Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to set up multiple rendertargets for MRT output from a shader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targets">An array of render targets to assign.</param>
        /// <param name="depthStencil">[Optional] A depth/stencil buffer to assign with the targets.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use this method to set up MRT (Multiple Render Targets) rendering for a shader.  This allows for efficient multiple pass rendering from the shader
        /// by allowing the shader to output to each render target simultaneously instead of having to set up a new pass for each target output.
        /// <para>
        /// Ensure that all the render targets in the array are the same width/height, and format.  The array count and mip count must also match.  If they do
        /// not, an exception will be thrown.  The width, height, array count, and mip count for the depth/stencil buffer must match the render targets being set.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Setting only a single target in the <paramref name="targets"/> parameter is equivalent to setting the <see cref="Target"/> property.  Also, note that
        /// setting the target property will unbind the rest of the targets if multiple render targets have been previously bound.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The maximum number of render targets that can be bound simultaneously is defined by the <see cref="P:GorgonOutputMerger.MaxRenderTargetViewSlots"/>
        /// property. If the number of <paramref name="targets"/> passed to this method exceeds this value, then an exception will be thrown.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the <paramref name="targets"/> parameter is set to NULL (Nothing in VB.Net).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the <paramref name="targets"/> parameter is empty.</exception>
        public void SetMultipleRenderTargets(GorgonRenderTargetView[] targets, GorgonDepthStencilView depthStencil = null)
            if (targets == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targets");

            if (targets.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.GOR2D_PARAMETER_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY, "targets");
            // Bind the first target as our primary target so that clipping states and other
            // settings are updated.
            Target = targets[0];

            if (targets.Length == 1)

            // Bind the rest of the targets.
            Graphics.Output.SetRenderTargets(targets, depthStencil);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to handle a resize of the current render target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object that sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event parameters.</param>
        private void target_Resized(object sender, GorgonAfterSwapChainResizedEventArgs e)
            GorgonDepthStencilView depthStencil = _currentTarget.SwapChain.DepthStencilBuffer;

            if (DepthStencil != null)
                depthStencil = DepthStencil;

            var target = new Gorgon2DTarget(_currentTarget.SwapChain, depthStencil);

            UpdateTarget(ref target);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Gorgon2DTarget"/> struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target.</param>
        /// <param name="depthStencil">The depth/stencil view.</param>
        public Gorgon2DTarget(GorgonRenderTargetView target, GorgonDepthStencilView depthStencil)
            Target       = target;
            DepthStencil = null;
            SwapChain    = null;
            Height       = 1;

            switch (target.Resource.ResourceType)
            case ResourceType.Buffer:
                var buffer = (GorgonBuffer)target.Resource;
                var info   = GorgonBufferFormatInfo.GetInfo(buffer.Settings.DefaultShaderViewFormat);

                Width    = buffer.SizeInBytes / info.SizeInBytes;
                Viewport = new GorgonViewport(0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 1.0f);

            case ResourceType.Texture1D:
                var target1D = (GorgonRenderTarget1D)target.Resource;

                Width        = target1D.Settings.Width;
                Viewport     = target1D.Viewport;
                DepthStencil = depthStencil ?? target1D.DepthStencilBuffer;

            case ResourceType.Texture2D:
                var target2D = (GorgonRenderTarget2D)target.Resource;

                Width    = target2D.Settings.Width;
                Height   = target2D.Settings.Height;
                Viewport = target2D.Viewport;
                if (target2D.IsSwapChain)
                    SwapChain = (GorgonSwapChain)target2D;
                DepthStencil = depthStencil ?? target2D.DepthStencilBuffer;

            case ResourceType.Texture3D:
                var target3D = (GorgonRenderTarget3D)target.Resource;

                Width    = target3D.Settings.Width;
                Height   = target3D.Settings.Height;
                Viewport = target3D.Viewport;

                throw new GorgonException(GorgonResult.CannotBind, "Could not bind a render target.  Resource type is unknown.  Should not see this error.");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to save the state information to this object.
        /// </summary>
        private void Save()
            _targets               = _graphics.Output.GetRenderTargets();
            _uavs                  = _graphics.Output.GetUnorderedAccessViews();
            _indexBuffer           = _graphics.Input.IndexBuffer;
            _vertexBuffer          = _graphics.Input.VertexBuffers[0];
            _inputLayout           = _graphics.Input.Layout;
            _primitiveType         = _graphics.Input.PrimitiveType;
            _pixelShader           = _graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.Current;
            _vertexShader          = _graphics.Shaders.VertexShader.Current;
            _blendStates           = _graphics.Output.BlendingState.States;
            _blendFactor           = _graphics.Output.BlendingState.BlendFactor;
            _blendSampleMask       = _graphics.Output.BlendingState.BlendSampleMask;
            _rasterStates          = _graphics.Rasterizer.States;
            _samplerState          = _graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.TextureSamplers[0];
            _resource              = _graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.Resources[0];
            _depthStencilState     = _graphics.Output.DepthStencilState.States;
            _depthStencilReference = _graphics.Output.DepthStencilState.StencilReference;
            _rasterStates.IsScissorTestingEnabled = false;
            _depthStencil = _graphics.Output.DepthStencilView;
            _viewports    = _graphics.Rasterizer.GetViewports();
            _scissorTests = _graphics.Rasterizer.GetScissorRectangles();
            _alphaTest    = new Gorgon2DAlphaTest(Gorgon2D.IsAlphaTestEnabled, GorgonRangeF.Empty);

            _vsConstantBuffers = new Dictionary <int, GorgonConstantBuffer>();
            _psConstantBuffers = new Dictionary <int, GorgonConstantBuffer>();

            // Only store the constant buffers that we were using.
            // We need to store all the constant buffers because the effects
            // make use of multiple constant slots.  Unlike the resource views,
            // where we know that we're only using the first item (all bets are
            // off if a user decides to use another resource view slot), there's no
            // guarantee that we'll be only using 1 or 2 constant buffer slots.
            for (int i = 0; i < _graphics.Shaders.VertexShader.ConstantBuffers.Count; i++)
                if (_graphics.Shaders.VertexShader.ConstantBuffers[i] != null)
                    _vsConstantBuffers[i] = _graphics.Shaders.VertexShader.ConstantBuffers[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < _graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.ConstantBuffers.Count; i++)
                if (_graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.ConstantBuffers[i] != null)
                    _psConstantBuffers[i] = _graphics.Shaders.PixelShader.ConstantBuffers[i];