame Store" });
            var mainStore = graph.Create(
                new StorageLocation { Name = "Main Store" });

            // Can create a node with outgoing relationships
            var frame = graph.Create(
                new Part { Name = "Frame" },
                new StoredIn(frameStore));

            // Can create multiple outgoing relationships and relationships with payloads
                new Product { Name = "Trike", Weight = 2 },
                new StoredIn(mainStore),
                new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload { Count = 1 }));

            // Can create relationships in both directions
                new Part { Name = "Pedal" },
                new StoredIn(frameStore),
                new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload { Count = 2 })
                    { Direction = RelationshipDirection.Incoming });

            var wheel = graph.Create(
                 new Part { Name = "Wheel" },
                 new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload { Count = 2 })
                    { Direction = RelationshipDirection.Incoming });

            // Can create implicit incoming relationships
                new StorageLocation { Name = "Wheel Store" },
                new StoredIn(wheel));

            // Can create relationships against the root node
                new StorageLocation {Name = "Auxillary Store"},
                new StoredIn(wheel),
                new OwnedBy(graph.RootNode));
Beispiel #18
        public NodeReference Visit(TSqlObject table)
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered table {0}", table.Name);

            var tableNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Table
                Id   = table.Name.ToString(),
                Name = table.Name.ToString()

            var columnVisitor = new ColumnVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var columnNode in table.GetChildren().Where(x => x.ObjectType == ModelSchema.Column).Select(columnVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(tableNode, new TableContainsColumn(columnNode));

Beispiel #19
        private void Btn_Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_Start.Enabled = false;
                var jsonFiles = Directory.GetFiles(tb_JsonDir.Text.Trim());
                graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri(tb_Addr.Text.Trim()), tb_User.Text.Trim(), tb_Password.Text.Trim());
                if (!graphClient.IsConnected)
                #region 進度條
                progressBar.Maximum = jsonFiles.Count();
                progressBar.Value   = 0;
                progressBar.Step    = 1;

                foreach (var jsonPath in jsonFiles)
                    var json = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath);
                    var jdg  = ConvertToDTO(json);
                    if (jdg == null)
                    graphClient.Create <JDG>(jdg);
                    this.Invoke(new Action(() => { lb_Count.Text = $"{progressBar.Value} / {progressBar.Maximum}"; }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show($"發生錯誤: {ex.Message}");
                progressBar.Maximum = 0;
                progressBar.Value   = 0;
                btn_Start.Enabled   = true;
Beispiel #20
        public NodeReference Visit(string databasePackagePath)
            var databaseNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Database
                Id   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(databasePackagePath),
                Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(databasePackagePath)

            var model = new TSqlModel(databasePackagePath);

            var tableVisitor = new TableVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var tableNode in model.GetObjects(DacQueryScopes.All, ModelSchema.Table).Select(tableVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(databaseNode, new DatabaseContainsTable(tableNode));

            var storedProcedureVisitor = new StoredProcedureVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var storedProcedureNode in model.GetObjects(DacQueryScopes.All, ModelSchema.Procedure).Select(storedProcedureVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(databaseNode, new DatabaseContainsStoredProcedure(storedProcedureNode));

            var viewVisitor = new ViewVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var viewNode in model.GetObjects(DacQueryScopes.All, ModelSchema.View).Select(viewVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(databaseNode, new DatabaseContainsView(viewNode));

            var userDefinedFunctionVisitor = new UserDefinedFunctionVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var userDefinedFunctionNode in model.GetObjects(DacQueryScopes.All, ModelSchema.TableValuedFunction, ModelSchema.ScalarFunction).Select(userDefinedFunctionVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(databaseNode, new DatabaseContainsUserDefinedFunction(userDefinedFunctionNode));

Beispiel #21
        private Node <Actor> EnsureActorIsInDb(GraphClient db)
            if (!db.CheckIndexExists("Actors", IndexFor.Node))
                               new IndexConfiguration {
                    Provider = IndexProvider.lucene, Type = IndexType.exact

            var actor = db.RootNode
                        .Out <Actor>(ObjectBelongsTo.TypeKey, i => i.ActorName == this.ActorName)

            if (actor == null)
                var actorRef = db.Create <Actor>(this, new ObjectBelongsTo(db.RootNode));
                actor = db.Get <Actor>(actorRef);

Beispiel #22
        public NodeReference Visit(Assembly assembly)
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered assembly {0}", assembly.FullName);

            var assemblyNode = _graphClient.Create(new Nodes.Assembly
                Id   = assembly.FullName,
                Name = assembly.GetName().Name

            Type[] types;
                types = assembly.GetTypes();
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                types = ex.Types;

            var classVisitor = new ClassVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var classNode in types.Where(x => x != null && x.IsClass).Select(classVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(assemblyNode, new AssemblyContainsClass(classNode));

            var interfaceVisitor = new InterfaceVisitor(_graphClient);

            foreach (var interfaceNode in types.Where(x => x != null && x.IsInterface).Select(interfaceVisitor.Visit))
                _graphClient.CreateRelationship(assemblyNode, new AssemblyContainsInterface(interfaceNode));

Beispiel #23
        public NodeReference Visit(string path)
            var reportNode = _graphClient.Create(new Report
                Id   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
                Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)

            var root = XDocument.Load(path);

            var storedProcedureNames = root
                                       .Where(x => (string)x.Element("{}CommandType") == "StoredProcedure")
                                       .Select(x => (string)x.Element("{}CommandText"));

            foreach (var storedProcedureName in storedProcedureNames)
                var fullyQualifiedStoredProcedureName = string.Format("[dbo].[{0}]", storedProcedureName);

                var storedProcedureQuery = _graphClient.Cypher
                                           .Start(new { root = _graphClient.RootNode })
                                           .Where((StoredProcedure storedprocedure) => storedprocedure.Id == fullyQualifiedStoredProcedureName)
                                           .Return <Node <StoredProcedure> >("storedprocedure");

                var results = storedProcedureQuery.Results.ToList();

                if (results.Count == 1)
                    _graphClient.CreateRelationship(reportNode, new ReportInvokesStoredProcedure(results.First().Reference));

Beispiel #24
        void createGraph(GraphOfNodes graphNodes, Dictionary <int, int> SubjectIdLevelMapping, GraphClient client)
            List <GraphNode> lst_graphNodes = graphNodes.GraphNodes;

            Dictionary <GraphNode, List <GraphNode> > lst_relationships = graphNodes.ParentToChildrenMap;

            if (lst_graphNodes == null || lst_relationships == null)

            Dictionary <TermNode, NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode> >   m_term_nodes  = new Dictionary <TermNode, NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode> >();
            Dictionary <CoverNode, NodeReference <Neo4jCoverNode> > m_cover_nodes = new Dictionary <CoverNode, NodeReference <Neo4jCoverNode> >();

            //Add Nodes
            foreach (GraphNode node in lst_graphNodes)
                if (node is TermNode)
                    TermNode term_node = (TermNode)node;

                    int           id = node.Subject.ID;
                    Neo4jTermNode tn = new Neo4jTermNode();
                    tn.NodeID            = id;
                    tn.NumberOfBuildings = term_node.PrimarySubject.Schedule.ActNumOfBldgs;
                    tn.IsPerRisk         = term_node.IsPerRisk;
                    tn.Level             = SubjectIdLevelMapping[id];

                    if (term_node.Deductibles.GetDedList() != null && term_node.Deductibles.GetDedList().Count != 0)
                        tn.Deductible = term_node.Deductibles.GetDedList().First().Amount;

                    if (term_node.Limits.GetLimList() != null && term_node.Limits.GetLimList().Count != 0)
                        tn.Limit = term_node.Limits.GetLimList().First().Amount;

                    var ref1 = client.Create(tn);
                    m_term_nodes.Add(term_node, (NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode>)ref1);
                else if (node is CoverNode)
                    CoverNode cover_node = (CoverNode)node;
                    string         coverName = cover_node.CoverName;
                    Neo4jCoverNode cn        = new Neo4jCoverNode();
                    cn.Name      = coverName;
                    cn.IsPerRisk = cover_node.IsPerRisk;
                    cn.Level     = SubjectIdLevelMapping[cover_node.Subject.ID];

                    var ref1 = client.Create(cn);
                    m_cover_nodes.Add(cover_node, (NodeReference <Neo4jCoverNode>)ref1);

            //Add relationships
            foreach (KeyValuePair <GraphNode, List <GraphNode> > rel in lst_relationships)
                //Parent is  term Node
                if (rel.Key is TermNode)
                    NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode> parentTermNode;
                    m_term_nodes.TryGetValue(rel.Key as TermNode, out parentTermNode);
                    List <GraphNode> lst_childnodes = rel.Value;
                    foreach (GraphNode child in lst_childnodes)
                        NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode> childGraphTermNode;
                        m_term_nodes.TryGetValue(child as TermNode, out childGraphTermNode);

                        if (child != null)
                            client.CreateRelationship <Neo4jTermNode, TermChildRelationship>(parentTermNode, new TermChildRelationship(childGraphTermNode));

                //Parent is  Cover Node
                else if (rel.Key is CoverNode)
                    NodeReference <Neo4jCoverNode> parentTermNode;
                    m_cover_nodes.TryGetValue(rel.Key as CoverNode, out parentTermNode);
                    List <GraphNode> lst_childnodes = rel.Value;
                    foreach (GraphNode child in lst_childnodes)
                        if (child is TermNode)
                            NodeReference <Neo4jTermNode> childGraphTermNode;
                            m_term_nodes.TryGetValue(child as TermNode, out childGraphTermNode);

                            if (child != null)
                                client.CreateRelationship <Neo4jCoverNode, CoverChildRelationship>(parentTermNode, new CoverChildRelationship(childGraphTermNode));

                        else if (child is CoverNode)
                            NodeReference <Neo4jCoverNode> childGraphCoverNode;
                            m_cover_nodes.TryGetValue(child as CoverNode, out childGraphCoverNode);

                            if (child != null)
                                client.CreateRelationship <Neo4jCoverNode, DerivedCoverChildRelationship>(parentTermNode, new DerivedCoverChildRelationship(childGraphCoverNode));
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Can only handle nodes of type term and cover");
            // Create entities
            //var refA = client.Create(new Person() { Name = "Person A" });
            //var refB = client.Create(new Person() { Name = "Person B" });
            //var refC = client.Create(new Person() { Name = "Person C" });
            //var refD = client.Create(new Person() { Name = "Person D" });

            //// Create relationships
            //client.CreateRelationship(refA, new KnowsRelationship(refB));
            //client.CreateRelationship(refB, new KnowsRelationship(refC));
            //client.CreateRelationship(refB, new HatesRelationship(refD), new HatesData("Crazy guy")));
            //client.CreateRelationship(refC, new HatesRelationship(refD), new HatesData("Don't know why...")));
            //client.CreateRelationship(refD, new KnowsRelationship(refA));
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidOperationExceptionIfNotConnected()
            var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://foo"));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => client.Create(new object()));
        public void ShouldThrowArgumentNullExceptionForNullNode()
            var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://foo"));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => client.Create <object>(null));
Beispiel #27
        private static void CreateSampleDataShunLan()
            // Create entities
            var ShunLan = client.Create(new Person()
                Name = "ShunLan"
            var BillyHub = client.Create(new Person()
                Name = "BillyHub"
            var BobbySon = client.Create(new Person()
                Name = "BobbySon"

            var autoPolicyA = client.Create(new Policy()
                PolicyNumber = "AutoPolicy A"
            // var cyclePolicyA = client.Create(new Policy() { PolicyNumber = "Cycle Policy B" });
            var homePolicyA = client.Create(new Policy()
                PolicyNumber = "Home Policy A"

            var veh1 = client.Create(new Vehicle()
                MakeModel = "Honda 1", Id = "111"
            var veh2 = client.Create(new Vehicle()
                MakeModel = "Subaru 2", Id = "222"
            var veh3 = client.Create(new Vehicle()
                MakeModel = "MG 3", Id = "333"

            var home = client.Create(new Home()
                HomeAddress = "1 GEICO Plaza", Id = "12345"

            // ShunLan is Spouse of BillyHub
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new IsSpouseRelationship(BillyHub));

            // BobbySon child of ShunLan
            client.CreateRelationship(BobbySon, new IsChildRelationship(ShunLan));

            // BobbySon child of BillyHub
            client.CreateRelationship(BobbySon, new IsChildRelationship(BillyHub));

            // ShunLan is NIN on Auto Policy A
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new NamedInsuredRelationship(autoPolicyA, new NamedInsuredData("Named Insured Data")));

            // BillyHub is SIN on Auto Policy A
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new SecondaryInsuredRelationship(autoPolicyA));

            //PolicyA has 3 Operators.  THis doesn't mean they actually drive all the cars.
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new OperatorRelationship(autoPolicyA));
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new OperatorRelationship(autoPolicyA));
            client.CreateRelationship(BobbySon, new OperatorRelationship(autoPolicyA));

            //BillyHub  Owns Veh 1 and Veh 3
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new OwnerRelationship(veh1));
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new OwnerRelationship(veh3));

            //ShunLan Owns Veh 2
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new OwnerRelationship(veh2));

            //BillyHub Drives Vehicle 1
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new PolicyDriverRelationship(veh1));

            //ShunLan Drives Veh 2
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new PolicyDriverRelationship(veh2));

            //BobbySon Drives Veh 3
            client.CreateRelationship(BobbySon, new PolicyDriverRelationship(veh3));

            //ShunLan Owns Home
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new OwnerRelationship(home));

            //BillyHub Owns Home as well
            client.CreateRelationship(BillyHub, new OwnerRelationship(home));

            // ShunLan Has a home Policy
            client.CreateRelationship(ShunLan, new NamedInsuredRelationship(homePolicyA, new NamedInsuredData("sdajklf")));

            // PolicyA insures Veh1, Veh2, and Veh3
            client.CreateRelationship(autoPolicyA, new InsuresRelationship(veh1));
            client.CreateRelationship(autoPolicyA, new InsuresRelationship(veh2));
            client.CreateRelationship(autoPolicyA, new InsuresRelationship(veh3));

            // HomePolicy insures Home
            client.CreateRelationship(homePolicyA, new InsuresRelationship(home));
Beispiel #28
        void Foo()
            IGraphClient graph = new GraphClient(new Uri(""));

            // Based on

            // Can create nodes from POCOs
            var frameStore = graph.Create(
                new StorageLocation {
                Name = "Frame Store"
            var mainStore = graph.Create(
                new StorageLocation {
                Name = "Main Store"

            // Can create a node with outgoing relationships
            var frame = graph.Create(
                new Part {
                Name = "Frame"
                new StoredIn(frameStore));

            // Can create multiple outgoing relationships and relationships with payloads
                new Product {
                Name = "Trike", Weight = 2
                new StoredIn(mainStore),
                new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload {
                Count = 1

            // Can create relationships in both directions
                new Part {
                Name = "Pedal"
                new StoredIn(frameStore),
                new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload {
                Count = 2
                Direction = RelationshipDirection.Incoming

            var wheel = graph.Create(
                new Part {
                Name = "Wheel"
                new Requires(frame, new Requires.Payload {
                Count = 2
                Direction = RelationshipDirection.Incoming

            // Can create implicit incoming relationships
                new StorageLocation {
                Name = "Wheel Store"
                new StoredIn(wheel));

            // Can create relationships against the root node
                new StorageLocation {
                Name = "Auxillary Store"
                new StoredIn(wheel),
                new OwnedBy(graph.RootNode));
        private async Task <T> Get <T>(T db)
            await _cluster.WaitForFollowers();

            return(_cluster.CurrentLeader == _cluster.Self ? db : GraphClient.Create <T>(_cluster.CurrentLeader));
        public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionForPreemptivelyWrappedNode()
            var graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://foo/db/data"), null);

            graphClient.Create((Node <TestNode>)null);